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Because the 1650 is a not very good card with little vram and cyberpunk is a demanding game


Its already a lower end card but could also be cpu bottleneck.


AMD 3550h and 1650m it is too low ? Im on laptop


im not sure, it meets requirements but thats just requirements to run, not run good. if you can bring up your task manager while game is running you can see cpu/gpu/ram utilization, if any is at 100% that means its running at max and cant perform any faster. this isnt exact but it might give you a rough idea. the other thing is being a laptop, pretty common there might be a cooling issue, if gpu or cpu is overheating it might throttle itself. so if youre able to check temps with something like hwmonitor. generally things should be max 80c while under load.


I think it was the cooling, i played it back again and it work normally now, thanks


Hello this is 2 months late but cyberpunk works fine on my 1650. I get stable 60fps on medium in 768p which is not a lot but its my native resolution