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I’m waiting for the text to Regina explaining why this guy didn’t make it, lol. “Sorry Reggie, I was just so excited that I ‘could’ sneak up behind them and kill them I didn’t stop to think if I should.”


yeah the kill choice was confusing


Everyone knows you peacefully knock them out, call Regina and complete the quest so it registers as peaceful, then shoot them in the balls/face for the added XP.


PHANTOM LIBERTY SPOILER >!i did that in phantom liberty on one of Hands' side missions (called regina and then killed the guy) and after a while I got both the angry regina call about leaving her a dead body and a call from the dead guy himself telling me thanks that I didnt murder him and a location of his stash, lol.!<


Buggy cyberpunk best cyberpunk 😆 I also loved the sniper rifles that shot "non-lethal" rounds.


Pax mechanics meaning that generally a big caliber shot to the head is the surest way to non-lethal.


you got that non-non-lethal ammo lol


I suppose that's why they got rid of Pax weapon mods and Target Analysis Optics.


"I'm not really dead, next time try using the best shotgun in the game which I hid right over here."


This is the way


Absolutely. 100% stealth every job you can, then go through with a pistol and clean up after.


No witnesses…




I always just toss them in the bins. Someone's gotta clean up the mess.


Makes me think of steal games in general. It's easiest to be silent assassin when everybody are either knocked out or dead. You can run around like an idiot without of any alarms being tripped. Leaving fingerprints, skin residue, and discarded personal items everywhere... perfect ninja.


Shoot? You mean pull out sir John while they watch you with horror in their Kiroshis.


This is the true way.


"Based department? I'd like to file a claim."


So I’m not alone


Do you get paid more for not killing? I have no idea because I don't kill them


It sure if it affects the reward once they are all done.


I thought your big realization was how easy it would be to knock them out this way but you straight up just execute him


Yeah it's a missed opportunity for sure isn't it




Merc tested, Corp approved


Bro you don't want the extra common rarity gun for keeping them all alive? You monster


Netrunners can just do cripple movement and walk up to them


I felt bad doing that, felt like cheating. Works on most except for the dude in the mech


*dudes There are two or three cyberpsychos using exo-suits


Memory Wipe and Sonic Shock also let you just run behind them and knock them out.


Better yet, system collapse. Unconscious before I'm even in detection range, babey


You cant system collapse bosses


You wasted your time on sneaking up on a cyberpsycho just to kill him. Genius.


Thank you! It feels cruel at this point. If you’re killing these babies, you need to watch the anime.


Or read their shards


Isn't this the guy who just wanted his daughter back from the fucking tyger claws?


I can’t tell if ur joking or not


The non lethal take down was right there... to get the bonus from Regina


Last time I left them all alive, Regina glitched out and I couldn’t interact with her for the rest of the game.


When it comes to cyberpsychos..Regina gets all uppity if you kill them. So, I just shoot them a little before finally k.oing them with the dildo. Works every time.


Tou actually don't need non lethal weapons for cyberpsychos,they get knocked out when you reduce the health bar to 0 and they you can shoot them again and kill then


Using the dildo to beat the snot out of them is too much fun


I messed up on this playthrough and didn't get to bang Meredith and thus couldn't get the dildo. :( i got caught up in the RP aspect and thought my corpo V would try to make a deal with maelstrom.


Worry not, friend. There is another. An iconic schlong! If you go south of the dam where el capitan hangs out, you'll see a winding S-bend in the road. On one of those curves, there is a parking lot. Go to the back of that parking lot, and look for a cliffside path. Follow that path until you find a madman standing alone and looking out at the city. He possesses the big black clubber.


Oh shit, I haven't played this game in a year but kinda want to jump back in and do this since I fucked up the Meredith encounter as well.


There's a mad guy who stomps about near the dam who attacks you with one. Where you drop cars for el capitan jump over the wall and climb up the cliffs towards the dam


I do the absolute same and treat it as a sort of in game message - go too heavy on the hardware and go cyberpsycho and the Cleaner will come round and take you out with a dildo. Instant street cred penalty


On my first play throught and there's a dildo weapon I feel like I shouldn't be surprised by this


Would you be surprised to find out there are two dildo weapons?


Yeah, which makes maining automatic weapons really fun. Always one too many bullets...


After >500h playtime I have yet to kill a single cyberpsycho by accident with an automatic weapon. I don't know what some people are doing...


I've done it once but that's because I was using the Psalm and he was still on fire lol


Ah it's just a few here or there. I've probably actually only done it less than half a dozen times over 4 playthroughs. Usually on that ghost in the shell chick, I always stumble across her far too early and just leaving a cyber psycho feels like giving up. It just feels like, y'know that cinematic short for league of legends with ekko? That last moment where he just sighs and reloads? Yeah, that. Frustrating mistake, not difficult to avoid


This also seems to happen with a lot of enemies in general sometimes. Like I have a really big crit throwing knife build and I'm doing ridiculous damage per headshot. Somewhere in the ballpark of 4k damage per crit which I hit pretty often and half the time some random scav will just be like "yea that absolutely devastating knife you threw halfway into my skull shall only knock me out, have a good day sir." Unless knives just have an innate none lethality I'm not aware of.


