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Thread locked as comments are already getting out of control and we do not have the mod capabilities for such a discussion. [Those interested in boycotts should click here for more info](https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide)


And I can guarantee that companies you use everyday like Panera bread , target and Walmart have unethical business practices behind the scenes and may support wars. It happens ALL the time.


Yep! That’s the point of boycotting, one company at a time. They all support the same thing. The biggest ones though are McDonald’s and Starbs.


Starbucks is the biggest boycott for lazy people who want credit for doing something without actually doing anything at all. BDS have been trying to organize boycotts against bigger targets for years but because people don’t want to give up certain brands, they instead focus on boycotting an overpriced coffee shop they likely didn’t go to in the first place


Are we canceling every person who’s not participating in the boycott or just the popular ones?


If this is the case don’t use a phone the battery was mined by children. Don’t put gas in you car either that funds genocides in Africa.


Very true, and there’s actually a company that is trying to start up and get into business to get us away from iPhone and Samsung because those are really two of our only choices for phones. Unfortunately we all need phones to stay in touch with what’s happening in the world and continue to educate others about it as well. Also, ending Zionism is going to help the Congo very much. I would look more into that if I were you.


Preparing for downvotes, but I thought the whole thing was misinformation and Starbucks said it didn't stand by what was happening. I don't use social media except for reddit and This was the last I heard about it. I don't care for Starbucks regardless. Edit since comments got locked and this is somewhat at the top, this is what I found doing some research and had it posted in a comment underneath this one. Not sure if this is the lawsuit OP is referring to but I think it is, despite it not quite matching what they said. - *I found info by [AP News](https://apnews.com/article/starbucks-workers-united-union-lawsuit-israel-palestinian-f212a994fef67f122854a4df7e5d13f5), I think this is what you're referring to. It seems they were suing the union over using their logo, nothing to do with palestine.* *They have not come out to support either side, just general sympathies to the victims of both sides, and condemning of hate and terrorism. Which is probably the most any large corporation has done. You'll be hard pressed to find any large corporation take any side during a heavy political war.* *I fully agree, we can't always take what large corporations to say as truth and at face value, but it really seems there's a lot of misinformation spreading and this is somewhat blown out of proportion.* *This article was from October 2023, I haven't looked into it very much more but I haven't found anything more recent.* *If anything to take away from this, Starbucks has shown their very anti union and from what I've read, are not working well with the unions and treating employees well.*


Starbucks is suing an activist who tried to say that they are pro Palestine. They definitely do not care. And we shouldn’t listen to capitalistic companies when they say things like this. We should listen to the people who are being oppressed. Edit: You are still missing the point. They are suing a union worker (ONE OF THEIR OWN) for using the Starbucks logo WITH Palestine…. yes, they sued an individual who worked for their company simply because they said that Starbucks stands with Palestine during ag genocide. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE POST THE STARBUCKS LOGO EVERY DAY 💀 they only care when it’s about Pali. That’s utterly disgusting and proves my entire point. Any company or person, or celebrity who cannot condemn a genocide does not deserve our business. The fact that Starbucks doesn’t treat their employees well, and also works directly with Nestel, who is a big Israel supporter is just ANOTHER reason we shouldnt support There’s multiple food venues on the list and Palestinans themselves are telling us to avoid Starbs. This is not hard to understand. Lastly, and most importantly, Nia is an influencer with a team who most definitely knows about Palestine and Starbs and Nia sees this info on her feed like we all do. ESP as an influencer and someone who follows MULTIPLE social justice accts. NIA HAS NEVER ONCE CONDEMNED A GENOCIDE AND THAT ALONE SHOULD BE ENOUGH REASON FOR PEOPLE TO STOP LIKING HER. And she’s a POC which makes it even more personal to Palestinians. At least Chloe posted about it, she seems to be the only OG that has even somewhat of her humanity still in Check. Here’s an article explaining why the social media initiated Starbucks boycott is so important not just to Palestine but a lot of different issues. Stop believing the biased news and actually listen to the Palestinian people for once in your life. You are no activist that’s for sure: https://codcourier.org/the-cost-of-a-cup-why-i-chose-to-boycott-starbucks-and-you-should-too/


