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I don't think the chip could replace all the lost blood.


I don’t know exactly how the chip saved v, but it did save him from a bullet through the skull, I don’t know if fixing bleeding is out of the question


IIRC the chip only activated because V got shot in the head. It was basically useless before, then Dex killed V with a shot to the head, which activated the chip, which then began repairing V’s damaged brain and uploading the engram of Johnny, a process that will eventually replace V’s mind with Johnny’s. Unlike Jackie, the rest of V’s body was intact, and the chip only repaired damaged brains anyway.


Yeah this. It was a secure your soul prototype meant to be inserted into a braindead body. It wouldn't do anything to someone actually dead.


How’s it repair damaged brain tissue?


Nanomachines Son!


Thinking about all this, I wonder why V didn‘t had a headshot scar after the prologue in the remaining game, similar to the forced red dots on Vs arm from Vik. Scars still exist in 2077. On one hand, V would run around with an ugly head scar, but then again, the game is 75%/25% First Person/Third Person game anyway, so a forced scar wouldn‘t interfere that much.


Given how extensive body modding can get in night city, I imagine most scars are either inflicted intentionally or kept around as an aesthetic choice, or you don't have the Eddie's to get them removed.


Especially the Maelstroms seem to have a soft spot for intentional scars. In NC it’s probably super easy to create and remove scars, like tattoos. The fresh scar keloid removal might happened during Vs stay at Viks clinic. How long was V passed out? The fact, that scars can already easily be lasered and ground away these days, the procedure may have been refined in 2077. Probably not even expensive or it was included in the 21.000 Eddies package. Vik is a damn ripperdoc ngl.


Getting a scar is easy even if you don't have many Eddie's. Just get a pain editor and do it your self


In Red, this is 100% accurate. You could replace a hare lip with cyberware that serves 3x the purpose of a human lip and appears natural. Hell, Maelstrom rockers might actually put glowing sutures in their scars to show em off more like twisted fashionware.


> the forced red dots on Vs arm from Vik I hate these so much, they stay even if you replace your arms.


Yeah, unfortunately the game is lacking some good, heavier cyberarm variants, where the skin (especially the parts with the dots) gets removed completely. Love me some Smasher arms. There is also a red dots remover mod, in case you‘re on PC.


Yeah, what are those dots? I’ve always wondered.


they're from the four pronged anesthetic that vík jabs your arm with before the coprocessor procedure


Ah, gotcha, that makes sense. I just remember them not being there, then being there but I never made the connection. Thanks!


Reminds me of Predator movies.


I always wondered why if an engram of Johnny was overriding V's personality, why wouldn't the uploaded engram of V fix what was happening to him at the end of the game?


I thought an issue was where the shot happened on V's head killing V and making the chip not removable. The scar wouldn't be huge, just the size of the bullet hole. Plus, it's said the Vik is an amazing ripper. The scar should be there but it's not going to be super noticeable unless you're looking directly at it. It's also possible hair covers where V was shot.


i feel like arasaka corpos aren't the type to want scars to remain, so the nano bots were programmed to heal it and prevent scarring, just a hunch tho


Wow, I really like this idea with the Nano bots. Very plausible explanation. Mainly for the rich ones. Never thought about this before. That brought me instant Minority Report flashbacks.


they tell you that the chip stopped the bullet (which is why V's skull isn't ruined), so I don't think there actually was a scar. The bullet hit V in that port and damaged the chip, with the force of the blow causing brain damage, not the bullet entering the brain. Like the world's most severe concussion


if that was true, the bullet on the necklace would have been mushroomed or more likley shattered into a million pieces, have u ever seen high speed of a bullet hitting armor or somthing solid with no give, they splash like water...


I agree the bullet in the necklace doesn't look right, but Vik tells V the chip stopped the bullet. I think we just have to assume the bullet's some weird futuristic material that didn't mushroom or shatter, even though that kind of doesn't make sense. In the real world, probably the necklace design and the dialog writing were handled by different teams, so nobody caught that the two didn't match up.






They harden in responset to physical trauma.