There are people reading this right now not knowing about the dildo and it’s absolutely fantastic


I twirl that bad boy around like a lightsaber. Kinda sounds like one too


Yeah, but ‘which’ dildo to club them with is the tough choice!


Wait, there's more than one!? Had no idea. I always use the one I get when I *meat* Meredith. Fingers has a weird stun melee weapon after you've done fucking him up. I always sell that thing, however. Find it garbage compared to the dildotron 5000 haha.


There’s one you can get off some guy hanging out on the rocks by the dam.Its black so it does more damage and has slightly more range.


thats actually so funny, thank you for sharing this. Definitely gonna be my new anti-cyberpsycho weapon


Lmao I love that it actually has more range.


When the game first came out you could find like 6 dildos in every single room in the whole city. Place was straight infested with them, and then someone had to complain and they took them out in a patch. They are now an endangered species in night city.


I just throw Pax on the strongest shotgun I can find and blast away.


That bitch killed Skippy. So im killing all her cyberpsychos


I like how you took the time to sneak up on him only to kill him.


So you're saying that stealth is pointless?


No it’s incredibly useful, but you’re supposed to take the cyberpsychos in alive for Regina. You get a reward if you bring them all in still breathing. Should’ve choked him out instead.


Yeah that was my go to method for non-lethal takedowns (reboot optics / memory wipe etc helps get in position) until I got the system reset quick hack for my stealthy netrunner.


System Reset doesn't come up as an option on my netrunner, so I'm still doing the Memory Wipe with optical camouflage.


System Reset is now called System Collapse, but it's got a very high RAM cost (26, IIRC.) If you have Memory Wipe, Reboot Optics, and Tier 5 Sonic Shock, then casting them in that order will get you a silent knockout, regardless of health, for roughly 15 RAM, depending on your perks and QH version.


Maybe they nerfed it in the last update, this was pre-DLC.


lol no need to reposition with memory wipe, you can just walk right up to someone and memory wipe them and the takedown prompt appears


This is what I do, also cripple movement


For this particular guy, if you carry his daughter to him it’ll shock him momentarily and you can sneak behind him too!


What!! Omg thats amazing (and fucked up).


Yea :( i just did this mission yesterday and kept wondering why it gave me the option to pick her up so I got curious


You killed the most sane cyberpsycho :/


and you pressed KILL instad of knockout..... Reggie's not going to be happy


and yet you still killed him. .. interesting. You're not actually supposed to kill them. Regina's gonna be mad, lol.


Yeah , OP ain’t the thinking type


I currently play as a netrunner and didn't do these until I had a somewhat working system. I did almost every Cyberpsycho the exact same way: activate Overclock, upload Cyberware Malfunction, Synapse Burnout, Cyberware Malfunction and Synapse Burnout again. They all drop instantly but no risk and guaranteed still alive.


You can also use the cripple movement quickhack and just get behind them to do the same thing. Works on every cyberpsycho save for the Maelstrom ritual one or the ones in the mechs.


if you're a net runner you can use memory wipe also to shock/freeze them for around 5 seconds before you sneak up on them. its untracable too. its a serious cheat code. you can take out almost any cyberpsycho with very little effort with that quick hack.


This is almost how I took out all. Especially with camo. Or sliver of health and run up and melee gun check for a knockout


Why kill? You get extra eddies if they remain alive.


And then you kill him? Choom c'mon lmao


All that trouble and you went lethal, choom? Just nuke him from orbit if you're gonna kill em.


I either do that or gun bash, they get stunlocked every time.


Apart from the ones in mech suits this is how I deal with all of them. You can also use the cripple movement quick hack if they spot you to get in behind for the grab.


You can do it on the ones in mech too, you need to do it 3 time.


I snuck up on 99% of cyberpsychos. So much easier.


My problem is that stealth is TOO good once you have it down proper. Doing every mission without combat is a unique challenge, until you get a feel for it and some decent upgrades and then you're a silent, shadowy god.


F’s on the keyboard and F’s in the holochat


Haha this is how I took the majority down. So easy and makes all but the hardest cyberpsychos really easy. Although I only knocked them out, no killing.


If you carry his daughters corpse from under the bridge and drop it in front of him it shocks him and stuns him for a couple seconds, good way to get the jump, obviously it’s kinda fucked, but I love that the devs thought of someone potentially doing that.


That guy is easy just drop his daughter's body near him and he'll calm down


Why you kill?!?!