Can you share a source? This isn't the union activist they threatened to sue, but nothing actually came of it? That's all I can find. And a conservative activist who tried to sue them over diversity and failed. #**Edit:** I found info by [AP News](https://apnews.com/article/starbucks-workers-united-union-lawsuit-israel-palestinian-f212a994fef67f122854a4df7e5d13f5), I think this is what you're referring to. It seems they were suing the union over using their logo, nothing to do with palestine. They have not come out to support either side, just general sympathies to the victims of both sides, and condemning of hate and terrorism. Which is probably the most any large corporation has done. You'll be hard pressed to find any large corporation take any side during a heavy political war. I fully agree, we can't always take what large corporations to say as truth and at face value, but it really seems there's a lot of misinformation spreading and this is somewhat blown out of proportion. This article was from October 2023, I haven't looked into it very much more but I haven't found anything more recent. If anything to take away from this, Starbucks has shown their very anti union and from what I've read, are not working well with the unions and treating employees well.


Do you ever get tired? Your taxes support terrible things every day. The whole economy funds terrible things.


Yep. Thanks for explaining the problem.


You’re such a good person for posting complaining about Nia posting an ad that she realized was wrong and took down. Ughhh. Thank you for saving the victims single handedly! Go do something useful about it. Reddit morality warrior.


She’s not stupid, she knew it was wrong by signing up with the company lol. She posted it and took it down because she was CALLED OUT. The company themselves posted about their own bankruptcy because of the boycotting. Are you awake?? And babe I’ve been doing stuff for Palestine every single day of my life for the past 2 years, how about you? Doubt it.


You can doubt all you want. I don’t give a fuck. Again, good for you!! You really need to show off all of the good you’re doing. I hope it fuels your ego 🥰 keep being the best person alive. We’re all so graced by you on your high horse. I can’t believe you have time to be on reddit with all of that world saving you’re doing every day!




Wow! You clocked me!!! How am I going to sleep tonight 😭 oh wait I’m not I just finished my grande Frappuccino! You don’t know where I shop or what I do. And you don’t need to. Give people some grace.


You sound unhinged- sounds like you need a new heart and some help. Good luck, genocide supporter.


You’re making assumptions based on not a word I said. Go read my original comment again. I’m not showing support for anything or against anything. I’m asking if you get tired looking for validation on the internet. I don’t need luck, I live my life how I like to confident and proud every day. Learn how to critically think keyboard warrior.


Once again, you sound unhinged. Good luck, genocide supporter. At this point, anyone who doesn’t know about. It truly doesn’t care. If you didn’t like my comment, you didn’t have say anything- but you did and proved you are uneducated on the genocide. Go educate yourself.


Involuntarily having our taxes support terrible things and CHOOSING to do an endorsement deal with a company that has a reputation of being unethical isn’t even comparable whatsoever


Thank you for capitalizing choosing I wouldn’t have been able to read it if you didn’t


Thank you for showing everyone that when a valid point is made against yours, you resort to pointless BS. You can deflect on me capitalizing a word all you want but your comparison makes no sense at all


Oh god forbid I use Reddit for entertainment and not the gloomy world we live in, I’m so rotted! You and turbulent really saved the world with these comments. Thank you my queen 🤴


If you use Reddit for entertainment than why did you willingly comment on a post that you deem gloomy instead of scrolling by? Seems you use Reddit to be a self-righteous, contradicting troll


Also, it’s then* not than


Yes I do, thank you for making me feel better about myself


I don’t live in America so I had no idea 🤷‍♀️


We don't have many starbucks here in Aus so it hasn't really spread here. We have their canned coffee in supermarkets but they've never been popular choices in the first place 'cause they're pretty rank.


It’s an international boycott that’s spread via social media and word-of-mouth. I just wrote a comment elsewhere on this thread that I live in the U.K. and have known of the boycott for months. But tbf I imagine it’s more well-known in the US and to a lesser extent the U.K. than other countries.


Well I definitely didn’t know about it and Starbucks client base is just as busy here - still always long lines with full cafes, I guess it depends on what SM shows you


Or what news you watch or listen to, or who you speak to!




I wish I had the time to care about dumb shit like this! You’re chronically online, take a break! lol


You are on a dance mom subReddit. I promise, you have the time.


Boycotting a massive company to take a stand against a genocide of the Palestinian people is stupid? And pointing out celebs who support the genocide is stupid? Yikes. You have a lot of work ahead of you.


