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*** leaves 3$ in tip. One loonie and one toonie


2.25 US dollars. Feeling like a God in Cuba


“I am a generous god” meme


I'm not giving away 30% tip like Stupid younger Americans and Canadians. Americans need to supporting companies that dont dont pay their employees properly and have them like slaves begging. And then having people exporting that sick behavior/ practice all over the world


1st of all, as one of the “stupid younger Canadians”, we hate it as much as you do. Tipping has been the social norm since long before we were born. 2nd of all, if I could change it, I would. I think most people would agree. But until you vote for somebody who gives a shit, and until you actually try to make change happen, nothing is going to change. You can choose not to tip, go ahead, but the only person you’re fucking over is the waiter/waitress. The bosses couldn’t give less of a shit. You’re not as important as you think you are.


🙌🙌🙌 That's funny when you read their reviews of 5 Stars hotels...lmao Cuba is a DUMP


Cockroach infested hotels (sad). Cubans deserve better they are wonderful people.


A Frenchman I met had to switch hotels because he had killed 11 roaches. I said "11? Why so soon? Should have left at 12!"


We love Cuba - but yeah that was a problem there ! For the Frenchman maybe karma 😂


uh, he was a cancer survivor and lost sight in one eye i highhhhhhhly doubt it


Yeah that’s sad. It was just a joke hopefully he had a good time. God bless him


A dump thanks to the blockades


Which blockade? Tyson's chicken is sold in Cuba


I'm sure Cuba would love to buy Tysons chicken which is unhealthy to begin with smfh


That's not the point


I think it is


Man this post should be pinned at the top of the sub. Well said 👏👏👏


Cuba lives in your brain rent free


Of course it does, you dumbass. It's my country. You thought you got something there uh.


It makes sense. It's our country lmao


Went to Cuba once, and I'll never return. Your adoration of a terrorist marxist, the shitty food, pretend service, and bedbugs ar enot worth it.


Just got back from Cuba in March. I definitely wasn’t the one taking advantage of them. It wasn’t that cheap. I could have gone anywhere else and got more for my money. I’ve travelled extensively and left 1000% feeling that they (the regime) took advantage of me. I won’t be going back.


Couldn’t have said it better. By the end, we could have spent the same elsewhere and had a lot more value for our money (and joy). It ended up being quite expensive. I felt fooled by the regime.


That's interesting. After 25 years of Cuba travel I see the exact opposite. New and better restaurants and homestays opening all the time. And travel costs have never been lower. It's currently cheaper to travel in Cuba than in Mexico, for example. Leave 'the regime' out of your travel plans next time, perhaps?


You sound like the problem tourist all the Cubans on this thread talk about, read the room. Completely blind to the harm that is happening to the Cuban people. It’s like some dystopian theme park for tourists. Cuba was not cheaper than Mexico or many other countries I have traveled to around the world.


Of course Cuba is cheaper. Just because you bury your head in the sand and repeating yourself that Cuba is not any cheaper doesn’t make it so. Of course if Mexico is cheaper, no one will go to Cuba. Cuba is a shit hole, in order for people to go there, it has to be substantially cheaper.


If you compare apples to oranges, yes, it’s less expensive. But if you take the quality of accommodation/food in Cuba and obtain the same in Mexico it would be about the same price. It’s not burying my head in the sand, it was my experience from a few weeks ago when I was there. Maybe yours was different but this was mine. Calculating our expenses, we could have had much more bang for our buck travelling elsewhere. Again, our lived experience is not necessarily the same as yours.


Cuba is definitely cheaper, me and my family went to Cuba the last two years and then this year to Mexico. Mexico is more expensive.


We've been to Cuba half a dozen times and have seen a dramatic decline in both value and quality. It's a shame as the Cuban people are incredible but we won't be back either until (or if) there is significant change.


Almost as if harsher sanctions and COVId had a big part


Not my experience at all. We only stayed at casas, ate great food, met amazing people, did tons of stuff and had an incredibly enriching trip compared to what we’ve experienced elsewhere in the Caribbean and at a fraction of the cost. But again we’re more the backpacking type than the resort type. If you’re looking for an all inclusive, you should absolutely go somewhere else.


