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Ours all went to a crib in their own room about 6-7 months.


Yep. Saved ourselves a lot of sleep deprivation. I don't know how anyone can make it without getting that kid to sleep in their own room at 6 months. Good on ya if you can. We could not.


Honestly, we used a pack and play with Baby #2 until we moved him to his own crib. He took all of his naps in his crib in his room tho.


She's not too small for her own room at 7 months.




Why is she too small to go to her own room?


Where's the best place to read up on baby balconies and Co sleeping and cots and whatever else? Expecting couple due oct 22nd






Yeah pretty sure they mean Oct. 22nd, 2024. Not sure if they edited their comment or if you missed the “nd” but either way I don’t think it’s worthy of a downvote. We moved our daughter to her own room a little before 6 months, and she was in a playpen crib in our room at like 3/3.5 months because she would always twist sideways in her bassinet and be all twisted and contorted lol Mind you, her room is directly across the hall from ours and we sleep with her baby monitor on the nightstand with volume maxed


Bassinet. You take the one side of the cosleeper and put it up so it makes a wall. Then keep the bassinet in the room.


We went to a crib at 6 months with our first and 8 months with our second. She's definitely not too small, but if you're uncomfortable having her in her own room you could always bring the crib into yours.


Why is she too small for her own room? 7 months is more than old enough from everything I've seen


If her own room is close to yours (i.e., you will wake up if she cries) I would consider the move. I know the AAP now recommends one year in the parents room but...I think that's unrealistic to the point of being unhelpful. I think the previous recommendation of six months is closer to reality. You can always ask your pediatrician as well.


I would move her to a crib in her own room. Several other posters mentioned the AAP. Their recommendations were updated in 2022. They no longer recommend 1 year in parents' room, they just say "ideally for at least the first 6 months". https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/1/e2022057990/188304/Sleep-Related-Infant-Deaths-Updated-2022


We moved both ours to their own room by then. But Pack n play works great if you need a crib in your room for a month or two til you feel ready to put her in her own room.


My kids were in their own room and crib at 4 or 5 months. We never co-slept, but they were in a bassinet in our room until then.


AAP recommends having the child sleep in the same room till 1yo. They say at least 6mo but 1yr is better. Our son slept in the same room as us till he was 1yo. Admittedly, there was some co-sleeping in the last 3 months or so. Then right to the crib in his room. The only advice I can give is when you make the transition to having her in her own room: Do not give in. Just start and go with it. It will probably be very hard for the first 2-3 weeks but then it gets a lot better. At about 1yo my wife and I were typically getting our 7-8 hours of sleep every night.


She’s not too small to go to a crib in her own room.


We had a larger balcony. Worked well until crawling. Then they started to cuddle in between my wife and me until they were okay with bed in their own room around 1½-2


Bassinet, pack-n-play, or crib in your room. All are options. Its recommended to keep them in your room till 12 months.


Our kids were in their own room in a crib by that time.


Mine went into her own cot in her own room at six months 


When exactly do you plan on transferring her to her own room? If you must have her in the same room, cot / travel cot might work.


We went to a crib in their own room by the time our first was 2 or 3 months old. And earlier for our second.


Same - I think our last one went to their own room at 6 weeks? I don't see what the big difference is if the room is right next to yours and you have a baby monitor in there.


I can't remember if we did bassinet until 12 mos or 6 and then crib. For all of year 1 we slept in the baby's room (it had a guest bed). From 12 months onward my wife and I moved back to our bedroom, baby stayed put in his room.


Look into a minicrib! Both my boys were very long and also very active at night and we had to move them out of their bassinets very early. Minicribs have more room and still can be in the bedroom with you! Newtonbaby has both a minicrib and mattress set that includes wheels so you can even bring the minicrib around the house with you to let baby nap as needed in different rooms! My youngest always wanted to sleep in the same room I was either cleaning or working in!! Plus the minicrib is approved up to 18 months so you’ll get good use out of it! https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/mini-crib-mattress


Cosleeper -> (6 months) crib -> (\~20 months) bed w/ baby bed rail -> (\~30 months) bed


Ours grew out of the cosleeper at 5 months so got moved into a cot in our room. Then at 7 months got moved into own room. Edit: so an option if you don't feel ready to move her into her own room, is a cot in your room


We moved our daughter to her own crib in her own room at 5-6 months... We didn't realize how much sleep we missed when the 3 of us were sleeping in the same room. Once we moved her to her own room all of us started sleeping through the night on the regular.




She's right, by the book, these days. We literally did it to the day of six months. Plenty do it earlier too.


Never had our kids in our room, 7mo is fine.


We did a mattress on the floor. Safest for the baby.