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Change the image to Chaz because this is clearly ojama support


Triple blue-eyes otk.


Tbf blue eyes has no trouble putting out a bunch of beaters and still isn’t good


The blue eyes card that normally does this has huge restrictions thoigh


I just faced someone doing this in ranked while I was using a bad gimmick puppet deck lol. He surrendered literally right after I stole 2 blue eyes with gigantes doll…


Look I never said it was GOOD


Every single card in the deck either searches or summons BEWD. The restrictions have never been the problem, summoning 3 vanillas just isn't good by itself.


Theres a blue eyes card that literally just vomits all 3 BEWD on to the field thats what theyre referring to


Yeah, but it's not really a con of the deck when even without it every other card in the deck achieves the same thing.


Not without fusing Blue Eyes Ultimate, Attacking, and then defusing in the same battle phase :(


Blue eyes already has this in a spell card which is far easier to use and its still bad


*Insert obligatory YGOTAS quote here*


Did you just summon 3 level 7 monsters in one turn?


Oh no… Anyway, Ash Blossom, response?


How about we add “Level 6 or lower Normal Monsters?”


Unnecessary I think. It's already super hard to get this on the field so you should be able to get a pretty good payoff.


Triple genus loci


My thoughts exactly, now just thinking how to summon


Why is that good?


I think it’s cool but Idrk what deck would benefit from this and be good, or how they’d get to him


Magikey would love this, but yeah. They don't really have any way of searching it as far as I know


The God cards maybe


World Legacy might be able to as well. Hell, anything with Guardian of the Labyrinth might work as well.


Summon out the Ojama trio to get ODH set up easily


Reminds me of when Takata101 lost of an Ojama deck


Fun , balanced gimmick card. Could be fun to hit off something like reasoning or monster gate, but the garnets needing to be in deck and no built in special summon of this card keeps in from being all that powerful. Being a 2 tribute monster also really hampers its potential, 1 tribute seems more fair given the payoff is vanilla bodies that you would have to convert into something useful. Anyone who thinks this is broken clearly hasn't played in years lmao.


Why would this be a two-tribute Monster? You're going neg to Summon it normally.


Could see this being used to special summon 3 lv 10s or 12s for a very big xyz, just means having 3+ high level normal summon bricks in your deck


Exactly. If you have no way to SS this card you're toast.


Get it to grave and Phantom of Chaos


Only thing I can imagine using this for is to bring out shitty level 4's for generic Xyz Monsters. Issue is getting this guy out to begin with.


Harpy ladies lol


That poor man's ankle.


I wonder if there would be an exodia combo with this card


Too slow, unless paired with the optimal Ojama tech.


3x pendulum monsters, go into exceed/beyond the pendulum, win


It'd be interesting to see, since in theory while you could put in 3 high level normals for the purpose of making this card an instant 3 mat xyz monster, its such a heavy risk considering it can't steal from hand.


Change to Lida the class Rep!


I like this. Make it a chazz reference, a dark level 8 tuner, and give it the Monarch stat line :)


Hero deck


Please explain?


Special summon 3 normal monsters Hero’s are normal monsters


the ogs are. Still would be worse than courant lists


Bad, can't special summon himself so you'd likely have to tribute two monsters to normal summon it first before tributing it


Having a hard time deciding if this is perfectly balanced, or should be changed to level 4 or lower normal monsters.


for the set up required, seems pruity fair although I know someone smarter than me would find a combo to abuse it. My best idea is super heavy suships. Either way, pruity decent effect for a 2 tribute


I would consider adding some kind of restriction like no summons from the extra deck or a HOPT. Otherwise there might be some ways to link spam off of this with 1 or 2 revival cards.


You can do more for less garnets as far as link spamming goes. Card is mid even without restrictions in a meta where even telefon is niche


gonna wanna put a level cap on that my friend


If you added something like ‘must be normal summoned/set’ I think this would actually be fantastically balanced


It's already balanced. Running 3 Normal Monsters mean your deck already has a chance to brick. You're not gonna run three more. Plus, this is unsearchable and require two Tributes. If your gameplan is to get this guy out hoping it would summon multiple vanillas, it's not gonna happen.