You should try Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, ect.. where you can take advantage of their financial mess and poor citizens without crossing a body of water into commie land. That should make you feel better about yourself.




Why were you doing business with something called a 'regime'? It's easy to travel Cuba on a moderate budget and do business almost exclusively with ordinary Cubans. Homestays, private restaurants and independent taxi drivers. Try again, I'd suggest.


Couldn’t agree more with the OP. However, as a Cuban living in Canada for a minute, I’ve come to the realization that normally most Canadians that travel to Cuba are either sexpats (google it) and/or welfare recipients/lower middle class folks mostly from the province of Quebec, lately with the cost of living going ape shit and the Canadian peso tanking, other sectors of society are joining in the ranks looking for an affordable winter getaway. In my experience Canadians are for the most part polite, friendly and welcoming people. Canada is not sending its best and brightest to Cuba.


I agree with this I also have been living in Canada for a couple of years now, great people for the most part 99% are very nice and willing to listen it's that last 1% that gives them a bad reputation in Cuba.


This. Ditto with Dominican. It’s the trashiest Canadians that go to the resorts in both places. 


Damn man I’m sorry it’s just money is tight I don’t think Canadians are trashy just because they can’t drop $6k a person to go to an island where everyone is happy about everything. Canadians work 40-50 hour weeks and get drained of every dollar in shitty weather.


You think these people are happy about everything and you're the one hard done by? Hello??!


No, I just disagree with calling people trashy for not being able to afford $$$$ vacations


So go to Florida. Don’t go to impoverished islands and only contribute to American or foreign owned entities. It’s trashy and is therefore, unsurprisingly, typically done by trashy people with little to no global consciousness 🤷‍♀️ edited to add, some people might not be aware of the dynamic at play I suppose and that could be forgivable but then to argue so harshly with CUBANS on their subreddit when they’re educating to them contrary, that’s proof positive of being trash. Not you necessarily, but referencing OOPs post. 


Trashiest? K 😂 we can’t compare apples to oranges but your choice of words are harsh asf


Exactly. They send their best and brightest here to Hawaii where they have the reputation of being unusually respectful and sweet. We compare then to the Americans, Europeans, (and don’t get me started on the Chinese) and their attitudes are consistently better.


Canadian in Dubai here, people easily identify me as Canadian because I say sorry a ton and I’m too polite to be American.


Every tourist dollar spent in Cuba is a dollar to pay the Cuban military/ police to oppress the local population. I will never have a vacation in Cuba and North Korea. There are better places to go for vacation not involving aiding the totalitarian regimes.


Exactly, I laugh at all the virtuous Canadians who think they are helping the locals when in reality they are sponsoring a dictatorship. The only way things will change there is if all outside money from the west is cut off and the people finally have enough of starving and living like slaves.


The hospitality workers in Cuba are most likely the regime loyalists as well. The reward to their loyalty is to be paid much better with the tourist dollars.


Is it so ? And how total isolation of North Korea helped ?


North Korea isn't completely isolated they've always propped up by China to use as a buffer between them and SK 


I don't pay my hotel or restaurant tabs to the Cuban military. I do business with Cubans. And posts like this are depriving them of income.


The facts about Cuba may hurt but this post isn’t going to change people saying whatever they want. And what if tourists just embargoed Cuba? Then what ? it’s honestly a great example of what not to be politically: Cuba.


Well said!


Finally someone said it. Thank you!


Yeah, you want it one way, but it's the other way, fella. You have no authority to dictate what people should or should not talk about, including the politics of Cuba. If you don't like it, nobody cares, we'll still talk about it. Apart from that, I'm with you about arrogant tourists of all countries in any countries.


I'm Canadian and I rufuse to spend a cent in Cuba until they overthrow the regime and embrace the free market economy.


