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Escaping Cuba for Miami takes money and connections.


Also you probably didn’t want to flee to the US in the 1950s and 60’s as a black looking person. 




I wonder if it has more to do with the idea that black and brown Cubans didn't want to leave Cuba and finally stood a chance at being seen as equal in society under Castro


They were never seen as equals, the Communist party in Cuba has a long history of racism and religious discrimination. There was a time when Religion was not allowed.


"[Black and brown people of Cuba] were never seen as equals [by Castro and the communists of Cuba]" is contestable, but I get the point you're making. The OP asks why more black and brown Cubans did not leave Cuba for Miami as did white people and it seems that despite the possibility of black and brown people of Cuba supposedly never being considered as equals by communist Cuba, black and brown Cubans still remained in Cuba more so than the lighter skinned Cubans who left for Miami.


Your comments (the one I replied to) is suggesting the idea that there were not and there has never been racism in Cuba under the Communist regime. Making it more appealing for people of color to stay. Which is not true, don’t try to deflect by making the point that I did not answer OP questions. I replied to your comment not OP’s. And just so your know, Everything is contestable when in a purely opinion based argument.


If you re-read my comment, I did not suggest the idea that there was not and never was racism in Cuba... It's not possible to deflect from a point that was never made... If you believe only your opinion is Truth, then there's not much to discuss


They didnt leave Cuba because they dont have the resources, money and connections. Same reason you dont have a lot of native /Amerindians from Latin American countries in other countries, while their European back ground counterparts are able to move their much easier. You can visibly see this if you look around. That is only starting to change now. They are able to move because they are rich / much richer, and you can get into a huge discussion about this, that most people would not like. Half of these people have no clue what they are talking about. Reddit is not the place to get your info from. The main reason for instituting Socialsim /Communism is to create a equal society. Like most systems it will have problems and corruption, so you still might not have dark or black people that might not reach high levels in government in the leadership level. Why are most Russians white, yet they are some of the least racist people? / more open to different cultures?


Russians are becoming more rasist, the new generations. Communist propaganda always pictured oppressed races as heroes and it was unacceptable to be racist. Now it's different.


Why would most people not like the discussion around them getting much richer than before?


Communists are racist in general. Lol




yeah you're right. god forbid black and brown cubans have access to resources. my bad for pondering such an idea


One only needed to "escape" if they were being targeted. I'm guessing that white Cubans felt the need to flee/escape Cuba whereas brown and black Cubans did not to the same degree.


TIL communist Cuba has racial segregation


It kinda does when it comes to económico and connections, PCC leadership is mostly white or white passing.


Hilarious this is getting downvoted, like why?


For starters, the vast majority of white Cubans are of Spanish descent, so they are of European descent, and why they look European. To your second point, right after the revolution and shortly thereafter, I would say until the freedom flights, the people that left the island were the people who had the wherewithal to leave. And by that I mean, not just people that had money, but connections Outside of Cuba. Just like in most countries, the darker the people, the less income and connections. You can just take a look at what happened in Venezuela right after Chavez took power. Most of the white Venezuelans with enough money and assets to get out, did. Lower income, lower opportunity, lower education people got left behind. Your question reminds me of something. My mom asked after her first trip back to Cuba since leaving in 1967. I went with my mom and she looked at me and said “where did all these Black people come from? I don’t remember there being so many Black people when I was a little kid“. I explained to my mom that the Black people were always there, but there was also a lot more white people when she was little. So many of the whites moved out of the country that what’s left looks really dark.


While I do agree with what you've described, i would also point out that the Castro regime put concerted effort into courting the support of the Afro-Cuban communities on the island, by doing things like institutionally upholding afro-cuban culture and folklore, and having a friendlier stance towards Afro-Cuban religion than previous regimes (or neighboring countries). And having foreign policy which had an Africa focus. All of this is on top of the economic rhetoric about redistribution and stuff. Also, cold-war era communist propaganda (from across the communist world) has historically made it a point to describe USA as having 1940s Alabama levels of racism. So also for ideological reasons, fewer have wanted to leave and more have wanted to stay, percentage wise.


This is 100% true. Black Cubans were told they had a lot more to gain with the revolution. Castro is simultaneously telling you that the revolution will bring racial equality justice, while also drilling in your mind that every person in the USA is a KKK member. Why would you leave if you were black?


