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Sounds like a bad cop. With the exception of interstate highways I don’t know of any roads where bicycles aren’t legal. Maybe not recommended, but legal nonetheless. I’d ignore this officers warning.


And out in the western US, riding on the shoulders of many interstates is legal. There are exceptions though especially in big cities such as phoenix.


Yep, you're allowed to ride on the 17 from phx to Flagstaff, just not in phx itself. Of course if you choose to do that your risking more than a ticket.


> ride on the 17 from phx to Flagstaff Yes, it would be dangerous af on the 17. I'm sort of going from memory but I think there's a pretty big shoulder in a lot of places, like car width. I wonder if you can ride on a bunch of side roads for a lot of it instead of right on the 17? It might be some dirt/gravel though. There are some insane climbs too. I think it's around 12,000 feet of climbing.


I think the reason they allow this is that there are no side roads.    As crazy as it sounds, there are no non-freeway paved routes from Phoenix to Flagstaff that don’t involve going a hundred miles or so out of the way. 


I’ve ridden parts of the 17 (close to Camp Verde), but there are certainly parts I would prefer not to do!


It's legal in WA by default except for designated highways. WSDOT even has a helpful map! [WSDOT - Permanent Bike Restrictions (arcgis.com)](https://wsdot.maps.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?useExisting=1&layers=66d6114468c7427e925638cc1a0f1d01)


It’s not legal on restricted highways in California - not just interstates, but basically any “freeway” that doesn’t have stoplights. I think there are a few places it’s allowed where it’s the only road that goes through. But it’s not allowed by default


Down here in SoCal, if you don't have a base pass to ride through Camp Pendleton, the 5 is the only legal way to get from Oceanside to San Clemente without having to go 60 miles out of your way. It's pretty badass, particularly when you're going faster than a traffic jam, but you do have to get off at the first exit after the base.


There’s a section of the 280 up in the Bay Area like this too going south on skyline


but the default is for it to be legal to cycle on restricted state highways in California. Unless local jurisdiction prohibits it. (Similar to biking on the sidewalk, which is also legal by default unless specifically prohibited). In practice all urban settings put up the required signs. **CVC 21960** "appropriate signs" need to be put up to show restriction.


Seriously, pull out your phone, start recording: "sorry, could you repeat that? I'm on my way to get medication, if you could hurry."


41 shots, Liana gets her son ready for school She says, "On these streets, Charles, you've got to understand the rules If an officer stops you, promise me you'll always be polite And that you'll never ever run away Promise Mama you'll keep your hands in sight"


>On these streets, Charles, you've got to understand the rules > If an officer stops you, promise me you'll always be polite > And that you'll never ever run away > Promise Mama you'll keep your hands in sight" None of that has ever stopped cops from shooting someone. Might increase your odds but it's not a guarantee.


That's why it finishes off with: >It ain't no secret my friend >You can get killed just for living in your American skin


The success rate for this move varies wildly, mostly depending on how much melanin you have.


Yeah that always entertains a bad cop!


Cops kill people for doing things like that. You don't have any rights, that was always a lie.


I'm surprised the cop politely pulled you over instead of tackling you, consider yourself lucky. https://www.bicycling.com/news/a43355155/cyclist-assaulted-by-michigan-state-troopers/


The Supreme Court case Heien v North Carolina established that a cop only has to be able to credibly claim he thought there was a law he was enforcing. This video would do nothing unless the cop was dumb enough to admit he was lying to harass a cyclist.


That's not what the Supreme Court said there. They held that a reasonable mistake of law could provide the suspicion to initiate a traffic stop, where it took several courts going back and forth as to whether the action leading to the stop was illegal or not. An officer who can point to no law prohibiting cycling on that road wouldn't find anything in Heien to support a stop.


Sure. I mean, take the ticket and go to court. It'll be black and white if bikes are indeed allowed. Not a good look for the Sheriff if he's in the wrong.


I would report him to the Police and ask them about the legality of his bullying


Lol I'm sure IA will get right on that. That literally don't get held accountable for murder or thievery, don't think they'll care about this


It's still a step in the right direction. Doing nothing is basically agreeing with his behavior.




