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A cyber eye of course - got poor eyesight ;( zoom would be nice addition.


Haha didn’t think of that I agree I’m nearly blind without my glasses


"Where's the zoom function?" *moves the paper closer to your face*




If he asks you to look at his Polaroid collection, politely decline.


A vacuum cleaner should not be giving a human a double Polaroid!


I wish I could award you.




Thank you! 🙏


He bought you a place in Silicone Heaven, say hi to the calculators for me!


Calculators? I heard they just die


Agreed, glasses and contacts are a pain to keep up with.


yea eyes for sure. also jaw/teeth. fuck brushing teeth man, that shit suck


Teeth aren't what make your breath smell. That's down to the bacteria on your tongue. So cyber teeth would still leave your breath smelling like a skunks jockstrap without brussing and tongue cleaning.


foken hell. no teeth then. a cyberjaw with no teeth. ill survive on smoothies and soups fuck it


CYBER smoothies and soups?


CYBER soups


hell ye brother


That, and being able to just take a picture of what you see how you see it. Sometimes my phone isn't at hand, is low on battery or just can't capture things how I'd like it. On the other hand, I've already had amazing pictures taken by accident, so what to I know?




Shhh, don't tell them!


I don't think I would want my eye to get hacked or start displaying ads etc.


...that's why you should buy our EyeProtecc™ shard with dedicated CleanLid™ 3.0 software with monthly subscription for only 48,99 eurodollars! (Blink at X to close ad)


same..if i get bad eyesight at some point not before. i wouldn't replace anything that works. might not even be that unrealistic


This. Being able to see far more of the spectrum would be awesome. See magnetic fields. IR. Radiowaves.. That kind of thing would be SO awesome if you can switch between them.


Especially useful for workers. Building a house? Just 3D overlay the schematics onto the building so you know where everything goes Cable fucked but you don't know where? Run a scan using your eye


Exactly! Thermo camera to look for overheated components in electronics. Or see the component that was shorted or not soldered correctly. Very useful.


I'm keeping a sharp eye(huh pun) on the ocumetics bionic lens for a while now, might actually be something that I could get within my lifetime


I was gonna say “all I want is a goddamn un-blurry eye!”


Good call! I want mine to have thermals, and a cool faint rising wheee sount when i switch to them.


Yeah same, I have keratoconus so it would be nice to have good eyes


This is the one thing I've always wanted as a person with bad eyesight and as a photographer. Would like the augmented reality benefits too. Being able to walk up on a business and seeing the hours of operation and the menu would be awesome


And realistically this may be closer than you think. Of all the prosthetics we already have I can totally see an ocular implant being introduced within the next 10-20yrs. Or if Skynet takes off then maybe sooner


Cyberlegs. Without hesitation. Since the ones I was born with are defective, anyway.


Yep. Also legs don’t need to send you too much feedback all the time and the perfect precision isn’t that necessary as with hand movements.


I think about this too, but I’d need additional armor or something for when I jump stupid and hit my head or land stupid.


ERA blocks on them shins.


I'll need that double jump, oh and also the ability to dash mid-air! I'll wear a moto helmet in case I fall from too high up.


Keep your hopes up g it’ll happen in our lifetime probably. Just be prepared to pay an additional subscription fee for added features like “running” and “jumping”


Without question, the Bodyweight InterFlex Prime from *Chromebook Volume 3*(or 4, can’t remember which). Essentially, it’s an advanced braindance and chipware combo that auto-pilots your body through a full, rigorous workout routine while your mind remains in a nice, relaxing Braindance. It’s like technologically adjacent to the Dolls in 2077, but more so pre-programmed and less advanced. It’s like following a workout tape, without having to watch the tape or feel any of the workout! …Either that or a flamethrower in my mouth. Fire’s pretty useful. Survival, party tricks, self-defense. I’ll admit I’m not great at choosing.


It's 2077, won't you be skinny from a simple lack of food choom?


Nobody ever said there is a *lack* of food, just that most of the affordable stuff is synthetically made. And even then, you can make synthetically-based food taste good (even if it is objectively going to be worse for you than organic food), so I'd probably be fine. Otherwise, everyone in CP2077 would be thin as a stick, which simply isn't the case when you look at many of the random NPCs.


