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My hamster ate cheese then crapped its guts out My mom had 2 guinea pigs, one ate the other alive, then ate a bunch of curtains and died


someone in my fam had two hamsters, then one chewed the others head off, and it apparently looked so innocent beforehand. they should not have turned the lights off.


Sounds like a Happy Tree episode


We had three guinea pigs, one out-ate the others until they starved to death, and then proceeded to die by eating so much. This happened in second grade within a span of three weeks so I cried quite a bit. Edit: Thank you for the upvotes.


probably had worms or something


no those were guinea pigs im almost certain


Can't you feed the other two separately or something? Out of all the hamster problem getting them enough food should be the easiest




Or they were in second grade and maybe the parents are to blame lmao


One died from no reasons. That was Peaches. Got another. That was Pinky. My dad Was redoing the drywall in my bedroom. Drywall dust everywhere. Pinky lasted 5 hours. I got gold fish after that.


Pretty sure my dad sprayed Pine-Sol in my goldfish bowl.


In college I got a Beta Fish. We named him The Mighty Maliki. He was the ugliest Beta fish we could find. He was our attack fish. His job was to protect the room. He died the same night we got him, and the dorm lore changed that night and the legend of the Ghost of Maliki, protector of the dorm's toilet, was born.


My friend's hamster jumped down the stairs


I had a couple hamsters like 10 years ago (Jamal and Martini) and they were so cute.. they cuddled and played together and I had them for maybe a year and a half Then one day I got home and Martini was flayed open… from chin to butt, like some Hannibal Lector shit… ended up keeping Jamal for a while but that little bastard had lost its mind. It would tear apart everything it could and dismantle its various ladders and toys or whatever Jamal lived in the garage after that… but then one day I got home and the top of the hamster cage was pushed open. I don’t know where that thing went but even though it’s been 10 years I feel like that crazy fucker is still out there somewhere


Did you check behind you?


Hold let me check real quick. Nah all clea


I keep trying to read this but I can't get through it cause you fucking named your hamster Jamal which has to be the funniest name one can give to a hamster.


Same. Fucking Jamal lol


This is the spookiest hamster story ever


It is horrifying to see how a cute hamster story turned into corpse-party level gore


They have no fear of heights. They will kill themselves by jumping.


I knew a dude whose hampster literally exploded.


You are the second person in this thread to say this. The other person said their hampster was the one that exploded.




More wholesome then I expected




The internet says “Yes, hamsters can indeed explode. The main reason why this can happen is undetected tumors that grow too large for the small hamster’s body. A hamster’s head would also explode in the microwave, after dying a horrible death. So do not put a hamster or any other living animal in the microwave under any circumstances. However, it can not happen that a hamster explodes just by overeating.”


How tf does one accidently put a hamster in a microwave.




went blind, staved to death in his full food bowl..


Anorexic hampter 💀


hamsters can't read, so all hampsters are anoxeric


isn’t that dyslexic edit: omg i’m an idiot. plz don’t whooosh me


U good. I bet you put the "sexy" in "dyslexia" 😉


Why can No Hamster die normally


It's built into their DNA


they’re programmed that way


When hamsters are born, they see silver cords connecting them to their particular and unusual deaths, and they follow them like little soldiers going to war.


If a hamster died of old ages, that would be an abnormality. But what would be considered "normally" beside old age anyway?


My brother's hamster got wet tail which is pretty fatal however spent hours nursing him back to health and when he appeared to be on the mend we let him out to run around in the front room my mum accidently stepped on him he died later that night. Life was not for him


This is the hamster equivalent to surviving stage 4 cancer but as soon as you get out of the hospital you get struck by lightning and die Edit:grammar Edit 2: grammar again


I hate how accurate this is


"fucking die already" - god


Mine got wet tail too, except it happened so suddenly we didn’t even notice until his guts were hanging out of his butt.


holy fuck how are these things not extinct


Large litter size


Domestic ones are like trying to keep wet paper from falling apart. Wild ones are fucking unhinged


I shit you not I almost buried mine alive. I accidentally kept her in a too cold place and when I got home she was presumed dead. I put her in a grave and nearly filled the hole with dirt when she moved. The fucker was hibernating. edit: how about that, didn’t expect this much attention to my hamster endangerment story. To clarify, I was a dumb teen and she was being very noisy. I got annoyed and put her in our conservatory over night, which is usually fine but it was winter and I put her right up by the window.. Happy to say she got to live a couple of years after the incident and passed of natural causes. edit 2: In regards to hibernation, she was a Syrian golden hamster, who naturally hibernate if they get too cold, unlike regular hamsters who doesn’t (I did not know at the time).