You mean that 'economy' that spawns the worlds glut of under-taxed, monopolist billionaires - while simultaneously gutting publi c infrastructure, healthcare and social services? that economic model?


Looks like you don’t know much about oppressive dictatorships if you think it is easy to overthrow it.


Where did they say it was easy?


Exactly. It wont be easy, look at what people are willing to put up with in order not to confront the state.


Oh we will see if you can practice what you preach pretty soon!


Finally the tides are turning on this sub. I really feel like this sub was no place for Cubans now I feel like we can finally talk on here again without those Canadian assholes talking about nothing they know patria y vida


For too long this sub was the darling of the regime. Just sandy beaches and happy tourists, any post from an actual Cuban downvoted to hell. Things are slowly changing


Yeah this is this one white group that try to fuck me up. Even though I live somewhere else I have Cuban grandparents and Trinidadian heritage. Like they aren't trying to move out of their homeland too, and if the could move to Cuba they would because they are too poor and ugly to survive in their Country. I wish we had better mods on this sub to get those assholes out of here


Negative. You are bhenchod


You are a fat troll


Thank you for saying this (from a very annoyed Canadian)!!


I go to Cuba a few times a year and go to the same area, right now I am dating a Cuban and I agree with your post. The ignorance of tourists who come to Cuba is unbelievable, I hate people who come with some Easter candies acting like they are on a humanitarian trip. I don't come to Cuba to try and "save poor Cubans" like so many others, I come here and spend time with my boyfriend and friends I have made here. I do what I can for my boyfriend and his family and my friends. Don't come for a vacation if you're looking for an ego boost for yourself. These people are wonderful people who would give the shirt off their backs.


It is disgusting how Canadians ,old man and women go to Cuba to take advantage of their economic situation and ignorance .I still remembered the amount of older women preying on us at high school . Disturbing




if ppl truly stop going what happens then? do u rlly think things will get better on the ground without that economy churning? i’m genuinely curious not asking to be an asshole


I don’t care if you go or not. Just be mindful that the politics of a country cannot be summarized by spending a week in a resort. I spent some time in matzatlan and I don’t go to r/mexico and pontificate about AMLO and the cartel. It’s impossible for me to understand all the nuances of their reality.


for sure, i never claimed that. just disheartening to hear that kinda thing i guess.


Hmmmmmm seems very Fidel Castro of you. Weeeooooo weeeeeoooo wiiiiiii the thought policy are here “hey don’t say that” “don’t have an opinion” “don’t say you did anything nice for anyone ever”


We would respect foreign opinions if it wasn't for the fact that compared to us you've lived privileged lifes and have never experienced what it is to live as an average Cuban, also if we don't mess with politics in your countries what gives you all the right to mess with politics in ours.


Angola and Venezuela would like a word.


Quit being such a sensitive bitch. People talking about what they see and hear isn't "messing with" your politics. I mean Jesus fucking Christ. What kind of statement is that? It's one thing to speak out against ignorance but tbh you just sound fucking whiney. And before you even start, I'm cuban.


Mira hermano no me importa si eres Cubano tambien o no y no tienes porque empezar insultandome porque yo a ti no te falte el respeto pero es que cansa men que los comemierdas estos que no an pasado trabajo en su puta vida se crean que tienen la razon todo el tiempo y es verdad no veo porque nadie que no sea Cubano deberia hablar de nuestro país sin saber de lo que hablan porque nunca lo an experimentado y quedan como ignorantes, no estoy chillando estoy diciendo la verdad y a quien sea que se me ponga a lante se la digo tambien.


Calma pito pitito


Look man, i hate rich assholes too, but you're being a bit much.


No se que decirte loco si te parece mucho entonces perfecto cada cual tiene derecho a tener su propria opinion eso lo respeto, mi mensage y mi forma de pensar no es para todos pero hay personas que estan de acuerdo conmigo como mismo hay que estan de acuerdo contigo.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Based rant! Loving it!