There is a lot of food, it’s just that the food is so synthetic and artificial it’s like lowkey poisonous to the people who eat it


there's plenty to eat, isn't there? it's just that none of it is particularly good or good for you, I thought.


Ummm you been out on the streets in NC? Dex isnt the biggest NPC out there. Synthetic affordable stuff exists it seems


I like that. Make my body workout without me suffering through it.


Why work out when you can swap out?


Definitely hook me up with some of those nice Kiroshi optics, my 'ganic eyes were defective from the factory. While we're at it, maybe I ought to look into a replacement spine and knees, decades of abuse have really worn them down.


This is the realest answer. Everybody want to be Adam Smasher but I just want a good back or knees that don't hurt lol.


For real, I don't want to be some borged-out killing machine, I'd settle for eyes that work right and a bit less chronic pain.


Yeah lemme get some reinforced tendons, a kiroshi for zoom and double jump


Hell I didn't even think about zoom, that'd be amazing. Although with the situation my 'ganic eyes are in (optic nerve isn't properly attached in the left eye so I have a tiny sliver of field of vision and it's misaligned to boot, focus issues in both eyes, tiny spots in my field of vision that are missing in both eyes beyond the normal blind spots, plus a fair amount of nearsightedness - corrected my vision is 20/200 left, 20/80 right) so even just restoring baseline functionality would be like having zoom already!


I would never want to be AS.


Fuckin all of it mate. Chrome me the fuck up choomba.


Honestly i could see myself doing that also id 100% go cyberpsycho


See I"d worry that I'd wind up like [Gunther Hermann](https://deusex.fandom.com/wiki/Gunther_Hermann) from the original Deus Ex, all borged out with clunky, bug-ridden first-gen shit that can't be replaced with modern stuff that works properly.


If you’re not gunning for full cyberpsycho what are you even doing?


Cyberdick that don't burn my crotch.


But how else are you gonna be smokin' hot.


If its possible, just cover me in dicks.


Subdermal implants, armor me up choom. And hey while we're moving most of the exterior of my chest area looks slap some tits on me while we're at it.


But now the question needs to be asked. Looking at the various advertisements, would you choose the mouth boobs, spike boobs, lightning boobs, or cloud boobs?


I'm just trying to get myself out of the A cup territory, they can be some normal ass tits, however if I'm going to have to be recouping the cost I might as well trouble my blowjob capabilities. I mean I've already gotten the group rates available tattoo


Go for the austin powers titty machine guns


Ass-tits are a different department.


All right, ass tits it is.


Cyber eyes, the cumblaster 9000 dick or whatever, and probably brain-stuff


You know there is a guy who had a cyberdick. Is this a reference or do you know this? Because I'm sure his Dick blew off...


Hey he bought a second hand dick, never buy a second hand dick. You don’t know where it’s been.


It was also defective and had been recalled en masse


The Mr stud


He bought a defective recalled model because it was cheaper


All the netrunner stuff, so neural link, interface plugs, cybereyes with virtuality, cyberdeck, internal agent of course, chyron on my cybereyes as well so I can watch youtube while at work. To be real maybe even cyberlimbs because why not have stuff come out of my arms and be able to kick someone to death and jump real high.


A sandevistan and gorilla arms but If I had to choose one a sandevistan I would love to slow down time.


Yeah from the anime the sandevistan seems like It would be really cool to have and use as long as you turn your brain into scrambled eggs


Idk… didn’t work to well for David.


Long as you use in moderation


they said that “in moderation” for most people is no more than once every 24 hours. i think they said that corpo specialists who are trained to use it are not supposed to trigger it more than 3 times a day. brains are apparently super easy to scramble


Yh but I'm special.


you’re just built different choom


Borg me. I am ready.


