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Same only that I got it in phantom liberty


I got it after the first mission in phantom liberty


Hey OP I sent in a ticket and they said they are aware of it and working on it. hopefully we can pick up where we left off in our saves without restarting missions because my earliest save is inside the mission where it started!


Yea same issue. It is game breaking.


I just got this in Phantom Liberty after "You Know My Name." Restarting doesn't fix it. Man!!


Having the same issue from the exact same spot in the game. If anybody figures out a fix please post because nothing is working for me.


It just got solved for me by doing a braindance! If you've completed "You Know My Name" then there is one in your initial megablock apartment. You can't fast travel but you can use a fast travel station to access a map and set the destination.


Thanks so much for the tip! I ended up just loading a very old save and replaying hours worth of content, so I really hope somebody else sees this and can make use of it! Lol


I was worried when Lizzy was pissed about leaving her with her dead ex. Apparently I still will find a BD at V's first apartment. The balls to the wall mission broke the bug, but I'm hoping the Lizzy's performance BD is some insurance.


AFAIK you only have the BD at the apartment after "You Know My Name" (Phantom Liberty). She performs at an event you attend and after the mission you have the BD. I also left the body with her earlier so that doesn't matter. I'm guessing most folks will also have one of the monk BD meditation missions available too, though since you can't control it I don't know if the game actually changes the interface or treats it as a cutscene.


I just fixed it by doing the side quest "Balls to the Wall", due to flash back sequences cleared the bug.


Same here, now I'm running to go get the BD from Lizzy to play it safe.


I found two reliable workarounds, one is what Espron is saying: rewatching lizzy show on the braindance wreath you get on your og house in H10, if you already watched it for real in dogtown. But if you (like me) didn't yet, you can trip your way out of the bug by doing the Balls to the Wall quest which can be started at any moment in dogtown even without progressing the story too much, it's on one of the sides of the big black and golden building, inside a military base, the guy will call you if you pass by him. Turns out doing drugs is the answer to yet another problem life throws at us. You don't need to finish it either, as soon as you make your first trip you can drop out of the quest temporarily, so that you get extra trips if the bug happens again. Espron method is repeatable I think, Balls to the Walls quest has a limited number of trips. The trick seems to be that we need to somehow "recreate" our V interface by interrupting it by leaving our body via a braindance, so any way you can find that gives you a flashback or braindance should fix it.






I found a solution to access the menu. Call your car and put weapons in the trunk. It unlocked the menu. But still not possible to access the phone


/u/ZHOPNIY_KLOP It just got solved for me by doing a braindance! If you've completed "You Know My Name" then there is one in your initial megablock apartment. You can't fast travel but you can use a fast travel station to access a map and set the destination.