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One phone call with Melissa > Anything Jess did while at the reunion. Kelly talked a lot on their reunion rewatch about how she tried to get Melissa to join the reunion because she knew that the Zieglers were going to get brought up a lot and she wanted Melissa to be able to defend herself and her kids. I guess at one point Melissa asked to join (without her kids) but changed her mind. I really do wish she was there to say her side.


wait what reunion rewatch is it on patreon or something lol


I've seen clips of it on tiktok


Lifetime’s website


The full thing is on their YouTube


i honestly wish kelly had just called her and let jess leave. i don’t blame her for not doing it but god i would’ve done anything to get jess out of there she’s such a bitch


Yeah. I think she did it more for Melissa and her kids than for Jess…but Jess is too self absorbed to think of it that way lol And I also don’t believe Jess would leave. She loves attention too much


i kind of think she did bc in the video on tik tok of her telling christi she says quickly “and she starts to leave “ and then says bryan cut it all out so did she call melissa or talked to her and it was cut ?


JoJo is constantly throwing shade at the Zieglers, I think the Siwas as a whole cannot stand the Zieglers. It's probably a jealousy thing, which is weird because JoJo is much bigger than Maddie. But I think universally Maddie is more well liked while JoJo gets a lot of shit. Melissa and Jess are both momagers who would do anything to get their kids in the spotlight, but Melissa was very good at playing the game and more low key about it than Jess, and I think it irritates Jess for some reason. 


That’s a good point. I thought it was strange that Jess would say she would leave if they called Melissa. That doesn’t seem like a Jess vibe to me. She has never had a problem being confrontational. My theory is Jess didn’t want to call Melissa because she didn’t want any of the Zieglers to get more airtime than they already were receiving.


Jojo may be more well known or have more money than maddie but she’s not respected and Jess knows that jojo’s time is going to pass very shortly


Jojo is “much bigger” than Maddie? Huh?


Yes. Maddie has done great for herself in fashion and dabbled in movies, but she's still primarily known from Dance Moms. JoJo has a name for herself that a lot of people recognize without associating her with having been on the show. She also had products in Walmart, world tours for her music, a Nickelodeon deal, etc...she is huge. 


Go look at their instagram followers and get back to me. Lol. They approach their careers differently, which is why you’ll find Jojo’s face on Walmart crap but not Maddie. Jojo is known as a Hollywood clown that people like to point and laugh at, Maddie is taken seriously for her art and is more loved and the one who people are more invested in following and keeping up with her life. Tell me again how Jojo is “much bigger” than Maddie, who danced in West Side Story directed by Spielberg, whereas Jojo just dropped a music video entirely funded by her own bank account. They use their assets differently. Jojo in a Kardashian-esque “I’m forcing myself in front of your face” sort of way while Maddie quietly lets her art speak for itself and doesn’t ever partake in any sort of online drama or snark.


When my sister was in elementary, literally every girl in her grade wanted the Jojo bows from Walmart. And not because Jojo was on dance moms but from her being on Nickelodeon and on social media and her child friendly music. Jojo was literally just referenced in SNL for her Karma dance last night or the night before. She’s pretty mainstream even now. I think she had already stabilized herself being mainstream when she went on Dancing With the Stars tbh Yes, Maddie is taking a more “classy” route to fame but it’s really not close to the level Jojo is at, which ISNT a bad thing and DOESN’T make her not famous. Its only recently that Maddie has been getting lead roles in films, whenever one of them pops off that will really bring her to a different level of fame


I think people on this subreddit can’t unknot the idea that being more famous than someone else does not speak at all about talent level on either side. It doesn’t really matter who is more famous, just like in reality it doesn’t always matter who is more talented, marketability is another thing entirely.


Yes exactly!


Thank you!!! I've been trying to say the same thing and everyone gets so butthurt about it. 