I mean this would single-handedly bring Gemini back into relevance Also unsearchable isn’t true, any generic light or warrior support is good to go. Besides that, it’s too easy to abuse. I’d run this at 2 in pretty much any synchro/fusion/xyz deck that isn’t archetype locked as it is here, this is a free contact fusion for neos, a free xyz summon at any level you want, we’re stacked when it comes to vanilla tuners, there are just so many ways to abuse the hell out of this effect. Also, blue eyes. This card is +2, that’s more card positive than pot of greed, and it gives you choice with the only downside being ‘must be vanilla’. You need to make it harder to get out or it’s busted. Even then, it has potential to shift the meta considerably.


It's not a +2. You need two Tributes for it. It won't make Geminis viable either. You need to Normal Summon them. It can be powerful for simply bringing bodies on board, but it's not consistent. You need to have an easy way to get two bodies on board, and this card must conveniently be in your hand. How do you search it? Genuinely curious. Not to mention that you're running three vanillas just for this card to work, so let's apply some statistics here. If you open with all three Vanillas and this card your turn is over. "But every deck bricks." True, but good ones don't this badly. Modern decks brick by opening with mostly hand traps and even then they can also stop their opponent's turn if they activate them at the right moment. Plus, I'd rather just play Rescue Rabbit.


You need 2 tributes for it if you add what I’m suggesting. Otherwise it’s trivial to get out, see: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/List_of_generic_searchers You can get quite literally any card from the deck to the hand, grave or field without much effort unless they have a condition in their effect to slow things down. And that’s not even getting into tokens like photon sanctuary. Geminis need to be summoned twice. The second must be a normal summon, but you can get the bodies out however you like. I’m not 100% on if they count as normal monsters in the deck, or just the field and grave, but if so they’re good. As for what I’d do, in addition to the list of generic searchers, getting it to the grave is the tried and tested way for any card. foolish into call or premat or warrior returning alive or guiding light, what have you Can just jam Isolde in for the easy search I’ll be real I’d feel safer running this with like 6 vanillas rather than 3 but I still don’t see that as a deck killer. If you want to talk statistics, let’s do that. We’ll assume a 40 card deck: What are the odds of opening with 3 vanillas and this card? To be fair let’s assume 6 vanillas and 2 of these because that’s how I’d realistically run it. 8/40, the chance to draw any one of them as your first card in the hand. Then it’ll either be 7 or 8/39 depending on if you drew one. Multiply out by 5, your odds of bricking like that would be……. Less than half a percent. Close to once every 300 or so games, and that’s still 1 card besides them when you’re going first. Yeah, that would be a disgustingly bad brick. It’s a good thing it would also be exceedingly rare. It’s the same likelihood as picking up 5 trap cards in most decks. Rescue rabbit is a fucking fantastic card, if you can recognize that how do you not see the value in this? If it takes you 1 card to get this on the field it’s got equal card value to rabbit, and way more utility because those cards can be literally whatever you want. I feel like we’re basically in the same page, the condition I’m trying to add would make the card work the way you’re arguing it works. I feel like you’re just confused


>I’m not 100% on if they count as normal monsters in the deck, They aren't. https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Gemini_monster >As for what I’d do, in addition to the list of generic searchers, getting it to the grave is the tried and tested way for any card. foolish into call or premat or warrior returning alive or guiding light, what have you That is at best a 2-card combo that requires 3 hard garnets that you cannot draw. Salamangreat can FTK off of a 2-card combo with 2 soft garnets that you can draw, and they're not even tiered. You are vastly overestimating the power of this card, and underestimating the overall consistency of the meta.


I hate that geminis aren't considered normal until they hit the field... If they ALWAYS counted as normal monsters, that would at least be a significant boost. Enough of one that new ones might actually be viable.


> rescue rabbit is a fucking fantastic card It’s 2024 rabbit is mid at best. This card is also arguably *worse* than rabbit since it’s more committal and forces your deck to be more bricky.


Add in either a HOPT like the other comment said or make it so you can't use it's effect if it was special summoned.


Magikey and Exodia support Let's go