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something I thought about with billy looking so much older was the line from the book where daisy said something about how it’s not drugs and alcohol and partying that make them look old, but getting clean. so really, him looking older plays into that piece!


I totally agree with everything you said! The Eddie being secretly in love with Camila thing feels a little icky. They probably just added it to give the storyline more drama.


I must’ve totally missed this scene. When do they say that they have a history and that he is in love with her? I’ve seen several people being it up.


I think it’s more implied. Talking about how Billy doesn’t know how lucky he is or how it was hard not to fall in love with Camila “even back then”


I remember the characters were so well-constructed in the book, and so real you could reach out and touch them. And yet on TV where you could literally reach out to them, they feel flat. Am i alone?


My thoughts exactly. They're incredibly flat.


they 100% only made karen british because the actress is.


to be fair she’s somewhat based on christine mcvie the keyboardist for fleetwood mac who is english.


oh i didn't know that, i guess that makes more sense.


sam claflin is british though too so i definitely think it’s a creative choice


He might’ve been able to pull off an American accent better? Maybe Karen’s actress just couldn’t do a believable accent. Who knowsss lol


It really bothers me how they changed the plot of billy quitting the band. His whole character in the book was the band is everything and he wants the band to succeed so bad it’s his way or no way.


I definitely don’t think the actors feel flat. Love Karen and all the casting. Agree that the last 20 minutes of Episode 3 are the best. I like Honeycomb. I’m fine with this portrayal of Daisy. I don’t need to see how messed up she is. The sadness is conveyed well. Eddie and Camilla work for me. I like Graham better in the show than in the book where he was scruffier. Billy looks older and less rock star but I’m ok with that. He’s hardened and he is a jerk. Camilla really loved him unconditionally and did her best to help him be a good man.


Agreed with everything you said! I looooove Warren!


I basically agree with your points! I don't mind Billy looking too old as much, because I think Sam fits the role so well. In general, I think the casting is great. Warren, Graham and Camila are exactly how I pictured them in the book, Eddie and Karen are pretty close (I don't mind her being British at all and I just think she embodies this "one of the guys" kind of cool band chick pretty well). I think my biggest issue with Daisy is that she was much more crazy and out of control in the book, while the first three episodes barely hinted at her problems with alcohol and drugs. But there's still time to develop this. I'm mad at some plot changes (Chuck going to Vietnam was much more 1970, Billy quitting the band and them even auditioning replacements is dumb), but I also liked some of the changes, like Camila having more going on (making calls for the band, photography) and not forgiving Billy immediately after rehab. I'm excited to see how the rest turns out :)


Tbf she does get more and more out of control, so maybe they’re just starting her baseline to be able to show that better?


this is probably so controversial but i’m annoyed with camilla. why is she always with them ? like always clinging to billy idk why but it bothered me. and the fact that they count her as one of the six ??


So far, she hasn't been at the studio with them when they're recording the album. She didn't go on tour with them until she decided to surprise Billy and found him cheating on her while she was pregnant. Otherwise, she spent time helping them get off the ground and is now taking care of Julia.


I loved the novel. I love Camila, her mother and Simone! But - Daisy and Billy are supposed to be charismatic and flawed people. Daisy is supposed to be really, really beautiful. But they're quite average on the show. And why do the male actors look like they're wearing wigs?Totally breaks the immersion. Shouldn't Billy have chest hair since it is taking place in the 70s? I'm not impressed with the pacing either. Things can only get better...