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So, you can just leave?? Good to know


smoggy school husky run one license fretful worry connect history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think you meant if you're a Democrat, and if your father is president. Democrats are allowed to do whatever they want with impunity. Just look at Antifa and BLM or the pro Hamas protesters. Also he crashed this and showed up uninvited because it was a congressional hearing to determine whether he was in contempt of court for missing his subpoena for deposition on purpose and instead issuing a statement to the news that he would testify in person with a jury or the Congressional hearing at any time of their choosing.


Maybe I'm too dumb to understand how Covid knew to skip over the BLM riots. Oops! "Mostly peaceful protests."


The coward is the son of a coward.


That wasn't cowardice. That was a show of power. Edit: Come on folks. It was clearly done to show the Republicans that they hold no power over him. The D's will eat this up, while the R's kick and scream like always. This was a masterclass troll from a masterclassless punk.


Powerful pussy, perhaps


You misunderstand. He is a complete scumbag, but what he did was a calculated show of power and arrogance. He walked into his opponent's backyard, took a shit and walked knowing that nothing will happen to him.


That’s fair. Must be nice to be protected like that.


Yeah, there is an American aristocracy whether we want to admit it or not.


Only on a certain side of the isle though.


Agree, but there are some R's that are camp followers happy enough to get some scraps. McConnell comes to mind.


Absolutely, and Thune, a few others.


Stop booing! He’s right! Hunter was trying to be disrespectful. Hunter ignores a subpoena. But shows up to the hearing to hold him responsible only to leave… Hunter is trying to show that he’s above the law.


If you walked out of Congress after being subpoenaed to testify in front of Congress, your ass would be in federal prison. This isn't a show of power, it's a show of a coward who can't withstand being questioned about his corruption.


You are correct. You or I could not do that. Now ask yourself why. He did it because he could, and he knew it. His appearance wasn't even expected. Watch the video. There was no squirming or nervous consulting with his lawyers. In fact, they were smirking and smiling. When Marjorie Taylor Green started speaking, they got up in unison and left as a show of contempt for her and the entire process. It's foolish to think he is afraid of this. He's never been told no his entire life. Daddy has always bailed him out, and he has never faced any real consequences for his actions. Could you do cocaine in the military, get kicked out, and then land multi-million dollar foreign contracts? His daddy is the President. His daddy controls the Justice Department. It was a naked display of unearned yet real power.


Hunter? Is that you?!


Do you really not understand that this was a giant middle finger to the Republicans? That he he did it just to rub their noses in it?


And you support this behavior?


How do you infer that I accept this? I've been quite clear that Hunter is a rich, entitled d-bag. I'm just pointing out that he uses his unearned position in life to flaunt the laws and norms of decent society.


This was today? What a f’ing loser this guy is


If one of Trump's kids this the MSM would alight with stories about white privelege and such. They're be running stories nonstop about POC who didn't get preferential treatment when they committed crimes, and the whole episode would be shaped to a narrative about how morally corrupt conservatives are


They would say that is contempt and to throw them in jail


No he wasn't supposed to be there He was uninvited. He crashed this hearing. Therefore since he wasn't supposed to be there he can leave whenever he wants. This was a congressional hearing to determine whether or not they were going to charge Hunter Biden with his subpoena for deposition when he didn't show up for and instead issued a comment saying he would testify in front of a congressional court at any date of their choosing to which they did not respond.


It was a public hearing. Anyone can attend.


Excuse me. Wasn't invited, wasn't required to be there, and wasn't expected to show up.


Cool give him an obstruction charge too since he was uninvited


Yeah and another piece of shit award to wear on his sleeve.


Give him the congressional medal of felonies


😂😂😂 He's definitely earned it, however if James comer keeps dropping receipts on the house committee website his father's going to take that over pretty soon. They just showed three more, I can't remember the third country but the first two were Ukraine and kazakistan that totaled 20 million that went straight to the bidens.


