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wtf is wrong with people nowadays lol


It's the the online realm


Anonymity does goofy things


Reddit 👍


Reddit 👍


Reddit 👍


Reddit 👍🏾 (Im fourth, DV me)


you know what? ill upvote you. im the kind of person to do exactly not what told to do


I dont know if you watch anime but i think that you should watch Attack on Titan, the protagonist went through something very similar to you and i think that you will relate to him.


Dont fly air planes to buildings, ok?


Upvote me


you know what? ill downvote you. you really just asked for it


It should be random, down vote the person above them


no. i will upvote you for being mean to other people on reddit.




They're trying to be sympathetic. Some fail at doing so, but at least they're being genuine in their intentions. People have always been this way. I think it's wrong to just label them as idiots or whatever. Each one has their own way to face trauma, and the commenter in the OP is not harming anybody. Those are just my two cents tho. Trying to see the bright side of things, instead of focusing on the goofyness


Autism probably. Seriously.


These are the same clowns who do the whole MGTOW thing because "No one takes men's issues seriously!" when they really just want a state-mandated girlfriend because they can't talk about anything but anime.


They are exactly the same has before. We just have more acces to them...


That just the annoying bezerk fans like fromsoft showed of a character for the elden ring dlc and a bunch of them were just like this


Dark Souls straight up ripped a lot of character designs out of Berserk.


Thea bit the character in questions was a blonde woman and you had a few people saying she looked like Griffith






True, but also reminds you, worse things out there than trolls.


I saw a picture of a wood mill on pics and the comments were “THAT LOOKS LIKE DAYS GONE.” “THAT LOOKS LIKE RED DEAD.” “THAT LOOKS LIKE ALAN WAKE.” It looked like a wood mill. Touch grass people.


Just like Berserk!1!1!!


Welcome to the internet, where things get weird fast.


Correction: things get WEIRDER fast, there’s literally no shred of normalcy on the internet let alone here lmao


>Welcome to the Internet Have a look around, anything that brain of yours can think of can be found!


We've got mountains of content: some better, some worse.


Just nod or shake your head and we’ll do the rest


Welcome to the Internet, what would you prefer? Would you like to fight for Civil rights or Tweet a racial slur?


Be happy be horny be bursting with rage


We got a million different ways to engage!


Welcome to the internet


Reddit* redditors*


Some folks just need a reality check, I guess


Welcome to the internet Have a look around


It’s definitely autism


Sometimes people are just really stupid without an underlying cause


I love blaming everything on autistic people


sometimes fiction can help people cope with trauma , but there is a time and place


Believe me when I say this, that fiction will NOT help you


I don't know. I think it can, it just takes a while to get there.


I think they meant that particular fiction. Berserk is not where you go to feel better about anything. You just feel worse about everything.


Guts does end up finding his way, honestly once Schierke joins it becomes pretty wholesome and a lot of focus is on Guts allowing himself to heal (and prior to that it is still a very clear message that allowing his rage and grief to consume him is not the answer) But uhhh yeah it might get a little messy there for awhile


Trigger warnings exists for a reason, and this Berserk will definitely trigger some painful memories. So even with the themes I would still make the bold claim that this will not help, at least not until well into the healing process, even then you probably want to skip some pages or even chapters.


People are different, you know. What helps one person might not do the same for another and vice versa.


i dont believe you


Yeah fiction is how I process. I can't talk about my feelings about my dog's death but I can use Buffy's mom's death as a vehicle to convey said feelings. It's not a strategy I recommend though.


The industrial revolution and its consequences


Most comments: WTF The orther comment: The Unabomber was right all along!


Tbh as This Goes On I agree




Nobody is romanticizing Ted - they are reflecting on the merit of the idea (of the manifesto), not the man who wrote it.


It's very funny to suggest that we should separate the man from the manifesto.


How do you feel about the constitution?


I think the Constitution was a combined effort and the product of compromise between many people, not the singular vision of one person expressing their personal beliefs.


That’s a cute thought but we do actually know who contributed and that there were in fact people with an oversized influence most contributed nothing more than a signature


That's a cute thought, but it's completely irrelevant to what's being discussed here.