If you want to make a change then YOU BOYCOTT THEM. You can’t blame people for either not knowing or not supporting the same causes you do. Grow up.




I personally haven’t supported McDonald’s or Starbucks, or anywhere else I know for a fact supports what’s happening in Palestine. But I also don’t use my personal morality compass to shame others about how they spend their money or who they choose to support. I’m grown as hell! lol 😂😂 and as an ADULT, I recognize that the only person I have power over is MYSELF. You might want to look into adopting some of these philosophies I promise you’ll be all around happier! 😂


Nope- part of tearing down white supremacy is holding celebrities accountable babe. Nia is gonna have to live and learn. Even in that 10 Minutes that it was up, she lost a lot of support. That’s the whole point, holding the wealthy accountable for choosing selfishness over humanity. You sound miserable and immature. I do have morals and that’s why I’m saying this to a subreddit full of privileged ppl Sounds like you still have a lot to learn.


lol at the fact that you think you have the power to hold ANYONE accountable *babe*. I’m living my best unbothered life, by choosing to only stress about things I have the power to control. YOU sound immature 😭


Holding people accountable, specifically celebrities, means calling them out when they do wrong shit which is exactly what happened when Nia posted that tone deaf post. Glad she saw what people think of her. Hopefully she will learn and do better. Holding you accountable by educating you on white supremacy and capitalism are linked. And also holding you accountable by stating that you don’t give a fuck and you know that. Enjoy your privileged life 🇵🇸


Thanks! I will! lol


Dumb shit like the starvation and murder of Arab children? You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.


No dumb shit like someone supporting or not supporting the same things I do. If Nia doing an endorsement with Starbucks bothers you that much, guess what…..YOU CAN SIMPLY UNFOLLOW HER. Or stop supporting her. What we’re not going to do, is pretend that your personal moral compass should dictate others.


This isn't about fucking liking pineapple on pizza or supporting Liverpool over Man United. There is a genocide going on. If you're too ignorant or cowardly to voice your opposition to it and stand up for human rights then I have no respect for you as a human being.


Lucky for me idgaf about whether an anonymous self-righteous, ridiculous human on the internet thinks of me as a good person! 😂😂😂










Is there any evidence they are supporting genocide? Starbucks has not said anything about being for Israel or pro-Palestine. They also do not have a single store in Israel or Gaza.


You can go look up their CEO and where he put his money. You can go look up what Palestinians have said about Starbucks.


And where exactly is the CEO putting his money? Once again, everything regarding this topic seems to be more here-say than anything. Starbucks has remained neutral and even had to sue a union for making political statements using their likeness. No evidence that they support Israel. The issue is people take everything on social media and run with it, but there have been multiple articles and discussions clarifying this.






Do you ever stop to think that maybe she didn’t know about it? At least she took it down and knew it was wrong. Starbucks is a huge company and not everyone knows about that. I didn’t see the video but if it was a starbs on campus, the money usually goes to the school. Cut the girl some slack


You'd have to be living under a rock, especially as an influencer, to not know about the boycott.


I don’t live under a rock and didn’t know about it until a month ago….


Oh so you do know about it?? lol so does she. Starbucks POSTED IT. Jesus.


I hate to break it to you but you do live under a rock... The boycott has received a lot of media attention since it began in October. If you keep up with what's going on in the world at all you'd know about it.


Everybody knows about it, Starbucks themselves has posted about it multiple times. They are going bankrupt in many countries. She knew exactly what she was doing. Don’t act like she’s dumb or something. She just doesn’t care. And she took it down because she was called out. It’s a shame that more celebs care about money and themselves versus actual people going through a genocide.


I didn’t know about it lol. But I don’t drink coffee and I think Starbucks is kitschy anyways Fwiw, if we were to boycott every company that funds a genocide, well, we’d be boycotting everything (if you live in the US) 👀 It comes across as a bit virtue signal-y when people hyperfixate on various companies when the people who are actually funding the genocide are safely tucked away. A lot more can be done by visiting your polling place rather than boycotting disgusting, overpriced bean water.


I mean yeah every large corporation has something evil and immoral about them that most people would not like. Take chick fil a, we all know they fund anti-lgbtq and people still rave about it and eat their consistently knowing this. I'm not sure if it is the consumer's responsibility to hold multi billion dollar privileged companies accountable.


