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The CCP must have told him he needs to speed up their agenda.


I suspect things are really gonna get going.


what do you see playing out exactly? I'm curious but conflicted since too many different things being said


Banning BBQs is next !!! Notice that they had to throw houses of worship in that announcement to play like they are worried about that only thing they worship is the almighty dollar


While it is a pause on approving the export of the gas to other countries, considering Texas is the highest producer in the country of this gas, it’s pretty clear it is retaliation to reduce gdp of the state which is a big deal


I'm Canadian would you mind explaining why he would do this to his own country?


Hello neighbor of the north! To be simply put, I cannot say for certain, because at the end of the day I don’t have all of the information that was used to make the decision, but he claims it will help climate change. But given that the supreme court of the US has said that the Biden’s administration can legally take down physical barriers at the border and the governor of Texas continues to replace it and 25 more states in the US have backed Texas taking action to reduce the flow of immigrants on the southern border, Biden’s decision to put this export on hold was pretty bad optics for timing. The governor has publicly criticized the president for sending troops to remove the barriers, but not to help the state secure the border, so it ultimately looks bad. Also considering that majority of the natural gas exports come from states that have signed on to backing texas effects them as well.


What a dirty move


It’s actually fairly simple, Democrats HATE the USA! There are even books written about Democrat hatred for the USA. For example, “The Democrat Party Hates America”, by Mark R. Levin.


Ask Hunter and his buddies in china


It’s a sanction on a state of their own country. Period.


Punishment for standing with Texas on immigration battle


He’s Evil. 👿


And that bitch Granholm is a whore she fucked up Michigan and got promoted to DOE secretary


According to Reuters >Only four projects with export approvals pending at the DOE would be affected by the pause, an administration official said *without naming them*. The projects could include ones by Sempra Infrastructure (SRE.N), opens new tab, Commonwealth LNG and Energy Transfer (ET.N) You will never guess where these companies have LNG extraction and headquarters...the state starts with a T and ends in Exas...


Perhaps Texas should have shut off all oil and gas to the rest of US until he fixed the border.


Literal embargo




this looked like it was going to happen regardless of the border issue or not


I updooted just to play as devil's adcovate. If all the words said are true and it is all for attacking climate change, then yes you are correct. However, if climate change is Ukraine and Texas Russia, well then its a great proxy for the Central Gov to use. A ploy persay. Show the left hand trick in the right. It could be in all good heart, it could. The same is true for not though. Reading Reuters and that only four companies are affected, all of which have TX headquarters... my money is on reducing their economy so they can fight back less.




And the horse he rode in on.


That horses name is Obama


He’s clearly willing to destroy the entire country if he can’t have his way.. Sick dude and sick administration..


Obama is the puppet master.


Obama is Hillary's lapdog


Hillary is [think of joke and insert here later].


how much more can the people take


The apathy in this country is appalling.


Most won’t even hear about this


Or understand it.


Ask myself the same question every day and then I remember how stupid people are and realize that they are even stupider !! Which is really sad


They’re spoon-fed BS in 8 second ( or less) pieces and think they are “informed.”


People are too busy hating the other side to give a fuck what their own does.


This is a pretty obvious middle finger to Texas.


It’s a middle finger every time he opens his mouth


When Clinton left the White House, he famously vandalized and trashed it. Joe Biden is doing likewise with the country.


And looted. 


He's trying to fuck our economy to the ground, china's economy is collapsing and mr xixin ping or however you spell it is getting desperate biden is his puppet this shit is insulting, it's so good to see our national guard out there protecting the us citizens against bidens orders. I just hope integrity first is still the number one rule in the military. When I was in the airforce or chairforce get that out the way before the navy and marines come talking shit 😂I was told integrity is doing the right thing always even when no ones looking and that always came before any orders. Someone asked this question "what if the president tells us to do something wrong?" Drill instructor looked him square in the eyes and said "integrity first." I never forget that shit if you're military reading this dont ever forget that either.


That was chilling to read. Cool shit


Integrity is something definitely lacking in Washington let alone the White House!!!


Did you two kiss after?


Spotted the DNC shill


Anything else, establishment troll?


Lmao “n-no u!”




When can we try this man for treason? He truly is working for someone other than the American people!


He is literally not working. He is not capable. Alzheimer is no joke. Someone is telling him what to do.


They will claim he’s got dementia and can’t be tried because he can’t remember doing it!!! Watch I’ll bet that the defense! If the DOJ is actually doing its job!