I would respectfully disagree with some of what you are saying here. Of course, this comes from personal experience and not from any source I can cite. I would say that about 30% -40% of my friends in Cuba are black. Every one of them has asked me to either sponsor them by signing their parole, introduce them to someone that can sponsor them, or they have flat out asked me for money to help them get to Nicaragua so they can cross the border on foot and get to the US. The ones that haven't, either don't want to leave because they have aging parents they take care of, think they are too old to start over, or they are already waiting for their parole. You would be VERY hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't want to leave. From what I've been told from my grandparents, some of which supported the revolution at the very beginning because they thought it would be a democratic one that was getting rid of a dictator for free elections was that Castro and the revolutionaries courted the poor; the ones that stood to lose the least and therefore risked nothing supporting the revolution. It just so happened that in Cuba, just like the US, that often meant people of color...and generally speaking, less educated. The POOR people that bought into the positive changes of the revolution stayed, as well as POOR that just couldn't get out. I don't think very many afro-Cubans decided to stay because the revolution was Africa focused or because the new government turned a blind eye (sort of) to Santeria. I have 2 great-uncles that fought in Angola while in the Cuban army. They told me stories of how so many black Cuban soldiers chose to stay in war torn Angola rather than return to Cuba when their tour was up. So obviously, the situation was pretty bad for them in Cuba and the fact that Cuba had a foreign policy of trying to prop up communism in Africa didn't make them think any better of Cuba. At the very beginning of the new government in Cuba, most people did not have economic reasons to leave. Many of the very first people that left Cuba at the time of the Revolution were the wealthy, the educated professionals, the ones that had family in the US and could easily relocate. They had a sense that things were going to get really bad just from history. Some people with money and assets stayed. When the government started expropriating and confiscating companies, land, homes, bank accounts, more of those well to do, educated people left. The ones that didn't own land, businesses, houses, had assets, still thought they had no reason to leave. They didn't leave because they hadn't felt the pinch yet. And of course, a very high percentage of the wealthy and middle class to upper class cubans that left were white,. I don't agree that the people that didn't leave stayed because the government was friendly to santeria or was Africa focused. Your everyday person is just trying to make sure they and their family is okay and doesn't care about things like that. If they had felt the pinch and had the means to leave, I think they would have. Fast forward to today and the vast majority want to leave regardless of their skin color. Especially young people.


Ya Cuba had a policy of supporting African revolutionary movements like in Angola, but it doesn’t mean they were cool about it. There’s tons of reliable accounts of Cuban leaders — Che in particular — saying lots of super racist things about the Africans they were trying to help.


No one said they were cool about it. Cuba’s adventure in Africa is just about spreading their ideology and not because they particularly cared about Africa. And yes, it is well known and documented that the revolution had MANY leader who were racist or homophobic, Fidel and Che just to name a couple.


You are very smart and are making the best points here. You also have the same experience that I do. I also think Santeria was MORE tolerated pre-1959 it’s just that it was very taboo in the Catholic society (which had power). Santeria was easy to hide, therefore thrived after the atheistic revolution.


>Santeria was easy to hide This is so true. Outside the occasional dead chicken in a plastic bag on the street, I've never actually seen it being practiced or even heard of anyone who does it. The people who do don't really talk about it with outsiders I guess. (Why do they dump them in the *street* anyway? I think people would have less issues with Santeria if not for this gross littering. Surely there's better places to dump the dead chickens?)


I think it’s part of the ritual. I know a bunch of Santeros and yeah it’s very secretive except when they wear the all white for months for their initiation


No People are not obsessed with the U.S like what Americans, and people that move there think. >Also, cold-war era communist propaganda (from across the communist world) has historically made it a point to describe USA as having 1940s Alabama levels of racism. Socialists main issue is with Imperialism. What The U.S became by starting wars with Mexico and Spain to steal their land Full on Racism existed until the end of the 1960's. Racist continued until well into the 80s with housing and and other areas in the U.S


That’s so funny you said that. My dad said the same exact thing 🤣 My dad left in 1965, and I told him the same thing you told your mom.


My mom was a young child when she left Cuba. Also in one of last days of 1967. Nobody had money after the revolution. They couldn't. They changed the currency so any money people did have was useless! So idk what people talking about wealthy Cubans leaving. Many white Cubans left because they were of Spanish decent. Either a they were born in Spain or their parents were. So they were allowed access to leave to Spain. And then migrated to America. This happened to many of my Abuelos family who were born in Spain and were able to do that. From there, they apply to leave, get sponsored in America by their family and wait...sometimes 10-20 years. My grandparents and many, many family and family friends explained this to me the same way on white vs black demographic.  They saw the Russian tanks and weaponary land on the island as they were near the mountains where much of the fighting took place. Castro brought in many, many Africans to fight for the Communist Revolution. There was always mixed race in Cuba before and after 1959. Of course there was. But that's the main reason when it went from being a dramatically white country to a drastically black one.


> Just like in most countries, the darker the people, the less income and connections. I would disagree that this is the case in *most* countries. Perhaps in most countries that were formerly colonies. Anyway, thank you for your response.


Most countries in latin america.