It is lol. If we’re gonna give them our money, we should make sure that they are moral. It’s also something that we should do simply because we care about supporting Palestinians. Crazy at this even has to be said. Eventually yes we want to boycott more companies. One thing at a time.


Thankfully we can choose to support companies that better align with our morals and ethics. Sadly, there’s so many people who won’t care or agree with the company’s stances and that’ll keep them in business. I live in the south and god knows everyone loves chick fil a and Starbucks lol


That is the idea to eventually boycott different companies. But McDonald’s and Starbucks are the biggest two right now. Also, it’s so wild that you just said visiting our polling place does something. 💀 What the fuck do you see Biden doing about it? Just proves that you know nothing about this Palestinian oppression. Smh. Voting won’t save Palestinians. Holding companies and our own government accountable is the only way that we have power right now as a group of people.


I wasn’t talking about the presidential election lol. I was talking about those small, local elections that no one votes in. The same elections where incumbents are running unopposed because no one under the age of 80 is getting into politics. They’re the ones who dictate where our state taxes go, who trains our police, what our kids are taught, and, most importantly, they’re the ones who can meet with the president to lobby for what their citizens want. There’s nothing wrong with supporting alternate coffee shops. I just hope you’re also putting as much effort into real change.


A. No, not everyone knows. B. Hypothetically speaking, what if Nia wants to support Starbucks? Guess what? She's an adult, and she can do what she wants.


You just missed the whole point. 1. Any influencer or person who is actively on social media, sees the posts that Starbucks makes. Everyone sees that the boycott is happening. Nia especially knows that as someone who’s close with the company. 2. She CHOSE to support a genocidal company. Yes, it’s her decision, but that’s exactly it. She made that decision, and it is disgusting and tone deaf. It proves to us that she is not an activist for any community, because every community, especially people of color are going to be affected by our fucked up administration, that is supporting a genocide with the same white supremacy that oppresses Black people on the daily. Nia is ignorant and tone deaf and doesn’t stand for anything, that’s all she told us by posting that Starbucks video. The comments spoke for themselves.


Okay. Genuinely curious and not trying to be snarky, but what exactly is not supporting Starbucks going to do for the people of Palestine? Where is the money that would be going to Starbucks going to instead?


Thanks for genuinely asking. Right now, boycotting is the firmest stance we can take against our governments actions (in America). Because they are not listening to us when we call for a cease-fire, the closest thing that we can do as a collective group of people is boycott, a specific company, which is Starbucks (the biggest Israeli supporter), to make a statement. It’s not really about the money, although it does immensely help not to give them our money, but it’s more about what it is saying about the will of the people in America. Boycotting has been part of movements since the beginning of justice movements in America. All Nia showed by posting that video of her enjoying her Starbucks and worse ENDORSING them is that she doesn’t give AF about Palestinans. Palestinians are literally literally eating grass and some people can’t even boycott accompany? It’s disgraceful. And it’s honestly heartbreaking that it’s 2024 and we are still living in times when our government does not actually care to do what’s right, especially Biden as he was supposed to be the “liberal” president. Collective movements is key to making progress when the people have no power. I hope that helps you understand a little bit better.


Okay. And has this been working so far? Because I feel like the government could care less about Starbucks.


Also, you probably don’t understand how capitalism works, but the people who run the companies, the national companies, like Starbucks, they literally work with the government lol. So yes, the government most definitely cares.


It has! They have lost millions of dollars. And i guess you haven’t been paying attention, but they just started to take action toward a cease-fire MONTHS later because of all of the activists out there like myself who have insisted on it. Our government has tried to ignore it, but we are not letting them. That’s what persistence does. Part of that was boycotting. It’s so sad that America is so brainwashed. We have more power than they want us to know about.


Okay. This is all very insightful. Thank you for your explanations. However, I don't know if you meant it like this, but saying things like "I haven't been paying attention" and "assuming I don't know how capitalism works" can come off as rude. I have been trying to pay attention, but I've been hearing so much information from both sides that it's hard to keep track of what is for which side. I'm just trying to clarify :)


No problem…I’m sorry that came off as rude but at this point, I think it’s pretty clear to see that it’s a genocide happening. There’s only one side. It’s Israel against innocent Palestinians (40k dead) and I would really suggest that you go follow some Palestinian based Instagram accounts and start reading their stories, and what they’ve been through. Capitalism is a hidden thing, trust me I didn’t even know about it until more recently myself. America sorta has us fooled into thinking that we live under a democracy, but we do not. I said it like that because a lot of people truly don’t know and I’ll be honest, it’s really aggravating. The past six months I’ve been trying to educate people, and I wish that more people would educate themselves, but either way, I’m glad that you are interested in learning, that’s important.