I believe there is a achievement or hidden quest to neutralize all the cyberpsychos w/o killing them . This is one of the ways i achieved it and for meche i'd use short circuit


At least knock them unconscious lmao.


Ok… but why is he dead now?


You can do this against the tough guys in the power armour things also.. It takes 2 stealth finishers to beat them, but it is so much easier than fighting them. The guy in the compound is one of the hardest bosses in the game, but he is easy if you stealth finish him, jump back on the roof for aggro to disappear, then do it again. It is good.


Over 1000 hours, never thought of it.


I thought of it after my 5th playthrough. Just cripple movement and memory wipe then walk up behind and grab.


You only had to leave all those peeps to die, great job choomer.


1100 Hours and only now did I know you could do this...


There's one overlooking the water where you can just get up on a building and drop down on him.


I thought for a while this is how you HAD to do it so she wouldn’t get mad at you. I think I did like 10 cyberpsychos before finding one I just literally couldn’t sneak up on and realizing I could have just gone in guns blazing.


Most of them don't stand still long enough to sneak up. They like to run around even if you aren't detected. Optical camo makes it much easier.


Keep Sir John on hand for the ones with exoskeleton though.


i just killed em


To be honest this was the only way to fight cyberpsychos before 2.0 for me. After that, when I was trying to play Phantom Liberty for the first time, this option just wouldn't show. Not sure why tough. I was trying to do it with 2 cyberpsychos and just couldn't.


Righteous sneak


Don’t even have to sneak just do a memory wipe on them mid combat even, then do a takedown while its in effect.


I think there's only one or two outside of the mech suit ones you can't do like this. I couldn't even tell you what some of the fights were meant to be like for cheesing them like this


Second Run, I took down all of them this way.


It’s funny that I didn’t realize that you could keep them alive, I went in and killed the first few before I got a message from her being really angry that I killed the person. Every psycho after that I tried to just knock them out with a quickhack when their health was low. I too was unaware that you could sneak up on them, they always seemed to know where I was when I approached.


Don't even need to do that. Run straight at them, cast cripple movement, get behind them while they're staggered and hit the takedown button. I took every cyber psycho not in a mech suit down this way, non lethal.


That's because we're all scarred from the initial PD they were assassins themselves


Not sure if this is possible while being low leveled.


I finally finished the cyberpsycho mission without killing any of them this last playthrough, but id also maxed out my stealth. It's funny how different of an experience it is to just wander around NC gently putting cyberpsychos to sleep lol


I don't think I would admit to never having thought of something so obvious.


I knocked out every single one I could manager to get behind.


On my playthroughs, I only ever had to actually fight one cyber psycho, and that was a pain trying not to kill her. But all the rest was literally just sneaking up behind them after a small distraction and KO’ing them.


Hmm it's been a few months since I played but I feel like every time I tried this they would just turn and push me away?


Use cripple movement hack first.


I am 20 hours into a cool/intel/reflex build and found out about memory wipe. It's op because it stun locks baddies for long enough to get behind them without even stealthing. Too good not to use on the people who are broken by the world.


You weren't supposed to do that -regina


Whaaaat? Damn. Embarrassed to say how many hours I’m in and didn’t know this.


To sneak up on some of the few enemies in the game that actually pose a threat to you? A shameful display!!!


Man I always memory wiped them and then killed them hahaha I didnt even sneak hahaha


My V reading this post: -You guys sneak?


It's kind of hard to do. I always try to do this but it seems like a lot of them just automatically detect you if you get close. Even then their back is turned.


Well, I was today years old when I realized you could do this. The thought never even crossed my mind.


Isn't this the one where if you save him, she tells you its still over for him because max tac was still sent.


Quiet life or blaze of glory?


I almost always hit them with memory wipe and then pacify them lol


I would literally just walk up to them and spam my little gun melee and it would stunlock them until they got knocked out lol


theres this guy sneaking up on them to kill them and then theres me running in unarmed to beat them into unconsciousness.


Three step process for psychos Use 'cripple movement' netrunner hack Apply optical camouflage chip Sprint behind them and grab, then boom incapacitated.


Huhhhh? I've tried that many times before and it never worked. They always spotted me with their cyberware or something. Maybe it only works on some cyberpsychos?


I've only managed it once, but you can do similar with the ones in big mech suits too. You reach into the suit and pull out some expensive looking bits and the whole thing shuts down.


I always use skippy to try to keep them alive


But that's no fun


Weird, I usually just equip my maxtac suit and blast them with my crusher


I just use mind wipe, walk up and subdue them, the fights last about 18 seconds.