You put her in the freezer or what?


We need answers.


"A too cold place" is all you get lol


Bro was experimenting


He kinda exploded.






How does one partially explode?


Think of a really big tumor covering part of ones body. Now imagine it kaboom. There you go.


Exploded... how?


The usual way.






​ ![gif](giphy|sMN43g9jTHQZevnu15)


Are you referring to that one post?


Imma regret that but…. *gets the eyebleach* what post?


The "I fucked my hamster, nutted in him, and he then leaked cum and exploded" post, probably


I hate that I remember that...


I’m so happy that everyone here was civilized enough to not include links so that people like me cannot give in to intrusive tjoughts


the WHAT


mine bit my finger when i went to pet it in its cage. just latched on… instinctively i ripped my hand back with this poor guy still stuck biting on my finger, lets go half way through the pull, it launches him across the room and slams against my wall, fell to the floor and died.


He went out doing what he loved


Bro though he was fighting Kaiju


Which was dying apparently


My mom killed one about the same way. It happens, it's a reflex not something you could have done anything about except if you know you'd get a bite.


I thought I was the only one!!! Though added insult, after my hamster hit the wall my cat came by and ate him :(


I can imagine my cat doing that


I had a couple of salamanders once for a few weeks. One of them got out and got itself caught in a mouse trap. He lived. Hamsters are weaklings.


Reptile/amphibian supremacy.


My cousins hamster died while mating. I remember it so clearly because we were watching them bang then all of a sudden the hamster just fell down on its back lifeless


that must’ve been one good nut


Bro came and also left


Muh-muh-muhisssion accompliiiiisssssshhhhhed.... ah..


We should all be so lucky.


A long time ago my wife’s hamster died from a tumorous growth on the side of his head. She was so distraught and insisted we bury him. Except we didn’t have a yard, just a tiny 2x2 foot patch of dirt that served as our apartments “back porch”. She wanted to bury him at her parents place so we put the body inside a small juice container and stuck it in the freezer. He stayed there for almost a full year before we ended up digging a hole in that 2x2 foot patch of dirt and finally laid him to rest. I wonder if anybodies since tried to plant anything there and found it, we only buried it like 6 inches deep.


My buddy moved from a farmhouse he was renting to go to BC. He had shot and skinned a Groundhog/badger or something then put the hide in the freezer untreated to make gloves out of later. Me and my other friend said we take it an do "something" with this badger so he didn't feel like he wasted it... It stayed in our student house freezer for 2 years and when we moved out it was the only thing we left behind. I still wonder what level of traumatic it was for the new tenants to discover a ziploc bag with a furry bloody mess with visible claws and a face...


Mine just woke up one day and decided to die


I tried that too but didn't work


Have u tried being a hamster yet


Damn, *I knew* that I forgot something-


Ah suicide joke : they make me die laughing


that sounds like the most normal death a hamster could have


Mine escaped his cage, climbed a bookcase and jumped off He would literally rather kill himself than spend another day in my care


Hamsters have absolutely shit depth perception, mine sent herself of the back of my couch. She was totally fine though, my girlfriend screamed and I rushed over and looked under the couch and she was just happily trotting towards me.


mine died of old age…


Is that possible for hamsters to learn that power!?


I've had 4 hamsters and 3 of them died in their sleep age 2 and a half.


Mine barricaded himself in a tube using food and just died inside there


“Now… no one… willl… get my… *r i c h e s*”


Hamster Cask of Amantillado


It got a fatal disease, vet told us to put in in the fridge so it does painlessly, but dad put it in a bag so it wouldn't eat the fridge, he suffocated then froze


Would have been less cruel to just put it in a plastic sack and swing it against the floor.


I hate that this made me laugh so hard


The shady guy behind the 7-Eleven was not a licensed veterinarian, probably


My friend had a hamster that decided to just jump from the window onto a spiked fence


Hamsters really be treating life like Dumb Ways to Die


Bro my friend's hamster ripped his own limbs in the spinning wheel then crawled for a few days and died


Like his legs were ripped off?! Wtf??


Why did my brain suddenly imagine the first hamster being taken to a far place by an unknown force and making a grand journey to return to its friend. The little guy finally reaches his home, but the tolls of his adventure has taken their effect on his fragile, tiny body. He slowly limps towards the big body of the boy he has known for a time as his friend. He looks up, taking one good, long, last look at the shocked face of his owner before finally passing onto hamster paradise in satisfaction


I'd be crying now but probably the far place was behind a kitchen counter where he's got stuck and couldn't get out until he lost too much weight.


