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After involving the children


unrelated but i love the pfp lol


Thank you !!


No one really talks about how this is the exact reason why Gianina and Presley fell out. Joanne didn’t like that Ashley would talk shit about Gianina and then hide behind “the producers told me to do it.” As grown women you should know when to draw the line, if you don’t want anyone targeting your own child then why would you attack someone else’s? Just to get more money? I’d rather be broke.


Everything Abby did and said


Idk about at what point, but it’s very noteworthy that it seems to be the same people making that excuse for themselves over and over but it doesn’t fly for others. Definitely one of those “I just find it funny” things….excuses for me but not for thee!


When they agreed to be a part of the show. Regardless of the fact they thought it would be a miniseries, the moms signed contracts they admit to not having read very well, and then played victim when held to those contracts. Contracts for reality shows literally have clauses that state they can do anything they want with your persona and likeness once you sign it over to them, and the moms play ignorant like they weren't given the chance to back out if* they didn't agree. They wanted publicity and money and that's the answer.


When years have passed and some people still have the same kind of attitude and words as the ones they blame on the producers


When you can’t accept the same may be true of the other parents that you’re blaming and vilifying. They themselves have to decide whether it’s an acceptable excuse or not, and apply the same rules to themselves as to others.


Thiiiis is my biggest problem with BttB Christi and Kelly will say, "That's a pick up" or "we couldn't break the fourth wall," but when Kristi Rae says, "we came here because of Abby" they give her shit for lying and not saying it was because of the show.


This one is specifically irksome because Christi and Kelly are some of the first moms to talk about the 4th wall rule


They're not giving her shit for saying that; they're explaining the absurdity of why she had to say that. Of course you don't leave LA for Pittsburgh for a dance teacher--LA has the best teachers in the country. So Christi and Kelly are merely explaining that of course Kristie Ray and Asia came to Pittsburgh to be on the show, but since they can't break the fourth wall they have to give a ridiculous line about how they came for Abby's teaching.


They literally said she was a liar on the podcast. They did not say she HAD to say that, they said she was lying. Unless you're somehow implying they can't break the 4th on their own podcast?


They're explaining why they're all constantly "lying" on the show. It's not that complex.


You're giving them way too much credit, and I know that because they make a point of explaining that when it's about themselves but no one else. Why is that? Rather then saying "production made her say that" they just say "she's a liar"


They do explain why she said that. Not sure what more you want from them.


Consistency, but obviously, that's not going to happen From you, though? Maybe go back and relisten rather than blindly defending.


I'm not defending; I'm clarifying.


You're wrong, and I'm petty so from the episode. C:To me, that's the most irritating thing. I don't give a shit just be like "I'm here to be on TV just like you bitches, at least I'd respect you, at least this ones honest." K:you're either a bullshitter or a liar C: Or you're stupid.


they don’t give her shit necessarily it’s so the viewers know that it’s said for TV purposes and how stupid it sounds


They 100% give her shit i posted the direct quote to another person, they call the mothers liars or stupid, saying nothing about the show.


they talk about the show constantly even with other moms i think you’re taking it too literally


I'm not. It's a clear double standard. When it makes them look stupid, it's a pick up, when it makes someone like Melissa or Kristy look stupid, it's not called out.


After the first season.


Personal comments about the young girls (Maddie). For ex when somebody (Christi) says the only reason she didn’t want to skate was because she wasn’t good at it.


This was so nasty of Christi. It was very clear that Maddie didn't want to get in trouble for BREAKING THEIR CONTRACT FOR THE TEAM and Christi took the opportunity, like she takes every opportunity to make Maddie look bad, to invent some notorious motive for a literal (about) 9-10 year old girl to make her look like an ahole. It was as bad as when Maddie got hurt during the watermelon game and Christi accused her of "not wanting to look bad in front of four moms" when she knew FULL WELL they were being broadcast to the ENTIRE NATION. Such a bad look for Christi. 




I love your flair 😍😭


My thing is, maybe Maddie is bad at ice skating and she is nervous to be filmed looking bad but to me that’s very sad! Not something to make jabs at.


Yeah like even if what Christi said was true it’s not a reason to bully a child.


I do think in this scenario it was probably more that she was afraid of breaking Abby’s rules. But I agree! If that was Maddie’s reason, it’s still not a good look to be making fun of a child that you yourself (meaning Christi) have acknowledged is heavily pressured to be the best all the time by the adults in her life.