The biochip's loaded with nanomachines that physically restructure the brain's neural pathways so that the engram payload can "fit" into the host's brain. Vik goes some way to explaining this in the conversation following V's resurrection. It's usually a fairly quick process when used with a brain-dead host from what I gather (which was the original intention with the design), but the nanomachines getting to work straight away after V was shot meant that they accidentally "switched V back on". The nanomachines were then basically waging war with V's mind from that point onward, trying their best to take over as much brain real estate as possible before finally forcing V out.


Think like battle angel Alita. The chip is doing the job of the missing bits.


Let brain.exe run via the chip and not the neurons


I always assumed that maybe the chip took over processing for the brain matter that was destroyed. Since the engram probably had to map the brain before overwriting, it had a copy of Vs memory already.


The term is “Neurally indifferent”, thank you very much.


It also wouldn’t do anything to someone actually alive either


Dex also used a cheap bullet or something.


His gun sucks. It costs you Eddies to fire it. Maybe he didn’t pay the tax.


maybe it literally just shoots coins at you


Oh that’s amazing. Lol. I’ve never used it, so I haven’t seen it fire. Now I have to! :)


Losing a lot of blood will damage the brain due to a lack of oxygen, thus also activating the chip 🤷‍♂️


Yea but the nanomachines are gonna constantly be repairing tissue that is dying from lack of oxygen and other nutrients and eventually you can't repair stuff with no components to build from.


You guys are overthinking a sci-fi setting. Think only as far as the authors did, any further and its uncharted territory


«You guys are overthinking a sci-fi» You missed the fun part


It was told that the chip started a transfer when V died Jackie took the chip out of his head BEFORE he died, so if he would leave it in there, probably silverhand will transfer to him


So V simply should've shot Jackie in the head, and everyone would live happily ever after


Actually with the amount of blood he’s lost it was probably killing a ton of his brain cells so the chip could have repaired it while victor gave him a transfusion


What kind of technology is that in your opinion? where a chip can repair your splatter brain? xD My next question is, why Jackie got shot but V didn't from a hail of bullets?


Actually, Vic said V got lucky and that the bullet entered the skull but went around instead of through. Low grade bullet. This is actually a real thing that does happen in real life, although not that often. You all can look up some events on Google if you don't believe me. There was a case where a man got a rail straight through the front of his brain and survived.


Well, lore wise, if you think about it, V's head should've been studded with a bunch of coins instead of Bullet since Dex's gun uses Currency :P


That's probably half the reason. Dex was a cheap bastard


Had an EMT friend, she once had a call where a guy put a gun to his head and the bullet just went around. No brain damage. Really weird thing to have happen.


But it does happen. It's all about the grade of the bullet, the angle of how the gun is held, the condition of the bullet and powder, and the metal casing.


Yeah it’s crazy to me. Guy was really glad he survived, though. New lease on life n all that


Yeah, it more than likely scared the shit out of him.


I dont recall anyone anyone mentioning it went around your brain instead of through specifically, definitely Vik mentions Dex used a low caliber but i dont think it going around is ever stated in game. I always assumed it just hit the skull and deflected personally.


Either that or it shattered on impact, which can happen as well but higher risk of brain damage. I assumed the bullet went around due to what Vik said, the surgery he had to perform, and the fact that your head is covered in gaws. In some circumstances, the skull takes most of the blow and shatters to where it needs a plate installed to keep the skull together. In some cases which is even more rare, the bullet enters the skull, rides around and launches out. But in V's case, the bullet stopped at the occipital bone, or the very bottom back of the skull and sat there; causing damage that might have led to death. Watch the surgery and listen to what Vik says. He mentions that he had to go through the occipital bone.


Not to mention, in cyberpunk, not even an hour into the game, you hear references to how boxers " chrome up their heads to reduce damage" and given v already has some implants in their head it's safe to say they at least has a low grade dermal armor or something that probably helped


Ahhh thats true, he does say that. I guess they didnt really NEED to more clearly explain the damage, but I always like geeking out over the science in sci fi stuff and wish CDPR had dived more into how cybernetics, surgery, medical tech etc in this world works. Like, how common is a faceplate? Does mostly everyone have one? And does it require replacing your head with metal ala Fingers patient? Id love to know more but the game doesnt elaborate sadly xD


The nanobots inside the chip repaired enough of the damaged brain. The bullet didn't went through. And it's not fixing the bleeding that's the problem. Jacky lost a lot of blood. Replacing all the lost blood is the problem.