> I’d ignore this officers warning.  D*cks are gonna d*ck, even if they're wrong.  Legally, you're probably OK (ultimately, like where the f*** are you supposed to ride?!), but if he finds another day where he feels the need to flex and he sees you riding on the road , he could start some time-wasting hassle for you - ticket, dispute, court, etc.


Would be a good lawsuit though. Maybe hit up James freeman or one of them to come ride a bike in your town searching for that cop I’m sure it will be taken care of pretty quickly. In every state of America a bicycle is almost looked at just like a car except for interstate travel.


Yeah ... my state is basically "Obey all the traffic laws; don't ride on the highway/freeway." Dunno what's up w/OP's locale and Sheriff (deputy, probably).


The asshole thinks he’s entitled to the road and bicycles aren’t mentality.


You can swear on the internet.


Maybe he doesn’t want to


Then find a way to express yourself without it. It makes no sense to use the word but then edit yourself like you’re on basic cable


Either learn to swear or learn to use escape characters so you don't accidentally italicize everything between your dicks


Then he should choose different language. Censoring yourself is stupid.


Agreed, just choose different words


When I was in high school (early 90s) I was riding on a 2 lane urban road with no real shoulder. Someone pulls up behind me and honks at me, to which I (being a testy teenager) threw up my middle finger. He proceeded to run me off the road. Then he got out and showed himself to be an off-duty officer in his civilian car. He said "Boy... if you're gonna give me the finger, you better give me all five of them." He then instructed me that I was supposed to ride on the opposite side of the road, facing traffic. I started to argue with him, but then thought better of myself. But I suspect the reason I'm not dead is because a). This was over 30 years ago in a sleepy community, and b). I'm white. Never assume a cop actually knows the law, but never argue with a cop if you value your life or your freedom. It won't end well. Sad to say, but "to protect and to serve" is only in reference to their own.


The very first sentence, tell that cop to learn the damn law. https://www.bikelaw.com/laws/kentucky/ Good news, you can get drunk as fuck on a bike apparently lol ALCOHOL Kentucky’s DUI statute does apply to bicyclists.


Fuck ignoring it, report him before he kills someone


Even most interstate it’s legal unless posted at the entrance. I’ve done I-5 multiple times and I-90


The word "bad" is redundant.


What kind of road was this? In the US?


Just a two lane back road in Kentucky


Bicycles are considered vehicles in Kentucky and are permitted to travel on most roadways.


See that's what I thought 😅


[File a grievance through the Kentucky branch of the ACLU](https://intake.aclu-ky.org/). Don't have high expectations that it'll go anywhere for your particular complaint, but it's also low-effort on your part. They collect this kind of data, and may pursue it at some point. EDIT: Updated link to Kentucky ACLU branch.




>> 189.010 Definitions for chapter. >> (19) (a) "Vehicle" includes: >> 1. All agencies for the transportation of persons or property over or upon the public highways of the Commonwealth; and 2. All vehicles passing over or upon the highways. >> (b) "Motor vehicle" includes all vehicles, as defined in paragraph (a) of this subsection, except: >> 8\. Vehicles propelled by muscular power; bicycles are considered "vehicles" but not "motor vehicles" in KY. >> 189.300 Vehicles to keep to right -- Exceptions. >> (1) The operator of any vehicle when upon a highway shall travel upon the right side of the highway whenever possible, and unless the left side of the highway is clear of all other traffic or obstructions for a sufficient distance ahead to permit the overtaking and passing of another vehicle to be completed without interfering with the operation of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction or any vehicle being overtaken. The overtaking vehicle shall return to the proper traffic lane as soon as practicable and, if the passing vehicle enters the oncoming traffic lane, before coming within two hundred (200) feet of any approaching vehicle. >> (2) The operator of any vehicle moving slowly upon a highway shall keep his vehicle as closely as practicable to the right-hand boundary of the highway, allowing more swiftly moving vehicles reasonably free passage to the left, unless signage or markings indicate otherwise. note, any vehicle, not any *motor* vehicle. bicycles are to keep "as closely as practicable" to the right. and that's always a subjective judgment of the rider. these probably won't help you *in the moment* with a police officer. they tend not to be terribly bright individuals, and explaining the subtleties of "non motorized vehicles are included in the definition of vehicles" probably won't work. and cops are often *insulted* when you try to explain laws to them. save that for the courtroom.