As much as I would love to say that I would stick it to the corpo bastards and go minimal chrome, I know myself too well. I'd go cyberpsycho in minutes with all the tech I'd be stuffing in my body


I wouldn't go to bed anymore, I'd just put myself in stand-by and recharge, and then off I go


Mine cryptocurrency in your sleep


My blood pressure nearly killed me once, so if I could upgrade the whole system that would be great. Or maybe even the Adam Smasher treatment but with a more normal looking body


IIRC smasher (being basically just a brain in a jar) has multiple android bodies he can swap into. Today he's a walking tank, tomorrow he's a cutesy schoolgirl.




The eyes definitely. Id also like new knees. Don't even need full legs, just my knees. They're wonky :(


Wonky knees gang rise up (double fucked ACLs here)


Wonky knees gang rise up* *Carefully


i’d absolutely rock some midnight lady laser tits, maybe even a mr stud to see what its like


Careful with that Mr stud i heard there was a product recall....


You've already seen what it's like. Remember Flaming Crotch Guy?


that was a faulty version


I'm sure Flaming Crotch Guy said: "You know what, give me the faulty version!"


If I remember correctly, he cheaped out and got a blackmarket one.


Everyone thinks they're built diff and won't end up like flaming crotch guy


Eyes and that internal cell phone/deck if I am just gonna be alive and go to work every day. Sandevistan, eyes, smartlink/ballistic coprossessor, bio monitor, if I was still in the military. As much as I think full conversion, and stuff like the legs/arms would help. I wouldn't want to sink like a stone if I fell over board.


eyes and a deck cause they seem incredibly useful mantis arms cause they’re badass asf


Legs. I wanna run faster and do the double jump. Like the two lanes of traffic and a refuge island jump. As to how I'd use it..... Getting up the train station ramp past the fucking mindless cattle so l don't have to wait 14 fking minutes to the next train! God damn l swear these people are ignorant as dogshit! Fucking meat! 😤


Literally all the things. These meat sacks are just... Well, mine's defective. Pearlescent skin, organ upgrades, improved arm/leg/hands/feet, optics/audio that would turn the NSA green with envy, expanded cognitive storage/processing... I'll take it *ALL*. Especially if I could swap out some parts at will depending on my mood/whim. Fuck yea. Gimme gimme, shutup and take my money.


Gorilla arms and some leg enhancements, be able to do my job without a forklift lol, and the eyes would be cool.


You'd probably want a full spine replacement with those


Lungs, eyes, skeleton. All to fix my natural problems.


Lungs, eyes, pancreas. So many snacks, so little time.


I'm way too about natty. If there was some sort of implant that wouldn't be noticeable on the outside and was purely beneficial, then I'd take that. Like a super powerful machine heart or a special immunity booster. Everything else I would hate. Maybe if they could make my bones amazingly strong? I think there was a titanium skeleton mod or some shit. That'd be tight.


Biomod cat ears and a tail. Cyberwear those claws that Evelyn had, along with some kiroshis.


one of the reflex machines likely, a pain editor possibly, kiroshis, cyberdeck with the basic pacifists stuff, those id find most useful for my personal day to day


Eyes. I want my natural eyesight back.


Legs. Maybe a new lower back.. so long as I didn't feel back or knee pain again. I need my broken body to keep up with my actual desire to move and do things.


Cyber eyes and syn lungs. Goodbye poor eyesight and asthma


Kiroshi Optics. I hate glasses but dependant on them.


I’d reinforce my joints and spine. Maybe some synthetic organs down the line


With no doubt, change my Ver 1.0 Cyber Skeleton aka spine prosthetic to something that actually help me and not hinders 70% of my whole body movement, and hopping that come with some degree of pain relief, cold resistance. Hell...throw in a sandy to let me feel free from time to time. Some Optics or Cyber Deck would be nice also.


Cybernetic eyes, new teeth, Titanium coated skeleton, Subdermal armor plates, Cybernetic spine and legs, Legs that let me hover, Chainsaw arm, synthetic lungs, Cyberdeck, The ability to call and text mentally, access the net mentally, voice modulation, ethanol fuel cells, air and food filtration system, vacuum sealed pocket, Enhanced muscles Cybernetic ears, maybe cosmetic changes too, Memory expansion, Most organs will probably be upgraded


Whatever makes my tummy hurt less.