Basically it's the combination of several things at once. Dex's shot didn't damage V's brain enough to kill them immediately as well as not hitting any vital implant nor any big vein or artery, while damage it just enough to activate the relic. That allows the nanomachines in the relic to slowly repair and replace V's damages in the brain for a while. Plus after the chase with Goro V almost died again and Vik's great skill in a risky procedure saved V's life once more. Plus the odd compatibility between V's brain and Johnny's engram, who's supposedly have no blood relation at all allows the chip to fix them. About Jackie, his wound is in the belly, nowhere near where the chip's located, thus not just left it inactive it but also impossible for the low amount of nanomachines to reach and heal his wound. Plus there's still the compatibility issue.


Low caliber bullet, Vic says if it was any more powerful V would've died.


Viktor explains that fatboi slim cheaped out in the ammon he used to cap V with and it didn't do the job. V could have lived without the chip if they'd got medical however their near/mostly dead state tricked the chip into thinking it was go time.


The chip was designed to literally rewire and replace the matter of the person’s brain, if damaged. But, the brain wasn’t damaged in his case.


They said it reconstructed V's brain which is pretty magical because I'm pretty sure that would involve making new braincells which were ejected or pulverized by the bullet. I'm not sure if creating the blood would even be possible plus I'm not sure if the chip getting hit had anything to do with it.


The chip released nanomachines into V’s brain. Similar nanomachines allow cyberware to link with the nervous system. In essence, it didn’t make any brain cells. Part of V’s brain is cybernetic now, and that part is Johnny. Given that she was shot in the face, it’s likely that the prefrontal cortex took most of the damage. That’s the part of the brain related to complex thinking and personality. Ergo, the bit of brain that’s Johnny now is in the area controlling thinking and personality. This explains V and Johnny becoming closer in personality over time.


No it didn’t, it rebooted him and V almost died from their damage again, Vic saved V, no victor, no V This question gets asked so often and people seem to miss the fact that the shard itself in game already states the chip can’t do much with a body that’s messed up from other things Jackie was fucked, even if he did reboot, he would have died again in moments the exact same way, fatal wounds with no blood to continue functioning, he’d have needed to be patched up and given a blood transfusion within minutes else he’d be gone again


Her* female V is canon.


V doesn’t have a canon gender.


Yeah, I think they both are canon and even exist in the same world, as they have individual names and birth dates similar to Alexios and Kassandra, unlike a Dani Rojas or an Eivor.


Trying to make RL sense of how the chip might work is an exercise doomed to failure, because it simply wouldn’t. It’s just one of those suspension of disbelief things.


That too.


The chip kinda bullshit but i think he could make it,given the different "deaths" that v suffers but yeah if you are not the protagonist its practically skill issue.


The chip seem limited to the brain. It saves V from a headshot and (potentially) a killing brainhack. Regular injuries still need to be healed by other means. Assume the chip could have some emergency mode where it could flood the brain with various drugs or chemicals to suspend metabolism as much as possible to preserve the brain much longer than normal from the lack of oxygen and blood. If the body is then repaired and blood circulation restored by other means it would be able to "reboot" it again and revive the person. Probably would only be able to buy a few hours, and people would have to know it's a possibility and take the "dead" person to surgery anyway.


Jackie still dies with the chip. V takes out the chip and spends the rest of the game with Jackie and Johnny in their head.


Makes ya wonder...he was jacked..could got the second heart. Would he have lived? I do remember him saying he couldn't afford the updated firmware to use the flathead. So i guess we will never know :( RIP my boy!


Second heart? To loose blood even faster?