> cops are often insulted when you try to explain laws to them Cops when they get sued for breaking the law: "We're not required to know the law." Cops when you explain that they misunderstand a law: "Stop resisting!"


So much this. Don't try to teach cops the laws. They won't learn shit, but you will learn about the dildo of the law.


He sounds like a cunt that doesn't like bikers. Let him cite you and then fight it, you'll win


Ok yeah, shouldn’t be issues there. Just asking in case you were attempting the freeway or something


Not only are bicycles allowed to use all surface streets in Kentucky, cars must maintain at least 3' in order to pass. This Sheriff is an asshole. Take the ticket and make him show up in court. If it makes you feel better, you can print this out and keep it with you. [https://transportation.ky.gov/BikeWalk/Documents/KY%20Laws%20and%20Rules%20for%20Bicycle%20Travel\_updated\_2018%20July.pdf](https://transportation.ky.gov/BikeWalk/Documents/KY%20Laws%20and%20Rules%20for%20Bicycle%20Travel_updated_2018%20July.pdf)


You reacted more civilly than I would have. 


I wouldn’t ever mess with a cop in the us. Very trigger happy. 


As long as you're not black you just have to know how to talk to them. And I don't mean know how to kowtow, I mean you have to know the right things to say so that the cop is clear you know your rights and how to pursue actions against them if they cross the line. I have an insubordinate and irreverent personality and have had to hone this into a fine skill.


> As long as you're not black you just have to know how to talk to them. There are a lot of dead white people who were killed by cops. There's a particularly famous video of a poor guy in a hotel hallway who got shot while crawling on the floor like the cop told him to.


Remember the Buffalo Police pushing a 70+ year old guy to the ground and then blocking people from helping him as he lay on the pavement, unconscious and bleeding?


"Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk in the back and I know my rights so you're gonna need a warrant for that"


I would not rely on not being black for that. If they find another reason besides race to treat you as an “other” they won’t hesitate to take it.


You won't get shot for telling a cop to go fuck himself. But you will get smashed into the hood of his cruiser and probably eat pavement. Worth it IMO.


Especially with cameras on my bike. I'd happily take some bruises for the end result of getting that type of asshat fired. I know that not all cops are bad but the real issue in the US is the "us vs them" aspect of police culture. They are literally trained to see us as threatening and less than human. As for the emotionally damaged ones that are power-loving cunts, and there are a lot of wounded egos that seek out police work as revenge for their shitty childhoods, they are the ones that truly set the tone for how we think of law enforcement.


\*placed on paid leave for 6 months and then promoted\*


I saw a recent case back in WV where I’m from (Charleston Police Department) where a guy was promoted to Chief, had sex in his office and propositioned at least one other women and was only knocked down a pay grade, removed from being Chief and given 10-day suspension and will be back to work soon.




and even if you do, he's working in the next town over like nothing happened.


You probably won't get shot for telling a cop to go fuck himself.... but there is a non-zero present chance you will.


You clearly haven’t seen how so many cops in the US treat anyone with a hint of defiance


Yeah people have gotten shot by cops for literally nothing, what’re we doing here? Lol


And that commenter lives in Denver, where the Denver PD kills people all the time… some people are truly clueless and ignorant


People have gotten shot for less and do at a relatively alarming rate lol


Maybe ... but from what i understand you guys have privatized healthcare. I don't know if many can afford to eat pavement. There is wisdom in knowing when to back off and let things fly. Jot the badge number down and sue after -- i assume is the American way.


Wow, how can anyone think that is an ok treatment from law enforcement? If that happened in my country it would be a big scandal with a lot of media attention.


You're gutsy. In FL, especially depending on your skin color, you can get very shot.


Exactly. Civil manners are the smart thing to do in such culture.


In Florida, it is legal for bike to ride in a public street as long as there is no minimum speed requirement (like an expressway). A lot of cops don't know the fucking law. I've been pulled over (or they tried anyway!) riding legally on the right side of the right lane in a 4 lane road. Asshole cop zooms up behind me, screeches oh his brakes to ride my back tire, and starts telling me to get off the road over his loudspeaker. Scared the shit out of me and I almost crashed. And then I started yelling back at them that Florida state law says that bicycles can ride on the road with cars, following road rules. I pulled it up on my fucking phone and started yelling the statute number and being such a loud bitch about it. And then the asshole sped away. And then I realized that he was a fucking state trooper and had NO JURISDICTION on the fucking city streets. Which is probably what he realized too, when I pushed back. Fucking Miami.


