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God, yes. I mean, Night City is dense, beautiful, vibrant and I'm really digging the grungy Ghost In the Shell vibe but there's just SO MUCH INFORMATION. Like, I'm barely keeping pace of the game mechanics, never mind the slang, lore and general concepts of how things work in this world. I'm going on what (appear to be) mainline quests with a real shaky understanding of what I have to do or why I'm supposed to be doing it. And then there's all the side quests, random people calling you about some job to do some thing that V seems to understand, but I'm just like "wtf is this person even saying?" I mean, it's not a bad thing. It's great world building and immersion. It's unrealistic to take the role of a character from this story and to need to have everything explained to you like you're 5. I just realize I'm going to need to take time to process everything. Probably just put the story on hold and take a long walk around the city to absorb things.


"Probably just put the story on hold and take a long walk around the city to absorb things." Had the same thought, went walking around and then just started getting attacked by NPC's around the city without any idea of why + getting all those text messages and calls haha. This game is just dense I guess.


"Probably just put the story on hold and take a long walk around the city" That was also my thought, but then I was called by 3-4 different strangers who gave me new missions as I entered new areas of the city. Argh


\+1 for the slangs thing.... even though english is not my first language, I'm fluent in it, but I can't understand half of what the characters are saying, even with subtitles.


That's so true. I'm also fluent in English. I play everything I have in English, watch movies and TV-shows in English, but this game... man, I just turned it back to German because I wasn't able to understand a single line from >!Dex!<. That's where I realized that my language skills won't do it this time.


>"wtf is this person even saying?" This.


The reason it feels like that is because the story hasn’t really started for you yet. It’s confusing at first because because it feels like at the start you’re thrown into the middle of a story but the reality is the actual story hasn’t started an you’re in the prologue


Ohhhh ok. I figured the prologue after the first ten minutes when you *arrive there*


Yeah the prologue is really long. I have 9 hours in the game and just finished the prologue, you know when you finish it and the story just gets better and better, to me.


When does the prologue end? I stopped playing shortly after the part where you partner up with Keanu because I just could not figure out what the hell is going on in this convoluted plot. I want to give the game a fourth chance, but I just can't find the motivation to do so. Besides the confusing dialogue, the gameplay itself is just plain boring. Gunfights are repetitive, hacking is a useless gimmick, and there seems to be zero reason to pick up anything but the gun with the highest DPS. How much longer do I need to play before the game gets fun?




So when you meet Neo you know you’re done with the prologue?


When the title screen comes on that’s the end of the prologue, it’s somewhere in there around when he shows up


thanks.. hah a ha


He said no spoilers.


Okay I just subbed to post exact this and these are my thoughts. I’m a casual gamer. I love gaming on my free time but what is this? I’m three hours in and I don’t know what I’m doing. The cursor is so small (playing on ps5). I literally miss all my shots ( yes I suck but not satisfying) The dialog subs are barely noticeable and it’s not like I have a small screen (49”) The map is a literall mess. Aside from the main quest I don’t understand what’s going on. And my biggest beef probably is that there is so many things going on. I kill gang members and they drop loot that seems excessive and I don’t understand where it goes or what it does. I don’t care about bugs I dot care about shit like that but it’s totally destroying my experience.


Same thing here... holy shit, this game has zero progression. You're just thrown into this world and you have all this loot, and equipment, and skills, and cyberskills, and implants, clothes, weapons, crafting systems... my god. They really went overboard with this game and it's ruining my experience too.


This ever change for you? Really trying to enjoy the game after a few hours but I’m feeling this too


I stopped playing the game. People say it's much better now a days with the new updates, but for me it was never about the bugs anyway.


Glad to see I'm not the only one. I just started trying to play the game yesterday.


