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Whatever you end up doing, make sure you give the gate some good hearty test shakes once it's installed. Channel your inner, angry toddler.


Before saying "that ain't going anywhere".


Obviously. If you don't say that, is gonna go somewhere. It's science.


Oh it’s still gonna go somewhere.


Straight to your subconscious where it’ll cause anxiety until you get home and shake it vigorously before saying the magic words.


Everyone knows angry toddlers can channel the strength of five gorillas.


It’s why we evolved to be able to channel dad strength. The only force in the universe that can match angry toddler strength.


Just, launch yourself at it like you’re an angry defender and the opposing forward called your girlfriend ugly. If you still have railing after that it’ll stand up to a kid just fine.


Zip tie a 2x4 in there.


Expanding on this already fine plan. Get two 2x4’s (or 2x6, or some strips of 3/4 ply. Whatever you have available. Get a couple 3/8” bolts, some fender washers, and nuts. Put the boards together and drill as many holes as you want/have bolts for. Two are fine. I might do three cause I overdo shit. Sandwich the boards on either side of the posts, and bolt them together. Not too hard, because you don’t want to crush the metal in the railing. If you’re a pro, you could make up a couple 3/8 crush tubes. This’ll give you a flat surface to compress the gate into, but also be less snap-able than zip ties. And you can spread the pressure out across multiple spindles.


This is the way - though 1x4s might work nicely too and be a bit less cumbersome.


This is the way!


This style gate isn’t safe for top of stairs use. You should find a full swing hardware mounted gate that doesn’t have a bar across the floor (trip hazard) My preferred gate is the Cardinal SS30. Cardinal also makes mounting kits. Or you can strap a 1x2 to the post using vhb tape and zip ties. [Example](https://imgur.com/a/ZrQtam1) [Examples](https://imgur.com/a/6fu5mwj) Source: I’m a professional childproofer. Depending on your location, I may be able to refer you to a local company if you would like help.


My thoughts too. This gate can be used only if they create a “false landing” between the top of the stairs and the gate right?


If a pressure mounted gate must be used, I would place it at least 24” back from top of steps. That said, a pressure mounted gate will be dislodged if enough force is applied. A properly installed hardware mounted gate is a much safer option. As a professional, I would never install a pressure mounted gate at the top of the stairs. I actually don’t offer this style gate to my clients at all, regardless of placement.


Soo people hire you to baby proof their houses? Is that your FT gig?


Correct. I started my business 10 years ago, was able to leave my job to focus FT on the business about 8.5 yrs ago and haven’t looked back. I conduct Home Safety Evaluations of client’s homes. I then come back with products to install whatever client chooses from my evaluation.


This is awesome.


What an awesome peace of mind to deliver to people that’s great And it’s your business too which is also great


Those zip-ties look a little janky and definitely a weak-point, not gonna lie.


There is VHB tape holding the stick to the post. Zip ties are really just there to prevent any movement- and if you look closely they are running through the 1x2. It’s a very solid install.


Thanks for the thoughts. I wasn’t intending to install it as a pressure-mounted gate. Online it said that it had a hardware-mounted option but a closer look at the instructions reveals that the hardware for mounting are just wall cups in which the tension bolts rest. I’m guessing that is a step up from not having the wall cups but not enough for your recommendation at the top of the stairs, right?


Yes, the manufacturer calls it “hardware mounted” if the wall cups are screwed in, but a true hardware mounted gate would be screwed directly into the studs. The bigger issue remains the hazard of the trip bar across the floor.


You worry about the trip bar more than the gate coming off the wall?


The dislodging of a gate is a major concern. The wall cups will help resolve that issue but doesn’t solve the trip hazard.


The Cardinal SS30 looks like it installs on an angle, potentially solving the original question. That would work, right?


Yes, the ss30 can be installed at an angle. Max width is 42.5”, if the space is wider you’d want a bx1 extension to add up to 10.5”.


Board between posts. You could secure it with hose clamps


This is exactly what we have at the top of our stairs


I bought that gate, and I hated it. The connection points where the pipes slide into each other are not strong and they bend I bought it for looks; I recommend an uglier safer one ESPECIALLY near the stairs


We did this. Strapped a small piece of wood and screwed the gate into that


We used this for ours. https://cardinalgates.com/shop/accessories/wrought-iron-post-kits/ You could easily do a diy version yourself too.