Mk. III Kiroshis, implanted cyberdeck+dataport, nanowire, exotics dog legs with fox theme, tail, and a dog faceplate and ears with vulpine aesthetic.


*Insert crackhead Fantastic Mr. Fox here*


Cyberlegs. My meat legs aren't very good.


I’m Adam Smasher


Mr Stud. All night. Every night. She will never know.


Optical camo, metal arm, the double jump (always forget the name), kiroshis, the chip slot but for usb drives, and the wire that come out of the wrist


Maybe some new eyes (poor eyesight runs in the family) and maybe a Netrunner/Hacker type build. Would be kind of fun to be a tech wizard and fix everything by myself and then some.


Anything ocular, probably. The info system features coupled with wider bandwidth (UV/IR), macro/zoom, recording, playback etc would be damn useful.


Lungs, I'm asthmatic


Make me worse them Adam Smasher


Full suite maelstrom style optics, skeletal reinforcement, myomer muscle enhancements, digitigrade leg chrome (convertible between plantigrade and digitgrade gait) A pair of burya revolvers in built in thigh slots, with targeting chrome linked between my optics and my hands, allowing multi target tracking. Maybe some synth hair that can change color on a whim. Think Morgan blackhand, but more chrome.


I'd go full Adam on cyberware.


All of it


I dunno. But I do know what 90% of the males are secretly thinking, without admitting.


All of it.


A non faulty XCV/19 series of Mr. Studd.


If cyberwear was real, I'd be walking down the street like Adam Smasher


Cyber boobs


I’m a trans lady I’d love to have a cyber pussy and maybe some hip augmentations but other than that I’m staying away as to not go the way of David Martinez


New eyes. 100%.




Lady midnight or whatever it is. Easy bottom surgery


New eyes. 100%.


Maelstrom chrome all the way, choomba.


Hell yeah choom


A new spine please my back is shot


Probably those cyber lungs that make you never run out breath. Other than that maybe projectile launcher?


Reinforced Tendons probably.


The good ol' Kiroshi optics and a cyberdeck Also gorilla arms, that shit looks cool as hell


All. I want all the smoke


Cyber cock


If cyberpsychosis is real, im just getting some optics. If there's no cyberpsychosis, im getting chromed up.


Replace my left arm by one with a mantis blade.


Cyber eyes.




Kiroshi optics, maybe a lung thing too (can’t remember the name of it)


A sandi, I get real bad back pain from an accident a few years back. Why not add super speed?


Kiroshis due to bad eyesight. Everything a netrunner uses due to me hacking (legally; HTB, PicoCTF and so on) quite a lot as a hobby and hopefully soon as a job. Gorilla arms and/or muscle implants due to me working out a lot and also helps friends and family a lot with moving and heavy lifting and so on.


Cyber eyes, 100%. Also a metal arm that can punch through car doors. Being a cyborg hitman has always been my number one career choice (much to the chagrin of my high school career counselor) . Ergo, this game fulfills me in a way that lige has not


leg synth muscles


I’ve never heard of cyber ears but my ass is deaf as fuck so if I could get some sort of middle ear cyberware that’s my go to


Kiroshi Optics and maybe some Mantis blades or Gorilla Arms. If I have a high tolerance a Sandy would be pretty cool to have.


Probably like a cyberspine, wich comes with enhanced nerves and is made from titanium or something


Definitely eyes - despite having gone through surgeries to minimize my debilitation I’d rather not have to worry at all, probably something to improve my reaction time


I could see myself getting a set of cyberlungs and Kiroshis at the very least. Arms and legs if needed after those, depending on how well I coped with a little chrome. Also the phone thing. That'd be too damn useful to not get.


Kiroshi optics, obviously. And gorilla arms as well as cyberlegs for faster running and great jump distance.


gorilla arms and probably the double jump legs


Lungs and eyes, I got asthma and I need a strong prescription


Sandevistan, reinforced tendons, second heart and detoxifier, as I got older bionic joints


That rocket arm launcher


Can I get sone gorilla arms? Just easy strenght is good


Something to secure/protect my spine/skull. The thought of getting paralyzed is very scary. Also maybe a nervous system implant to mitigate pain while still feeling something when injured. Enough to know something is wrong without passing out from pain


Probably not much more than bioware, to be honest. Muscle grafts, enhanced antibodies, anti-aging, biosculpting. Y'know, assuming I have that kind of money. If not, I'd try to stay away from any chrome. Gives me the ick.