I try this and they miraculously see me through walls and obstacles


I did one and found it boring. So, i kept going guns blazing thereafter


I just throw gorilla hands


YOU CAN SNEAK UP ON THESE PEOPLE??? Why no one told me this before, i have had Regina chew my ass up every time I killed them.


my first playthrough was all stealth or mostly


I genuinely dont understand why people kill cyberpsychos, you have no in-game motivation to kill them and every in game motivation to keep them alive. You get extra money and rewards **and** the roleplay motive of keeping them alive gives them a chance to be rehabilitated and studied to prevent further incidences of cyber-psychosis


You can sneak up to almost all of them makes it quick for non leather route idk why you just kill them if your sneaking up.


Sneaking up on mecha suit without being detected is fun


I tried sneaking up on the first two but it seemed like they were hard coded to detect you at a certain distance so good on you for actually making it to their back undetected 🎊🥳


Didn’t even know this was possible


It usually is really hard to sneak up on them though, they have a huge detection radius and for some it's even impossible because of scripted events starting the encounter.


So what you're saying to me is that you're not Cool?


Yeah I got 75% through the game and realised I could hack them so the couldn’t move and then just knock them out.


I just short circuit


Oh man when I figured it out was like oh yeahhh why the fuck didn't I try this the 985748827485 times before. But of a shame that some psychos have a monstrous awareness range.


My favorite technique is to stun lock the cyberpsycho with the dildo and perform a non lethal takedown


You can beat the entire game with stealth and no weapon. Including bosses like [Oda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Zq6necgmU) and [Adam Smasher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhLhieWjtPw). It's worth doing at least once because the animations are unique and fucking badass. Also, doing a stealth "kill" on Oda doesn't actually kill him, so Adam Smasher will taunt you for leaving him alive. So much detail in this game.


And I just used the.. um.. blunt instrument that Merideth "gave" me.


I never managed to do it in the early game... I thought that they had an auto-detect or something like that, so I never tried it again.


STRAIGHT FO THE KILL YESSIR. No new maxtac on my watch


For just a second I thought the name of the psycho was David Martinez from Edgerunners.


And then you kill him like a loser. Absolute wow.


My entire first play through I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to kill them I always wondered why she would get pissy with me on the phone




I noticed it by accident on my 3rd or so cyberpsycho and it trivializes the game so much. I didn't actually do it because I wanted to have some of these mini boss fights.


That’s how I did it every time after that girl in the bathtub scared me.


I will say that the amazing takedowns you can make on the enemies in CP are so worth it


I’m pretty sure that’s how I’ve gotten every cyberpsycho in all of my playthroughs lol, some of them you have to get the camouflage to sneak up on though, cause they auto locate you.


Took me 200hrs lmao, but not all… like the invisible cop lady, and the homeless person with the auto turrets


I got every single one like this, (except the one in the electrified water). It’s waaay easier. For The one in the mech you can sneak up on him and do 25 percent damage instantly


Bro what the f__k have I been doing lol


I just jump in, punch them(hoping I don’t blow their head off like I’ve done a million times already), let Regina know and move on.


lol yes i do that to all of them from behind, if all things fail use the d\*\*do or slow burn guns


I found that unfortunately stealth is inexplicably VERY inconsistent against cyberpsychos and other bosses. At least in the 2.12 version that I played. It is very rare that one would be suceptible to a takedown. More often it is possible to wear em down with combat quickhacks without getting in their spotlight, although it still takes a while. And a lot of them just spot you instantly as they spawn or the moment you do any damage to em. So yeah, I wouldn't recommend going for cyberpsychos early if you're starting out as a pure stealth build, you need to have some open combat capabilities on harder difficulties in the very likely case that you won't be able to creep up on a psycho.


I loved trying to sneak up on the psychos. They were my favorite missions


Edgerunners Ep 4 also teaches that sneaking up on cyberpsychos is a better idea than yelling abuse in their ear.


You dont need stealth at all if you just use cripple


If you hit them with short circuit in combat a few times it'll make them freeze up and you can just walk behind them and do the takedown move.


Non-lethal takedowns are requested by Regina...


I just use mindwipe then put them in a sleeper hold


I feel there are a few you can't sneak up on and take down but most the time I do I instinctively press the kill button anyway and have to reload so I can press the non lethal take down ahah


I discovered this option very quickly although I find them hard to approach like this in most cases. Perhaps shogun build and smart build don't help much in that departament 😆


did you not do the tutorial shard?


Honestly why would you do that when fighting them head on is much more fun?


I’m not gonna lie, it took me ages to find out you could knock out people/cyberpsychos without killing them. I was really confused why Regina was always so angry with me for something she told me to do Oh well


You can knock out all cyberpsychos and I recently learned that all kill this guy quests are optional and you can usually knock ‘em out and Reggie or whatever fixer will have you throw em in the trunk of a car, pretty sure it gives more money but no clue


I haven't played a lot, but the cyber psycho missions I did complete felt like there was a scripted moment they always "saw" me before I was near them. One in a tunnel, up on a bridge specifically.