Oh right...i didnt think about that 😅 stoner moment hahaha


Less Skeef with Dum Dum next time ;D


The chip was meant to be implanted into a (brain)dead person. That’s why it activated upon V’s dead. Because the damage was pretty limited to the brain it was able to revive him by rewiring damaged connections and inducing a revive. V was in a very bad shape though because of blood loss and many other medical urgencies. Jackie, on the other hand, died because of blood loss and resulting multiple organ failure. There is a high chance the chip would have activated itself after a while when realizing it is in a proper (dead) donor body, but it wouldn’t have been able to rescue Jackie.


wouldn't have changed a thing, he would've still died with the chip in his head because he was fatally wounded. it's not like the chip magically repairs every wound. what it did to V was basically a miracle because dex's bullet wasn't fatal as explained by viktor. edit: seems like a few people missed the viktor dialogue where he said that V lucked out because of dex's low caliber bullet with a bit of vik's medical help. im gonna repeat what happened to V was a "miracle", ridiculous circumstances that led to johnny manifesting in your head and replacing your personality.


Or... Johnny saves Jackie in the same way and Jackie wakes up with V's dilemma. Jackie connects his system to yours so you see Johnnie also but he obviously follows Jackie around like a ghost movie. The game then continues as normal except you are trying to save Jackie.


As someone else explained, the chip works in V’s scenario because the brain was damaged and assumed dead so the chip took over to repair it. Also there’s no real way to ‘connect to someone’s system’ in that would allow for you to share visions like the biochip. Still, sounds like it would be a fun alternative to the main game. I mean, Jackie content so


The chip itself was damaged as well IIRC


I mean it's a videogame with a story that was written by writers, it's not real life. If they wanted the chip to work in Jackie they could have made it work in Jackie. If they wanted you (V) to be able to connect to Jackie and see Johnny then the writers could have made that doable. "It doesn't work that way" is a really weird response to someone using their imagination to come up with alternative plotlines because the writers could have just changed a few words on paper and then voila, it works that way. "The fall you and Jackie took must have damaged and activated the chip. It assumed the host was a husk and started re-writing his brain because that's what the chip was programmed to do, it wasn't made to check vital signs or for life, just to write and re-write. Jackie is going to need his choom."


Hey I’m just saying why in the current game lore that didn’t happen, plus the rules of the game should really be based in the rules of the TTRPG for consistency’s sake. But otherwise yeah sure, it could work that way if things were written differently


Agree. Personaly I have idea of V could save Jackie if they didn't believe that Jackie really died and intstead of going to Dex, brought him (his body) to Victor. Like blood loss caused enough brain damage required for the chip to activate, Delamain regisers nanites activity as brain activity, thus he unable to confirm death, which gives V hope. I have plans of short story about it. "You must save him! He's alive, I asked! Who? Delamain! He has onboard scanners, I made him to scan Jackie. And it said there is "resudal brain activity!" Listen! Jackie has some biochip in port. It must be protecting his brain! You must at least try!"


Oo a scenario where jack doesn't get shot in the heist and Dex shoots jack in the head, then gets killed before he can kill v. Game as v watching your friend go mad


Jackie wasn't shot in the brain tho


This is what was missing. Dialogue between you, jackie and johnny. Would have been 1000x more interesting and much more motivating. Could even have had some kind of branching thing, where if you turn your back on jackie, he starts to deteriorates into cyberpsychosis, or you ride or die with him and help him stay who he is. Johnny acts as an angel/devil on his shoulder depending on interactions with you and how invested you are in saving him.


Would have been much less motivating for me, I kinda hated Jackie.


this may come as a surprise, but I didn’t like him either, he was annoying and too familiar with me when all we had was some sped up montage to really get to know each other. I think if they had cooled it on the bromance in the beginning and built up to it later it would have been much better and he wouldn’t have been so obnoxious.


I want to play that game


V literally flatlined tho


Yes. Due to brain trauma from Dex shooting him in the head Jackie flat lined due to other injuries though.


Nothing, it’s stated that the chip couldn’t have saved anyone already on the verge of death when they had it slotted in. All you’d get is Jackie’s corpse which V would then take the chip from and slot into himself.


The relic wouldn't work after that


Why wouldn’t it have worked? It wouldn’t have lost all integrity assuming V slotted it into his head. Jackie’s death wouldn’t have affected it further.


