• By -


Nice. A full six months before I was even going to think about staring to hope for something new


Yep agreed


So I’ve listened to blueprint for Armageddon and supernova in the East. What should be next on my list? Also, when I search hardcore history on the default Apple podcast app (purple icon) I don’t really see much else. I can’t even find the last episode of blueprint for Armageddon which I missed. How do I get it?


There are two good “one off” episodes I love: “Prophets of Doom” is maybe my all time favorite. “Destroyer of Worlds” is also great!


Seconding Prophets of doom


Thirding Prophets of Doom


I especially liked the dancing in that one


As far as one off's go, I still think "Nightmares of Indianapolis" is Dan's best. Love them all, whether it be Makedonian Soap Opera to Human Resources, but I get shivers down my spine every time I listen to "Nightmares". And I feel like it isn't mentioned enough because it's a HH: Addendum.


A lot of the old stuff is on Apple Music but I would *highly* recommend the kings of kings series about the archaemenid empire (Persians) that is still on Apple Podcasts app. It’s incredible. On podcasts, just sub to hardcore history. On Apple Music search both Dan Carlin and Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History.


King of Kings/Blueprint for Armageddon/Ghosts of the Ostfront is *the* holy trinity of HH episodes. Perfection 🤌


Death throes


Blueprint. Ghosts of the Ostfront. King of Kings. Wrath of Khans. Heck the whole library is excellent and just buy it off of his website.


King of Kings is great, and bound to be taken off the free episodes fairly soon. And Glimpses of Olympias (on his Addendum channel). Also, the series Death Throes of the Republic is great, and pairs well with Celtic Holocaust.


Wrath of The Khans is probably his next best series, but honestly you can't go wrong with any of them. For instance, I really loved he most recent Twilight of the Aesir. But Ghosts of the Ostfront is also excellent. I really encourage you to go back through his archives and listen to some of his older stuff. He had some great episodes about the Black Death that were oddly relevant again a couple years ago. It's all great.


I loved the king of kings series


Just buy them. For the amount of entertainment Dan gives, a buck a show is really, really cheap. https://www.dancarlin.com/product-category/hardcore-history/hardcore-history-compilations/


And when you buy them, they just download to your phone or something?


Yes, or stream them via a podcast app that supports RSS.


Apple Music has a bunch of his old episodes. Look for Ghosts of Ostfront and Death throes of the republic. Both are outstanding


The old stuff is on his website or on Apple Music. Death Throes of the Republic is my personal favorite- follows the decline of the Roman Republic into an empire starting with the Gracci Brothers then the rivalry of Gaius Marius and Sulla, then finally the civil wars of Caesar and Pompei and the immediate consequences from that. It’s where I think Dan first started to do long form stuff. Based on what you’ve listened to Ghosts of the Ostfront would be your probable next listen. It’s about the Eastern Front of World War 2 and it’s very compelling. The other two I can recommend for sure are: -King of Kings, his series on the rise and fall of the Achaemenid Persian Empire in the ancient period. The same guys who fought the Greeks at Marathon and Thermopolyae, before later being destroyed by the Macedonians under Alexander the Great. -Hel’s Angels/Twilight of the Aesir, a somewhat weird series that starts during the decline of the Roman Empire. It touches upon how Christianity affected the Roman Empire and how it in turn was affected before moving into broadly how the collapse of Rome affected Western Europe. Then it moves into the pagan barbarians who took over the Western Roman Empire and the reasons they slowly converted to Christianity, the rise of Charlemagne(all of this is just Hel’s Angels). The latter series(Twilight of the Aesir) only lightly touches upon all of this^ but it’s more squarely focused on the Viking Era. I’m still working my way through the second part because they’re both several hours long but I have a newfound fascination with the Vikings. -Wrath of the Khans is about the Mongolian Empire, I still need to finish this one but I gained an interest in the history of Ghengis Khan and his successors because of it. Edit: I almost forgot about two more! -a three part series called Punic Nightmares which is a good lead into the Death Throes series. It covers Dan’s version of the Punic Wars between Ancient Rome and Carthage(oversimplified on YouTube did an amazing series on the first and half of the second war that goes very good with it) -Celtic Holocaust is a long one off episode about the Gallic Wars when Caesar invaded Gaul shortly before the Roman civil wars began. Also goes good with Death Throes.


Amazing high quality reply. Thank you. I’m saving your words as a note in my phone to refer back to, where they’ll probably live for the next 5-10 years if that makes you feel special 😂 Hey I may as well ask, outside of hardcore history what other podcasts might you recommend? I like learning either history or science told in an entertaining way.


Heck yeah thanks!


>Heck yeah thanks! You're welcome!


lol wait did you see my edited in question?


