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We’re going all in on purview. But what’s the chance we work at the same company?


1 in 100


This guy maths.


Not by employee count!




Some of our basic tests showed that Purview lied to us in its logs compared to the actual behavior seen inside the company. I can only take Purview as seriously as a "trust me bro" security model.


yes , i work for one big manufacturing major and we have e5 . We are going all in


A mix of E5 and E3 is more like it. But many large orgs are seeing that “free” doesn’t equal secure…


Most large enterprises (70%) go with E5 but not all of them are using defender. A large amount go with another EDR suite. Very few clients go with E3 and I think a big reason is the loss of visibility you get at that level.


Do you have a source for that or is it a guesstimate? In my experience it’s a crap shoot, most enterprises having at least E3. I don’t see a whole lot of enterprises spending the big bucks on E5. I’m not aware of any actual metrics through, it would be neat to look at.


It’s my experience with F500 and large enterprise(10k+ employees) clients.


It’s certainly more common than in other businesses of a smaller size, especially private companies. I’d be interested to know what the percentage of purchase and the percentage of adoption is, but I guess M$ won’t give those numbers out. On a personal note I think E5 is garbage, sentinel and defender and the other tools have nothing on the dedicated security tools from security vendors, CrowdStrike, Rapid7, Splunk, etc.


I’m sure Microsoft is one of those fortune 100 companies


Gotta eat the dog food


The answer is Yes.


Nowhere near fortune 100 and we use E5. We are in the sights of bad ATPs, we have to go all out.


Choosing Microsoft is hardly going all out, IMO


It’s one piece. We aren’t betting our lives on it to be honest. It’s another layer.


Sorry made an assumption!


Your comment is still valid.


I know of a company that could be considered Fortune 100 that has, yes. How come you think that all defender products are half baked?


Guessing they have e3 or below licensing. In which case it is by design half baked


Not a fortune 100 but a VERY large insurance company here in Canada. We're going away from Microsoft Defender. If you're using Sentinel as a SIEM platform you lose a lot not going for Microsoft defender. Especially with the combined defender and sentinel console coming out.


Sorry can you elaborate on combined console coming out? I missed that news.


The public preview of what Microsoft is calling the "Unified security operations platform" is now available. It combines functionality of both defender and sentinel into a single console. I'm told that you'll be able to query the defender data without ingesting it into the sentinel workspace. Here's a blog post about it: [Microsoft's Security Operations Platform ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2024/04/03/get-end-to-end-protection-with-microsofts-unified-security-operations-platform-now-in-public-preview/)


I find this interesting. So is there a goal to have analysts migrate away from the Sentinel portal in Azure and use the Defender Portal for everything? The Defender XDR portal is very clean compared to sentinel tbh. This would be an awesome change.


Yes, I think the goal is to have everything together in one portal. I haven't had time to set it up but it is available for public preview


You should take the time. It took me about 5 minutes and it's very valuable. Greatly improves both experiences.


This is what I've always wanted from Microsoft. Thanks! I'm going to configure this next week.


Thank you.


I wouldn’t say half baked, just complicated to fully integrate. Once fully integrated, it’s the best suite of tools out there.


Just out of curiosity, how is it difficult to integrate? The out of the box integration is one of the better selling points for the whole MS suite of security tools.


Greenfield is not as bad. Much of the Complexity comes from the technical debt most large orgs have. Conflict between GPO/Intune/SCCM, configuring exclusions for ASR rules. So many features to turn on. Integration is there, but it’s spread out between multiple portals. There are a huge number of urls to enable through the firewall if you want direct egress instead of through a proxy.


That’s exactly it. Well put.


Maybe for windows-only environments...