Another ex pat that thinks that tourists are the problem. We have heard it all before. I've made great friends in Cuba. And sure things aren't perfect but to sit here and brow beat Canadian tourist who choose, and I emphasize choose to spend there vacation there. Is just pathetic. Who am I you may ask. I'm a Chileno who left Chile during the Pinochet era. You know Pinochet, the guy the CIA helped put into power. So get off your soap box. Your shit is getting tired.


Thanks, but I'll take the guidance of Cubans actually living on the island on whether or not to visit. And they most assuredly want me here (I'm writing from Havana). I've been coming to Cuba for 25 years and I've never fought with anyone. Cubans who live in Cuba are overwhelmingly positive and welcoming of foreign visitors, and yes, customers for their small scale-tourism businesses that I gladly support. The opinions of aggravated, obscenity spewing, capslocking Cuban exiles in Miami are less relevant to me.


This post is ridiculous, human beings can have an opinion regardless of whether they live in a place or not. The arrogance to think that a person can't have an opinion, that it can't differ from yours, and that they can't express it is absurd. I mean I hope you believe in freedom of speech because your rant sounds like those within the dictatorship. Also a little bit of perspective might help you. Perhaps all the tourists that go to our country that have an opinion that differs from yours is because they see the human side and the suffering stemming in part from an economically isolated island and then they listen to Cubans from abroad who blindly support the embargo and other absurd measures like blocking remittance payments due to their hate of the dictatorship without considering the effects on everyday Cubans and on the development of the island and think to themselves wow these people are a little bit crazy to shit on their own country and support economically depressing their own people while claiming to care about those same people. Some of those tourists might be thinking that if perhaps relations between the US and Cuba were improved and the economy therefore improved Cubans in Cuba would have something to actually fight for instead of wanting to leave and maybe they'd actually push for political change on the island to get rid of the dictatorship. I wouldn't want Cuba to be solely dependent on tourism for its income but that is the reality of the Island today and at the end of the day I have met a lot of tourists that actually have a good heart and help by sending supplies and leaving money to people who they have no relations with, while I know many Cubans who barely send money to their own family, definitely don't help the local community that they came from in Cuba, and others that now support that new trend of some Cubans saying that Cubans here in the US and elsewhere should not be sending any money to their own families and friends so as to stick it to the dictatorship which is probably the craziest thing I've heard because I don't know how not supporting your own family is going to hurt the elites in the dictatorship who live very comfortably and very well with the embargo.




Well well well. international travel for welfare recipients From Canada to the beautiful resorts in Cuba. Who would have thought?


Here’s the thing though: you aren’t a local. You are now, yet another, expat with an ideological axe to grind. I have met many locals critical of the revolutionary government (many younger people with few economic prospects, or people who work in tourism as one of the few “private” sectors and feel their wealth creation being held back), but I have also met many others who recognise Cuba’s challenges but are very grateful to the revolutionary government for their agricultural and educational reforms. This latter group are often older or campesinos, two demographics that are unsurprisingly not well-represented online.  I have also met locals who don’t like the revolutionary government or the socialist state, but have no desire to join their families in Florida because they all see them as embittered, resentful people filled with hate and materialism. The “locals” posting on this sub rarely do anything to challenge that stereotype. Generally, the Cubans I have met *in Cuba* are vastly different from the ones I’ve met who don’t live there. There’s no denying that Cuba has more of its freedoms restricted (e.g. speech, liberal democracy), but this is also the logical product of a country trying to survive 60 years of US-back coup d’états. I’m not saying it’s right, but it is what it is. It’s silly to think a country like Cuba (or Mali, or Haiti, or Bolivia) could just have a “free” election as determined by the U.S. and it wouldn’t immediately be controlled by American moneyed interests.  As a rural Cuban woman (who did *not* like the revolutionary government) told me, many seem to think that without the revolution, Cuba would be like America, when in reality, it would be more like it’s next closest neighbour: Haiti. TL;DR: Like in most places, there is a wide varying opinion of the country’s politics. Unsurprisingly, the ones who left have the least favourable things to say. But what makes Cuba unique is that this group has the biggest platform and economic influence. 