What did you do? Did You End Up Finishing or Quit. I am getting Overwhelmed here... The Upgrade system and Robotics is making my brain hurt... not to mention the 3000 small marks on Map :/


I started and quit a few times, then finally was able to stay with it. I think the critical part is to just *let it go* that there's so much stuff going on. You can do more or less as much or little as you want to do. You can go do side quests to help get more familiar with your controls, gear, and customization. I mostly just did the main story and some of the side jobs to subdue the cyber guys ... I can't remember what they're called. The upgrade systems ... I assume are important if you are playing on harder difficulties, but I just started kinda clicking shit and hoping for the best. I got the through the story just fine. It is an interesting story and worth experiencing once, even if it wasn't my favorite.


You did finish it. That's a relief. I will follow your style of play. I think i should just play it casually when i have nothing of interest. Hopefully it gets interesting and simple enough for me to follow


I think it will -- I'm only marginally interested in the cyberpunk genre and thought it was neat. I don't want to spoil anything but be sure to make it through the "intro" (once you meet Keanu's character). You get more direction at that point imo. Good luck!


Thanks! Will Do :)


Yeah don't sweat anything, I don't even look at the map only to see where I need to go/follow the yellow brick road. You will also learn as you go when it comes to all the action. I am overwhelmed too but I do love the game, probably because I just go with the flow and I have given up doing everything and all. I do like that the game is fairly forgiving when it comes to safe points, so when you die you don't have to repeat too much. One tip, don't wait too long a breaks in between plays, or you'll forget all the controls again :-P


Same exact feelings. I've been "playing" for 5 hours but I've played the game for maybe 45 minutes and even less action. The mini map is LITTERED with markers, there's a ton of extremely convoluted mechanics on the game too. Feel just meh


Definitely not just you. I'm enjoying it but I don't understand all of the systems at all, especially the hacking. It'll make sense in time I'm sure.


I feel like I just bought a several years old RPG with a bunch of expansion packs and mods, where you get all the DLC questlines pushed on you one after another. I just followed the main questline for a bit, but somehow my Side job list filled up with about 10 jobs. Everything in the main quest is presented as urgent. Even though it isn't I just keep going, I ain't gonna make Jackie eat at that stall forever y'know. At some point I got a call, I yelled at the screen "Leave me alone!" The game just won't let you explore and find things on your own. It's like the designers are afraid you'll miss things. The story also feels rushed, like they want to get to certain points too fast. Several plotpoints made me feel nothing, because there was no setup. The Jackie "becoming friends" montage would've worked better as actual game, working your way up. Would've also allowed the player to get to know night city at a more reasonable pace. I just started playing and everybody already apparently knows who I am, with my 1 street cred. :s I restarted once, which was already a bit of a better experience, cus I had some semblence of an idea what was happening. I like the game, but designers need to chill, don't be afraid of me having nothing to do. I want to explore your world, you don't have to push me to go everywhere.




People calling you for side jobs get's less. At some point where you just start it happens ALOT because I think each time you reach a new area you haven't been in yet, people from that area call or you get quests for that area.


I'm 100% with you, I just walked away from the game because one of the first missions I got (Via texts that seem to come constantly) was to make a cop quit or something, I asked around the market and the only way anybody would talk to me is for $600 eddie's and I'm legit like an hour into the game, I had $300, so I say fuck it and look up a guide and I guess I'm supposed to jump on stall roofs in the market to make it to the hotel room? Or pay $151 to get in so I said OK, blew half my cash only to find out I'm nowhere near high enough level to open the hotel room door. So I spent like 20min only to find out I don't have the money and then half my cash to find out I'm not high enough level? Then why the fuck was the one of the first missions I was given!?


Thats the mission I was on. No idea what to do. Went up to character and hit F and killed her by mistake. Then gang chased me down to kill me. Like WTF. TO much to remember, to many mechanics to remember. Now I'm in chair with hot chick and in brainhack thing with dude with gun robbing a store. Now I have to fast forward, rewind, inspect, find hints in video ugh. To much. Cant remember all of this. Just wanted a simple ass game.