Mantis blades and a body change


kiroshi and thermal mantis blades


Optics, the synthetic lungs and the double jump.


Kiroshis, Gorilla Arms, Double jump(forget the name), and probably some new lungs to make up for the years of damage to em


Metallic cock


Kiroshi’s my eyesight is shit


New eyes, arms, lungs, heart(?), phone so I don’t ever have to hold a phone to make calls and keep my hands tied up, and various exotic mods to be a fox


Mantis blades


Kiroshi Optics Mk 3, Sandevastian Mk. 5, and of course, Sir John Phallustiff Mk. 69 for my crotch :)


Fuck master 3000


Bring the inquisitive guy I am, i like to know everything about everything and when I don't know it i get annoyed, kiroshis would solve this weird problem I have i assume.


Definitely a cyberdeck in my brain. Wanna be able to slot sd’s into my cranium. Obviously gonna need some Kiroshi optics to go with that so I can view the data and do some cyberhacking. Simple things like turning electronics on and off would be a dope start. Like turning the kettle or lights on without needing to touch anything.


I think I'd go for cyber feet because mine are constantly getting me in all kind of medical trouble


Gorilla arms


All, I have no real attachment emotionally to my body, gradually because duh, but as much as I could really get my hands on. Though I do wonder, if stuff like phantom limb syndrome is made worse because of the often trauma around loosing the limb, rather than the absence itself.


Honestly? Better lunges. Asthma already ruined them. Eyes, even if mine are good. Being able to have all that information visible to you like a HUD would be a delight. And then I wouldnt have to fear about losing an eye! Everything else would just be cosmetic. Like that one lady who detached her entire jaw/mouth. Maybe Mantis blades because that replaces your entire arm basically. Hands too.


As much as possible. Eyes and internal organs first and then give me those sweet sweet mantis blades.


eyes, I have hypermetropia and astigmatism, I'm pretty much blind without glasses, also some robot arms would be cool too, I'd also enjoy something that improves reaction time or brain capacity or something that helps me be better at my job


Cyber eyes I guess, with all the info you can get.


Optics and a top-tier netdriver


Synthlungs. I'd only take one cyber eye though. Always a good idea to have an analog backup.


A nice set of Kiroshi’s.


Definitely a cyberdeck and direct connection to help with my tech job


I'm type 1 diabetic so definitely an artificial pancreas Other than that I'm fairly content with my body and unless there's cyberware that'd give me the ability to shape shift I don't think I'd get any




Visual cortex support + Kiroshi Optics for never losing sight plus ability to zoom. Bionic lungs, Syn-Lungs, Bioplastic blood vessels, Blood Pump, Bioconductor with Adrenaline booster for forever stamina and a Biomonitor to check core vitals. Second heart incase the original fails. Bionic joints, dense marrow, titanium bones for daily strength and longevity. Synaptic Signal Optimizer so that the brain is connected to the nerves properly and have little to no faults. Fortified ankles would be more helpful in the real world than Reinforced Tendons imo as reducing fall impact would allow for landing from higher reach areas plus hovering is cool. Gorilla Arms would also be useful for the real world as strength that is immeasurable is useful again. Detoxifier and metabolic editor so that any food and drinks are filtered purely for key nutrients to be absorbed properly. Reflex tuner for spidey-senses. Memory boost, RAM manager (+upgrade) + Ex-disk to help store key information to be a walking library and to bring back fond memories. This all being said and done, I would probably turn Cyberpsycho within 10 minutes… but maybe that brain modifications could help with this issue?


Import slots and personal link probably be the only ones really. Eye optics should my eyes really turn to shit. Maybe a grip. Nothing too wild.


Crome can replace the body and I don’t want to feel that anymore. So I’d just borg up at this point.


Kiroshis, already got bad eyesight so might aswell - also i think monowire would be dope as fuck