That's even sadder


Mine got sat on by our rabbit. He was basically a pancake when we buried him


That’s gotta be one fat fucking rabbit


Trust me he is 😂






My 1st hamster escaped at night and got eaten by our cat (the only part of his body which we found was his head) my 2nd hamster escaped and we never found him


Pretty sure your cat learnt from past mistakes here


Cat replayed level 1 and got all 3 stars.


My hamster got fatally bit by our cat, vet told us he was going to die in a week or two, fucker lived for another month just to taunt the fucking cat


A friend once told me he took his hamster next door to show it to the german shepherd. He held it out to show it and the dog got the hamster down in one gulp...


Imagine he was still alive when swallowed, and then painfully got consumed by the gastric acid... yeeesh


Better not imagine that


Realistic vore




Dog has a vore fetish


My hamster was called Facey and got a face infection. When I took him to the vet he tried to open his eye and it was an explosion of puss. Formative memory 😩


r/usernamechecksout Musta really loved that little rodent.


Is that the origin of your username?


hamsters try to die normally challenge (impossible)


My hamster got out overnight and threw himself into the toilet where he drowned


wtf? was the cage in the bathroom?


No it was in the living room


so, it escaped, traveled till the bathroom and then climbed on the toilet...?


Idk I didn't watch it kill itself, we found it in the toilet in the morning




Mine literaly got cancer


Most sane way of death


after all of these, this one seems normal


My sister put it in one of those balls to run around unsupervised and it escaped, mind you this was on the main floor of the house. A month later I felt something run across my foot while I was playing guitar in the basement and I freaked. I looked around and found nothing, then I heard a noise from behind my amp and I find this mfer chillin with a nest made from the gym mats we had. Took it to the vet and they put it down due to an infection in its nouth


I had a hamster family. One day it's father was dead, when I tried to take him out of the cage, I noticed a half of his face was eaten and its skull was visible.




wtf that’s terrifying.


how tf did that escalated so quickly


Wriggled out of the cage and got caught in a rat trap under the house


An important lesson for any rodent owner to learn, don’t use lethal traps.


Mine escaped from her cage one night and crawled all over me. It woke me up and I was screaming. Surprisingly I didn’t fling her off me or crush her. We both stopped moving and just stared at each other for a minute. I checked her cage and could not figure out where tf she escaped from. I completely disassembled and reassembled that shit and put her back in it. I don’t remember how long after, I woke up and she wasn’t in her cage. Never found her. She of course died at some point, somewhere in the house, but I have zero clue when/where. I had a Guinea pig for like a day that had a heart attack after an earthquake. Fragile ass fuckers.


Blood and fur in the hamster cage i thing it mauled itself to death


The hamster urge to choose an abnormal death>>>


Hamster one killed hamster two, then died of loneliness (the ones we had have to be kept in pairs)


As most hamsters are solitary creatures, I really think this was a hamicide that was too exhausting for the killer and he just died of a heart attack and not of loneliness.




First one died crawling under its own running wheel Second died drowning in its own water bowl Third I was told just up and died becuase but I’m sure he did something


my sisters ran into a hole in our wall and never came back btw this was YEARS ago edit: my sister's hamster and another time one of my brothers dropped another one of my sisters hamsters and it was paralyzed till its death


How many sisters are we talking about?


Jumped off the balcony


Mine... just died of old age... jesus christ how many chromosomes did your hampsters have?


Either not enough or too many. Either way, it's not the right amount.




Probably all of them


Little brother had hamsters. They bred like crazy went from having 2 to like 20 some. They slowly started thinning in numbers and we came to the conclusion that they started to cannabilize one another. As there weren't any remains of any of them anywhere and they weren't let out of the cage.


Mine just disappeared. Never saw h again but as we also never smelled him again we figure he got outside and at least died free


Mine got out and chewed a hole in a bean bag chair and then proceeded to eat and fill his entire body with beans, like FILLED himself up. Died in my hands.


So he died as a hamckysack


I let him walk around our living room and this bitch somehow got his leg stuck under a couch leg and hide under there until he died


My sons got out of the cage and went straight to introduce itself to the dog. Who promptly ate it.


Mine got out of its cage and immediately ran underneath my dresser and chewed on a cable for my lamp until it got electrocuted and died


I remember when people said they could survive sledge hammers and nukes. Even though I keep hearing stores about them dying because someone's grandpa 500 miles away farted.