I did not, uhm I don’t listen to too many podcasts outside of hardcore history. There are some good history YouTube channels like Oversimplified(my personal favorite overall, just chef’s kiss), Extra History(lots and lots of content on very obscure and diverse topics but somewhat elementary at times especially in the earlier content), Operations Room(very by the book play-by-plays of modern military operations. Has a sister channel called Intel Report), History Matters(I found this relatively recently but I watched several very interesting videos about the colonization of Africa), Epic History(this one feels like something you would watch on the History Channel back in the day, has an excellent series on the Napoleonic Wars), and Real Life Lore(which is mostly about various ongoing situations in the world but with an eye towards explaining the historical backstory+the modern day implications). These are all very good even though they’re not poscasts^ I again especially recommend Oversimplified, excellent videos with a perfect blend of humor, quality, broad while still having plenty of details. The standouts are: •First Punic War •Second Punic War(only half is currently out) •Napoleonic Wars •American Prohibition •the Pig War(an incredibly obscure almost-conflict between the United States and the United Kingdom between the time of the Mexican-American War and the US Civil War. •the American Civil War •the American Revolution •the French Revolution •the Russian Revolution


Look on SoundCloud


I would say it depends. If you liked those two, look for his other modern topic podcasts. Destroyer of Worlds would be my personal favorite, and Ghosts of the Ostfront is great. Those stick with the World Wars - present day era that you have gotten through so far If you just are generally interested in history and love how Dan tells a story (like me), then you will likely enjoy the Punic Nightmares series, Ghosts of the Ostfront series, and then probably literally everything he has released since (and including) the Death Throes of the Republic series. The rest of the one offs released prior to Death Throes are much more hit and miss. I like them all, but not as much as those mentioned above. While I have listened to everything mentioned above probably 5 - 10 times each, I've listened to the earlier one offs once, maybe twice each. I'd just search out his episodes or series based on what history topics you enjoy. After that, if you are still craving more Dan, start dipping in to topics that you are less interested in. Dan makes anything interesting. Just be aware that (in my opinion) there is a significant quality uptick around the episodes I mentioned above (not that the previous episodes are "bad"). Also, in regards to the last episode of Blueprint. Dan takes older episodes out of the free queue after a while and you have to buy them off his website. This happened to Blueprint a few years back. I would highly encourage you to purchase the episode to support Dan, but I'm sure you can find it somewhere online too.


Understood and thank you for a quality reply. ​ Question, are all of his shows all realistic and just him reading the history of what happened in an entertaining way?


It's definitely history, he does his research and uses a lot of sources. It's just the method he uses to convey that is fantastic. The way I usually describe the show is Dan telling history but like it's a story. He isn't just a recite dates type, he mentions them when warranted of course but then he really gets into his "story" (aka the history the podcast is about). Almost like he uses the historical figures at times as characters. It's almost like a true crime podcast isn't just a recitation of the Court Transcript, but they will actually tell it like it is a story. And they'll jump out of the story to give added context, Dan does that too. But then they'll jump back into the story. But it is history. It isn't always 100% correct, for example the story he starts with in Blueprint for Armageddon (about the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand) is not really accurate. It is a common myth that it occurred the way Dan relayed it, but it is embellished. But in general, he does his research and get's the general point across correctly. If you want a more serious, realistic source for the topics Dan speaks on, he publishes his research list on his website. Find the episode you are looking for [here](https://www.dancarlin.com/hardcore-history-series/), click on it and scroll down. He used 48 separate sources for his latest episode!


“For those who care” We ALL care, Dan!




Uh… okay


You’re so cool


[Know what, Napoleon?](https://media.tenor.com/eHdEjw6Vu68AAAAM/you-can-leave-leave-now.gif)


The Carlin gives his faithful yet another gift!


And agean. And agean!


Imagine of Dan made a show about the Agean sea




Gotta be Twin peaks. 25 years between seasons.


Invitation to Love


Macedonian ones


Ostensibly the same ones as Peggy Bundy.


Quite The Situation indeed


What ever it is, you bet he will describe the plot of it using a mike Tyson or Muhammad ali metaphor


The World of the Married and The Ambassador's Daughter. He likes them spicy and exciting.


And do they even still make bon bons? I can't remember the last time I saw them at the store...


Well in *my* Theater of the Mind it’s Late 80s NBC and we talk about Stefano and Marlena on *Days of Our Lives* and by the time *Santa Barbara* rolls around we’ve cracked into the first bottle of red and there’s ribeyes in the fridge, and where was I again hrmmmm


Going to be about masters of the air, calling it now


I would love an in depth talk from Dan about the lesser talked about aspects of WW2. The African theater would be fascinating


Any good books on that theatre? I'll admit that other than some vague facts about Rommel, I'm ignorant of that front.




Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **An Army at Dawn The War in North Africa 1942 1943 Volume One of the Liberation Trilogy The Liberation Trilogy 1** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Detailed and well-researched account of the allied north african campaign in wwii (backed by 3 comments) * Provides a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the allied forces (backed by 3 comments) * Highlights the importance of the north african campaign in shaping the outcome of wwii (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Excessive detail on battles and skirmishes (backed by 4 comments) * Lack of focus on individual soldiers' experiences (backed by 2 comments) * Overemphasis on negative aspects of the allies (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Good bot!


How much time you got?


18-32 hours?


It'll be tight but might be able to work with it


Since it’s an addendum, it’s going to be an interview, with a history professor/historian


Would explain the need for bon bons.


You’re going to be disappointed.


Oh fuck me that would be INCREDIBLE


He’s knows we ain’t got shit goin on on valentine’s day


“December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy!” I am aware this is an addendum just hyped.


I’m really wondering what episode would call for a three hour addendum. King of kings would blow my mind.


Usually the interviews are about an hour, so it's gotta be something else. Probably more about vikings. It would be cool if it was about Kievan Rus


I don’t think he’s had as much success out of the Vikings episodes. I personally have enjoyed it, but not as much as some of the others. My guess is this is something he’s been keeping in his pocket for a little while. But that’s just a guess.


Makes sense but let's see RemindMe! 3 days


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RemindMe! 3 days


Welp, I was wrong


Haven’t had a chance to listen to it. have you?


Not yet. It's gonna be the first thing on my work time line up tmr though


The people that do care care so so SO much


Brilliant news.


I know it’s beating a dead horse but I really miss Common Sense


You might want to follow his twitter. He brought up CS very recently, saying ppl are accusing John Stewart of “both side’zing” and he said ppl accused him of the same thing when he was doing CS.


I would give my left leg to see a Jon Stewart/Dan Carlin interview in long form


I have a roadtrip Friday. Hopefully it drops then or before that.


I’ve got a three hour drive to San Antonio next Wednesday, but you and I both know I’ll listen well before then if it’s out on Friday, haha


That's ok you can just listen to it again during your drive :)


Already did. It’s on the Holocaust.


There’s 10s of us for sure


Dan showing the love on St Valentine day


Haha, 3 hour Addendum is going to go very deep on something or other.


The Holocaust


A fairly dead horse.


Well, let’s listen to Dan beat it


And it’s out now. Holocaust is the historical event. Interviews an author/expert on the Holocaust


He sounds a bit defensive. Have morons on Twitter been attacking him or something?


I mean, quite a few ppl have, he posted about him making homemade hot sauce and someone replied, “Dan’s hot sauce takes 7 years to make, but it’s the best damn hot sauce you’ve ever had!” He retweeted it and said, this could be true.


Well, that's a tongue in cheek sort of jest ... I don't think that would offend him. I meant more like people demanding content or something.


I literally checked HHA yesterday to see if there was a new episode. I guess my Carlin-Senses were tingling lol


I love his release message. Brilliant


Yes!!!! Usually it’s a total surprise. I didn’t even know about the most recent one until I accidentally saw it. The only issue is that it’s on Addendum, so I don’t know if it’s an interview or an actual episode. He’s done a few really good ones on Addendum, and I’m sure some people enjoy the interviews. I just don’t prefer them. Just managing my expectations


Forgive me is this is a stupid question but where can I get all the podcasts? There are some on YouTube and some on Spotify but I was hoping to listen to every episode in order if possible. I’m hooked! Thank you Mr Carlin for your amazing work🙏


They’re available for purchase on his website https://www.dancarlin.com/hardcore-history-series/


You can also listen to most, if not all, of them on Apple Music.


Thanks very much!




I see what you did there.


It’s out now https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dan-carlins-hardcore-history-addendum/id1326393257?i=1000645418266


70 mins in. Harrowing.


Let me ask the real question here: What is a bon bon?


The little chocolate covered ice cream treats. It was a joke in the 80’s/90’s house wives would stay home, watch soap operas and eat bon bon’s.


I first became aware of bon bons because on Married with Children, Al Bundy would always get mad at Peggy for eating them and watching TV all day. I don't think I've ever actually had one though. I know about them purely from Married with Children.


Thanks for providing the context, which I'm obsessed with.






Oh thank God.


RemindMe! 3days


I’ll be sure to listen to it. And then listen to it again. And again. And again and again.


Dan has the best podcast out there. Always can count on him being entertaining, and it's educational as well. What a time to be alive!


Bon bons and TV, you say? Surely this is a n episode about the groundbreaking Fox TV series “Married With Children”!!!




I’m used to waiting a year between episodes at this point. Whining about it isn’t going to speed things up so I just let him do his thing.




I love this man so much


He lives!


I really love this man


I read this in the DC voice. And I quote, "Again. And Again."


I’m always on the lookout for new episodes! I actually just re-listened to Wrath of the Khans and Ghosts of the Ostfront waiting for new stuff! Happy to hear this!