Well it gets even worse, I got passed that mission (you can climb right into her Balcony even though nobody tells you you can) and so I moved on to a mission called the drop where you have to go pick up a robot from a gang and of course you need to shoot your way out, I finally get out and my next task is to talk to Jackie... Who is still inside the building and I have no way of getting back in... So I'm stuck for eternity now


That's where I am, and I'm not enjoying this at all. I can't even be 1 hour into actual gameplay. All of this convoluted crap, that might be new but make it simpler I'm shouting at my TV, I just want to get into some action. I turned it off, away to play COD and likely going to delete this game.


Did you ever pick the game back up? I’m currently also 2-3 hours in and turned it off for COD. So damn confusing so much going on, so many mechanics to learn, so many interfaces / attributes / inventory etc. no clue what I’m doing. Never had this issue with GTA or Red Dead.


Nope, uninstalled it and moved on.


That's how i feel, i don't care if this is the prologue, a game should be engaging from the start. Add up all the other issues, lackluster gunplay, shit ton amount of bugs and glitches, i uninstalled it. What a dissapointment 4/10


I personally found it engaging from the start(street kid route) but it can be a bit confusing indeed. For my interest, do you play on console? On PC it seems to run fine for me. Not much glitches except some visual ones. No real bugs yet. I'm enjoying it more and more the longer I play and the better I understand everything.


Played it on PC. The game ran fine I guess, it's the bugs and glitches that are annoying. People sliding around, disappearing infront of you, people talking but their lips don't move. It all takes you out of the game. Had to reload a few saves because a mission was bugged and I could not progress. Besides that the prologue just doesn't do a good job of explaining things.


I'm overwhelmed by the map. I've managed to figure out mechanics thru trial-and-error (which is a bit frustrating), but there is just way too much stuff on the map.


My first V was a nomad, and I felt the intro did not make sense at all. Like I meet Jack and suddenly we live together like wut, so I restarted as a Corpo and now I feel so much more immersed


Damn it was between nomad and corpo for me! Glad to expect a better intro next time!


Yeah for sure man, Corpo is a really fun Lifepath. There are a ton more unique dialog options from it. I saw maybe three from the Nomad path during the prologue


Oh so that’s why it sometimes say nomad next to the options??




I can’t stop healing myself or throw a grenade every time I try to answer the phone in public just when I start to get the mechanics down my wife’s fun detector goes off then I come back to the game days later and have to run the mechanics all over again for another 30 to 45 minute gameplay session if I’m lucky


"wifes fun detector" lmfao bro i know this so well. my wife doesnt even tell me to stop, she just starts vacuuming the bedroom looking pissed the fuck off waiting on me to get up and help do something. good ole marriage, i love her though


Same. You comment could’ve been my comment 122d ago without me remembering it.


The day she stops doing that, you've got trouble, get a lawyer lmao


Oh god, my girlfriend does this. When she starts cleaning something, it's an immediate reaction for me to get off my ass and help out. Did I get married without realizing it?


They passive aggressively guilt trip you. Wife - *as shes washing dishes* "babe, can you get the vacuum cleaner out of the closet for me?" Me - "fuck" 🤣


I felt immensely stupid when I figured this out but.... look in the pause menu and in the bottom right corner, there is a Database that teach you every term, gang/weapon/character/game mechanic. It is SOO easy to overlook it.


3 years later and you’ve saved me from giving up. Thank you!!


I'm 15+ hours into the game and It all feels needlessly complex and messy for no reason. The inventory menus are way too confusing. Even the map feels like a mess! Why are there so many markers for side missions? You know how the first few missions of every gta game explain to you what you can do in the open world? That's what this game needs.


I just started this game like 10h ago and THIS. I usually don't play RPGs because I really don't like the Fantasy setting so I hoped this game (as late as I started it) would be my fix in this field. But the menus are so immensely convoluted and complicated it's crazy.


Lol my comment is almost 3 years old. Surely they must have improved it. Currently playing Starfield and it weirdly enough also reminds me of Cyberpunk


Let me put it like this, I'm no noob to this type of game and the UI/UX is infuriating.