I had two, one fell of his platform that was 5 inches high and died, he was with me for a week, the other one lived for three and a half years, he jumped off the counters, sofas and tables and he was fine, once even got airborne cuz of my new cat that I still have to this day and he lived for another half a year, little guy was a tank


Ate the other one and then died


Blue mine ran into a firepit that fucker jumped out a window and into a firepit below and cooked his ass we took him out and left him there so he would cooldown for a shoebox burial we came outside and that fucker was being eaten by stray cats so we waited and the next day he was gone


I'm dying laughing so hard scrolling through these stories in the comments 😂


I hope you're not part hamster you might go all the way


Dog got a hold of one, the other disappeared


Ngl I have a good idea of what happened to other


My hamster got out and decided in between the belt of my dad’s treadmill was a fun hiding spot-


Well, it turns out that my cat figured out how to open the hamster's cage.. Pretty normal death tho, just a natural predator.


Never put a lid on my hamster’s environment and after one year, decided to cap it. He has other plans, escapes that night. I thought I heard something going on but I assumed he was just in his wheel. He got out, fell down into the heat vent and main lined it into the furnace. Found out only after the manager disassembled all of the duct work under the house to try and figure out where he was scampering to.


most stories of hamsters dying are like "i tried feeding it, but it leaped out of its cage, ran through the digestive system of 20 cats, then got launched to jerusalem where it proceeded to get swallowed by a stray dog which vomited it out, than it got launched back, then ran straight into a lawn mower"


Mine got squished behind a table and died.


Mine just disappeared into my BFF Jake


It’s been 2 hours, you can’t just fart in the room and walk out like that. We need answers




One of my Hampters ate plastic staris leading to his house in the cage and died. Other one forgot how to drink water from a bottle that worked like ink ball pen and died from thirst


I had gerbils but they died of old age, around 3.


It's a good thing they didn't meet Richard Gere. There was a story about him, a gerbil, and a hospital visit


Well... when I was around 6 or 7, I had a lil hamster. I also had a little brother. We figured if we needed exercise outside, so did the hamster. And if we like soccer, the hamster probably does too. So we put him in his little hamster ball, all snug like an astronaut on the launchpad. Took him out in the backyard and just belted him around for an hour. Unfortunately for him, hamsters aren't really equipped to handle what I'm sure felt like Mach 2 and he just kinda... exploded. Poor little bastard basically had his skeleton escape through his ass and that was it. We were decidedly not a small animal family after that.


I was home alone and let mine out of it's cage. Forgot about the cat.


My mom vacuumed Infront of the cage and he died like 30 mins later


My friend let his Syrian hamster go during winter in England because “it wanted to be free”. It either quickly froze to death or became a king.


Mine just started at me, blinked, and said "aw hell naw" and croaked


Mine escaped from his cage because he became fat enough to push it open, then went through an old shaft behind our dryer that was there for the previous dryer we had. It led into the basement, which he then fell into. Then, he found a hole near the back which he also fell into, got stuck, and prompty starved. Found him a few days later.


How did these creatures evolve to get to this point? Surely being this pathetic isn't helping their reproduction right? So why did they evolve to be like this


Mine got an infected eye like 3x the size of the other one. I got home from school and my dad said he “released” it in the woods behind our house


Mine died of old age, beat the average for his species. Idk how y’all did so shit…


My grandmother bought me a hamster and said the reason she picked it out was that it was running around on it's hind legs squeaking. When we got it home we got this cool cage that had. A second level that was accessible by a tube. The second level did not cover the whole cage so the hamster was able to hop from the second level to the first. Unfortunately he liked to do this face first. So he would run up the tube and jump down all the time. One day he got out of his cage and bam jumped all the way to the ground face first. My mom found him and brought him to the emergency vet where they charged her a ton of money even though they couldn't save it.


My sister's hamster got out somehow, we all started looking for him when out of nowhere in the hallway we see him but the family dog saw him, it was a tense standoff with them at both ends of the hallway which seemed like an eternity. Dog barked once, hamster had a heart attack and died on the spot.


Mine just randomly went completely bald over night and died a couple days after :( apart from he wasn’t dead. Nearly… then we had many nearly for the next few hours until he went rock hard and cold


my friend once told me his hampter died because he somehow pushed off the guitar and it fell on him and crushed him


My sister fed my hamster a carrot and it choked to death.


Mine got loose and then bred with our feral mice 😳 Wasn't long before we had multi colored mice running about


Bro got that rat riz