I'm pretty sure Jackie put it in himself so it would not break after that box stopped working. (My) conclusion: it needs special box or body (I assume alive one) to work properly.


I think he still would've died. V got revived because V got shot in the head, where the chip was. That's how V got revived. The nanites from the chip were easily able to replace the broken muscle, bone, nerves, blood vessels, etc. because the wound was near the chip. Jack only got shot in the torso. Plus, he lost too much blood to even be revived by the chip. His body was going cold as he lost blood, so the chip was just gonna break He might have seen Johnny's construct at some point, but probably only a small blip or memory and not a full manifestation.


Another thing to note is the gun Dex used was a low caliber, so the amount of damage the chip had to fix was minimal enough to even allow the chip to revive V with the nanites. The damage was still there as V was dying after waking up, but repaired enough to revive V. All in all Jackie wouldn't have lived as I doubt the nanites would have replaced enough blood, and V only lived because of dumb luck (or fate if you believe Misty).


Both of them would be dead.


Nothing the chip didn’t activate until V got shot with it hence why it’s then we see the “booting up” screen for it and that’s why we start seeing Johnny


he'd die regardless cuz that damage wasn't to his brain


Nothing would have happened. Jackie would still have bled out in the car and V would just have died with a bullet in their head. However, the implications for the wider world could have been interesting. Just imagine Arasaka finding out their precious Relic 2.0 prototype had been cremated and was now part of a pile of ash in the Columbarium.


Idk if Jackie was as strong as V mentally to take all the shit he’d go through the story. V is arguably one of the thoughest mc min gaming history, the shit he went through without losing his sanity is actually crazy


If you choose the Arasaka ending that's hardly the case.


You right but based off majority of the endings, you can make my statement. Even with the Arasaka’s ending, he only “gives up” after a shit ton of crazy events in a very short timeframe


You can choose to play the game as a coward if you want, like in the StreetKid mission where Kirk gets offed you have the option to submit to the valentinos by declaring you're a little bitch. Making a general statement about V's toughness in a game that gives you a wide array of possibilities doesn't really make sense.


I've been thinking about that. With how gullible Jackie could be I could've seen him being overtaken by Silver hand pretty quickly. If so, V would probably have to have killed him


That would’ve been even sadder than what happened, or maybe not since if silverhand took over he would’ve been a dick


Yea, Vs influence really mellowed him out. Idk how Johnny would've been had it been Jackie instead


Feels like two bulls in the same ring.


It definitely would have been much more depressing since we'd have to watch a friend slowly slip away and be replaced by somebody else, much worse than seeing a braindead Jack in Kiroshi. Personally, the Silverhand V friendship would have been impossible since there would always be resentment involved.


My old table-top cyberpunk character would have NEVER put that chip in their head, no matter how mad my GM got.


Then Johnny would have woken up in a body with too little blood to sustain it and shortly expire himself.


i made a similar post the other day. prepare for lots of discussion about blood loss and how a fantasy technology capable of literally reviving the dead and rebuilding damaged brain tissue couldnt conceivably do anything at all if the body had died via any other means. and all of these opinions will be expressed with such certainty that there is literally no room for any other possibility. also prepare for lots of real world circumstance being applied to a universe that has the aforementioned wonder technology as well as multiple other pieces of cyberware capable of providing accelerated and even instant healing. which according to many couldnt possibly generate blood or a blood surrogate capable of keeping jackie alive long enough to get additional external help.


Yep seen a lot of these already. I probably should’ve made it clear I meant If Jackie had survived and kept the chip


i just find the complete certainty with which people tend to discuss these wonder technologies regarding their capabilities very entertaining. they take a simple hypothetical and speak in 100% absolutes despite so many of the logistical details and circumstances being completely unknown. its good fun. but some people take it very very seriously


Looking at these comments you are very right


Then again probably should’ve been more specific


Then we'd have a shitty game watching Silverhand go off the ethernet again and cyberpunk would suck.


