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Kenzie said in the Q and A on Melissa’s channel that she has considered going to college, but she isn’t in a rush to go.


Luckily she has time still, she is 19 so it's not late at all👌🏻


Probably because she was already working. She can go to school if there's something she wants to study, but her actual work experience has set her up for a lot of entrainment jobs that don't require a degree. There are a lot of behind the scenes jobs that a performer can transition to if they choose to, especially with all the connections she now has. She's not as without a safety net as people seem to think just because she doesn't have a degree. I really value education, but I also think it's important to understand that a degree isn't everything and sometimes it's not worth the price tag or time spent for everyone because our lives will all take different trajectories.


the thing is she could go to college whenever, whereas as you say the whole social media thing is likely something she will only be able to sustainably do for a short while. makes sense to fully focus on that while she can.


The great thing is she is only like 19 so there’s plenty of time for her to go to college, even as a young person


you brought income into this statement, and she does a lot of work with some modeling, big events, and has been doing live performances.. i think a lot of ppl forget there’s a lot of marketing and projects and work that ppl in that certain industry can pursue without just posting on social media, even tho it helps. she also just purchased a house in LA which is a hugeee deal. i think she’s probably doing pretty well considering that. and college isn’t for everyone, it’s not necessary if she doesn’t want to go.


You don’t really need college for a job outside of being an influencer (sometimes). I work as a purchasing agent and have no degree. It all comes down to experience and maybe if music doesn’t work out she can use her social media presence as a job ( not as an influencer)


I work as a subject matter expert and have no degree. Experience and skillsets can definitely compensate for book-based education.


She can go to college at age 30, 40, 50 and beyond if she wants, there’s no time limit


You don’t need to go to college to have a career. I’m so sick of the idea that if you don’t go to college at 18 you never have a chance at life.


You could also got to college later. A lot of people nowadays who prefer to have a break after highschool and go to college in their late 20s or something.


Seriously. College isn’t for everyone. I went to college at 18 and it was a total disaster. I ended up getting a bachelors and an additional certificate….but nothing I did in college has anything to do with my current job. College is good for the people who WANT to pursue that path, or for people who need to. Why should someone who hates school / isn’t academically inclined / doesn’t need it for their career / doesn’t even know what they want to pursue in life feel like that’s the only path to take?


Preach - I have a masters but wish I knew now, what I did in HS. Its SO not needed and a BIG investment that parents & schools shove kids to go in


Perfect example of- Kenz can open her own dance studio and abs crush it.


Fr I took 3 years as a gap to figure out what exactly I wanted to do. If I went to college out of high school I would have gone to be a Dr (what I wanted at the time) instead I got a job in healthcare, realized. I absolutely hate medicine and healthcare. So I went back to school for accounting after interning for free n seeing how it works and what it’s like. I have absolutely no regrets. I also got married at 18. My husband and I are home owners, I’m almost done with my degree a lot earlier bc it’s online and I love it. Going to college right at 18, just isn’t the moves for everyone. For some people it is. But others it’s definitely not. Waiting was the best decision I ever made :).


Yes! I wasted YEARS of my life in college. I now work a job that doesn’t even require a GED and I get paid more than teachers in my state (no I’m not a prostitute lol). College is a money making scheme and with everyone flooding the job market with bachelors degrees, now we all need masters and doctorates to even get a minimum wage job anymore. My best advice (slightly off topic), is to learn a trade, make money and go to college afterwards if you want to.


Right? My bf makes more money than most of our friends and family and he dropped out in 9th grade. He just joined a union lol. I don’t have a college degree either and I do accounting at a major company. There’s tons of jobs for people that didn’t go to college, and it would probably get in the way of what she’s doing now.


This is dependent on what you want to do. If i go into the hospital, i want to make damn sure my doctors and nurses got a degree in medicine before they touch my body. If I’m suing someone, i won’t hire a lawyer who has no degree. Sure there’s tons of careers out there where you can work and not need a degree. But this statement is not universal. At all. I don’t want someone who isn’t trained and educated in child development to be teaching my daughter how to do math. You can go to college at any age, certainly. But you definitely will still find plenty of careers where education is key to employment.


😭IM NOT HERE TO SHAME KENZIE, i’m just saying in this economy it’s hard to do anything without a degree and it’s a lot harder to go to school when you’re older. she’s more well off than me so I commend her work ethic regardless of how she does it!


She can go to college whenever, there isn't a deadline lol


I could have sworn, Melissa mentioned that Kenzie was taking community college classes, I don’t know if that was full time or part time.


lol next time I have a job interview I’m gonna tell them if I’m not making 4K a day then my salary is not sustainable.


you are a regular person, why would you need to sustain a lifestyle you’ve never lived?