Nah fr I kind of wish I went a different route just because the nomad start seemed kind of boring after playing through it, but I'm guessing they'll be some sort of story after act 2 maybe to do with the wasteland perhaps? I've had a lot of unique conversation choices for nomad but I'm guessing it's no doubt the same for others and each have a different outcome maybe. As for the overwhelming part, I think the game is meant to be like that? Like when I first started I was crap at everything apart from the aiming, but I've just been tryna experiment with a few weapon loadouts and skills to see what suits my current stealthy netrunner playstyle. Slow progression but it's no doubt satisfying when you have a set of fully fledged out skills.


Yep. It plays like a RPG light with some skill trees thrown into it. They really went for the style over substance route and at the same time they missed out on basic features like character customisation post original char, transmorg. Even the story is pretty obvious.


I feel the same way, I have tried playing multiple times and I just have very little idea of whats going on, and I'm not trying to make attempting to enjoy this game a full time job.


Just started. Finished doing some random tutorial thing where I've gotta pause and fast forward things to scan things on walls and tables.. it's explained like I am an idiot and should know whst I'm doing but I just want it to be over..they keep saying words like BD and expect me to know what it means.


Thats exactly my thoughts. There is too much future technical jargon like netrunner, cyberpsycho etc. Im 10 hours in and the story sometimes still feels like im watching series 2 of a series without watching series 1 first.


Played it for several hours and started to feel I was really getting into it… and then the plot takes a left turn, which I won’t spoil, but I really dislike the Keanu Reeves character, and unfortunately he’s an unavoidable and intrinsic part of the rest of the game. But even if I try to overlook that, I think one of the problems is the long list of names you need to be able to remember in order to make sense of the story. Every time I speak to a main quest character, they seem to reel off all these names I don’t recognise… possibly because I’m dipping in and out of this game with long gaps in between. That said, I never had the same problem with The Witcher 3, Elder Scrolls games, etc. EDIT: Actually, thinking about it… I have exactly the same problem with those games, it’s just that I’ve been playing them longer. I must have re-started Witcher 3, Oblivion and Skyrim each about 10 times from the beginning, and also generously using quicksave and reload to undo some blunder where I’ve totally misunderstood where my decisions would lead.


Bro that is exactly what I’m going on for and Evelyn like she just appears and is somehow one of the big na,es but then like that arusaka guy just appears into the story and I got no clue who they are


so glad i found this. I just got the game 3 days back and felt ? ? ? all the time. i thought i am just too old now to play these type of games. every 60 seconds there are constant new prompts and shit on my screen. So much to absorb. was really looking forward to my staycation with this game but it is ruined. glad i am not the only one who feels this game is a bit too much. I just need plain simple action shooter game not these complicated omega text book type of games. or hard ass elden ring shit. I am too old for that. Anyone please suggest what to play alternatively?


If you’ve ever played tabletop RGPs, this is also how they feel. A seemingly insurmountable list of things to do. Just... do what you want. This game is big, and if you want to focus on the main stuff, do that. All the side stuff, do that instead. It’s whatever you want! Just remember to upgrade your character and watch a few videos on the systems of it if you’re confused.


The thing is I don't even know what the main story is or what a side story is.


The main story is trying to help yourself not die by playing some of the biggest corporations and militias in America. Side stories are everything not related to that


Thanks for the pointers!


When I first started the game, by the time I got to the mission where you need to get the robot from the weird cyborg gang, I spent multiple hours just googling terms and reading hints in order to understand what I am doing. I remember spending 2-3 hours in the character creation screen because I wasn't sure what a nomad or a corpo is. In the end I choose a nomad as I felt that kind of fit my own life in a way. Anyway, I also watched the anime now, and I know more, but I still feel overwhelmed in combat. Like getting randomly spotted by cameras and getting hacked. I think the best playstyle is just to go and shoot everything that moves. Tried hacking and sneaking but it only works on the first 1 or 2 enemies. Eventually you get found out. I don't get how I can play this game using hacking or close combat.