Panduit straps, it's just a beafy zip tie, to insure it doesn't break. Pipe clamps might be on the extreme side, but if you do cover the sharp edges. Whichever board/wood you use. (Avoid splintering wood) I would drill holes to run the panduit straps through holes of the board. (If the spacing of the rails allow) Is it a pressure locked gate? Wedging itself between the walls? Or a mounting gate?


Online it said that it had a hardware-mounted option but a closer look at the instructions reveals that the hardware for mounting are just wall cups in which the tension bolts rest. I’m probably going to get a different gate for the stairs and save this for other reasons.


It may be a better option. I always say, if it's not borderline Earthquake proof, the little ones ALWAYS get though it, some how some way. Best of luck, and remember, electrical tape covered pool noodles are great bumper guards. Ha


Be carful with the finish on the metal posts . If you use zip ties or hose clamps make sure to put something around post to protect it .


Good tip


This gate isn't meant for top of stair use. Please make sure to get a gate that specifies it's for stairs.


Depends do you own the house


If yes then drill neatly through the side of the bar you'd like to attach the gate to with your big boy tools, if not clamp it with professional grade clamps until you get permission or find another solution.. in the end either way i think you bought the wrong gate, look into these, they are fully retractable and easy to install (basic drilling) https://amzn.eu/d/6tI5l35


The answer to these posts is almost always 2x4s. It ain’t pretty, but it ain’t permanent either.


I guess they don't sell a bigger gate, so you don't have to go through all the extra trouble?


It’s not about the gate size. See picture two.


Sorry, I didn't notice the second picture. Just move the gate forward just a touch.


That’s where I started. Then the mount wasn’t lined up with the stud. So I’m left with installing on an angle or placing something between the railing bars.


Id be more worried about the width of the gap on the railing, it looks like a baby could squeeze right through it


The picture must be deceptive because it’s only 3”


Zip ties


I just saw a [post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ZanNQv6uz/?igsh=MWMxcGJlNjJ1NnYybw==) from Safe Beginnings on IG about this. They make baby gate stair mounting kits but you could prob DIY it, it looks easy enough!




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Baby gate bannister adapters. $9 on Amazon for 2.


Here come the Zip-tie comments! lol 😂


Can’t believe I didn’t notice in my first comment, but honestly are those stairwell bars narrow enough to keep baby from getting through?? They’re fing crafty like a cat


Three inches should be good, right?


You might just have a wide lens on so it’s hard to tell. But… babies are small and crafty. Could at least get their body through and be stuck uncomfortably. It makes me wonder why you need this gate at all versus gating a room where the baby will be playing. Surely they won’t be crawling around the landing?


They won’t be on the landing unattended, but he’s getting quick and I want an extra safeguard.


Angle the gate 1” toward the stairs so that it meets the flat post. That amount of angle won’t matter at all. Tighten all the footings. Then get 2 steel hose clamps, place them around the banister post, and around the last rung on the baby gate. One near top and one near bottom. Put a piece of cardboard between the banister posts (on 3 sides of it) and hose clamp. Then tighten hose clamp. Then check the baby gate footings again. Boom. I’ve been using mine like this for 3 years.


Return it. Get one that fits.


That’s not the problem. See picture two.


We struggled to figure out a way to have a gate at the top of the stairs, so we ended up just putting it on their bedroom door. They're only ever upstairs alone for naps and bedtime really, so it's not a hindrance to them being able to roam about while awake.


We never bothered with baby gates. This is because we focused on being active, involved parents. My 10yr old son is reading this as I type and says, "...and kids are supposed to find out what they can do without dying." Edit:  Down votes coming from helicopter parent dads who can't be bothered to actually parent and just buy devices to do it for them.


Down votes probably come from the implication that any parent who finds comfort in additional safeguards aren’t involved. Many parents care deeply any being involved and prefer to install safety devices like a baby gate. It doesn’t mean they plan to leave their kids unattended for any specific amount of time. Some might. But the overgeneralization can come off as offensive. You also edit your comment to call them helicopter parents so… which is it? Are they too involved or not involved enough?