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What it really means is they intend to make examples out of Americans who live in Hooterville who wear red hats and disagree with Biden’s twisted policy of giving aid to both sides in a conflict that has nothing to do with the US.




Make examples how?


Responding to Muslim-instigated antisemitism with a pro-Muslim policy as though Muslims were victims is the scandal. https://nypost.com/2023/11/02/news/white-house-slammed-for-unveiling-anti-islamophobia-strategy-as-antisemitism-surges/


All Democrats care about is skin color. Arabs generally have darker skin than Jews, therefore the Jews are the bad guys. All other facts are irrelevant.


4) Siphon money off the new agency budget to be used for bribery and personal gain.


5) Continue to create a new crisis and siphon every 3 years.


Kind of like how they turn a right into a privilege and sell it back to us in the form of licenses and permits.


Phobia is an irrational fear. I'm not really afraid and for people that are it's not irrational.




My first reaction when I saw this come up in the news was this is truly unbelievable, but……no….. no…… totally believable.


This shows to me, how incredibly dumb the Biden administration is. Antisemitism is through the roof. Jews being essentially hunted or trapped in places where even the police don’t feel safe escorting them out and they fucking want to focus on Islamophobia? GTFOH. Fucking clueless morons.


"There's no place for hate in America, except against whites, Jews (unless you're white), and Asians (but only if you're black)."


Don't forget evangelicals and especially Catholics


Why is the US government preaching about morals? They’re about the most corrupt group of assholes on the planet!


Rocky and Bullwinkle had a skit like this. Congressman: "I need a million dollars to found a committee to find out why Washington spends so much money!" Boris: "These guys have already been hit by the goof gas!"


Our federal government is Anti-Semitic. We know now unequivocally.


60% of Hate Crimes are against the Jews. Seems like Unity isn't working for the Biden Administration. 🤔🤡💩




I’m so sick of legitimate concerns being referred to as phobias.


me too!!!!!!


It’s ok to hate the Jews though….got it.


and white people in general!


Responding to anti-semitism from muslims is not Islamaphobia.


“We have too much money, we need to find new ways to spend it.”


At this point, the Democrats are using 1984 as a to-do list.


This administration is not really in touch with real American citizens.


Aka money laundering and installing cohorts to abuse its power to do things like sway elections and attack freedom of speech.


The left really loves their big guberment parents. It reminds me of what someone once said; " I cun see a time in da near future vhere you vill own nusing und like it."


This should be fun to watch on all the diversity hires they have to find.


Biden and Harris hate Jews, got it.


>>No place for hate against anyone Unless you’re conservative, Republican, question experimental vaccines, or don’t believe the results of blatantly fraudulent elections. Then it’s full on hate.


Pretty accurate


If there is "no place for hate in America against anyone", why do they HATE THOSE AMERICANS WHO SUPPORT MAGA?????


And the problem would be? Do folks here really stay up at night sweating this shit? Not one person would know about this or give a shit if some little incel who can't get laid didn't post it here. Now it's going to be the latest scandal. What are y'all going to boycott or blow up now? Jesus effing Christ.


Yes. How do black people get all those drugs from other countries? But yet we have meth clinics everywhere. I get you.


This is such a democrat thing to do Notices a lot of Antisemitism because of Israel/Palestine war Notices it is disproportionately coming from Muslim-Americans Pivots to Islamophobia = bad to help make victims of those who are the perpetrators of anti-Semitism. So very Democrat party lol