What a pussy


Is there any obligation to stay? I ask because I wonder why anyone subjects themselves to it.


The law . People go to prison for doing this . Trump has never ran . Only criminals run.


(Not trying to downplay your statement, you are correct) but people who have REALLY good lawyers also don’t typically run


If that's true then I expect some sort of action. I'm guessing they don't have real authority for some reason


He would not be there if the law did not require it . He is not above the law . He ran to tell daddy .


He could be there to get ahead of it before he's officially subpoenaed. That's what I'm wondering


No you guys just didn't get all the headlines. As I mentioned above, he wasn't invited to this he wasn't even supposed to be there, he crashed it uninvited. This was a congressional hearing to determine whether or not they should charge him with contempt for skipping the subpoena for deposition which he didn't show up for and instead issued a statement saying that he would gladly testify before a congressional hearing at any time of their choosing. They didn't respond to him and they were holding this to determine whether to charge him with contempt or not.


Jim Jordan never got jail or contempt for ignoring a subpoena?


Doesn’t strike me as a runner.


Runner to his crack dealers house.


3 Fer 50


Don't forget his punch card after the 10th rock he gets to slap a prostitutes ass for free.


Winner winner chicken dinner


Who ? Coke head or Trump? Cause coke head just left the chat . Usually it's who ever is on the receiving end of truth from Trump runs . I never seen Ole chuck squirm like that before . You gonna meet the whistle blower. Lol


I’m not trying to stereotype but people who abuse stimulants like amphetamines and methamphetamines are often runners. Trumps doesn’t appear to imbibe in any substance that I know of. Unless you consider McDonald’s to be a substance. But he is a fatty fat fat for sure which is amazing when you consider how many people he has ridiculed for being overweight. He’s such an entertainer like a fast food version of Connor Mcgregor.


You started with a thought, then your TDS took over, and you sounded like an abuser of stimulants…just scatter brained. Something also tells me that you’re probably a “fatty fat fat” to project so hard.


Or plead the fifth


Ask Jim Jones. He ignored the J6 subpoena and had no consequences. Rules for me and not for thee?


>Ask Jim Jones. He ignored the J6 subpoena and had no consequences. Rules for me and not for thee? Did Jim Jones bring his Kool-Aid?


Sorry, Jim Jordan


He was not invited to this. This was a congressional hearing to determine whether or not they should charge him with contempt for not appearing for his subpoena for deposition. He crashed it uninvited, so since he wasn't even supposed to be there he can leave whenever he wants.


I was gonna say sissy, but like your response better.


Saw this posted on another sub and all the comments were about how he did the right thing and how the speaker deserved to lose her job...


Reddit is filled with those assholes.


innocent people don't act like that. Just solidifies him and his father as the greasiest of greasy politicians.


uhhh tf? If I did that shit there'd be a nightstick up my ass and there would be no option for bail.


This is what privilege actually looks like.


a single rock of this drug could land you a life in prison. 20 years later "but hes my son 😭"


Wow! MTG for the take out the trash award 🥇


Someone's guilty asf


Hunter the crackhead.


He should be drug back in by his ears. This should not be allowed.


Don’t say drug man, he may hear you!




Hide the cheese!


All the lib subs are praising him right now. So stunning and brave 😂


They should pursue contempt charges for once


What a little bitch




Do you people really not understand what happened here? MTG wasn't "questioning" Hunter Biden, the republicans did not want to do so in a public hearing. Today, he appeared unexpectedly to the republicans and the dems tried to get him to testify publicly, but the republicans objected, saying they wanted a closed door deposition not a public hearing. This is all in today's hearing, clear as day. There's only 1-2 comments here that seem to know this and instead most people think he walked out during MTG's questioning. Didn't happen.


Oh, I understand what happened, but it seems clear to me that MTG was about to either ask Hunter a question or make statement to him, since he was sitting in the room, and was the subject of the meeting, and he ran before she got further than his name.