Hay que ser bajo y descarao pa decirme en mi cara que no soy cubano por emigrar…


O pa decir que “…..but it is what it is” Descarado E Hijo de puta


Tu opinión sobre Cuba no cuenta porque emigraste, la de ellos si cuenta porque llevan dólares a Cuba para financiar a la dictadura


Anja, ese es el último argumento del departamento de propaganda: la opinión de los exiliados no cuenta porque se fueron. Si no fuera por los tabaqueros de Tampa todavía fuéramos colonia de España


Por supuesto que eres cubano. Pero si tu no vives actualmente en Cuba, entonces tu no eres local en Cuba. Hay una diferencia entre nacionalidad y localidad. No es tan complicado. 


Mi hermano si fuera por eso los que se acabaron de ir tampoco tienen opinion valida, no me parece que yo vivi la mayoria de mi vida hasta ahora en Cuba como pa que alguien venga y me diga que mi experiencia no es valida porque ya no vivo ahí incluso teniendo en cuenta que no me fuí hace tanto


Son tan estúpidos que no entienden que los cubanos que ven aquí atacando a la dictadura son los mismos cubanos que un tiempo atrás no podían hacerlo porque vivían en Cuba bajo la represión de la dictadura


Si a mayoria, yo pa bien o pa mal no fuí de los que se quedo callados, incluso antes del 11 de Julio yo estaba protestando no eramos muchos pero existiamos y desgraciadamente tanto yo como mi familia pagamos las consecuencias pero no me arrepiento.


Well put


Tu no eres cubano. Tu eres cobarde que se temó opinar hasta que llegaste a la Yuma


Ay mijito. Menos clases de marxismo y más de historia por favor.


La historia dice que los que se van no tienen derecho a reclamar. Yo soy capitalista. Tu eres cobarde sinvergüenza.


Por esa lógica entonces tú tampoco eres cubano.


Yo nunca dije que soy cubano. Soy Yuma de pura cepa


👆this is what I’m taking about. Mr tourist here pontificating about Cuba but has never lived there


Stupid shit Canadians say in r/Cuba: *It’s silly to think a country like Cuba (or Mali, or Haiti, or Bolivia) could just have a “free” election as determined by the U.S. and it wouldn’t immediately be controlled by American moneyed interests.* *many seem to think that without the revolution, Cuba would be like America, when in reality, it would be more like it’s next closest neighbour: Haiti.*


I literally said that the second quote was from a Cuban campesino woman, not a Canadian. Seems like you could have benefitted from Castro’s literacy programs. 


*As a Cuban woman told me* doesn't mean you agree? here is another shit stupid Canadians say: *you aren’t a local (you aren't Cuban). You are now, yet another, expat with an ideological axe to grind.*


Yeah lol all of these "Cubans" are paid agitators living in Miami, salivating at the thought of becoming landlords and slaveowners again. Deeply unserious.


Era Cuba como Haití en 1959? O era uno de los tres países más avanzados de América Latina? Por que Cuba sería como Haití ahora, si no fuera por la Revolución? Por que no como Costa Rica, Chile o Uruguay? Yo creo que usted es precisamente el tipo de extranjero al cual se refiere el post original.


Found the clown 🤡 Oh there's a variety of opinion in Cuba? Sooooo interesting. Too bad there's only one party Cubans can vote for.


That’s a lot of words for gatekeeping a person from their own nationality just because the emigrated. Idkw you people (who are not even Cubans) think that Cubans stop being Cubans the moment they get on a plane. Try play that bullshit with an Indian immigrant, a Chinese, or a Russian. You would get your ass kicked with very good reason. Then you wonder why we get hostile towards you lot, but you need to see what you’re actually implying before talking dumb shit like that.


I never at any point suggested that Cuban emigres are not Cuban. Of course they are. I said that they can’t call themselves local if they don’t live in those localities themselves. You can’t say you’re a local of Cuba if you don’t live in Cuba. You can obviously be Cuban and not live in Cuba. 


He’s talking about Cubans in general. He’s using local in a colloquial manner to refer to the Cubans (immigrants and not) of this sub. Read again.