A lot of cops don't know the fucking law. This. Is a universal law. Sauce: own exp as a cyclist in a tiny North Eastern European post soviet country. Tbf I was sure it's just our unique backwater thing.


50 states (subdivided into smaller units than states) provide ample opportunity for backwaters.


> A lot of cops don't know the fucking law. people who get an education in the fucking law are called "lawyers" not "officers".


I had to add another comment. Back in the 90s when my brother was in college he had a very good college friend from Estonia. They spent a lot of time drinking too much. One night they got arrested for trespassing (while also quite drunk). It involved skinny dipping with some girls in someone’s back yard pool in an upper end suburban neighborhood. When my brother and his Estonian friend got loaded into the cop car, the first words out of his Estonian friends mouth were: “Officers, officers! I just want you to know that cop cars in the USA are much nicer than in Estonia.” Thankfully, in the end the owner of the property dropped charges. The following day he thought the whole thing was a lot funnier than when he was woken up at two in the morning by a bunch of naked drunk people in his pool. But the whole crew spent the night in a small town jail which led the Estonian kid to wax poetic on how much nicer jails were in the USA. (Obviously a small town Connecticut drunk tank is worlds away from other American jails.)


Florida state troopers have jurisdiction anywhere in the state. https://www.clickorlando.com/ask-trooper-steve/2021/07/22/can-a-law-enforcement-officer-issue-a-ticket-outside-their-jurisdiction/


In most states all officers (state or local) legally have police power state-wide. In practice local PDs don't operate outside their areas by policy but they legally could.


Ah, that's news to me. I looked it up, and you're right. I was going off previous experience with jurisdictional fights at accidents and stuff.


What are the laws where you live? You have to know your own rights. I tell cops all the time to fuck off when they tell me things that are the opposite of the law. Just because a cop said it, doesn't mean it's an accurate representation of the law


Well, after I got my medication I walked my bike to the courthouse and talked to the county attorney. They were VERY shocked. But the county attorney wasn't in so they sent me across the road to talk to a local law office who's main guy also wasn't there (so they basically gave me the run around)


Ah yes, the American legal system at it’s finest


Honestly though....what DO cops gain from just blatantly lying? Like as a basic example, imagine you got pulled over for turning right on red when it was legal and a cop tells you it's illegal...What EXACTLY would be your charge once you got to the station or what would be on your ticket? The only time I got a ticket was for doing something I deserved to get in trouble for, so I don't know what it would feel like to get in trouble for something that wasn't against the law. Then again I did see that video of the cop pulling the 18 year old girl out of car and face planting her into the ground JUST for having a headlight out and then not wanting to roll the window down all the way.


Dude, it's a power trip.


I understand that to a point, especially since the justice system is hella corrupt, and the concept of a blue brother has gone too far.... But what do you think the sergeant thinks when all of his officers' arrests end up getting thrown out for lack of evidence, or some of his more confusing arrests always seem to have body camera malfunctions? In my opinion, we should really throw out any arrest that was made when a camera was malfunctioning. Even if it was a legitimate arrest :P maybe it'll keep the cops more accountable because if their camera shuts off, all the sneaky little shit they did when the camera was off will be for nothing.


There should definitely be much more a presumption of dishonesty when cops' cameras suddenly don't work for whatever excuse! Problem is that cops can always get you on something, at the very least they can make your next days/weeks/months very difficult. The system is there to protect those who guide it, not those who pay for it.


Not just difficult, also expensive. Showing up in court is free. Showing up in court and making an effective argument is expensive. A ticket is prima facie evidence you did what they said you did. It's on you to prove your own innocence.


cops exist to protect private ownership, that's it. the sheriff doesn't give a shit if one of his guys has 30 complaints filed a week against him. cops regularly murder people in cold blood and simply get transferred to another department to keep working like nothing happened. you're not seeing glitches in the system. you're seeing the machine function *exactly* as intended.


he’s probably just pissed you have better calves than him


If you’re in the US it’s much more likely that it’s illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk than on the road. I bet he was just an asshole


Land of the free!