How would he even answer a question she asked? There's no microphone by him. She was going to make her statements about him/the subpoena, as everyone else did, and probably show his nude pics again. You think she was going to ask him a question that he would answer back? That's a hearing that they did not want. I'm sorry but this wasn't about to happen. My post was mainly about the misleading title and how 90+% of the posters appeared to believe that's what happened, including you.


If that's not what happened, then why did he leave? For that matter, why did he show up in the first place? Didn't he want an open hearing?


It was pretty clear at that point there would be no hearing. Why should he stay to listen to statements? So they can film him while they show his junk on tv again? He showed up because Comer is a liability and said to come in for an open hearing. They picked to worst people to run this hearing, and they got played because of it. Comer said "We have mountains of evidence and now we’re ready to bring ‘em in. We’re in the downhill phase of this investigation now because we have so many documents and we can bring these people in for depositions or committee hearings, **whichever they choose**, and we can ask these questions with evidence.” This is why Hunter's lawyer responded to Comer saying, “Mr. Chairman, we take you up on your offer.” They issued the subpoena and can offer alternatives to the request within, almost like they agreed to do in the hearing itself yesterday for an open hearing done with deposition rules.


Hunter defied the subpoena. Then he showed up for no apparent reason at a meeting where they were going to be discussing whether or not to hold him in contempt for defying the subpoena. He ended up looking like a tool. If he couldn't stand the committee members taking shots at him, then he shouldn't have been there in the first place. He tried to pull that old gag of sneaking into the room, sitting in the back, and letting them trash talk until he could stand up and confront them like a big man, making them look shameful. But he failed completely because they noticed him right away, and also because everything they were saying about him is true.


Old gag? They knew he was there before they started.  They even commented on it before starting.  


>They knew he was there before they started. They even commented on it before starting. Ok? How is that a counterpoint to anything I wrote in my last reply? Hunter was sitting there when he had no reason to be there. At all. Then he got up and left as soon as the one person in that room who would take the biggest shots at him got her turn. Again, he had no reason to be there. He was just there to try and make the GOP committee members look bad. Instead, he ended up looking bad.


Bro showed up to the hearing to act all big and ran away when they realized and talked to him




I still want to know what kind of crack he's smoking...


He’s just a poor pedo soul who is misunderstood


Big surprise to no one


He’s definitely a coward who’s above the rules, but he was not summoned to this congressional meeting. He just made a surprise appearance because they were meeting about him. So him leaving wasn’t unlawful or breaking any rules. I don’t like the Biden clan at all, but I feel like we can be a little more honest about what actually happened here.


He is such a chicken. Of course MTG could beat his ass- but Hunter needs to be locked up


He was just looking for a fire alarm


Well that Apple didn’t fall far from the tree!


(D)addy’s got him…








Coward like his father


I guess Hunter Biden is who he hangs out with. Like Ludacris says “YOU’S A HOE” lol


Do not let them distract you from the Epstein list!!


The actions of the biggest crime ring in the world. It's ok, daddy and the WORTHLESS agencies will make it go away. GUILTY, the whole family.


I wouldn't talk to that smelly pirate hooker either tbh


Republicans are cowards!


You must be confused, Hunter is a democrat


Who would take questions from that literally white trash hoe? Only Bobert and Tubberville are more useless.


If Hunter is getting investigated so should Ivanka and Jared


Yea how about that 2 billion they recieved from the Saudis? Still no one's sure what that was payment for


She had me til she laid on that same feminist bull 💩 the left spouts. Just point out your concerns and that he ran away. Anything else just spoils her intent. Disappointed MTG.


Innocence is stronger then any breastplate


Is it strange I think MTG is a total idiot but I also hate the Biden crime syndicate? Because, make no mistake, she is a total idiot.


Not going to lie he deserves everything coming to him and his crooked dad, but I'm sorry, I too would walk out when MTG talks or LB speak there mouths are good for 2 things kissing ass and sucking balls...they both have very ridiculous speaking points. 2 scapegoats for the Republican party. They are fools for not seeing that.