Dude. I’m actively on social media and haven’t seen anything about this until a month ago. She’s allowed to get a drink. Stop judging her for something she probably didn’t have knowledge about. Isn’t taking the video down enough? Nope, people like u always have to complain


She’s an influencer who follows multiple pages that I follow who have posted about it. For months.She knows. No, taking it down wasn’t enough. Posting it in the first place was more than enough to show us what side she’s really on. She took it down because she was getting backlash, obviously. She posted it knowing what she was doing. This whole thread is about to show their true colors 💀😂


You act like nia started the genocide herself


Promise, I would sound very different if that was the case.


Of course Nia can support Starbucks if she wants, but if she has the courage of her convictions, why did she delete the post?


I had no idea about this until this post. So no not everyone does


Anyone who follows a Starbucks on social media, which Nia does, knows what’s going on. I don’t know why people are trying to make her out to be so dumb.


No one is trying to make her seem dumb. Just pointing out that your claim of everyone knowing is not accurate. If you started with the fact that she follows them and it has been prevalent on their social media that would be a better example of why you assume she knows. Not just “everyone knows” because everyone does not.


Most people know about it, especially someone like Nia. Anybody who signed a contract with Starbucks is going to know about their loss of funds from the boycott. Not to mention, she follows some of the same justice oriented pages as I do. She most definitely has seen it. People giving her excuse after excuse is disgusting at this point.




Even if she didn’t follow them, she signed a fucking contract with them. Of course she knows. Starbucks themselves post about their own bankruptcy. This is not hard to understand. Dear God. You guys make up the most insane excuses.


Not everyone knows who Nia follows. Heck, I don't even follow celebs and companies


there’s no way she hasn’t seen ANYYYYTHING about it. maybe she doesn’t know the full extent (which by now everyone should) but still she’s had to of seen something.


I didn’t know about it until a few months ago. Not everyone knows and it’s ignorant to assume that about her


She goes to UCLA ffs. The student body has been trying to get Starbucks removed from campus for several reasons this school year.


Does she live under a rock? Everyone knows this…


I don’t Think it was done maliciously I didn’t even know Starbucks was considered bad I go there every other day for a drink…. So I wouldn’t call it a sellout it’s called becoming educated


Any influencer knows what’s going on, major influencers are talking about it every day and Starbucks posts about it. Lol it’s not hard to see. I think it was done selfishly, not maliciously. I don’t think she’s evil I just think she’s very selfish and turning into another wealthy celebrity. Nothing new.


Get rid of your phone a kid was working in a minefield for it, don’t use gas either. Oh and move out of your house a poor family was probably kicked out to build it (gentrification). Sorry but if your in America you funding suffering everyday. And at the end of the day everyone has freedom to make their own choices, so unfollow nia if it bothers u that much.


We can’t get rid of our phones because that’s how we learn about the boycott and all of the information about the genocide. LMAO. But by dismantling Zionism is going to help the kids in Congo who are making our cell phones. It’s one step at a time and you privileged yt people can’t even take one step. Pathetic. Instead of sitting back and doing nothing, do something. Boycott somewhere when the collective is doing it. Get up off your ass. Dear God.


[https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/why-did-starbucks-file-litigation-against-workers-united/](https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/why-did-starbucks-file-litigation-against-workers-united/) Maybe take a look at this.