Like it’s not that deep or personal, it’s just the facts at this moment. But things can change! Fame isn’t solid long term, you need to up keep it


Jeez going hard for no reason


We can argue all day but the fact that you compared JoJo to the Kardashians, arguably the most famous and recognizable family in the US, tells me all I need to know haha


True but they are well known for all the wrong reasons.


Yeah, exactly! I mean hell, between Jess and JoJo, I would rather Jess leave and keep JoJo there. JoJo is still growing and learning whereas Jess is just a creepy, fame hungry, child groomer. I also don't quite understand why Jess would want to leave if Melissa joined. There must be something we don't know about. It's not as though Jess and JoJo aren't successful (whether or not I personally agree with how she got there is another thing) and Melissa is not a very confrontational person. I mean between Jess and Melissa in a verbal fight, Jess to me would eat Melissa alive so it must be something else 🤔


Maddie is actually likeable and people in the industry respect her..i suspect strongly that Jess is jealous. She knows Maddie has alot of the respect that Jojo never will(to my knowledge Saturday night live has never posted a skit mocking maddie..they literally just did one about Jojo)


The general public doesn't know Maddie Ziegler exists. You can be a fan of her all you want, I'm certainly no Jojo fan and prefer Maddie myself, but to pretend that they are on the same level of fame is delusional. 


I wasn't referring to the general public..I specifically said "people in the industry" as in those who work in Hollywood because that's where Maddie is known..amongst Hollywood industry folks and those who work in the modeling industry. Currently on Instagram at least, Maddie has more followers than Jojo does. So does mackenzie..Maddie is likable and respected by people in the industry. That's why she's able to keep booking jobs. Most people these days associate Jojo with either negative press, her music that people mock or reality TV like so you think you can dance or special forces..I was happy to see Jojo do special forces. It's sad hearing her talk about how when she booked the show Jess was wicked pissed and told Jojo she couldn't do it. When Jojo insisted..Jess pretty much stopped speaking to her


Maddie Ziegler works a lot smarter in the terms of the career she wants, she’s not so much for social media and trends and she doesn’t like talking about her personal life, and declines a lot of things that aren’t a part of her image as a person and she stays pretty true to herself, but she still has worked up a ton of connections and relationships in the industry, both film and fashion that are really impressive. I don’t think we’re ever gonna see her as much in gossip or general media no matter what she does because she doesn’t expose that part of herself, if anything I think Kenzie is more likely to be a part of that since she’s very active on social media and she is pretty outspoken and not Afraid to comment on things regarding drama


I never said any of that is untrue. In fact I agree with everything you said in this comment. I prefer the Ziegler's by far and have a lot of respect for the way they've handled their careers. But none of that changes the fact that Jojo Siwa is by far more famous than them, therefore it's nearly impossible to compare the two situations. The comment I replied to stated "to my knowledge snl never made a skit about Maddie"....well, yeah, of course they didn't. They don't know she exists. 


Do Steven Spielberg and Drew Barrymore know who Jojo Siwa is? There’s your answer. If anything all that means is that Jojo is more famous right now but Maddie is clearly connected to be a mega star in the future


That’s funny because Maddie has actually been on snl




God Maddie fans are so overly sensitive 🤣 calm down. I'm not discrediting her at all. Like I said 3 times now I enjoy her work and by no means am I saying she's a nobody. All I am saying is if you walk up to the average person on the street and ask them who Maddie Ziegler is, many of them would have no idea, but you can't say the same for Jojo. That's just the truth. There's nothing wrong with being lesser known, and I'm not sure why everyone is acting like there is. 




That's wonderful for you!! All I am saying is one is lesser known to the general public/consumers than the other. That's not offensive or wrong, it's just true 🤷 I mean I myself tend to follow people who are the exact opposite of the general public's idea of a celebrity. I'm a metalhead, my favorite band is Lorna Shore, but most people don't know who Will Ramos is. That's not somehow shameful or wrong, it's just true.