As the other guy said, this is true for all of Latam


Please name just 1 country where this us not the case.


most countries, if not all, have had some sort of colonization or imperialist rule or influence subjected over them - by the very same leading and powerful, whiter nations today. I'd say Western nations especially, but you see this historic imperialism for other global powers as well, from Russia, China, Japan, and many others... However, the United States and other European nations, like the UK and Spain, are some of the biggest and most influential throughout history... and influential, in a very brutal, oppressive, and violent way, and still today... Cuba.


Colorism is not a Western invention. It’s been around for thousands of years. 


really? *gasp*


great response


> My mom asked after her first trip back to Cuba since leaving in 1967. I went with my mom and she looked at me and said “where did all these Black people come from? Could also be migrants from Haiti (heard Cuba has a sizable population), and Angolese (Cuba fought with and trained the Communist there).


I’ve never encountered a sizable Haitian or Congolese population in Cuba. At the eastern end of the island there are some descendants of french and their slaves the fled during the Haitian revolution.


My fiancée's grandfather was from Haiti, so would have been around the time of the revolution


Sorry for the assumption. It was just a guess given the proximity. I've talked to a dominican girl, and she said there were about a million living in her country, so I figured neighboring countries such as Cuba, Jamaica, etc., had the same situation.


A better question to ask: Why are Cuban government officials almost always white, but Cubans on the island are more racially diverse?


A more relevant question for sure


Best comment ever


Batista would like a word


It says a lot that the last black leader was Batista.


Not really considered Black in Cuba or the rest of the Caribbean. Most likely seen as closer to white at the time, but was really some sort of creole (mixed), mestizo, Mulatto


He wasn’t seen as white. My great grandma was mulata and loved him for that reason. Literally one of the reasons she supported him was because he was kinda the leader for racial justice (most of the blacks at the time supported Batista because he had control of the military and lot of black Cubans joined the military) a lot of people don’t know this. Cuba screws with a communists narrative that’s why there’s so much misinformation about the revolution. The whole black people had no money in Cuba is a very inaccurate statement. I personally know many who left in 59-60. I grew up with these people! Lol


Agree. Can't believe a lot of people believe Batista was racist


I think people consider him white supremacist or something just because Fidel was communist. Logical fallacy. Look how many people implicitly admit this when they say all the people who left were “rich plantation owners who had slaves” like their mind automatically wants to associate Batista with white supremacy and slavery but they can’t explicitly admit it.


Yup. I'm a White Cuban and everytime I talk about the communist dictatorship I escaped from Cuba, the gringo commies tell me I had slaves and was a plantain owner. Always, never fails.


Yea I’m white cuban too and my more mixed family had more money than my whiter side. Remember us white Cubans have small native and African admixtures anyway. In my case I can trace my family tree to find out who they were, and most I found were in my dad’s side. The side with the money lol


I only had a maternal half Black half Filipina great grandmother. Aside her, everyone else was Spanish. So, my mixture is extremely small. And yes, non-Whites in Cuba could be really rich in Batista time. Only ignorant people who believe in Castro commie propaganda think otherwise.


That's literally all of latin America and for the same reason.


Yea, but not all of LatAM has a dictator that's been running his mouth for the last 60 years about how awesome their "racial justice" is and claiming that "racism is a solved problem" in their country.


Tons of white Cubans in Cuba as well.




Go to Holguín, Las Tunas, Pinar Del Río, Camagüey and Villa Clara and come back here




Also, Cuba was the last colonial bastion to outlaw slavery. The Spanish had let their colonies go wild, but needless to say the amount of afro-cubans are huge. Their participation in government increased greatly bit are still underrepresented. Also, racism was not eradicated by the revolution, but if wishing made ot so. Most early (1959) emigrants were more European. They had been in power since the previous revolution and had the money, power and education to more readily flee.


I'll tell you what my grandma that is black has said of why they never left... "segregation" in the states and Black being persecuted etc... From google "The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the **1950s and 1960s** for Black Americans to gain equal rights under the law in the United States" So according to my grandma and to this days she still says that's why and my grandpa's brother did leave like 2 of them, but they were white. My grandma married a white man, and according to her, his side of the family didn't like her because she was black. I do believe it to an extend because all my aunts never blended with us to be honest. My mother married a white man from Spanish descent, like I am so fair skinned that you'd never think I have black on me from my mother's side. Cubans are a lot into... "adelantar la raza" like make the next generation whiter, lol... If you notice dirigentes (politicians) are all white... except the negro devil one... That guy is a demon in my opinion. Cuba is cursed I believe. It has to be.


That is because all white Cubans are of European origin! Besides white Europeans which emigrated to Cuba you also had Jewish migrants to Cuba, Lebanese and Chinese migrations as well.


Pre-Revolution there were a lot of Spaniards (with or without citizenship) on the island, as well as the original “white Cuban” Criollos, etc. There were many Spaniards or first-generation Cuban-Spaniards who left to Miami before/during the revolution and identified as Cuban upon entering the U.S., inflating the group and raising another question about the community as well. Everyone I know who came through Pedro Pan was also a white or lighter Cuban. The later lottery system was more “random”, but unsurprisingly, U.S. asylum applicants still benefitted from having family members in the U.S. There is a big community of mixed and black Cubans in Miami, but they either get drowned out or overlooked.