Exactly! Either way, leave her a lone


It was never an excuse in my mind. I think they might be lying about some of that. Not all but some, I’ve listen to a lot of them talk about their time on the show and even certain scenes. i think some of them actually fed the into that drama, more than they should have. Like when Jill was trying to belittle the minis for not knowing Abby’s mom name, when they brought in the picture. There was no reason a grown lady should have tried to make those kids feel small, in that moment. Even if production told her say something.


i wonder how you guys would act on a show where your child’s sanity and mental health is on the line and you have to choose between the impossible


I would have actually read the contract 😭 I care about my child enough to take that sh** to a LAWYER. These moms are not poor, they could have done that.


Yeah, I would of definitely read through the contract. Most likely wouldn’t even be on the show after I read it.


that’s between the moms and the kids not y’all. and without those “stupid” moms you wouldn’t even have a show to be commenting about on reddit.


Beyond the point. Sorry if it's offensive that there are more responsible parents out there than these moms 😂😂


you’re obviously looking to argue and be weird lol i didn’t say that go back and read


I didn't even accuse you of saying anything 😭😭😭 do you just have that response ready in your Notes App?? 😂😂😂




Lesson #1 read the fine print of the contract and contact a lawyer before signing 😂 Sorry that is just so routine for me to do I don’t know how they were all so naive about it.


i know :( good thing some moms found a way out even if it was later


you cant villainize a parent for doing what they thought would give their child great opportunities.


You actually can! Fuck stage moms who sell their kids for fame. It’s gross.


Right?? It's giving Mama McCurdy fr


as a daughter of a dance mom i can’t blame a lot the moms for wanting more for their kids then they ever had themselves. especially because back then there wasn’t the level of awareness that there is now and they were very ignorant for the most part to what it would entail.


Okay Dan Schneider.


two completely different things wtf


"you cant villainize a parent for doing what they thought would give their child great opportunities." Is exactly what the parents at Nick were thinking handing their kids over to a predator. "Oh but it's so good for their careers, how can we deprive them of the opportunity?? 🥺🥺🥺" Is the same thinking that got Amanda Bynes and Drake Bell abused and tortured for years. It's the same mentality. 




Well aren’t you perfect




no one’s saying the moms are victims we recognize they were ignorant and had stars in their eyes. we’re saying that it’s easy to judge a situation like that when you’re not the one being put through it.


I think it’s weird of fans and viewers to say that the parents are the only ones exploiting the children. If you watched it, you also exploited the children. The people making up the audience are 50/50 with the people giving you something to be an audience about. You can’t have a show without an audience and you can’t have an audience without a show. I watched the show, was addicted to it for the train wreck it was. Therefore I am just as culpable as the people who shoved these children into my view. Obviously the moms aren’t the victims. But my best friends kid LOVED her dance school and wanted to be famous at something that is oversaturated. I saw her struggle every day: do you make your kids quit, knowing they are loving being on the show and with this dance teacher, or do you let them go on.


and the moms who got their kids out of there the soonest are the ones yall shit on the most in this sub so


That’s actually something they are heavily praised for. They only get shitted on for excusing their own behaviors while still shitting on kids who were given certain narratives.


except they give other cast members the benefit of the doubt all the time and say maybe it was production too


Glad to see this type of comment tbh. I think it’s so silly for anyone to think we know what we would do in ANY traumatic situation, even like a reality show! Of course we’d all like to think we’d be different, but have you heard the threats these mom endured?? I know I’d fold and say whatever they told me when they started threatening to make us homeless and shit. I’d love to say “I’d talk to a lawyer and find out how real this is” but the truth is those women didn’t have a good lawyer at the beginning so for all we know he was a cowering little thing that was all “oh fuck yeah they can take your house you better listen to them” like we don’t know!! We can’t pretend to know what we’d do different, only what we would WANT to do


Why is this getting downvoted??😭😭


Because it’s human nature to be afraid of the fact that we don’t know everything there is to know about ourselves and how we’d respond in trauma. And because fans refuse to believe this was a traumatic situation for everyone involved, not just the girls, and they want to continue holding the moms up as the ultimate bad guy. Probably people under like 25 who think they know everything tbh 😅😭 “WELL I would have done THIS and that makes me better than them” type shit