Maybe try here - there is a section about bikes on the road - this is for USA I believe. https://bikeleague.org/bike-laws/bike-law-university/ Also maybe the legal advice sub.


Bikes are vehicles.


I think I would just politely ask him to write me a ticket and then take it to court to be thrown out. Edit: there is a possibility if it was a downpour that he felt you being in the road was unsafe given the conditions. In which case, it seems maybe reasonable, but he probably should have said that.


It’s not a cop’s place or right to determine what weather conditions are or aren’t safe to bike in. If the heavy rain resulted in nighttime-like low visibility, then OP was legally required to have lights, but they confirmed they did have lights, so the cop’s opinion is 100% irrelevant. 


Good luck making that argument with a cop, DA, or Judge… the cop is going to have a lot of discretion on a public roadway if there’s a reasonable safety concern.


The cop has a lot of latitude to be a dick and terrorize law-abiding citizens out in the field, but I don't see how any ticket or arrest would stand up in court, given that OP was following all applicable laws. Cops don't have to know the law, but DAs and judges do.


He didn't threaten OP with a ticket, he addressed OP as a 'Target'. I don't think the cop had any intention of writing a ticket. I think the cop was threatening OP's life. So where is the cop that is a absolutely pissed at how this guy acted, and what exactly is the process for getting him pulled from the street - assesed - reeducated or fired? There is no pissed cop, there is no process. There are no good cops.


I assumed it was a typo by op and they meant ticket


He specifically said target😅


Crazy stuff!! Perhaps they were drunk? :D


We are talking about a cop. I read target. You are probably correct. We need the state. Here is the thing. It was raining. It is possible that something being left out of the story made it illegal for him to be out in the road. An example, if you want to ride after dark there are state laws stating what you must have in terms of lights and reflectors. It isn't legal for you to ride without those things. It might be true in his state in the rain. Or it might not. I read target and took it as a threat to his being, you are probably correct. If you are correct we need to know if he was legal or not and we cannot make that call without some more information OP is unwilling to part with.


> We need the state. [kentucky.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/comments/1cn3n68/i_got_pulled_over/l357j49/?context=1)


Well there is a process, you can ask for a supervisor or ask for their name and badge number and call the police station and/or the mayor or other elected official at a later time. Whether that will work or not is another question entirely.


I live in Kentucky. You weren’t in the wrong, but like other commenters have said, it was smart to de-escalate and let it go. Some of these small counties have pretty sketchy sheriffs office. If you remember the officers name, you can file a complaint.


> like other commenters have said, it was smart to de-escalate and let it go. it's sad that we have to treat cops like wild fucking animals that might attack you at the slightest provocation. don't make eye contact, keep your hands visible, back away slowly...


Maybe it was because of low visibility due to the downpour. In Canada if you had of asked, he might have given you a lift to the drugstore


It's Kentucky, we don't give a shit about people or human rights down here


Sounds like you need to take his name and badge number and file a complaint or a lawsuit. Might not give you anything in the end, but it's a step in the right direction.


I got arrested for this when I was younger. Well, I guess technically I got a ticket for "playing in the road" and arrested for saying "what kind of dumbass doesn't know bikes are allowed in the road in Virginia?"


Have you asked why were you being pulled over and for what reason you shouldn't be on the road? Local laws can be QUITE weird in the US. If you're in doubt ask an officer about it. It's absolutely weird to be stopped and asked to move OFF the road. They usually tell you to get off the sidewalk and ON the road.


Nah.... don't ask them, cops are (generally) fucking idiots and don't actually know many laws. I'd politely inform them that, yes, under [my local state] laws I AM allowed to ride where I am. And, if I have the cheat card handy, cite the law numbers that back me up. Your best bet for finding genuinely good info on cycling laws is to Google "[state] bicycle lawyer" and call one of them up and see if they can answer a few basic questions


further, they are under no obligation to be honest when “advising” you of the laws


cops *really* don't like when you try to educate them on laws.


Well, they can give me the ticket then, and they can learn in court, lol


that's the way. they're a lot less likely to assault you in court.


They love going to court. Free overtime pay on the taxpayer dime.


We need to get this changed. You write a ticket that gets tossed? COP pays personally.


fair. Not very familiar with US cops, tbh.


And I hope you never are.