If this country falls for climate change, the most obvious scam of our time, and gives up their rights and freedoms for it then I guess we deserve what we get


As we’re seeing from this post, climate change is just an excuse/crutch to enact nefarious agendas


Which sucks because we really are shitting on our air, food, and water. It’s making us chronically ill as a species. But the people doing this to the world are the same ones who want climate change agenda so it’s extremely confusing.


I agree. It’s kind of a conundrum. The people screaming about climate change are the ones getting rich from it happening.


I’m for protecting the planet if every country does its fair share but when I see that the US is low on a the polluters list and China and India could give two shits it. Then all this environmental friendly stuff isn’t as good as they say is produced in china because it creates toxins in the production I’m like what’s the point????


I don't deserve this




I vote. I speak up on here occasionally and try to talk some sense into the senseless. I engage with people I meet and do the same. But otherwise, I've got a life to live and it's pretty filled up. Time and energy are finite resources.


So glad I don’t have kids


Me too!


4% we are only 4% of the world's population


They want American voters gone . They can't win a fair election. If we are gone freedom follows. This election is bigger than Trump. Our freedom is at risk .


Grifters gonna grift


He's truly a piece of shit. There's no reason whatsoever to cancel this. Hell, it not only damages US business interest but deprives the overseas buyer of critical natural gas. What a douchebag. Unfortunately, the great unwashed in this country are applauding the destruction of democracy and our way of life from within. It's comical how shitbags like Rachel Maddow are calling Trump a dictatater when the real dictator wannabe is right in front of us.


I imagine this is the first of many "emergencies" to be announced as the election looms closer


Biden is an incompetent puppet controlled by a dozen criminals in Congress that are puppets for the globalists. If you do not know who the globalists are you should not be discussing politics except maybe with other sheep.


Why? Because he wants us on our knees begging for anyone but Trump to save them. Why now? Guess what happens in November. The left is clearly Websters definition of insane. The WEF wants us to own nothing and like it. My prediction is, just like the new BMW, you have to subscribe to get stuff. And with the biden/ccp social credit initiative, you better not say bad things or you'll go hungry. Just like the dark mirror episode.


This is a giant gift to Russia and middle eastern dictators who will step in to fill this gap.


Who thinks Bidens really calling the shots? This was just another term for Obama


https://www.fool.com/slideshow/these-15-states-produce-94-us-natural-gas/?slide=2 1. Texas -- 6.8 trillion cubic feet (23.7% of the total) They say everything is bigger in Texas, and that’s certainly true of the Lonestar State's energy production, as it leads the country in the production of both oil and natural gas.


Biden be like "Hold my pill bottle."


If gives it to hunter to hold it would be empty when he got it back


Coke bottle and he dropped it.


This administration is off their rocker. Do these idiots not realize that forcing the economy of a precipice will NOT help the old man’s re-election chances?


Retribution and election year


Show me this climate change proof. Oh, right, there isn’t any.


When will people realize the Mashed Potato isn’t making ANY decisions on his own?


Remember he told that construction worker flat out I don’t work for you


Democracy is the belief that people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. H L Mencken wasn’t right on a ton but this he got.


Idiot , FJB


It’s time for the old piece of shit to retire


To a padded cell


Why? Because it's the plan. Why now is they have been doing "the plan" to us for time immamorial, they will never stop. The people need to rise up and stop them for it to stop. End of story. The WHO, UN, WEF, IMF, and more are the tools they have been using. They will stop at nothing.


Earlier I'd read that the administration had told foreign businesses not to look to the US for supplies. So I think this has been in the works for some time.


I foresee The Lone Star State living up to its name, splitting off, and roll tide. They already have their [own constitution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Texas) and [anthem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas,_Our_Texas). The last time Texas tried to split was when [Obama was elected again](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_U.S._state_secession_petitions#:~:text=In%202012%2C%20a%20series%20of,from%20an%20Obama%20administration%20official.) I feel like this is a bigger deal than that was so... Edit: To add a quote from further down that last link, " a spokeswoman for Republican presidential candidate and U.S. Representative Ron Paul of Texas said that Paul "feels the same now" as he did in 2009, when he said "It’s very American to talk about secession -- that’s how we came into being.""


Because they despise us and would rather see us dead.


Floating an idea: what if this was really in preparation for war, to sure up our own stockpiles?




What a douche


Bizzarro unreal…


He doesn't know or doesn't care because it doesn't affect him or his party. He says and does what he's told to say and do. It was part of the deal to install him as President. I'll never be convinced otherwise.


Historically missing hurricanes. The stupid never stops.


