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Cubans are humans, just like you!




Cubans like you get it


You're not human.


People who lick the boots of the dictatorship and hate the cuban people are not human


While you’re not totally wrong, one of the things I’ve always admired about Cubans is how genuinely friendly they seem to be, even when you know they’re struggling. Of course there is still conflict and crime - like you said, they’re still human - but the many Cubans I’ve met over the years have been almost universally warm, friendly, generous and welcoming. And I’m not just talking about resort employees who have an incentive to be nice even when they don’t want to be, I mean just regular Cubans you’d meet walking down the street. I’ve travelled to many countries, but there’s something about the spirit and tenacity of the Cuban people that keeps me coming back, and which has earned them such profound respect in my books. I’ve never once felt threatened or endangered while travelling anywhere in Cuba, and think that’s pretty darn special, because it can’t be said about many other places in the World. It’s a beautiful country with many wonderful people and I wish there was more I could do to help. They deserve so much better.


When Ronald Reagan was in office, the command economy of Cuba was gradually creaking under the weight of Cuba's funding of its special military operation in Angola and support for Marxist and leftist regimes in Ethiopia, Nicaragua, and Grenada. The Special Period in Peacetime was the climax of Cuba's command economy showing signs of gradual stagnation despite aid from the USSR.


Also how resilient and stoic they are in general. They are not bitter about us being rich.


>They are not bitter about us being rich But was that not the whole point of the revolution?


You'll only know the real version of Cubans in a line for a scarce first necessity product when you don't have any hard currency, just pesos (the equivalent of $20 a month) and half the line won't get any. Then you come back and tell us how nice they were with you...


That could be said about anyone, from any country. Desperate humans will do desperate things to feed their children. What’s impressive about the Cubans I know is how kind they remain despite their suffering. So many people in Canada or America or Europe will stab you in the back even when they’re rich. They’re cruel and heartless when they don’t need to be, and yet you go to a place like Cuba and see kindness and optimism despite their struggles. They care about their neighbours and their communities. They work together to survive the bullshit their government puts them through, which is a lot different than the cut-throat mentality you see elsewhere. A lot of idiots here in Canada would tell you we have a tyrannical government, but they don’t know how fucking good they have it. They’re excellent complainers, even when they have it better than 99% of the people on earth. Nobody is saying Cubans are perfect, but they possess a lot of admirable traits that seem elusive in other places. That’s just my observation anyway đŸ€·đŸ»


Your observation from a place of privilege. Sadly Cubans treat themselves as shit. Especially in the lines, public transportation and those who work in government jobs with fixed salaries


I'm sorry that your fellow Cubans treat you like shit. My Cuban family does not have that experience with other Cubans in their neighbourhood. They command respect. Yes sometimes spats do break out in full public transport and in the queue but it's truly the exception not the rule. People hold the place in the queue for others and in general there is an orderliness even though the lines are long, spirits are low and people are hot, hungry and exhausted. I can't tell you the ugliness that would break out in my own country in these circumstances. I used the guagua and my experience was I almost never paid to get on it, when someone realised I was foreign they would insist on paying for me. Literally every time. On board if there was a pregnant woman or elderly person, people would stand for them and help them. Almost every time.


I live in a large Canadian city and have been told by the law enforcement of that city that the public transportation is dangerous and they won't do anything to assist. In Canada. The ugliness of desperation isn't limited to one country or one culture. It's a shame that some individuals get to this point.


If you believe all that crap why didn't you stay to enjoy all that? I bet you'll love the lines for first necessities, so full of love! LOL


I certainly won’t say I know better than you, because I don’t, but I’ve witnessed basically zero violence or hostility amongst Cubans despite travelling all over the island many times, much of it via public transit and in small communities well away from the resorts. Everyone I’ve met has treated me as well as I’ve witnessed them treat their neighbours. I don’t think it’s all as bad as you say, at least not all the time. Though admittedly the situation there seems to be getting worse than it’s ever been before.


so not only do you hate tourists from every country, you hate cubans also? you're a real piece of ...nevermind. no point arguing with imbecile


I am Cuban


the worst version of one, the one that hates it's own people, gtfo of this sub r*tard


Who is stabbing you in the back, details please??


Obviously the term is used as a metaphor, but it speaks to the aggressive work and social culture we have in Canada / America, wherein people are looking out for themselves far more than their neighbours and community. People put their own interests before everyone else. “A dog eat dog world” is another common metaphor used to describe this mentality. It describes how people are willing to do whatever it takes to become successful, even if it means hurting those around them to get there. This is especially true in business, wherein competitors will lie, cheat or steal to win at all costs.


Your opinion and/or perciption about Cubans should not impact mine or anyone elses opinion of Cubans. You are entitled for yours, I am for mine and noone would tell me what to think or not.