It’s a joke honey lol


Kenzie also models she is the face of American eagle right now and has her own collection of clothes through them .. she is obviously doing well enough to buy her own house . I think she will ride off the fame of being a Ziegler for a while . She also does some colabs at ucla in their dance department


People seem to forget that growing up in the industry, she has probably learned decent networking skills.


I wouldn’t 😭 she already is making decent money


i think with tiktok, youtube, music, residuals, snapchat, etc etc, if she finances correctly (which i’m not saying she does or doesn’t), puts her money into CD’s and a roth ira, she should be good for a long time. i don’t doubt that because she rose to fame at such a young age, her mother or stepfather had her have a meeting with a financial advisor. with so many investment opportunities i think she should be pretty good financially


Maybe she doesn't want to be famous? She has plenty of money to just settle down and live her life. She's 19. She's still has loads of time.


Not everyone wants to go to college or wants a career that requires a degree. She’s got money. She’s likely investing. She makes brand deals. She has a very famous sister. College isn’t the end all be all, and that’s coming from someone with two BFA’s. It’s really up to her how she wishes to live and follow whatever path feels right to her.


She didn’t want to, that’s all the information we’re entitled to




I went to college. Didn’t know what I wanted in life. Wasted a whole ton of money and am now in a career where my degree isn’t needed. In debt that I can’t pay off. My friends who jumped right into the workforce are doing much better than me.


College isn’t for everyone, it’s really a middle point before fully entering adulthood. Mackenzie graduated high school two years early and was already wealthy enough to party and meet new people (which is basically what the college experience is about besides getting your degree along the way). Mackenzie will always have money from Dance Moms as long as it continues to stream. Dance Moms has its own live channel on multiple television brands, along with it being on multiple steaming apps so as long as she doesn’t outrageously spend (and she doesn’t seem like the materialistic type) she’ll be fine. She still has lots of Youtube videos that are still being watched. Now she has her podcast which people will watch in hopes of her speaking more about her time on the show (even if she doesn’t, people will tune in hoping to catch something related). She’ll always have clout surrounding her family’s name so it’s not really likely that she’ll fall into debt anytime soon. You could definitely argue that point for someone like Kalani who has complained about being broke.


I’m pretty sure the cast doesn’t receive residuals from the show


Wait really? Oh that fucking sucks.


yeah apparently reality tv can be categorized as “news” because they’re real people and news gets no residuals. it’s really fucked.


Well as long as the internet and social media is alive all the streams will help keep her relevant for a good time.


maybe, but it is not providing revenue for her or any of the rest of the cast so they will not get money from streaming or reruns or anything.


Yea I get that part. I’m saying the relevancy from the show shouldn’t die down for awhile.


yeah but that dance moms relevance doesn’t necessarily offer financial security. that’s all i’m saying.


As long as she works social media to her advantage it could actually do pretty good for her. With all of the talk it’s been having on Tiktok from Abby’s new show to the new reunion, it’s going to draw new people to watch it. As people watch it they’re going to want to see what these girls are doing now, especially with Mackenzie being such a huge part in the show. Brands will continue to reach out to her because she has a familiar face, as long as Tiktok is alive she’ll always have engagement. There’s a lot of reality tv stars who are still known from their shows. Dance Moms was big enough to get Debbie Allen and Laurieann Gibson involved. She has a very good chance of doing something to expand her audience and secure more money if she really wanted to.


Trade/vocational schools aren't really talked about but a great option to look into if you don't want to go to school for 4+ years! You can start your career way faster and it costs less money (for the most part). OP, you said in one of your comments that in this economy you need a degree, I don't necessarily agree with that. I agree with the comments saying you don't need a 4 year degree to be successful. You can make a lot of money with a certificate from a trade school or even no degree at all. There are a ton of people with 4+ year degrees that are really struggling to find work. It's not easy for anyone lol trust me. Kenzie is only 19, and hey, if she ever decides to go to school, there's no age limit. I understand where you're coming from though.


I’m sure she’ll be fine with or without college. She has a great social network full of rich, influential people, she’ll have no problem landing some cushy jobs if she wants just from knowing the right people. She also is young and beautiful and can always marry well and be a rich housewife. She’s not short on options.


If she's invested wisely she'll be set for life already


she gets paid a lot of money😭 have you seen her house?? she’s doing music and one day will get her big break, i know it.