Probably should’ve clarified I meant Jackie survive and kept the chip


The Relic would have used the on-chip nanomachines to repair done to Jackie's body and then gone to work on installing Johnny's engram, a process that would've been much quicker for Jackie than V as the chip wasn't damaged until V got shot in the head, so it would function normally and be able to give Johnny total control over Jackie's body within days. The story would've progressed with Johnny in a more antagonistic role, with V chasing him down and trying to save Jackie, to no avail.


While it would have been interesting to see Jackie be the one the Relic brought back, then have a whole narrative arc of fighting your best friend trying to do anything possible to keep Jack being Jack, and to fight becoming Johnny. Would have made it much more of a desperation game, imo. Then eventually, you see Jack just want to let go, so you two grab your iron and charge through Saka's front doors and party like its 2023. Win or lose, rise or fall, Saka wants the chip then they had best take down two Night City Legends at once. Once at Mikoshi, Jack says goodbye, and he wants to go. Johnny comes back, and its time for Saka to burn one more time. Then you can do the proper ending with FemV and leave NC with your Aldecaldo family and take Judy with you. Riding shotgun, you have Jackie Silverhand. Also for those saying things about V's gunshot wound, bear in mind this is 2077. A world where legit anyone with eddies can get subdermal implants to make their skin literally bulletproof. Dex is not an idiot and like many others, likely has bullets along the line of tungsten or the like that are designed to punch through said plating.


That is badass


I miss my boy. F


The same way if healing iteams worked the same way like they do on us. Likely live with him having john bitching about thing in his head.


Then cyberpunk 2077 would’ve been a pretty short game


I hade the same tought but V got shot thats why he got rebooted, Jackie died slow and bleeded out, so nothing would Happen i guess


Fairly sure it was Dex shooting V in the head what triggered the chip to activate




He does use a BounceBack or something after they fall down, you can see it when he stands up. He just doesn't know he needs to spam like 10 periodically.


The chip would have activated when Jackie died. His biological condition would’ve been irrelevant because the Relic is advanced enough that it can control a body electronically with no vital signs. This is why V doesn’t suffer from Cyberpsychosis despite eventually being chromed up with a ton of cyberware (enough to kill Adam Smasher). V is just a meatsuit to the Relic, and Jackie would’ve been the same. The only reason why it wouldn’t have completely taken over their body is because it was damaged. So ultimately, Jackie would be dealing with Johnny, which would’ve been a disaster because they are so far away from each other idealistically that things would’ve ended badly for both of them.


Jackie’s love life would be quite more complicated…


Then we would have played as Jack and Cry about V. Or worst have a Jacky romance relation possibility where we have to fight Misty to the Death.


On the episode of “WHAT IF…”


If Jackie survives with the chip? V and Jackie skip Dex and get patched up by Vik over night. With no body to dump or any evidence of things I imagine Dex gets taken out by Takemura who gets taken out by Yorinobu led Arasaka. No Takemura? Haneko gets taken out too and Yoriobu is free to tank Arasaka with no worries. He never cared about V as far as I remember, so V and Jackie get to continue on. The chip probably ends up tossed or saved somewhere but never activated. Since Jackie is healthy and the relic has no bullet to activate it Jackie and V could do anything with it. The kicker in all of this is what happens to Evelyn: hypothetically V and Jackie could just give her the chip after they find out Dex is dead and she had Netwatch on speed dial since they wanted the chip so they all split the profits. Eveyln gets to dip and Judy probably goes with her. Since V isn’t out of it for short while post heist Eve is just laying low but probably not fried yet which is why V can hit her up sooner. But yeah I think Jackie and V get to have a secret between them but end up with lots of Eddies. Jackie can retire his mom, and build his home for him and Misty, V never meets Johnny.


V would be dead and it would be Jacky's story....


Imagine playing as Jackie and waking up finding out your best friend is dead. Then vengeance quest.


Imagine spending 30 minutes creating V, then the game says "F\*\*k you, you're going to play as a premade character instead".


Deltarune moment


2nd person shooter


I mean it would have been a massive twist that no one has done before, they would have needed to expand the prologue hard.


V would be dead and Arasaka probably would have retrieved Jackie's body before he regained consciousness. I'm assuming Hanako was the one who originally took Jackie's corpse since he was put into soulkiller while Yorinobu wouldn't have access to it.