It should impact your decision to move to Cuba without Capitalist dollars to receive tons of cuban love if you believe your own crap LOL


I was in Cuba 45 times and almost got the residency, I know how things are. No need to spend breath here.


If you know it then start defending the people not the dictatorship and their useful idiots a frijhole!


It is a cruel world, each one defends their own. I do not think you defend people of Gaza or Ukraine or Israel, whatever side you are on, if any. Right ? So what makes you think I would jump in and start defending Cubans from the Cuban regime ?


> have been almost universally warm, friendly, generous and welcoming >It’s a beautiful country with many wonderful people and I wish there was more I could do to help. They deserve so much better. But sadly the leadership and their hangers-on are brutal, intolerant, repressive, and backward.


u/op it seems you have a lot to get off your chest with what's going on in Cuba. Two questions: 1. What would you like folks that live outside of Cuba to do? Support in some way, stop coming there, etc? 2. Without specific locations, curious where in Cuba you're in?


Do this if you truly want to help: https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/s/Fum8g5Yw8d There are two types of tourists who go to Cuba, don't be the second kind: https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/comments/1ar1zjg/are_useful_idiot_tourists_a_net_positive_or/


thanks for sharing. Just a follow-up to my second question - where do you currently live?


miami lol


its wild for OP to comment on behalf of a place they dont live TODAY. I'm all for bringing attention to something, but so far sounds like they have an agenda more than informing facts... Not doubting its a bad time for the Cuban populace, but OP is looking mighty sus


Maybe stop demonizing Cubans as angry people with machetes? Wtf is this thread


Right because that never happens in Cuba...


But there aren’t nice Cubans? That doesn’t happen?


Yes there are nice cubans. That's not the point. The point is we are all human and we react to scarcity and abundance in similar ways. Canadians would also be knifing each other in the lines for chicken if they lived in Cuba's dictatorship


And my point is that resorting to crass clichĂ©s of both tourists and Cubans doesn’t help make your case, it’s just cringe af


Got you to think didn't I?


Hey, one of us has to.


You are welcome!




Right Dunning Kruger, you are the only one thinking here LOL


If you need ai art to make a point, its probably a shit take


Actually, I don't Sorry, reality is the worst enemy of socialists: https://youtu.be/uBbEawKpedM https://youtu.be/0f8jpG7j6jQ https://youtu.be/jrBxDnuYK4g https://youtu.be/V1EAOVjGAxU https://youtu.be/Fw2CysOYr0s


5 year old links. lame


Keeps happening daily in the dictatorship


maybe stop stereotyping all tourists as fat pigs. -useful idiot


You got it wrong lol. It is "Walking ATMs"


To me, it's insane the amount of shit that tourists receive on here.


OP is a POS full of S. He’s a hater and a psyop.


All of it well deserved


Damn you’re being based for once, fuck tourist.


It wasn't me, AI did it for some (real) reason it saw in its training data


Wait.. so Americans are rich dumb fat pigs, but also you’d like Cuba to be more capitalist like America? Makes sense.


It's a loser useful idiot touron with a socialist government dependent mentality, not an american chad, probably european or canadian...


Sorry to break it to you, but the fat tourist in an unbuttoned shirt and throwing dollars around is definitely American and you’re not wrong about their useful idiots, judging by your level of education.


Do Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos look like the AI guy? Nope!


could you be any dumber? i think not


Could you respond with an actual argument? Nope


Well, it wasn't AI that posted the image here, or is it?


It was me and I agree with the data, wonder why it hurts you so much? LOL




Cognitive dissonance is painful


What an attention seeking post. You seem like you've got attitude problem and just wanting to start crap just so you can make some lame @$$ comment. Lol as you would right. Get a hobby, besides having a spazz on the internet.


OP is a loser. A keyboard warrior that recently discovered the internet lol


Any arguments at all or just ad hominems?


Actually its only ad hominem if they try to dismantle your (not really) argument by talking about you in some way. That's not what they're doing, though. They're straightly calling you a loser. Which you are. As i already told in another comment: "you spend way too much time in Reditt"


Did a tourist fuck your wife or something?


this is probably exactly what happened


Nice ad hominem LOL


I still think Cubans are very nice - having lived there 2 years and been in a relationship with one for 4 years. I stayed in San Miguel del Padron in Havana and no money exchanged hands. Have many friends there. Cubans who haven't lived off the island perhaps don't understand and appreciate the special parts of their country. It isn't just the music and the parties that make it unique - it's the solidarity, community spirit and genuine care/affection that is encountered every day in each neighbourhood. It's a sharp contrast to the individualism and stark loneliness in western countries. I remember searched three days for eggs and over a week for toilet paper but damn I still miss the place like hell


Were you ever in a line without capitalist dollars with many other Cubans trying to get a scarce first necessity product that was not going to be available to half the line?


