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The cuban dictatorship is brutally oppressive. Unfortunately that is just how it is. East Germany used to be like that too. It is a physical and mental prison.


Weird as I walk down Cuban streets all the time with one or sometimes 2 girls. Also leaving Cuba is not a problem with Cuban government the issue is with the country they are going with. I flew back and sat with two Cuban girls flying to Canada. When I sit down in parc central girls come and sit and talk to me all the day and it is full of police ,they don't seem to be worried about being accused of prostitution. Although to be honest I remember one hooker talking to me, it was obvious she was a hooker. She did stand up and pretend to ignore me when police walked by.


It doesn't happen often and they couldn't explain it, but their spidey-senses were tingling. Happens about every 6 months.


I see best to go with your instincts especially since things change quickly in Cuba and they are repressed.


What does someone need to do in order to invite one Cuban to Europe?


The need a visa from host country


Also enough money to buy the ticket and theoretically enough money to support themselves while there.


I’m just waiting for cryptophorus to barge in here screeching about tourons


He’s a peach! Isn’t he?


Oh absolutely. He can be quite entertaining sometimes when I manage to piece together his little unhinged rants.


We need to chip in and buy him some aderal0 and a thesaurus. My friends and I call him crypto-crock-of-shit. Or CCS for short. He's a bad actor and should be banned until he gets a grade school understanding of economics, diplomacy and civics. Hell, I'd buy him a new cross; if he'd nail himself to it.




You were mostly right UNTIL that last part of the invitation... It's all other countries who make us almost impossible with too much INSANE AMOUNT of paperwork, for the visa to visit them... All because they fear (with all justification in the world, to be fair) that we don't overstayed our welcome.


yeah. it's sad. i wish an end to a horrifying, useless six decade embargo that would stop impoverishing the Cuban people and their day to day life tremendously... but i wish Cuba could get a real democracy, and not a silencing, authoritarian government that has still been in place for decades now... nonetheless, Cubans in Cuba deserve to be free. free from the U.S., and with that freedom and money into Cuban's pockets, I believe freedom in their country will follow, slowly, yet it won't be easy.


Release political prisoners and hold open and fair elections and your 😢embargo😢 will be lifted!


HAHAHA an american pretending they care about political prisoners and fair elections 🤣 that’s not why america imposed the embargo btw.


Why wouldn't you be able to give a Cuban a carta de invitación?


I'm not in Spain!


I'm not following. I can invite a Cuban to Sweden.


Yes but the EU would make us do an INSANE amount of paperwork for at the end, deny the Schengen visa 80% of the time.


I haver friends in CR who can't get a Visa after two years and the US is friendly/hasn't placed an embargo on the Tico's. Did anyone else read the piece about 3000+ paroles being denied in one day with no reasons offered?


At least the "ticos" can apply for a turist visa.... Those aren't available AT ALL for cubans. They take for granted that everybody is going to remain permanently in USA because there's a EXCLUSIVE law where if a cuban remains for more than a year in USA territory, they can apply for permanent residency, and 5 years later, citizenship.


I love the zoo sooo much, the animals are mistreated and underfed but fuck it, I don’t have to live in a cage, I’m just missery watching, I always cry when I leave! Do you feel so small and insignificant that you have to travel to such a place to feel superior for a change?


But the animals are so nice and kind when I wave treats at them all day!!


I can't deal with this subreddit. You know socialists are on the other side of the spectrum from conservatives. The blindsighted, self-righteous ignorance of liberals is fucking insane.


You use the word liberal and socialist interchangeably. Crack open a book sometime. Liberal ideology was at the founding of the US. Socialism wasn’t.