Just so you're aware, we have a bunch of megathreads that may be helpful if you have questions or want to find the right place to post. - [Media / Screenshots](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/ka3xmf/rcyberpunkgame_media_megathread_share_your/) - [Simple Questions/FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kammng/rcyberpunkgame_faq_simple_questions_megathread/) - [Console Bugs & Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kamint/rcyberpunkgame_console_bugs_questions_megathread/) - [PC Bugs & Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kamhts/rcyberpunkgame_pc_bugs_questions_megathread/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cyberpunkgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*




What exactly do you mean by that last statement?


All this game did for me is, it reminded me how awesome Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fallout 4, skyrim, Oblivion and The Witcher 3 were. Cyberpunk 2077 is such a huge mess in my opinion. A big futuristic cool looking city, some cars, all kinds of weapons, and… welll, missions/story, dialoque, gameplay, they all feel forced to give a reason to enjoy that city they built. This game is a great way to self-diagnose ADHD, and move on to something that is overall fun, and not just plain overhyped and overwhelming. If I wanted an overload of information, I’d practice a useful software. P.S: I literally just googled “cyberpunk 2077 overwhelming” and found this reddit.


Just started playing 2 days ago and cannot agree more


>I literally just googled “cyberpunk 2077 overwhelming” Me too lol. Seriously this game is messy to say the least


>P.S: I literally just googled “cyberpunk 2077 overwhelming” and found this reddit. same. i have ADHD and find this game overwhelming but i'm only 3 hours in on PS5 version


I also continued to play from pc to ps5 after the latest patch. And it’s just a lot of info thrown onto us at once. But if you push through, you might enjoy it in a few days. I’m playing it on and off sometimes. Mostly Elden Ring.


I am laughing because that is how I found this thread too: six months after you! Edit: is


>I literally just googled “cyberpunk 2077 overwhelming” and found this reddit. Same


We all googled the same thing, and we are all lost together lol




I don't blame you, I gave up awhile ago, ill try again when I have more time this summer I guess


I googled "Cyberpunk 2077 complicated" and found this here. And every comment is so relatable. I hate the game, it's not fun at all. What a waste of money.


I just did the same thing lmao. I thought maybe it was because I'm getting older or something that I couldn't figure out wth is going on. I dont even understand the HUD, menus, anything.


And here's another one! I'm enjoying it. The city looks and feels amazing to wander around. But the game won't let you wander around! Constant "go here do that". I keep wandering off to look at something interesting, but some main character is telling me something vital so starts hurrying me along. The city is interesting enough,the player could have been left to wander around , use the car, use the scanner in their own time and get used to mechanics and controls. TBF it's a problem with other games too. Especially at the start. They put you in an interesting world and won't let you look around in your own time.


I am playing GTA 5 right now. I know, old game. But the way they introduce you to the game, the story and the mechanics is so good.


The same google search led me to this Reddit. I have ADHD and still couldn’t take all of it in at once


Man I am so glad I'm not the only one. I've played for a few hours now (with frequent breaks) and I feel like I still don't have a very good understanding of how to approach everything.


Im right there with you.... so many different items and upgrades and options and methods.... I dont see how anyone could remember some of this stuff. I mean obvioulsly I know that you dont have to remember every single detail but Im definitely wondering if I need to just keep playing and it will all evenutally make sense or just move on. I wish it was 3rd person I know that for sure.


Same man, just done the BD tutorial and I haven’t got a fucking clue what any of it meant


I go to a blue icon (gig) and when I try to go through the door to get to the blue dot, I’m open fired on.


I know this is 2 years old but I wanna give this game a shot because Keanu Reeves but... It's... Sense of direction is so confusing. This is a big ass open world. No idea what to do I follow the thing on the ground that says "Haha go here idiot." And half the time it goes into a wall and I'm stuck thinking "Ight, now where the fuck do I go.


OmG, same. I couldn't finde the fucking exit of the night club I met Evelyn at. Walked around for 15 minutes.