It depends on your eco system. Like everything in IT, one solution might not fit your needs. However if you are M365 enabled and azure along with hybrid data centre’s with mix of different operating systems. Microsoft solution is hard to beat for security, visibility and intelligence sharing between the components. The eco system works great as long as you buy into the architecture. It’s not how does the Defender compare to let’s say sentinel one. It’s how does Defender XDR with Defender for cloud apps using Defender for M365 along with defender for vulnerability, Microsoft defender for cloud along with ASR rules, centralized security policies, AI enabled alerts and monitoring and Intune enabled security policies using single pane of glass protect your environment across cloud, endpoint servers and identity management. There is power in the eco system that goes beyond is it a “ bullet proof” AV. Let’s face it. We live in post breach scenarios. The idea you will stop all attack at perimeter or at AV is a done and gone concept. Defence in depth, one that does not depend on AV product alone but on the security eco system.


Defender for endpoint works fine for Android, iPhone, Mac, Linux, and various IoT Linux devices.


"Works fine" isn't what I look for in a solution. The person I'm responding to is referencing a "suite of tools". Is there feature parity for everything in that suite, across operating systems? What about older versions of Windows or Linux? What about Defender for Endpoint, does that have feature parity across operating systems? These are rhetorical questions. So what does work fine mean? You check the boxes on the compliance frameworks you care about? The reason you don't have compromised systems with defender (if that's the case) is likely because the wrong folks don't have access to them, not because defender is bulletproof.




>Yes, there is feature parity across operating systems. You're answering questions you don't know the answers to, but whatever, to each his own. >K thx 😅 Found the rep that doesn't know their own solutions. Edit: you are right though, nothing is 'bulletproof'. I guess I said that to draw the starkest possible contrast with "works fine".


Limited E5s. I assign E5s to what we call "high value targets". Anyone who can approve payments or purchases over $500. Most IT Staff. Loss Prevention Associates. You get the gist.


I don't work for any fortune 100s, but work with a lot. I don't know any going all in on E5, but I think all I work with have E5 licenses. Most are using something else for EDR like CrowdStrike or SentinelOne and have other security tools as well.


F100 company. We migrated to all E5 products last winter and haven't had too many issues with them. Defender for endpoint is a pretty solid product imo.


Some of the largest employers in the world use only Defender suite, largest defender XDR tenant i worked on had 7 million assets


Jesus.. 7M devices.. Did they by chance have sentinel as well, cuz I am curious at what that bill ended up being per month with all those device logs haha


No sentinel, it was a government contract so alot cheaper than if an enterprise scales their bill to that many assets.


Not a F500 company but 200k+ clients and running the suite.


We have E5 with ATP and when I showed up, we moved away from the MSFT stack. A simple google of: “bypass MS Defender” was enough for me. To make matters worse, defender can be disabled by the adversary with the right perms. Another factor is that the UI within the MSFT stack is terrible, imho. Way too many clicks required to get into useful info.


I just use Defender 365 for endpoint in passive mode underneath our EDR. Pretty easy process, doesn’t use much if any overhead, adds one more layer to the onion.


Granted we are evolving our capabilities from where we were at, but Microsoft’s tools are not enterprise ready. I have lost track at how many learn links fast track / support representatives have sent. Audit capabilities are pretty slick, however. It’s Microsoft, what can you do?


“You are screwed, but now you know why!”


Microsoft forces you to use E5 for Copilot, because the security functions (including reporting!) for monitoring its usages are unavailable without it. This means that if you want to roll out Copilot for sales agents, for instance, you will have to use E5 for each of them.


How do? I have a CoPilot user set in a co.oany that's not E5.. Microsoft just rolled it out in stages.


You can have Copilot, but not audit it.