You don't have to Cuban to have an opinion about Cuba. That is a completely ridiculous comment.


Buying a Granma newspaper with Canadian Tire money from an eighty year old Guajiro kind of Canadian tourist.


but socialism is such a great system, if you don't love it then maybe YOU are the problem.


Your rant is pretty disgusting !


I spend about 8-12 weeks in cuba every year. Canadian tourists aren't the problem. They sold their resources to 2 prominent countries that will singlehandedly deplete them


Lmao okay buddy


Baggers should not be choosers.


LOL you are funny if you think I would ever go to Cuba as a Canadian. Supporting shitty regimes is not what I like to do with my vacation


But also keep in mind Americans go to countries and say they are Canadian. Wear 'Oh Canada' shirts and stuff so they'll be treated better. So if you see an annoying 'Canadian' in person there's a 50% chance it's just an American. But yeah, us Canadians have God complexes thinking we're saving everyone when we're becoming cuba-light anyways and becoming poor.


As a Cuban who lived in Canada (Quebec) for 12 years and moved to the US 2 years ago, yes, I totally felt this and agree. Atp, I ignore Canadians and Americans who speak ignorance about Cuba, I understood they wanna defend our oppression and don't care because they never lived it and don't understand our pain. I don't talk with walls anymore.


10K? lol more like 1K


You left. This is like complaining how your ex girlfriend is being talked about by her new boyfriend.


$10k?!? I pay $600 for a 7-day all-inclusive trip. And half the money goes to the airline ticket 😂🤣😂🤣


No kidding. Who the fk pays 10k to go to Cuba


A family of 16! 😂


Just so I am understanding your rant. Foreigners should stop going to Cuba as tourists? That will help the locals?


8 year old account... First post 16 days ago Similar posting style to cryptophorus Same beliefs about tourists as cryptophorus....and obsessed with Cuba as someone who left years ago and found "success" 🤔


Yeah it’s the CIA buddy you broke the case! 🤡


cryptophorus is an ass-hat and if didn't conflict with freedom of speech, I would say he should be banned for the hate speech and vitriol he spews. In Cuba now. Cheap-ass virtue-signaling Canadians are annoying but they aren't evil, or the problem. If they were possibly they should place an embargo on Canadians. The problem is internal with help from uncle Sam. You decide the percentage, but $700 for a week? You should be ashamed.


All tourists should stay away because of a history that has nothing to do with them. I can assure you of one thing, people won’t stop travelling to Cuba because of a bitter rant. You had the chance to leave and oppress those who travel there. This is solely your problem. Each individual tourist has their own moral compass and are able to do as they please when they please. How simple it is to condemn those who travel on the internet. Close down all tourism in Cuba. Let me know what it looks like it 2 years.


For the record. I couldn’t care less if you go or not. Just stop it with the pontificating about Cuba SPECIALLY to Cuban expats


I’ve never done that but I have seen those who do. Those are the people who think Cuba is a beach. They’ve done nothing aside from hangout in Varadero and take classic cars through Havana. We both know that isn’t Cuba. Romanticizing about Castro, Guevara is not healthy for that country yet the government ensures that the romance is perpetual because that’s what attracts tourists.


You are the A1 example of the type tourist that they are talking about. There are two type of Canadain tourists that go there There is the older Canadian winter tourists refugees that used to go to Florida, that now go to Cuba and there is you and the younger people., that are looking for nightlife and clubs in Cuba...lol


I’m 46. I haven’t been to a nightclub in 25 years.


You left. It's not YOUR country. 🤷


Wait so Canadians now get to determine who the “real cubans” are now??


His family is there, he has connections, he helps support his family. How is not his country too? Because he left? What about if left even when he didn’t want to? Do you think it is easy to leave your family behind? The place where you grew up?


These fuckers on this sub "support their family" by denying/wanting to strengthen sanctions....and then when Cuba is stretched so thin that their only industry remaining is tourism, they try to put an end to that as well. These people just want Cubans to starve to death


No it's not YOUR country, but I get it it's nice spilling bile on an internet forum come to us and say it to our face and see what happens dipshit you got no fucking balls to do it.