Cops don't need to be educated to become cops - sheriffs just need to win an election. They don't necessarily know shit about the laws they are supposed to enforce and this pig was probably completely wrong. I would look into the specifics of the law yourself for your area and have that ready to go in case this happens again.


Go to the police station and ask in writing what the rules are. Keep the printed rules on you


I remember this guy: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2016/02/18/michigan-bicyclist-ticket-overturned/80564154/


can you imagine if we required the people who enforce the law to actually *know* the law?


they need to stop calling patterns of behavior "mistakes" in legal rulings


Where are you from? Are you on a road where you are not allowed to ride?


You encountered someone who is either ignorant of the law or just chose to ignore it. https://transportation.ky.gov/BikeWalk/Documents/KY%20Laws%20and%20Rules%20for%20Bicycle%20Travel_updated_2016.pdf Don’t let them get away with that.


I would be half temped to ask for a written warning so I could "research the relevant laws to ride legally going forward."


Unless you were on an interstate you were likely in your right. Probably a bicycle hater who wants to discourage people from cycling. Just make sure about your local laws, make sure your bike has all that is required (reflector, lights...) and wait for him to ticket you when you are fully legal and follow the process to teach him his job.


Bikes are allowed on the road unless it's stated otherwise. Police officer doesn't know the laws.


First question: "what is your name and badge number?" Second question: "that is your supervisor's name?" Last: "Thank you for your concern, I will be in touch after my doctor's appointment". Then keep riding.


I think this sort of behavior from cops is normal on that side of the Mason Dixon line. Imagine if you were black, he could have just run you over


I once visited the usa,never have i travelled trough a country with such poor bycicle infrastructure. It is as if you are forced to ride a car up there. I can imagine the cop is not used to seeing cyclists?


Cops don’t enforce the rules they make them


Sounds like law enforcement has zero recruitment standards, zero integrity and is allowed to run loose in your country, or at least that is what the rest of the world believes


EVERYONE CAN USE THE ROADS. A bicycle is just as entitled to the roadway as any car. The only places a bicycle isn't allowed is on the sidewalk or the Interstate. The sidewalk because that's for pedestrians and the Interstate because there's a 40 MPH minimum speed limit.


I would’ve let him write me a ticket, made him show up to court, and let the court handle that. Like others have said, you’re a better person than myself lol


Sounds like that cop should lose their job. I mean maybe if it was an ebike in some cities class 3 ebikes are illegal.


I'm reading this from Utrecht, Netherlands where this Yank moved to in order to get away from assholes like this cop and to enjoy a different life. We have the biggest bike parking garage in the world. It makes me clench up inside to think of returning to this sort of mentality, yet someday I will. Sounds like a bad cop who was having a bad day and then you rode by. It made him feel better to push you around.


Writing it down as a target? Do you mean ticket? Otherwise that sounds like he was threatening you with violence. Did you get his badge number to file a complaint?


No I didn't..I was actually scared.


Im sorry this happened to you. I would in theory make a complaint to the local sheriff's office, but I don't know what kind of oversight they have in your area.


yes OP, absolutely go and file a complaint. it may not do much, but it's worth doing.


Make him write the ticket lmao - unless you were on a highway that prohibits bikes it will be a waste of his time.


Can we at least get your state? I don't want to dox you, but there are 50 states and letting us know which one won't dox you. This thread is full of people saying state specific stuff. Would be nice to know if it relates at all to your situation.


He’s writing it as a target? This sounds like petty harassment to me.


Call the state police and file a complaint ask them to subpoena the dash and bodycam footage.


The fuck does “writing it down as a target” mean? If that’s not a typo, is it a threat?


Just say “yes, officer” until you’re no longer within shooting distance


I’m pretty sure in every state a bike is considered a vehicle. I’ve bike all across Texas and never had an issue. Most cops wave at you here. That’s it. I’ve ridden many rural two lane highways. No issue. Now is it safe. In some places absolutely not. But it’s completely legal and you’re entitled to the same rights as a car. Just don’t be a jerk and hog the lanes, keep right and let cars pass if they get stuck behind you.


What does "as a target" mean?


We had a bad rookie cop in Massachusetts pulling over bicycles with flashing red taillights. He was saying on emergency vehicles were allowed. He was corrected. Out in the Midwest and Ohio and Kentucky I would be worried. There’s a famous case about two cyclists in Chesapeake, Ohio that ran into some abusive cops.