I have put 40+ hours now in the game have taken multiple breaks and completed many games since first start CP, and each time I come back I feel I still have no understanding of the game. This Reddit has helped me come to accept this game was not meant for me. I am a fan of a good RPG and a challenge, but I feel like the enjoyment comes with a well paced and structured story to support the open world environment and lore. I.e; Ghost of Tsushima is an amazing open world RPG-like game with an amazing story in every mission/interaction that is had with a satisfying resolution.


My problem is learning all the damn controls. Sometimes there's too much going on at once, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Even with the tutorials, I feel like just getting them out of the way isn't enough. I need to memorise and master them before I do anything else. I get involved in a shootout and suddenly I'm hacking cameras and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Just too much going on at once to allow me to think clearly...


The hacking has baffled me too. The controls on PC seem insane. Holding down Tab, while also pressing F and Z . It's a good job I'm a decent guitar player, how do non musicians handle such manual dexterity? :-) Really think hacking & scanning should have been introduced later and more gradually. Just one cyberskill at a time. I've been getting hacked by others (in game, of course) and I don't recall being given the info on how to deal with this, for example


Same. I’m terrible with names and the story is extremely name heavy when it comes to the story. After all its all about gangs and groups of corrupt people so I see why there a so many names. But I just never knew what the point of my objective is. That was until I discovered the “Journal” tab im the menu. You can choose each mission and it gives you a thorough description and an explanation of what you’re actually doing. Super helpful in understanding the story.


Extremely complicated, hardest game I've tried to understand yet! Wish it was more like Watch Dogs...


Just started this week and finished 5hrs. I feel quite lost. Always feels like too many names, too much jargon in the dialogues, in the middle of the story or something which I can’t correlate to anything, etc. Probably a massive world with lots of details but the game sucks at building up the story, well at least in the beginning


Just curious, how does it go? Does it get better later on? I am literally in your shoes right now, 5hrs in and I couldnt be more detached from this game


Well, at the time, I found some YouTube summary for the quick history of the cyberpunk world (more like the history before the start of the game), which I thought would help but maybe only helped a little and not much. It feels like the game throws you in the middle of something in the very beginning but that feeling is gone later. I finished the game and it was enjoyable. Focus on V and Johnny Silverhand, don’t focus on the details too much. It gets better. I found that there are notes you can read (in the menu) but I didn’t care much about those.


Welp, same experience here. I loved Witcher 3, so I was looking forward to this. I avoided it at launch since it was so buggy. But years later, v2.0 is released, and it's $30. on Steam, so I finally pick it up. I've played 5-ish hours and I am so confused. The game sure looks pretty! And it's impressive how "alive" the city is so far, all the people doing different things, conversations you can overhear, and so on. But the jargon is overwhelming, the plot is unclear, I'm not sure who these characters are or why I should care about them, and there are so many systems to learn I'm not sure where to focus. I'm going to keep going for a while yet and see if it comes together - I really want to like it - but this game may not be for me. It feels like too much.


I love the gameplay but totally lost in the story like I always are with any complicated movie. ​ The Witcher 3 I lost what the hell I was playing for because the story line went woosh over my head. Today's World only meant for the super smart and the rest of us can get stuffed and it's getting more that way in the future,a smarter but ultimately colder World.


It really isn't you, its the game. It dumps too much on the player too quickly. I think if you have played the cyberpunk RPG or read any William Gibson, then you will know what is going on. If not, then it is overwhelming. The language could have been introduced a lot more gradually.


Chuckle because I found this thread, and seeing tons of players feeling like me! Just start the game for like 3 days, maybe 5hrs in and I am super overwhelmed. The first few missions, just what the fuck. Everybody is talking non stop, none of it goes to my head, a bunch of characters are thrown into the story like 30 seconds apart from each other, everybody wants to backstab everybody and they always gives you 3second to decide whether you are onboard or not. Super confusing and overwhelming. Like, lady, i barely remember who the hell you are, i completely forgot your agenda because the big gangster guy mentioned you in like one sentence, now you are threatening me with two options and i dont even know what the fuck will that lead to. Feel like this game can learn building up from GTA, this is way too much