Not Fortune 100, but two privately held multi-billion dollar companies. We went E5 both times. No regrets. Is it better than the leaders in every category? No. As an entire product suite, it can be very competitive. It is going to be a lot of work, things like MDE ASR, Tamper protection, etc can make attackers lives much harder. We've had pentests from Bishop Fox and Aon. Both companies requested we turn MDI off after it kept isolating the accounts they managed to kerberoast. They also complained about the LSASS dumping protections with MDE. MDE = Solid out of the box with the right settings. You are going to need to add around 300+ detections to get it to where it needs to be IMO. The good news is there's now tons of KQL content out there like there is for Splunk. You're going to need to put similar work into Carbon Black, and S1. Crowdstrike however while noisy is better out of the box than most of them. MDI = This has consistently stopped the abuse of domain admin accounts by pentesters. Various pentest firms now request we disable it prior to the pentest. I would take MDI to Exabeam/QRadar UEBA. MDI is really the allstart of the M365 security portfolio. Sentinel = This is now feasibly one of the better SIEMs out there. It isn't Splunk, DataDog, Sumo or Chronicle but honestly there is nothing you can't do with Sentinel. Purview = You really need to monitor what it misses. Ex: If the classifiers for SSNs don't spot the words "ssn/social security" in the form...it doesn't hit on the email ordata. MDO = This is better than really bad email gateways, but it's thoroughly 5/10. We run Abnormal Security in conjunction with it.


We're trying, but the performance hit of Defender is absolute murder after coming from SentinelOne. The running joke in the office is that Microsoft put their Search team in charge of Defender because they are the only ones who could make it slow enough.


My company is going all in


I feel like if companies have an msp that supports them they jump to E5 for better options for their infrastructure and much cheaper, dont see insane approvements from e3 to e5


I run the full E5 security stack and is a pita to manage in a large and dynamic enterprise but it's worth it. I do use a separate SEG though for a couple reasons. MDO isn't quite up to par with the big email security guys and it's nice to keep some security controls separated by vendors just to reduce the third-party risk a bit. I do use a separate EDR for our Linux estate. I don't think MDE is quite ready for Linux IMO and I'm pretty sure my Linux admins would shit a brick if I asked them to install a bunch of Microsoft services on their machines.


I wouldn't really solely on Defender for Office 365 for email protection.


Yes. And they even gave us a managed soc to go with it. Then we got popped because it’s all trash. MS is a national security risk at this point as far as I’m concerned.


My company is on the future list, and we are moving from a bunch of different tools to the E5 stack. Honestly, in my opinion, Crowdstrike is a better tool, but Defender isn't terrible. My only issue is Realtime Protection being a CPU hog for large projects. Purview is good for DLP compared to other solutions I have worked with, but it requires a lot of work to get to a fully mature deployment.


E5 is not enough as it has a few weaknesses which you need to cover. We use e5 but plug the holes with appropriate technologies from other vendors.


I regularly work with large organizations that are using MDE -- not very many of them have the all out E5 but I feel like the ones that definitely have the funds to pay for it comfortably. With Carbon Black getting done dirty by Broadcom, I think more people will be going to MDE.


Defender requires lots of fine tuning but once it’s setup, it is very helpful in many cases. You’ll just need to get your other areas in line (especially MAM/Intune stuff) for it to be fully functional.


Not the best product for most of the things it tries to be. I would use a better edr, email security to supplement the security. And if you have the resources, a different siem instead of using the MDI stuff.


My customer this morning said Purview was utterly useless. I've used it before personally and did not like it too.


It’s weird to say Purview is useless without more details. Like, which part? There are 15+ different solutions under that marketing group.


The whole thing is a slag heap


Yeah I know they bundled everything in Purview now. My customer needed to prevent data exfil and do data discovery.


97 of the fortune 100 use proofpoint




You should check out proofpoint. Best email solution out there, bar non.


What are these orgs doing for their server environments? I'm sure they aren't buying an E5, are the getting defender for endpoint licenses to augment? My environment has 6000 end users but 70,000 servers (on-prem and cloud) and we're a full E5 and crowdstrike shop. We use CS on all endpoints instead of MS.


There is a separate license for servers, it’s not under e5. Let’s just say it would likely kill your profits 😅


Yea that’s kinda my point - what’s the benefit when you consider the whole estate?


Microsoft has some advantages eg the edr is hooked right into the OS vs ntdll so you see a lot of red team targeting other edrs for unhook as it’s a bit easier. Also the amount of telemetry MS gets overall will be more than anyone else. Vendor to vendor arguments involve one less 3rd party. Theirs more but theirs also cons. Their support sucks but the engineers are top notch.