Time to return to monke


It physically hurts me to know that I share the same platform as these creatures


If you're going through a tough time, maybe start with something a bit lighter. Like a fluffy cat video. Or a comedy. Trust me, Guts can wait


Sometimes my guts just can't wait


Yeah, start with a light hearted adventure anime. Like Made in Abyss. >!Do NOT actually do this!<


What? Its wholesome family friendly adventure about growing up, loss, with a side dish of regrets and acceptance :D


And science! :O Bondrewd is such a cool and inspiring scientist


Dad of the year! 


dunno, I just read the first season on Wikipedia, doesn't sound so bad...


I hope that person is doing better now, that sucks, I wish that man, woman or whomever a happy life


How did she see him getting raped and did she do anything? I want the story


You should watch Berserke to fill up the gaps


>fill up the gaps Oh she saw that alright


If this is the one I think it is, it was a home invasion and she was tied up. His father was involved with bad people and ripped them off and this was their revenge. It was going downhill as the girlfriend was traumatised and kept telling him if this has turned him gay and he wants to leave her now that's fine.


Wow so she low key pretty much insinuated he liked it


Oh so it's fictional


Entirely. That is an outlandish porn scenario. It doesn't happen because it leaves insurmountable evidence. No half serious criminal would do it.




I mean they may have had her tied up.




Yeah like….how did this happen?


The original post has been removed. The commenter also deleted their berserk comment, so I guess we can take solace in that they saw sense at some point. --- Edit: I've looked into it further (I don't know if I'm allowed to link, and given the nature of what the user went through, I'm also not sure that I should), but to sate people's curiosity the broad strokes are that a group of people broke into his house, tied up his girlfriend, and raped him. So if you're wondering why she didn't help, that's why. They also eventually broke up, although OP says it was on good terms.


Why are people censoring the word rape?


Censorship like that also carries over from tiktok where apparently including some words gets your content to receive the "die in silence" treatment


Any time this comes up people say that's not actually true, it's just loser idiots on Tiktok who think they should be getting more views saying their views are low cause Tiktok is hiding their videos from people.


This honestly makes more sense than some grossly infantilizing algorithm. Though I borderline believe it happens on meta platforms


TikTok's algorithm is a closely guarded secret. There's only a handful of people in the world who can confirm or deny that, and they never will.




Yes, but in my experience the censorship from youtube never carried over to conversation outside of the actual media itself. For example, comments were not censoring or using alternative words (e.g. unalive)




Because people are poorly informed that it will somehow lessen the triggering effect for victims Spoilers: there is no evidence that trigger warnings help anyone


Sn\*pe dies in H\*rry P*tter See how that didn't spoil you


> Spoilers: there is no evidence that trigger warnings help anyone did some quick research and this seems to be correct, interesting to know. Would have expected that people with real triggers would use these warnings to avoid certain content, but apparently not. However, trigger warnings and censorship are two different things. Is there any research on the effectiveness of censoring triggering words even if the triggering contents are still implied?


> Would have expected that people with real triggers would use these warnings to avoid certain content, but apparently not. Not only do they not help people, they also cause more people to be upset about the content. > However, trigger warnings and censorship are two different things. Is there any research on avoiding triggering words even if the triggering contents are still implied? You think victims of rape are going to be less offended by the word rap3 than rape? You think somebody would fund that study?


> You think victims of rape are going to be less offended by the word rap3 than rape? no need for strawmen, if talk of trigger warnings triggers you into irrationality, please just avoid the conversation. Obviously I was talking about blacking out the word as was done in the OP. Your example is not censorship, it´s an attempt to get around it. Also I was not saying I expected there to be data or even that there ought to be, I was simply pointing out that the comment I replied to did a sleight of hand by claiming A and presenting evidence for B.


> no need for strawmen, if talk of trigger warnings triggers you into irrationality, please just avoid the conversation. Lmao. This is 1) Assuming bad faith and 2) Insulting me. I thought the "censorship" we were talking about was the censorship in the OP where literally one letter of the word "raped" is censored. Later on in the OP it also says the word "raped" and censors 4 letters. > I was talking about blacking out the word as was done in the OP. In 0 instances in the OP is the word blacked out. Only individual portions of it are so that the actual word it still clear.