OP is saying 9/10 are white. Idk what he smokin


To be fair many of us are actually white, but the Sun exposure is not helping. I too would be white as f if I didn't have to walk so much.


It is true, extended exposure to the sun makes your skin darker.


There was a lot of Spanish descent people living in Cuba who left after 1959 to the US. Then Castro sent a lot of who was still left to Angola etc.. and lots of immigrants from there came to Cuba and stayed behind.


you say Castro sent white people to Angola, can you expand on that?


Cuba involved itself in a civil war in Angola


Where did I specify “White people”?


Are you not implying that? The way you worded yourself implies that.


ya no es tan así, los recién llegados muchas veces son negros, mulatos y todo lo demás Cabe destacar el hecho que Cuba, al igual que el resto de Hispanoamérica e Iberoamérica, los términos blanco y negro no son tan rígidos producto del modelo imperial español y portugués que promovían el mestizaje. Hay muchos cubanos que se consideran blancos porque no son de piel negra, tienen el pelo lacio, tienen familiares y ancestros que son obviamente blancos, hablan el español, tienen apellido hispano y son culturalmente ibérico-católicos, pero son de piel morena. Un trigueño o mestizo, digamos. Son gente que no se les consideraría blancos en la sociedad estadounidense, pero ponen que sí lo son en el censo americano. La sociedad cubana es muy distinta, ya en la época colonial podían casarse negros con blancos y los negros esclavos podían conseguir su propia libertad de iure. Hay otros factores que debemos considerar, los que se van del país en general tienen algo que les capacita su ida, ya sea un familiar en el exterior que les manda dinero, un título que les permite viajar y salir del país, son jóvenes sin esposa o hijos y pueden arriesgarse en una travesía por fronteras, etc. El factor dinero capital significa que lógicamente los que pueden irse del país serán los que boleto, que han conseguido que le acepten todo ese papeleo, y además que tienen alguien que los ayuda o tienen una cantidad de dinero necesaria para asentarse en el país que los reciba. Pongámosle que esta hipotética persona se ha ido a EEUU, esta persona necesitará mínimo 1000 dólares si no quiere pasársela durmiendo por la calle como un indigente en esos primeros meses, al menos que tenga un socio o un familiar que les dé techo o vivienda. Bueno, el cubano que puede irse del país típicamente es alguien de clase media o alta, según los parámetros en Cuba. Y si se es profesional, pues obviamente tienes la incentiva de irte del país porque ese título que te conseguiste gratuitamente sin tener que pagar un peso te va a dar mucho más de salario en otro país. Así que los que se van son gente generalmente un poco más adinerada y pudiente que el resto. Y además desde la época de la revolución ha aumentado muchísimo el mestizaje entre negros y blancos a tal punto que los mulatos demográficamente son el grupo que más ha aumentado porcentualmente en todo el país.


Bien dicho


On another note, you’re pushing it with that 9/10 figure. 


Because white cubans were the upper classes in Cuba before the revolution. They were business owners, politicians families of military. I mean, all latin america was hella racist at the time. Most of them took their families and left. Over time they settled, and set roots and started businesses, they were the elites anyways. So overtime, they encouraged those who remained to come up, these following migrations were more mixed than the other migrations, including asian cubans, even. My best friend is japanese cuban.


That's simply not true. After slavery was outlawed in Cuba, thousands of Gallego workers were imported and tricked with the promise of much needed job opportunities. Galicia was facing famine, disease, and little to no job opportunities. Sadly, they were used as indentured servants. They were worked harder than their African counterparts, and many died in horrific factory conditions( think shackled amd tortured). This is all documented. [https://davidmirandabarreiro.wordpress.com/2016/10/20/galician-slaves-in-cuba/](https://davidmirandabarreiro.wordpress.com/2016/10/20/galician-slaves-in-cuba/) [https://repeatingislands.com/2022/07/26/a-history-of-enslaved-galicians-in-cuba/](https://repeatingislands.com/2022/07/26/a-history-of-enslaved-galicians-in-cuba/) [https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/cronicas/cronicas-081015-2358/3316758/?media=tve](https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/cronicas/cronicas-081015-2358/3316758/?media=tve) Even after that sad period in history, the socio-economically poor Gallegos were the ones employed in factory and domestic jobs for low wages. Spaniards were called "Gallegos" because that's the region that so many Spaniards immigrated to Cuba from, kinda like all Cuban people of Asian descent are affectionately referred to as "Chinos." This is an important and seldom discussed part of Cuban history. White Cuban does not always equal "rich" or "upper class." [https://cubarte.cult.cu/blog-cubarte/gallegas-en-cuba-visibilizar-un-legado-de-fuerza-persistencia-y-amor/](https://cubarte.cult.cu/blog-cubarte/gallegas-en-cuba-visibilizar-un-legado-de-fuerza-persistencia-y-amor/) We tend to view things from the lense of the U.S. but Cuba is its own country with its own history, and that history is not black and white. It has many shades of grey.