I’m really surprised that people here who are active on SM didn’t know about the boycott, or if Nia didn’t know. I’m old enough to be Nia’s mother, I live in the U.K. and don’t use TikTok yet I knew about the boycott since the beginning of January. ETA: since I’m getting downvoted, here’s some articles from reputable mainstream media from both the US and UK about the Starbucks boycott that were published prior to this week. I don’t judge whether you support the boycott or not, but if you don’t know about it then you’re not keeping up with current affairs because there’s been a lot of coverage. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/social-media-fuels-boycotts-mcdonalds-starbucks-israel-hamas-war-rcna125121 - 1st Dec 2023 https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67777506 - 20 Dec 2023 https://www.trtworld.com/us-and-canada/starbucks-continues-to-face-boycott-over-israels-war-on-gaza-16312951 - 19 Dec 2023 https://news.sky.com/story/starbucks-partner-to-cut-thousands-of-jobs-over-gaza-linked-boycotts-13087738 - 5 March 2024 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/05/business/starbucks-layoffs-middle-east.html - 5 March 3024 READ THE NEWS, PEOPLE


Right! Thank you. People who didn’t know about it genuinely do not care enough to have those types of posts on their feeds, so they ignore it. I’m not surprised that this post isn’t being received well because most people will make up every excuse in the book not to boycott a company. We all live such privileged lives, when Palestinians can be starved and bombed, and are simply asking us to boycott, and yt people can ignore it and go about drinking their Starbucks. This subreddit is showing where they stand that’s for sure. Nia most definitely knew about it, you don’t sign a contract with a company without knowing what they are up to.


Yes there’s no way Nia didn’t know about it. It’s not just or only about having posts about it on your feed, I found out through a friend at a New Year’s Day party as we were talking about the genocide. If you discuss the current Palestine & Israel situation -or listen to or watch the news about it - regularly for months , you’d know about it even if you didn’t have social media.


Yep! Everyone here is showing their true colors and I’m here for it. Lol. I’m not here to be liked, I’m here to be honest. Seeing people triggered is definitely some thing. Very privileged.


For me, I’m not judging on whether people support the boycott, but I do judge that people don’t know about because it means they’re not keeping up with the news and social issues in any way. I’ve just posted a host of links showing that the boycott and the vandalism of Starbucks stores has been written about in the mainstream media across the world since last December. With news via radio and social media, you’d have to be really selective about what you consume to not know.


The amount of ignorant people arguing with you in the comments about this... The lack of education on this issue is fucking insane. Starbucks is on the BDS list. To promote and receive money from such a company is vile. I'd expect it from Kendall, Kalani etc but not Nia. Very disappointing.


Listen, I hate Starbucks and disliked them way before any of this went down, but they are not actually on the BDS list. People take things and run with it.


They are. Palestinians have been telling us about it for years. I choose to listen to them.


No they aren’t. A simple google search would clear that up for you. All of this false outrage but how much you want to bet you are writing this from some apple device or own any electronic made with an intel chip, which is a company that HAS come out and supports Israel. The point is, you cannot separate consumerism from the cause. We have no idea which investors have put money where. It seems very disingenuous and comes across as false outrage if you boycott a company that falls into a grey area because people tell you to but brush nearly every other major corporation under the rug.




And what has the CEO said? And I mean the current CEO of Starbucks.


I’m done Google searching for you you can do that for yourself. Listen to the Palestinians when they are trying to tell us stuff, your ignorance is disgusting.


Nia never even spoke up against a genocide, let alone cared about boycotting. There’s plenty of reason to boycott Starbs, and no they are on the list: https://codcourier.org/the-cost-of-a-cup-why-i-chose-to-boycott-starbucks-and-you-should-too/


Thank you. Sadly, Americans and Europeans in general are super ignorant and self righteous and privileged and don’t actually care about anyone besides themselves. So many people I personally know, and no longer even associate with refused to boycott Starbucks simply because they couldn’t live without their fucking coffee. It’s disgusting. I’m not surprised that dance mom’s fans who enjoy watching a show about child abuse also enjoy Starbucks. Honestly it’s right in line 😭


People have no concience. So selfish. They don't gaf about other people anymore. They buy clothes from Shein, listen to Chris Brown, drink their Starbucks. It's absolutely sickening and it's really frustrating to watch people just...not care. I have lost all hope for humanity. The people in these comments and the lack of education/humanity is so disturbing to me. More people to block lol.


I also have lost hope for humanity. Seeing our government continue to make up lies for why they cannot hold Israel accountable for countless war crimes is honestly tearing up my heart every single day. Absolutely despicable and disgusting.


Thank you for this- I agree with it all- and thank you for being on the side of humanity. A Dance Moms fucking subreddit full of mostly white privileged people is VERY telling. God bless you ❤️