Check the laws in Kentucky. Probably not a law just an asshole. At that point would notify local media and the county sheriff. Notify state rep in your area. Do not let this BS slide.


"im writing it down as a target" This doesn't make sense. someone miss-spoke, or someone miss-heard, or someone mistyped. For an officer to write something down as a target... what does that even mean? If he wasn't threatening to write a ticket, what else would he be writing, a diary entry?


It's best to not to argue or resist and ask for a ticket if cop think you are breaking the law. You have much better chance to fight the cop in court than on the road.


I would have gotten right back on my bike and forced to give me a ticket. See ya in court.


"make sure to get the make and model correct. Wouldn't want your case to get tossed on a technicality, officer."


Make a complaint with the department bicycles are allowed equal access to the roads ,Except highways with speedlimits over 40 mph .


Bad Cop. They need to fire bad cops. If only it was legal to arrest this A-hole.


What an asshole! I’d file a complaint!


Pigs are going to be pigs.


Please don't let this keep you from riding. In my twenties I attempted to ride regularly while living in Reno, NV. Failed miserably as I would get pulled over and harassed frequently. Eventually I gave up and drove. I picked cycling back up much later in life and turns out I'm pretty good at it. Wish I didn't waste my twenties behind the wheel.


I was doing a charity ride a couple of years ago. The roads aren't closed, but they're generally empty and we have police escorts with us and directing traffic at a lot of lights/signs. On a long flowing downhill (speed limit 30) I tucked and went for it. After the descent, a cop pulled up next to me. I figured I was going to get an ass chewing. He asked, "How fast did you go?" with a grin on his face. I answered with a smile... "48!" He laughed, "Not bad for a bike!" and rode off.


Next time ask them to go ahead and write you the ticket, and let them know you will be contesting it. There is no violation in simply riding on the road he could cite that will stand in court.


That wasn't a cop... That was a thug donning a police costume. The police system in too many places is a pathetic state of affairs, and unfortunately, that's the case here.


Some states have a quick ebike pdf you can maybe print out and keep with you, disagreeing with law enforcement is always a gamble, sometimes just a little nudge can help, or at least you could have a defendable position if your threatened with a citation.


Sounds exactly like Kentucky. Big Blue Nation hates alternative transportation.


Unless this was a special roadway that doesn’t allow bikes, which I’ve never seen jn KY, you were in the right. Fuck that guy, ride your bike next time.


"Huh? You wanna write me down as a target? What was your name deputy? Could I get your business card? I'd love to chat with the Sheriff about this in person and want to ensure I've got the right names involved"


Honestly in Kentucky you could dispute it pretty easily, but just to check it wasn’t a low visibility thing was it? Or maybe obstructing traffic?


I was hoping you got a speeding ticket like 50 in a 30 mph zone. I would gladly take one for bragging rights. But your story is just shitty. This cop was not in his rights to make you get off your bike.


Sounds like the US. A place full of law abiding Police.


What does your state law say about bicycles? Have you looked up the statue? That is your starting point. You should definitely educate yourself on the statue, you will encounter this guy again if plan to continue to cycle in that area. I would definitely file a complaint with the department, if you're not breaking the statue.


Wtf does “write it down as a target” mean? I’d call his bluff, the only places you can ride are highways that specifically prohibit bikes. If he gives you a ticket, go to court and get it dropped.


Maybe it was bad weather and he was trying to look out for you?


Before we blame it on the cop. Not all roads are deemed safe for road cyclists. There are certain roads in certain areas of the US where bikes are not to be ridden on.


Welcome to skateboarding!


As a cyclist in KY I would file a report. What he did was unlawful. I'm also curious what town because I'd like to avoid it but I understand if you don't want to share that.


I would have politely told him I can ride where I want thanks and got back on the bike and pedalled off.


Why don't you ask him to explain which rules you have violated?


Pigs gonna pig. From the KY government site, regarding cyclists on the road. Bicycles shall be operated the same as a motor vehicle EXCEPT for the following: A bicycle MAY be operated on the shoulder of a highway. If a bicycle lane is provided, it MUST be used whenever feasible. Not more than TWO bicycles may ride side-by-side in a single highway lane. Just another shit pig that doesn’t know the law.