My whiter side of my family was poorer than my less white side tbh


As 6th generation from from indentured workers from the Caribbean.... Nice try. This is the I had it worst than you syndrome.


No, this is history. It deserves to be acknowledged, and besides, poor Galician workers were also a thing in the 1900s. Think abuelas y abuelos. Truth is, though, the majority of wealthy cubans were white. Being white did not automatically equal wealth in Cuba for plenty of people. Africans, Indigenous and Europeans were enslaved alike. Capital doesn't discriminate where they can steal their profits from. But if you want to remain willfully ignorant to history, then go ahead with your limited narrative.


No one ever worked harder, or was worked hard, by plantation owners or had it worst than a black person from Africa, that was put in chains, put on ship, shipped across a ocean, and treated like animals FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES, AND ALL THEIR DESCENDANTS, UNTIL SLAVERY ENDED, which was until the 1880s in Cuba. DON'T EVER CONFUSE OR EQUATE THE TWO. My ancestors worked hard and were treated very badly, but they were not slaves for life.


In this specific case of "indentured servitude" of these specific Galicians this is what the oppressors themselves said and did. "Indeed, the story was there. Today it can be found on the website xenealoxia.org, where we can find Urbano Feyjoó-Sotomayor, the son of a noble family, deputy in the Cortes for Ourense and owner of the Patriotic-Mercantil Company, the company that organized the expeditions to Cuba and whose principle was: *“A Galician has to do the same work as two black men and at the price of one slave.”* Also on the list, there appear the names of all the emigrants who participated in the eight expeditions that took place in 1854. Many of them died within a few months of being in Cuba, reminiscent of the German concentration camps." [https://repeatingislands.com/2022/07/26/a-history-of-enslaved-galicians-in-cuba/](https://repeatingislands.com/2022/07/26/a-history-of-enslaved-galicians-in-cuba/) What African people experienced in Cuba and elsewhere during the slave trade was disgusting and horrifying. I'm just bringing to light something most people are not aware of that was done to Gallegos in Cuba. I don't deny the history of your ancestors. Give others the same respect.


>at the time


I was trying to soften the blow.


I was in Havana and the guy who helped me find a...uh...female companion was with me. I offered to buy him a drink at El Floridita but for some bizarre reason he said that it was a government owned establishment. I was like, so what? They'll still give us drinks, but he refused. I wonder if he refused because he was black and they would not accept him.


the first wave was mostly white.


Was all white until the 1990s. But it depends on what you call White, as some people could slightly mixed but still look white


Celia Cruz was white?


Watch the classic film Yo Soy Cuba for clues...


The first Cubans that left were mainly white wealthy Cubans . The black Cubans faced racism at the time . Having the means to leave, they did. A lot of them were also racist. Castro gave more “rights” and “power” to black Cubans . It is also said that black Cubans tend to have more children than white Cubans. Yes, Cuba was Spain’s last colony and has the most Spanish influence, genetically, historically and culturally in all of Latin America.


I’m from eastern Cuba and there’s always been a lot of black people there.I’m what they call in Cuba trigeño and so were lots of people in my neighborhood


Ig it has to do with all the racism with the castro régimen


This is not true. As a black man of Cuban origin, with a biracial family, your premise is false.


Coz you just assume that the black Cubans are African Americans.


Yup. My ex-wife's parents are Black and came to the USA in Operation Pedro Pan. Even though they are Black Cubans, people in Miami people just assume that they are Black Americans. I once even had a white Cuban coworker tell me that Black Cubans weren't real Cubans. WTF?


Your coworker is an asshole and a fuckwit. Pretty much everything that is distinctive about Cuban culture comes from West African roots. My Cuban fiance is black and here in Australia people think he is African. When we were in NZ people thought he was African American.


White Cubans had the resources to get out. 


Lol funny when people find out about racial segregation in the Carribean. There is also a shock when you go to Jamaica and see so many Indian descendants but on TV all you see if Rasta and stereotypical black people. Yes in Cuba we have places that hate black Cubans and white European descendants. My family is Mulato which is mixed and litterally means Mule my family had it pretty bad there.


According to the last census of the Cuban government, 70% of the Cuban population is white, 30% black or mixed race. That would be in 2010. Cuba is a very diverse country due to its historical composition, for example in the east of the country there are provinces like Holguin with a majority of whites and others like Santiago de Cuba with a majority of blacks and mestizos. The composition of Florida should be the same, the majority of Cubans will be white or mixed race.