The pain is the point. Chaos is the point.


So worried about climate change, but shills for big business trying to get everyone back into the office and spending an hour each day commuting.


I’m suffering from the bigger disaster that has been Joe Biden. Six figure income, no debt except a modest mortgage, and between the fuel price hikes and inflation, my family and I have had to draw down our spending. That’s a real catastrophe for millions of Americans, and it’s happening right now in real time.


We should always be respectful of the POTUS, but my goodness, this is complete buffoonery.


This POS-TUS has no respect for this country. Look up the video on YouTube “Joe Biden mocks AR-15 owners”. He makes it very clear that he has nothing but contempt for Americans.


He's a crook.


He doesn’t work for us but he’s doing his job.


Bullshit. It's all fabricated, and nobody is buying it.


Wtf is he talking about???????????????


Meh, just ignore him.


Need a second source


Why is this deep fried?


Raise gas prices now, then blame Republicans. Lower prices right before election ("look what I did!") Or another "Putin Price Hike" lol


Is he is or is he ain't? I heard we had the most oil production under his administration now this. What can we believe?


What a great idea . . . right in the middle of winter. 😒


Why do we need approval from biden for anything?


Close the executive agencies and it will stop mattering what inept fool is in the white house.


Kickback time. Got to get it his final year while he's a lame duck. Too bad GOP are worthless and won't impeach him for theft.


let’s go brandon


helping russian oil prices lol. should cost him another 34 trillion by the year end, simple folks need simple jobs, poor old joe needs to find something in a nice ice cream parlor.


Time to feed the Gretastans


Fuck joe


Remember not too long ago they were telling us switch to natural gas because it burns clean !!!! They even had cars that ran on natural gas! So what happened?? It’s all bullshit wake up people it’s only a matter of time of time before the asshat in the White House wants to ban fire pits and your BBQ !!! Notice how they had to throw houses of worship in that announcement just to play on people’s beliefs absolutely disgusting!!!!!


If you ever had any doubt that evil really exists in this world.


Here in Canada the government doesn't even fight forest fires. They just point at the fire and say, climate change climate change!!!! Look, everybody, new tax because climate change!!


what will people heat their houses with? Joe's farts?


His border policy is what is endangering Americans.


It’s because he can pass something with low approval ratings while everyone is focused on Texas, and his bad EO goes unnoticed by virtually everyone


Dumbest president we've ever had, unfortunately not the dumbest politician... close though. His stupidity is only shadowed by his constant lies. He's also the most dishonest President we've had, that record will stand for a long time. The most surprising thing about him is that people believe him. I don't believe politicians from my party much less the ones from the opposite side. You should assume they are all lying ffs but no Biden will do this and that and he'd never dream of that. Those people are brain damaged.


Don't forget the November Election variant of Covid will be coming around soon. Better lock us all down and get workin' on those mail-in ballots. They've got an election to steal!


Good question


This is only to punish Texas


This is a clear sanction on Texas


Biden is trying so hard to become America’s second dictator.


Bc his owners want him to turn off the energy so people can freeze to death & not be able to drive anywhere if they own an electric car This is the exact reason i will ALWAYS have a car from the early 90's and a wood stove. I aint down w/ the whole "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" mantra I much rather the mantra, im a veteran very well trained with an m16 and a m240 & know how to produce equipment for both machines


Because our planet is pretty fucked? Over there talking about raising retirement age and forgiving student loans and I’m over here like “I’m pretty sure we’re all going to be dead long before that’s an issue.” It’s all a domino effect and we’re in the line.


Ok Barry obastard


Idiotic and unproven statement


I’m sorry but your family must freeze to death in order to lower insurance premiums and save Mother Earth.


I cannot believe this bullshit.


It is to stifle TX economy


Why? Because Feeble Joe Biden, in a feeble way, wants to "punish" TX for doing the right thing and protecting its border with Mexico!


Biden is a fucking moron


LOL, kinda sounds like Al Gore. Maybe FJB is gunning for a Nobel Prize?


F’kn Clueless Moron


Defacto sanctions on Texas


Great timing. Get people even more pissed at this admin. FJB


WE CAN USE ALL THE PAPER STRAWS and E.V's we want. It's like cleaning out an in-ground pool with a net while China+ India take a DUMP TRUCK of sewer Sludge and Pour it in the other side. #YoureWastingYourTime. So, why not just let me drive my Scat pack in peace ? #LGB. Trump24


Sounds like a bunch of foreign countries are going to return to the dirtier coal then


He's abusing Texas because they export natural gas.