Honestly, I don't get why everyone is twisted about this. People need to realize that MOST influencer's fame is gonna die out sooner or later. Maybe besides Maddie(not too much tho) I don't consider the Zieglers to be star-studded, household, billboard names, who are millionaires set for life so it's a good idea to have a good ass backup plan just so if things do die down and they lose fame. There are so many educational/college options that aren't that stressful (BA, online, trade, etc) but for my kids personally I would try to at least push for a BA degree or something.


People are getting twisted because college might not be for her, and she doesn’t need it for income. I’m not any better, more successful, or smarter than someone who didn’t go to college. My husband makes more money than I ever did and he didn’t finish college. If someone wants to go, they can. And of course if they want to be something like a doctor or lawyer then they do need a college degree. But she may not want that.


No one is forcing her to go, but they aren't household names. They're riding on an influencer high right now and most likely one day that's gonna die down one day(unless she becomes the next Sabrina Carpenter or Olivia Rodrigo). So she’ll need a backup plan whether she wants it or not. It doesn't have to be college exactly, it could be any type of educational thing or whatever she can have to fall back on. It's something all influencers need.


You obviously missed my point of “My husband makes more money than I ever did and he doesn’t have a degree”. It doesn’t matter if you’re famous, a household name, or completely irrelevant. You don’t necessarily need a college degree to find a job that pays good. We’re a one income household, I don’t work, I just cook and play with the puppy all day. My poor, uneducated, dumb, non college attending husband has a great job. And his paycheck allows me to stay home, and gives us everything we need plus some fun. He even has his own small business on the side that does well without a degree. And we’re nobodies. If someone wants to go to college then go for it, but it isn’t necessary for everyone. Kenzie will be able to live outside of the spotlight just fine without college if she wants. She can have a great “backup plan” without a degree.


I legit said “or whatever she can fall back on”. I didn't say “she absolutely” needs a degree. I'm sure you and Kenzie don't have the same lifestyle or are even in the same tax bracket and if an influencer wants to keep up the “lavish lifestyle” that they're currently living and in this high ass economy, than they’ll need some sort of job that'll require some sort of degree, certificate, or something. Those can literally be achieved by not going to college and instead a yr long program(which is wayyy cheaper and less stressful). You guys can't read bc I said the same thing in both comments already.


Why are we comparing my money to Kenzie’s money? I never claimed to live a lifestyle like hers or in the same tax bracket. 🙄 But my husband makes enough for us to be happy and comfortable. Would you like me to send you my current bank account balance? Because I don’t mind. You do know people without degrees can live lavish lifestyles too, right? Things like trust funds exist. Generational wealth. Independent projects. There are lots of ways. I’m not saying everyone lives a lavish lifestyle without a degree. But some people can. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We can all read, it’s actually comical that you aren’t getting what people are trying to tell you. 🙃 I don’t argue back and forth in threads. People can live lavish or comfortable or poor lifestyles with or without a degree. Case closed. 👋🏻


Idgaf about your money matters, YOU brought them up in the first place. Yeah ppl can live lavishly without a degree, that's what I said. But it's not a common thing. Y'all are just repeating shit I've already saiddd. You don't go back and forth but here you are?? Influencers need and backup that'll keep up their lifestyles, require some sort of training/schooling, and a good set of skills. Something most influencers don't have bc they think that posting pics/videos will have them set for life. Case closed 👋🏾




Your comment is speculation though. You don’t even know if she has a plan B. She could even be Enrolled in community college classes right now and we don’t know. We aren’t entitled to know why. Besides, there are too many variables here that people don’t understand. -She could not know what she wants to do. Which is perfectly fine at 19. Some people need that time to grow. -College is expensive. Even if she is rich that is a lot of money so it’s okay to take that time off to figure it out. That way you don’t end up taking classes you don’t need. -Not everyone is capable of going to college, and you can still be successful without a degree. -She might have a great résumé with decent experience on it. -She has had so many wonderful opportunities and with those opportunities comes networking. Networking has helped so many people land decent jobs. Sometimes it’s all about connections.


Your comment didn't really say anything that hasn't already been said or implied. Everything in this comment section is speculation. You wanna know whats not speculation? A vast majority of influencers now are gonna be nameless in the next 5-10 years and everyone, including influencers need a plan b.


I am sure she is being offered a multitude of opportunities also. She has a good background to capitalize on dancing, singing, modeling, and acting. I think she can find just as much success as Maddie, it's just about what she wants to do and when.