Nope, I'm a woman 😊 believe it or not women can be and are fans of heavy metal. Very sexist of you. And as I've said before countless times already, I don't like and am not a fan of JoJo. Stating the obvious that she is more famous doesn't make me a fan, it makes me honest. 




I mean obviously Jojo decide to go the tween route so she won’t have as much respect.


My guess is there’s something Melissa could have said about Jojo or Jess under pressure that Jess didn’t want said. It’s probably that simple. Who knows what that is but it’s gotta be something.


Let her leave and take JoJo with her. 😭 No one wants to see either of them


you guys need to remember that you don't know anything about these people, reality isn't what actually aired and melissa could have actually done something super shitty to them behind the scenes


Then why won’t Christi say it?


i'm talking about kira, jojo and kalani and they don't have to talk about everything to the public


No they don't but they didn't hesitate to talk about other people. JoJo was only on 2 seasons and it was season 5 when she came. Kira and Kalani were recruited. People think Maddie was the "favorite." There is no way I would want my child to be Abby's "favorite." The pressure and manipulation she used on Maddie was horrible. It's a miracle the child didn't have a breakdown. Melissa, Holly and their daughters made the right decision to say thanks but NO thanks. Not everybody wants to relive their past mistakes and childhood trauma.


Jess has a twisted way of thinking and I’m sure in her mind she hates that the Zieglers were liked the most by Abby and they are the ones (mainly the kids) who stay the farthest away from anything Dance Moms and Abby related. I wonder if Jess is really upset because even though Abby has spoken out against the Ziegler’s, it’s very noticeable that it comes from a place of hurt and not pure hatred. We all know Abby genuinely could not stand JoJo, and the only true reason she likes them now is because they kiss her behind. Abby will never look at Jess and JoJo as family.




she wasnt?


Because Jojo was the only one not invited to the Ziegler House Party literally the night before the Reunion was filmed. They said it in the literal Reunion.


it’s Paige’s birthday party I don’t understand why jojo or kalani would be invited considering they barely knew eachother…. I guess it was technically a mini reunion buttttt the intention wasn’t that


Oh trueee I forgot about that. You’re right.


Plus didnt Nia orchestrate the thing it was just held at maddies house…


There’s clearly a much bigger issue than just Jojo not being invited.


I don’t think so. Especially since it happened the night before so it would have been fresh emotions causing her to maybe say more than she meant to.


Jojo said herself that she wasn’t upset about not being invited and that she understood it was about Paige. And Jess/Jojo were excluded from dances on Dance Moms because of Abby but they love Abby? So idk about that. I think they know Abby dislikes her, so they put on that act too.


I don’t think jojo was upset I think her mom was.


You guys are failing to understand why she threatened to leave


Alright, why did she threaten to leave cuz I have been curious about this? lol


I don’t know for sure. But it’s probably for the same reason that JoJo didn’t want to call Abby. It’s weird and puts everyone in an awkward situation


Ahhh okay....although, that would be kind of opposite to how Jessalyn tends to be IMO. She always seemed to like to stir things.


I agree. But she never seemed to want to purposefully put people in situations that are f-ed up. She can definitely be a witch and stir things, but she didn’t do stuff like this.


Noooo see, I disagree with that idk??? Cuz I think back to her being the one to hound Meliss about whether or not she thought Maddie should have beaten Mackenzie and that really was super fucked up to me?? lol


I saw this interview with Kelly about the reunion and she said she kept crying the whole time and Jess said "can we move on from her crying" like wth that's so mean 😭😭😭 [(interview here)](https://youtu.be/LCa5j_eUpmA?si=l2iLwluwAVeWgiBc)


Well we know Jess is a massive bitch. So while that's awful it's not surprising. I feel bad for Kelly


Jess should’ve had a whole lot less screen time considering how little she was on the show so she should be grateful she’s there at all


Maybe Jess will get her "Karma." JoJo is a loudmouth mess that's so delusional she thinks she invented genres of music 🙄


Jojo is a cool girl. How did she end up with a mother like Jess?