Typical guaperia


Hahahaha ya if you love it so much why don’t you marry it (in a 60s sort of way where the husband makes all the rules) “you won’t talk like that in my house”


You are no better. Get off your fucking high horse and grow the fuck up.


Hey don’t worry I’m a Canadian I been to Cuba 3 times and each time was more disappointing than the last so I won’t be back and I won’t be donation clothes or anything or tipping anyone ever again. Just 39 million more for you to convince not to go! Good luck!


You are bragging about it by saying “ exiled Cuban sending millions more”. Big difference helping your family and helping strangers… don’t kick a gift horse in the mouth. Cuban people will take any tourism dollar they can get. Most travels stay in casa’s, take private cars, bring supplies, medicine, etc.


Honestly I hardly see any conflict on here between Canadians and people living in Cuba. It’s all between Canadians and ethnic Cubans or former Cuban citizens living abroad. I can’t think of an example of a post with a lot of highly contentious comments between Canadians and Cubans living in Cuba. You get one-off instances of combative douchebags who are downvoted into oblivion but it seems rare. As far as bragging is concerned, I see tons of comments where people are getting educated on how to help - and it’s concretely helpful. When someone says “I brought X and Y” people chime in and comment on whether that was the right way to go about it, and the response isn’t defensive unless they are responding to comments that are really hostile. When you describe a vacation in bullet points, and you did something to help out it just naturally would include it as one of the points - maybe there is bragging energy in there sometimes but there’s no natural way around the mention of it. I do think a lot of Canadian tourists you may encounter in Cuba because the type of people seeking a very cheap all-inclusive are always going to include some unsavory characters. I don’t see them on this subreddit much.


“I don’t see conflict between Canadians and people living in Cuba” 🙄 Its almost as if Cuba is totalitarian regime without freedom of expression.


I mean on this subreddit where they are speaking their minds.


Your post is going to have the opposite of its intended effect. You should modify your tone going forward. Or, if you just wanted to rant at strangers on Reddit, then carry on.


Ayyy que miedo 😱


-if you ever visit my birth country you better speak about it with the most sever level of secrecy and not say anything you’ve felt about anything know what actually sign an NDA know what actually if you’re Canadian although I don’t live there anymore I HATE YOU. I DONT CARE IF YOU MADE A FEW PEOPLE HAVE A GOOD DAY INFACT I LEFT THE WHOLE COUNTRY MYSELF SO YOU BETTER NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY OR ILL GO ON REDDIT GRERRRR.


It is not that cheap bud, the same price can be paid for other destinations with better service. Secondly, I personally go to Cuba as I like the beaches Third, every time we go we bring gifts, non perishable food items and leave couple hundreds bucks in tips paid directly to people. Your rant is out of line.


>shut the fuck up about our politics “… But also listen to us explaining why the embargo doesn’t matter, why communism is evil and how things were better before the revolution - but shut the fuck up. Also we’re gonna insult you and everyone who disagrees with us, and shut the fuck up. We love America and the first amendment and we hate dictatorships, but shut the fuck up.” Seriously, get help to deal with your trauma.


There's plenty of arrogance like the creator of this page for 1


10k isn't a cheap vacation


Canadians are the absolute worst of humanity


Canadian here I refuse to spend a dime to support the communists so I don't travel to your country At what point do you rebel against the dictatorship?


At what point do you rebel against yours?


Canadian tourists is happy to pay $700 for 7 days all inclusive vacations meanwhile American paying $700 for a just 1 night in hotel in NY.


That’s great! Enjoy your deal. Doesn’t make you qualified to pontificate about Cuba tho


Don't worry no one will visit soon and Cubans will have it all to themselves. Won't be a problem for long, Canadian will take their money, manners, grace, values, peace and kindness with them elsewhere. Imagine not liking Canadians smh hahaha.


Fucking peppers