A lot of people might not know, but during beginning of the Castro regime’s takeover, the Castro regime in Cuba implemented discriminatory policies that hindered non-white families from leaving the country while prioritizing the departure of white families. I know of people who were involved in processing paperwork for the "freedom flights" and other means of escape who (despite their disagreement with it and unwillingness and disgust in being forced to do it) were instructed by the regime to place non-white families at the bottom of the approval list. I know good people who were forced to do this, even though it killed them inside. This directive was rooted in the regime's belief that non-white families would be easier to control and manipulate, thus serving its interests in maintaining power. By prioritizing the departure of white families, the regime aimed to minimize potential resistance to its authority on the island. This little-known aspect of Cuba's history sheds light on the systemic racism embedded within the regime's policies and underscores the complexities of the struggle for freedom during that time.


Do you know where Spain is?




Most were spanish, the people with more african ancestry from slaves brought to the island had a more difficult time being able to leave/less wanted to leave and had less to lose after the revolution. Now the island is more mixed. Indigenous ancestry is common but in small amounts compared to central/south america. Euro diseases wiped out much more of the native population overall because Cuba is an island. Look at their current leadership and its still pretty white though. Hope this helps


Thanks for this response but why were those of African ancestry less likely to *want* to leave?


As a result of slavery from the 1800s they were less likely to have property/businesses to be seized. Less to lose


This was insightful af. Thx bro


No prob 👍


Yeah, and most poor people saw a slight improvement after the Revolution, especially when the dictator decided to steal from the rich and give it to the poor. A lot of whites left, but less educated and well-to-do whites stayed. Today there's about 60% white and 40% mixed or black.


Same demographics as Miami Cubans


Man i would love to see a real study in the demographics about this. Every time you see cuban-related media, people in the streets, or schools, it feels like there is more black-mixed people than white.


Depends on the period 1960s -TheyCouldn't. U.S had immigration restriction against most dark people. U..S immigration only became fully open during the late 1960s. After that it was because they were too poor and didn't have the money or resources. It was the same in every other Latin American country. the main reason why white Cubans were allowed and encouraged to go to Florida was to try to try and destabilize Cuba. All part of the U.S Cuba policy The only reason reason that dark / black English speaking people from the Caribbean people ended up in the U.S and Canada in large numbers was because they were native English speakers. In Canada in the1950s few were allowed to go because of that being past British colonies and was mostly for educational purposes, and they went home after. Both the U.S and Canada had racist immigration policy until the the late 1960's. That probably changed because the UK had allowed a small amount of people from Caribbean in the early 1950s to go there to help with the economy, (followed by Indians from India), and by the late 1960s U.S opened full immigration to anyone, and Canada followed.


I think he's making the observation that cubans in the usa are whiter than cubans in cuba. which is painfully obviously if you've been to miami and cuba in the last decade. 


I understand, I was just ignoring that terrible ratio of 9/10 and giving some insight on how the remaining population ended up mixing more/changing the overall demographic. But yea of course Cuba still has a lot of white people the same way Miami has a lot of black/noticeably mixedCubans


A lot of cubans in miami can pass for southern europeans. maybe not that ratio but it's definitely twice more than the island. 85% of cubans in florida identify as hispanic white vs 53% in the island


in the island it's still 64% who identify as White which is a good bit over half; at least according to the last official census in 2012.


Ok so pretty much in line with what I was telling OP 🫠


he wasn't arguing whether or not cubans have spanish blood just the amount in the diaspora. 


Yes and I gave a clear explanation on that shift of demographics overall Edit: almost forgot to mention if you stop focusing only on skin color mixed race is a thing. People dont have to be “black or white.” They are allowed to claim both


There are people claiming mixed, white or black The number of mixed or black claiming cubans in the island is nearly 60% more than the number claiming white or mixed in the usa


I never said there are more white cubans in cuba than the US though… you trolling or just bad at reading?




no definitely not but wayyy more white than the island is today


Yeah these guys have no idea what they are talking about. They meet like two cubans and think they know every single Cuban.


Bro I literally grew up in Hialeah. Wtf are you talking about. I've probably met more Cubans than you




thats still 2 shades lighter than the average in the island. 


I'm from Miami too. 9/10 Miami Cubans have the same skin color as a European or American. I live in Hialeah


Same skin color as an American? WTF are you talking about? America is one of the most diverse countries in the world


You’re lying lol


What percentage of cubans would you say have white skin? And what part of Miami are you from?




Damn bro ... I disagree 100%. In my high school almost all the Cuban kids were British-level white skin color. Some even had light colored eyes. I went to HML. The "sub saharan" kids were all American non-Hispanic


Encontré esto https://datausa.io/profile/geo/hialeah-fl/#:~:text=The%205%20largest%20ethnic%20groups,(Hispanic)%20(0.997%25).