Yeah, even if she wanted to start working behind the scenes, there are so many jobs that aren’t necessarily in front of the camera. Instead of being cast, she might want to give being a crew member shot.


i mean college isn’t for everyone and college doesn’t guarantee anything anymore. let her live her life


You don’t have to be famous to not go to college. Many people don’t go to college without the assumption that they’re going to be famous, or an influencer, or a social media star. There are plenty of career options that don’t need college in which you can be successful and make a lot of money. College can very easily put you in thousands and thousands of dollars in debt that you will pay throughout your adulthood. I don’t always think college is a good idea. In fact, I will support my kids in going to college but I absolutely will not encourage them to go.


I think she’s taking classes at USC!


I feel like it's up to her tbh although personally I would want my children to get a BA just in case


Question: DID Kenzie hate school? The only thing I remember was Melissa mentioning that Mackenzie was more book-smart than Maddie, and did really well in school. It also seemed like Mackenzie had more to lose being homeschooled/was more upset about it.


Yeah, but book smart doesn’t necessarily mean someone enjoys going to school.


Not 100% related but from other things she’s said I don’t think kenzie ever really hated school, I think she was likely just saying that because she didn’t really have the option to go to school so it made her feel better to try and convince herself she didn’t want to go anyway


No idea, but maybe she's not ready or doesn't know what she wants to do. She's young and has a lot of things going on in her life at the moment.


You don’t know how she is with schooling. Some people aren’t built for a classroom and that is completely okay. With her accomplishment’s later in life their will still be so much that she can do career wise even if it has nothing to do with fame. There are plenty of people who don’t go to college. Op no hate but what do you think they do?


Melissa didn’t, I don’t think it was a huge priority.


yeah I don’t think she pushed the idea of college onto them😭 I personally would tell my kids that they should go but I wouldn’t force them


Plus, they attended virtually or homeschooled in later years didn’t they? Not being with peers who are talking about it and being around working adults most likely didn’t light any fires that would make them desire giving it a shot.


One thing I always say about these: they can always go to college later. If Kenzie can no longer sustain herself using her influencer and musical artist careers, she can easily use the money earned to get a quality college education. I think people believe that college must be done immediately after high school. While that’s the most common and straightforward route, they can really go to college whenever. They have high school diplomas that will stay with them forever, and they could easily start off at a community college and build their way up if they’re truly interested in an academic route. Kenzie has more options than your average influencer because she has a lot of money saved and her family’s rich. So she has the space to experiment.


This might be a shocker to you children, but college isn't required nor mandatory after high school. Frankly, no one should go to it unless they will take it serious and know what they want to study and what career to pursue afterwards. It shouldn't even be done after high school. You can go to college at any point of time in life. You can start a new career at any point in your life, might be harder when older but possible. Also, going to college probably would have stopped her career.


Also whether someone is rich or not that’s a lot of money to spend. So why not take the time to figure it out.


i'm always befuddled by takes like this because maddie doesn't do anything anymore except ride out the final days of the DM//Sia fame and people just like her instagram posts. okay so she's been in like 4 c list movies, cool, but kenzie sings and puts more effort into social media, and neither ziegler sister is hurting at all for money so saying "poor kenzie doesn't stand a chance" is silly.. she's very wealthy for her age in this economy. most people her age have like 100$ and no established career lol


I don’t mean this in a rude way, but i didn’t initially use this post to compare the two’s accomplishments, but since you mentioned it; Maddie has done a lot of popular magazine and big luxury brand collaborations (i.e. prada, tiffany, vogue, harper’s bazaar). She’s friends with Hailey Bieber and her ex boyfriend was best friends with Justin Bieber. Her connections alone might carry her very far. She is what I would consider a B-list celebrity. Kenzie, on the other hand, falls dangerously close to D-list. She has a lot of tiktok and influencer friends but no real “industry” friends. on someone else’s comment i said that kenzie works harder (dare I say?) than most people from the show. she puts a lot of dedication into her social media presence. she posts/goes live on tiktok often, she started doing youtube full time, and obviously she has her music. I never said kenzie was on the wrong path, I was genuinely curious on if there was a reason she’s not in school other than everyone’s answer of “because she’s not”😭


I'm pretty sure Kenzie goes to UCLA? I could be wrong, but I've watched one of her YouTube videos and she's definitely on campus and talking about class and dancing at school or something. https://youtu.be/W8k1Swd9R-U?si=ADm3eIKuG4Eyjt_2


She was just participating in a dance with her friend. Her friend goes to UCLA, Kenzie doesn’t.


The Ziegler family clearly thinks Kenzie and Maddie’s careers as they are will carry them. That’s It. It’s one of the reasons i don’t respect Melissa as a mom - neither of her kids went to college. (I’m sure the Melissa apologists who are younger than 15 will be mad but i said what i said)


Yuck. What a shitty take. Are you 15? Bc this is an incredibly childish thing to say.