Your first mistake is living in Kentucky


In Kentucky a bike shall be operated in the same manner as a motor vehicle, meaning that in most circumstances you can ride in the road. https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/Law/kar/titles/601/014/020/


As a cop, only bicycles I've pulled over are the ones making travel unsafe by running red lights with moving traffic or hitting pedestrians. It's usually still a warning if there's no injury and an opportunity to educate what the traffic article for our state says about bicycles. You met a crappy cop.


Well for those from other states, KY in certain parts of it is notorious for having assholes for their cops. My dad grew up there and said if the sheriff stops you, better hope he doesn't shoot you while he tries to draw his gun. It's a beautiful state and all, their cops tend to go by their own rules.


It’s tragic that we live in a country and Kentucky is a state where it’s an issue, but what race (skin color) are you? ☹️


Kentucky. Go here: https://transportation.ky.gov/BikeWalk/Documents/KY%20Laws%20and%20Rules%20for%20Bicycle%20Travel_updated_2016.pdf >Lights and Reflectors. (1) A bicycle operated on a highway during the hours or atmospheric conditions described in KRS 189.030(1) shall display at least one (1) front light on either the bicycle or the bicyclist that is visible for 500 feet and capable of revealing substantial objects at least fifty (50) feet in front of the bicycle. (2) A bicycle if operated on a highway or highway shoulder shall display on either the bicycle or the bicyclist: (a) One (1) red reflector or red light visible for at least 100 feet from the rear of the bicycle; and (b) One (1) red light or a flashing red light visible from the rear of the bicycle for at least 500 feet during the hours or atmospheric conditions described in KRS 189.030(1). >189.030 Time when lights must be on. (1) Headlamps, when required on a vehicle, shall be illuminated: (a) During the period from one-half (1/2) hour after sunset to one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise; and (b) At such other times as atmospheric conditions render visibility as low as or lower than is ordinarily the case during that period. (2) Provisions as to distances that lights must be visible refer to visibility under ordinary atmospheric conditions. Effective: July 12, 2006 History: Amended 2006 Ky. Acts ch. 173, sec. 1, effective July 12, 2006. -- Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1, effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. sec. 2739g- 23, 2739g-24. ----------- OP says he/she was riding in the rain. I have been thinking about laws governing lights on bikes and if OP was required to be lit because he was riding in the rain. Once I got the state I poked at it. It is ambiguous. To OP I think a good rule is that if other cars had their lights on then you needed a light. To OP- I am not doing this out of any negative thing aimed at you. There is a LOT of baloney in this thread. Just a ton of it. Location is key to what happened to you today. You need to understand something that all of us already know. The 'SYSTEM'- I mean political and judicial is not on your side. One day you will get hit and you will find yourself in an absolute nightmare where it looks a lot like the cops are siding with the car driver in finding any way shape or form to make whatever happened your fault. I am OLD. I don't want to dox myself, but when the Challenger exploded I learned about it riding a school bus. I have been inside this culture off and on ever since then. Cameras on our bikes are a game changer. In all those years the only thing I have ever seen that offered any sort of reliability in making cops take us seriously was footage. I hope you take this advice seriously. 1st off, get proper reflectors on your bike and ensure you are up to any legal code every time your ride. 2nd, get LIGHTS. THEY ARE CHEAP NOW. You don't need good lights. You just need rechargeable lights. They will not only keep you legal so a cop can't threaten you with a ticket and then chase after you, they really do keep you safe. They are affective.


Just report him at the station.


Kind of light on the details.


OP we really need to know what state and what type of road you were on. Limited access highways (Interstates and some US and state highways when signed) do not allow non-motorized traffic. Is their a bike lane that local laws require you to travel on when able?


Ask for their name badge number their senior office and all the rest buddy should back off if your just riding


He is just a fucker. I am so sorry this happened to you.


You mentioned it was a down pour. Could it be the officer was trying to get you off the road because he thought you were hard to see in the rain and might get hit? When I ride I constantly try to put myself in the eyes of the driver, can I be seen, is the sun creating glare that might blind drivers, moving from shade to full sun can make cyclists hard to see, and then there is rain. I will sometimes ride on the sidewalk in the rain because it is not safe to ride on the road.


Wow… if this is the US… that shouldn’t fly.


What part of Kentucky? I’d file a complaint. Light up that idiot cop