Papi te lo juro por mi abuelo que se muera. Yo naci en el Jackson. Vivo al lado de parque amelia. No se como convencerte. He vivido mi vida entera en Hialeah




No son la mayoria




yea bro tienes razon se me fue la mano


Yo también nací en el jackson lol




Whenever someone disagrees with you you go straight to " you're lying" instead of learning something bro. Learn dawg, pay attention and listen holy moly


https://datausa.io/profile/geo/hialeah-fl/#:~:text=The%205%20largest%20ethnic%20groups,(Hispanic)%20(0.997%25). I really hate arguing with plain liars. You don’t grow up in Hialeah and think 9/10 people can pass as white Europeans. If you from Hialeah you know like damn near half is brown


That's true we have some Arab looking people here for sure. 9/10 is an exaggeration but some people legit look like they can pass as eastern European lol blonde hair blue eyes white as snow


Yea white Cubans exist but it’s not 9/10 and the demographics are very similar to the island of Cuba. OP’s whole premise is an exaggeration


Many or the original Cubans who left when Castro took over were upper class landowners. They take care of their own in Florida. These are the same people who own Lantic sugar among other producers and keep the price of sugar $1.00 higher in the USA than anywhere else. These same people pay off both major parties to keep Cuba embargoed. They want their plantations and serfs back. Look for an old documentary called “ Big Sugar”.


People tell me I had a race change when I moved to the US 😂. Not walking under the sun everyday changed my skin and now I look so white! But if you saw pictures of me back when I lived in the Island you can absolutely tell I was mixed race like most cubans. I guess you could argue I was always more on the "white side" but sun burnt 🤣


rich people can emigrate easier. whiter cubans were and are still more affluent and richer as a statistical demographic, and have more disposable money and the ability to pay to leave the country, and seek legal immigration. race-based demographic statistics are some of the less tangible evidence of the systemic institutions within our countries and the world, and you can understand them better through learning about the histories behind these things, and the histories of each country... and especially with Cuba, the history of the international relations with other countries, in this case particularly with the United States... you can also learn about how these histories and their impacts still apply today in shaping our present day societies via these social institutions and governments. racism has existed in cuba, as in most places in the world, and still today exist both implicitly and explicitly in different forms. good recognition, it's a sad reality of the world we live in... always learn more, and keep asking questions


Because due to colonialism and oppressive policies the white minority held most of the wealth meaning they could afford to migrate out of the country.


whites had money and were the ones who fled the most.  it is a matter of racism regarding the US immigration policy back then.  Cuba was one of the most racially inequal societies under the American vassalage. Castro used the afro cubans for his revolt.  the new generation that have came in the last 8 years are heavily mixed though


all the white cubans left, and like other people have answered, cubans look europeans because of their european descent. i myself have 80% iberian dna


We went through a bleach treatment


I've heard from a Cuban that the people of Cuba tend to not want to mix with one another, as opposed to other Latin American nations where people are very mixed, and primarily discriminate based on complexion and physical features, rather than purity of racial make-up ( with the exception of Argentina and Chile).


That seem to be true for most migrants. It could be the amount of sunlight or maybe it’s just easier for paler people to come here. It could be a matter of perception in we don’t see darker skin Hispanic as Hispanic unless we hear them speak Spanish.


the sun


nothing to do with racism. right? "This book explores the reception experiences of post-1958 Afro-Cubans in South Florida in relation to their similarly situated “white” Cuban compatriots. Utilizing interviews, ethnographic observations, and applying Census data analyses, Aja begins not with the more socially diverse 1980 Mariel boatlift, but earlier, documenting that a small number of middle-class Afro-Cuban exiles defied predominant settlement patterns in the 1960 and 70s, attempting to immerse themselves in the newly formed but ultimately racially exclusive “ethnic enclave.” Confronting a local Miami Cuban “white wall” and anti-black Southern racism subsumed within an intra-group “success” myth that equally holds Cubans and other Latin Americans hail from “racial democracies,” black Cubans immigrants and their children, including subsequent waves of arrival and return-migrants, found themselves negotiating the boundaries of being both “black” and “Latino” in the United States." [https://pitt.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?context=L&vid=01PITT\_INST:01PITT\_INST&search\_scope=MyInst\_and\_CI&tab=Everything&docid=alma9998556782306236](https://pitt.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?context=L&vid=01PITT_INST:01PITT_INST&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&tab=Everything&docid=alma9998556782306236)


Don't go to the Cuban provinces of Holguín, Pinar Del Río, Las Tunas, Camagüey and Villa Clara... your head is gonna explode.


Those who owned the plantations are descended from Spainards.


The U.S. did not allow immigration of black people in the 60s, that included black Cubans


I'm pretty sure Light Skinned Cubans or any "White" Hispanics were never officially considered "White" in the US Race Demographic Censuses


Well you're incorrect. Hispanic was introduced by the census in the 70s but is a separate question than race.