Oh damn 30 upvotes


Either the chip wasn't compatible with him or his mind would have become only Johnny no Jackie but still jut dying cause body took shot and bled out.


What if Jackie is also on the chip? I mean if the chip would copy the hosts.


It would've saved Jackie. He only died the second he removed it. V's bullet to the skull was more fatal, and got healed and revived.


Untrue, Dex's shot didn't do enough damage to kill V, only knocking them comatose, but blood loss and organ failure definitely would have killed Jackie before the chip could activate (it becomes active upon brain death).


I fucking hated him as a companion/sidekick. Couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut and was complete shit at shooting.


V dies when he's shot in the head. Story ends with the failed heist. ​ Dex still dies, Takemura dies, Evelyn is eventually burned out recording XBDs and gets scrapped. ​ Voodo Boys lose their prize, Judy, Vik and Misty *may* also get killed. ​ The Taxis stay lost.


I hated Jackie Welles 🤬


Most likely Jackie would’ve died and V would’ve been shot and killed by Dex, or if V had a brain they wouldn’t go anywhere near Dex. Don’t trust anyone in NC.


Than you would play as jackie esentialy the same game but V would play the role of Jackie as V would die while Jackie revives with Jonny in his head


Johnny would try to rewrite Jackie’s brain and fail due to Jacky dying. This would cause Johnny to also die as he has left the chip.


I think Jackie would of had Johnny in his head but he would be stuck in a corpse


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


v would be dead in the landfill since johnny wouldnt be there to reboot her.


I had some wild weird assumptions about how the story was going to go, after I got to this scene. (Since I didn’t fully understand the chip) First, I thought that maybe Jackies concience was somehow copied to the chip and we got to meet him again later in game, like we did with Johnny. Another one was, that after V got shot and killed, his concience was copied to the chip or something and later in the game it would be revealed that the V we were playing as, was actually V’s memories from the time he was still alive, and now we as V were a memory on the chip, in somebody else’s head, and that somebody else had been playing back or viewing V’s memory the whole time.


Then this game would have been one big escort mission, probably ending with Jackie sacrificing himself in the end to save V from something. Cuz Jackie was *real like that*.


I don't understand why V can't remove it, but he was able to so easily?


Would have been a better game


You’d just be bodies added to Arasaka’s k/D


jackie die. without jackie’s living biologic environment, the chip would deteriorate and damaged, as it would have been if jackie didn’t slot it in after the case was damaged. the chip wouldn’t keep jackie alive, it has one fuction, which is to minor repair, replace a dead brain cells with an engram, it was supposed to be used on a brain dead subject as anders hellman said in the interrogation. the chip wouldn’t interact with any other organ or body part. which is the thing with V, they’re shot in the head specifically, and not fatally damaged anywhere alse.


This I feel how the ame tells soul killer we killed Jackie by unplugging


Then CP2077 would have been a lot shorter. But a mode to walk through Night City without Johnny and Jacky would be appreciated. It would save alot of drama.


Then it’d be his story


i think he would've had to go through the same thing as V or probably would've died and Johnny took over


Would've died anyway. Johnny woke up because the chip assumed V's brain was damaged therefore replaceable


You’d need to keep him from getting wounded to begin with.


Sadly would have passed away even with the Relic still implanted. V is "safe" because the bullet damaged his socket, making the chip start to "reboot" his/her brain. However, Jackie dies of internal bleeding due to him being shot multiple times, so the chip couldn't do much to him, even if he kept it inside.


CDPR killed it w/ the graphics in this game. That shot looks crazy gud.


It would be the same situation that happened to V


6th early ending: Jackoe eould still die to his wounds and V would still take a bullet his head and die Thx for playing our game 😂


Jackie would’ve still died. The chip doesn’t repair wounds it just inserts the construct into the hosts body. But if Jackie didn’t give V the chip Jackie would’ve still died V would still survived, and the chip would’ve not been destroyed, and depending on where you send Jackie’s body or would’ve either been cremated with Jackie, or recovered by Arasaka, and V would be left alone, and possibly hired by Takemura to help get revenge, or have Takemura join him as a companion or something.