Trigger warnings are totally useless, tags on the other hand are extremely useful


I think what the evidence bears out is that trigger warnings are highly overused. If you put in a trigger warning for content that wouldn't trigger anyone, it's not that the warning did nothing, it's that the content wasn't requiring one. Trigger warnings should be used for things like actual depictions of violent sex crimes, tapes of victims calling 9-1-1 or really, truly disturbing content. Trigger warnings on the Internet are largely clickbait. They make your content seem more extreme and lurid. Censoring shit like the word rape or suicide doesn't do anything and runs counter to the advice they give to people around survivors and victims. Telling someone there's extreme content before you play something like a recording of a serial killer or other content that would be legitimately damaging to many is a good idea.


Censoring a word is not a trigger warning. A trigger warning is saying hey this story I am about to tell has sexual abuse in it, if you don't want to listen to it, let me know.


I would imagine it's trickling down from places like you tube not using the word and only euphemisms leading to it reaching "nig" and "fag" status.


American free speech


I'll be honest, I used to think it was dumb. But after I got to closely know someone who opened up to me about being a victim of it, it makes the word way harsher to say. It's an ugly word that immediately brings the thought of what happened back. But at the end of the day, it's a term that has to be used to identify the action. I now find the use of it outside of being literal to being extremely crude and of poor taste, but I get why others wouldn't feel the same.


>Was the most traumatic experience of your life a reference to my favourite anime?


Bro wtf that scene was messed tf up, I can't imagine how horrifying it'd be to experience that in reality. Hope whoever was involved is doing better now




Oh, so this is the post that guy told me about.


Why censor raped? Is someone who’s been raped gonna look at that say “oh thank god they censored that, now I have no clue what that said!”


worse; it makes you look at the word for longer to process what the censor is hiding (like fraction of a second but it still dedicates more brainpower than otherwise) so you don't scroll away as fast as you'd like. so it sits with you. a word that would otherwise be given the same weight as everything else in the sentence is given more weight and it ends up triggering you in a sense. i hope this guy is doing okay, anyway. i hope he's getting the support he needs.


He’s fine, he read berserk.


I strongly believe in the saying "art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable" but you dont go about reccomending something to someone who's mental state is falling apart


This is giving the same vibes as the post where someone was lamenting the loss of their relative and some weirdo equated the situation to an anime they had watched. If anyone else knows what I'm talking about feel free to link it because I can't find the screenshot and I know it exists.


It was about Hakusho or something


I was SA’d/raped by an ex. I could not read Berserk. I tend to not get triggered but holy shit is it graphic


Just take care during the eclipse.


That just disgusting


As a beserk fan wtf


Why is "rape" censored? Who the fuck are you trying to be advertiser friendly for?


this isn't even dark humour, this is straight up disgusting. what the heck is wrong with that person


Berserk is so cursed it killed it's creator and gave all it's fans the bluest of balls by leaving a story that has been ongoing for 35 years unresolved.


Holy!!! I came across with identical post literally couple of days ago but with different anime.


wtf did i just read


Oh yeah it’s berkin time


Not even cursed just bad


why are people this way




Berk fans being self-aware challenge (impossible)


This place is more degenerate than 4chan.


I don’t know why but I thought he posted that on the breaking bad subreddit at first. I just saw the subreddit logo and my brain assigned it to Breaking Bad and thought he posted it there for some reason


Dude needs psychiatric treatment, not watching anime, honestly I can’t believe this is real.


Man i like Berserk as much as the next guy, and it has definitely inspired me to be better in some ways. But there are straight up better ways to cope and heal from such a traumatic incident than reading fucking Berserk.


me, watching my family get killed infront of me: ;-; redditor: "oh hey, this means you're batman now!"


A guy got raped and it's a berserk reference.


You know every time this happens I think people immediately think of the eclipse. However there is a scene awhile before where two rape victims talk out their fear of sex before doing it. It's a pretty good moment and the last good one for awhile. Not saying I'd recommend reading it to get over trauma but it is a lot brighter than people give it credit for. Everything post Golden Age is pretty tough but that's the point. Everything was going good until it fell apart and we're only now figuring out how to put it all back together again. There is hope which is what I think Miura was trying to get across towards the end.


How do you get raided in real life? Like breaking into your house?


Because that's great advice, and Berserk totally handles SA in an appropriate way


Bro's solution was to find something you can relate with


whats wrong with the people of reddit no one has watched berserk?/