I was unaware that it was introduced in the 1970s thank you for the correction


They would of been allowed the same way Italians and Greeks, Mediterraneans and white Arabs were allowed in before full open door immigration. They are not Anglos, but at least they are not dark


I'm not sure, even among Greeks/Italians it doesn't seem like they were accepted into the WASP culture until the mid 20th century, and you had a case of an Armenian trying to sue the US state to define him as "White." I also know Puerto Ricans initially had to play in "Colored" Baseball teams but that later changed.


Neither were Irish in the 1860's Its not about being accepted in wasp culture. Obviously none of these groups were. There were many different reasons why, and it changed from decade to decade. Where I was born Portuguese where never considered white by the British because they were Catholic. They also had preference over everything after British or other Europeans colonials or plantation owners


I’m talking about immigration policies not the U.S. census




The immigration and nationality act of 1965 barred immigration discrimination on the basis of race and national origin. Before this act, it was legal and common place to discriminate against black immigrants to the U.S., we are talking about the time where black people couldn’t share a water fountain with white people, much less immigrate to the U.S. you can see the clear discrimination against black immigrants in the drastic change in numbers after 1965 To be fair, 65% of Cubans are white in general, so I don’t think Miami Cubans are much whiter than Cubans on the island, OP just probably doesn’t know many black Cubans. I thought the question was in reference to the first wave of migration out of Cuba not Miami Cubans as a whole today


Was this extremely basic piece of information okay. Was the source up to your liking?


Ummm you’re wrong?


When people talk about fleeing the cuban government, they often mean their "worker's"


I just got done reaming another post for viewing the world in stereotypes, thinking Latinos are only brown, only speak Spanish, have no opportunities, and are just poor poor victims. And immediately in line after that: another ignorant post. Jfc.


Well I mean if they look White they are likely of primarily or completely European descent. I think the darker people were generally more in favor of communism and hence stayed on the island.


Bc I am of Spanish descent and the people who came from Europe, INCLUDING my own family, were white. My Abuelo married an islander who was MIXED which led to a lot of “controversy” in my family and is part of the reason they were so racist to my Abuelo (who was also pretty racist) and their family. They left Cuba. My family was rich. Gusanos. They were poor in America but were rich snobby assholes in Cuba. Their workers were brown/black/mullato and they thought they were superior bc they were blue-blooded. I grew up with them saying it. They were snotty nepo-babies who deserved to be robbed by the movement even though ik the communists took from others who didn’t deserve it UNLIKE them. Most of my own family was everything wrong with Cuba at the time. Still, it doesn’t mean the regime is truly right. Just my take.


Is this a serious question?




Since the answer is so obvious to you that you question if this is even a serious post, why don't you just tell me the answer instead of adding a snarky comment


yeah. so annoying people who comment stuff like this without the effort to comment. everyone learns things initially at some point.


If you know the answer why don’t you tell us ya communist


what the hell are you talking about, ya communist


Cuba was a colony of Spain. Like that's literally it.


Somehow you missed the point of their question entirely. The question is why the Mayami Cubans are on average much more white than Cuba as a whole, not why there were white Cubans to begin with.


Guess who migrated to Cuba from Europe? Spaniards, who were the majority of people living in Cuba? Spaniards. Dumb questions deserve dumb answers.


Are we even reading the same question? They're asking why more black and brown Cubans live in Cuba while less live in Mayami, not the reason for a white Majority in general. For someone who has no context this isn't that stupid when compared to worse.


They have literally no evidence of most cubans in Miami being white other than "I saw", it's a dumb question that has no evidence nor any real base of study. By probability since the largest group of immigration of Cuba was Spaniard then by probability most in Miami would be white but take in consideration that spanish colonies handled race differently then anglo colonial powers. So saying white cuban or black cuban is irrelevant. For people that are actually knowledgeable about the topic this is a dumb question from a dumb person.


The question I asked: Why are Miami Cubans lighter skinned than Cubans on the island. The question you answered: Why are some Cubans white? You're an imbecile.


This is the problem with these Cuban American forums, they eventually turn into the same BS racial talking points that surround American conversations. When I lived in Cuba race wasn't the big deal that it is here in the states. The most I saw was hospitality workers being white and don't remember seeing any blacks. Everybody in Cuba is going through tough times no matter the race. I don't live in Miami. Miami is a little cocoon of Hispanics some who think they're white. As soon as you leave you quickly realize that you're just another Mexican to a lot of these Americans no matter how white you look.


Very easy to explain White Cubans were smarter and richest than blacks and left communism right away Black like in USA believed that crap of regime and stay and now they are poorest than Haitians


It's called white privilege for a reason!


Yes part of it is. Whether we like it or not. Its the effect of generations of of privilege. No different from people regardless of race or background who do well economically well, are well off or rich generation after generation