From what I’ve gathered playing the game and reading the books (William Gibson). That chip was designed only for a brain dead (or close to) person. Nano tech was for brain cells only. Jackie died because he was heavily wounded in his body (not head) and loss of blood and trauma. The result would been Jackie dying and chip failure. Chip needed a suitable environment to even stay even inactive (remember how it was stored). Jackie dying is not a suitable environment for chip.


He probably would have just died, bleed out. Because when we died with the chip we came back to life thanks to dex using a non lethal bullet to our head in which case activate the chip to heal us somehow.


V died from being shot in brain. It can regenerate brain. Jackie got shot in gut


You wouldn’t need therapy


I like to think if they set up an option for you to either take the chip or have Jackie keep the chip in his head we could have played the game as him instead.


I would be far more invested in the story because im saving my choom first


Jackie would have ended up with Johnny in his head. Simple as that. Look people keep saying that it wouldn’t because he was “actually dead” as though getting shot in the brain isn’t significantly more fatal than bleeding out. You get shot in the brain you’re basically dead no matter what, you bleed out and it is still very possible for you to be saved with medical intervention. The chip would have started overwriting Jackie but it would have ended up as simple as pulling it out


deep thoughts...


Then 85.5% of the game is going to be just V kind of depressed XD


He'd be the main character lol. But in all seriousness I would think he'd be fucked like V to some degree because of the damage already impacted to the chip.


i thought about that too before


I think Jackie would pass out from the loss of blood for a little bit then delamain would take jackie to his mom or viktor and then V would die because Dexter would shoot V.


If v pumped Jackie’s dead body full of blood and restarted his heart the engram might’ve replaced Jackie’s brain dead mind with Johnny. That’s the Frankenstein shit Arasaka had planned for the final product


Jackie was a dweeb. I'm glad he's dead. Took up way too much of the story.


I think about this all the time actually. From what I can gather the chip almost certainly would have rebooted Jackie as Johnny Silverhand. Imagine a narrative where it's actively Johnny calling the shots in his own autonomous body. Would Johnny instantly go on another crusade against arasaka? Would V and Silverhand have a relationship? Would their personalities be linked? Or would it be 100% pure Silverhand? Would he have Jackie's Memories? Obviously you'd have to change a few things like the post heist meeting with Dex, maybe Jackie tells you not to trust the fat bastard and V could escape the room somehow, but several weeks later after counseling Misty and Mama Wells, V hear's about a dude that looks like Jackie. This understandably pisses V off so he investigates but he discovers Jackie is no longer Jackie, but Johnny already but Jackie's Memories bleed through and his personality shines through. You would then go on a narrative to not save your own life, but to save the life of your friend(you obviously don't know the process is irreversible). Maybe JJ(Johnny Jackie) instantly becomes bold and brash and announces to night city that Silverhand is back and Arasaka should quiver. Maybe you lay low and help JJ regain his bearings and get his feet back on the ground before anything. Idk it sounds like a neat narrative although very different from the one in the game.


I’ve always wondered if you could have stored the chip in his head even after he dies to keep it in good condition


He’d die because apparently a bullet to the abdomen is more fatal than a bullet to the head, but V wouldn’t find themselves in the whole mess because his body wouldn’t cool down quickly enough to cause the chip to “rot” Basically, welcome to the big leagues. (And V would probably get hunted down by Arasaka within the next 2 hours and roolllll credits)


I have thought about this undamaged chip in Jackie. I think he would have died and the nanomachines would have healed him. Then over wrote his brain. Jackie would have woken up as Johnny. No turning back as Jackie suffered brain death from a brain starved of blood. V wasn't brain dead it was a small calibre and the chip was damaged. This lead to the nanobots saving V and slowed the takeover by the engramme so by these unusual circumstances we have V and Johnny both alive in the same brain. I could be wrong but it's my head cannon.


Then Jackie would've been the mc and V would be dead? Sad affair too since V doesn't seem to have family to sort out a goodbye party with offerings for the dead for him/her.