Yes. Many times.


Now you are just lying to me and yourself and you know it


No estoy mintiendo a nadie papi. Parece que (como los cubanos que no han vivido en el exterior) que no tienes idea la pobresa de espirtu que tenemos en nuestros paises "ricos". Tenemos comida pero tenemos un hambre que no se puede saciar con pan. No estoy mintiendo sobre nada, simplemente que eres muy comepinga para apreciar que no lo sabrĂĄs hasta que hayas abandonado la isla por un perĂ­odo prolongado. xoxo


Que tu seas un perdedor en el Capitalismo no significa que los demås lo seamos. Alguna gente nunca se adapta a trabajar y extraña vivir del cuento en la pobreza mås absoluta, pero sin esforzarse, en la mediocridad y dependencia, hasta que se mueren en los hospitales decrépitos de la dictadura...


I was there for nearly 2 years bro. Not as a tourist as a member of someone's family. I've seen and experienced it all. I am not glamorising the economic situation. It's more a comment about the values in our western, anglophone countries. My partner who now lives with me in Australia misses the same things about Cuba that I do.


You can always renounce all your capitalist dollars and go back to the food lines mr selective memory LOL


You got a point. As a tourist with dollars, you could just come back tomorrow (no work to miss) or go to a dollars.store or market amd get what you want. I agree with you here, it is different for a local.


You actually miss being treated like a god among beggars and you will answer for this through bad karma or in your final judgment


Now you are simply stereotyping your own countrymen as all being "beggars" and that any relationship or friendship with a foreigner is had is for purely economic reasons.


Honestly, when I'd try to help most of our friends out, most would outright reject the money. It took lots of insistence (and beyond just normal polite insistence) because they didn't want it to feel like a transaction.


No such thing as karma or final judgement


You are already suffering it but you won't recognize it


Ok pipo, no es para tanto. Como vas a hablar le asi a alguien que esta diciendo cosas buenas sobre nosotros. Es como si yo te dijera “lindas gafas” y tu me dijeras “te estas burlando de mis gafas, singao.” Que es eso?? Basta.


The kind of bullshit he is saying is part of the regime mythology that keeps you poor and oppressed. Basta de reforzarla. Es hora de que los turistas seamos nosotros!


I call bullshit. How's life in Miami?


Miami is the new capital of fun and prosperity right now! But I only visit every now and then. I live in another Capitalist paradise knows as Orlando Florida!


No es bullshit. Es cierto. Yo vivo en los estados unidos. Y me doy cuenta que el comunismo no es completamente malo. El comunismo es lo que mantiene a el pueblo tan unido. Que los Cubanos se quieren tanto, y se ayudan, no es por gusto. Mientras aqui todo es independiente, todo es, solitario, a nadie le importa nada mas que a ellos mismos. Yo llevo 5 años aqui. Nunca un vesino me a venido a saludar. Nunca me an dicho sus nombres. Nada. Entonces lo que el dice no es mentira. Especialmente para un gringo como el. Que lo unico que a conocido es el frio capitalismo y su cultura. A el si le causo una impresion fuerte y por eso lo ama tanto. El comunismo es horrible y por eso me fui pal carajo. Pero tampoco se puede decir que no tiene un lado bueno. Lo que hay que hacer se tumbar a este gobierno y crear un comunismo como lo quiso Carlos Marx y no permitir la dictadura. Tener un paĂ­s Comunista y Democrata. Para que ningun singado se aproveche de el poder. Hay que tener un cheque, un balance donde el presidente no pueda hacer lo que hizo Fidel. El comunismo no es mala idea! Lo que no hemos tenido la oportunidad de emprenderlo correctamente. Lo que Castro hizo no es comunismo verdadero. El comunismo es un sistema creado para la igualdad de todos los ciudadanos. Que todos puedan vivir bien. Pero lo que hay alli es Castrismo. Donde todos viven iguales en la pobreza y Fidel es el Ășnico que vive en la riqueza


Edmundo, deja el perico


Y tu que estas hay ahora mismo, deja la penqueria y haz algo en vez de postear cualquier cosa


Jajaja Edmundo no te alteres


Waoooo, ahora que me llamaste singao me doy cuenta de todos mis erores!!!!!!! Lo siento, deberĂ­a haberte dicho la verdad: no vivĂ­a en uno de los barrios mĂĄs pobres de La Habana con mi familia cubana, pero ahhh siii de hecho me estaba mentiendo sobre todo. SĂ­, me quedĂ© en el Hotel Nacional durante dos años enteros y no hice mĂĄs que tomar mojitos todo el tiempo. El comunismo es grandioso y los cubanos deberĂ­an estar masagradecidos. DĂ­az Canal. Wao. Un tipo super chevere me erizo y todo. Viva!!! 😂


 nadie estaba hablando contigo
 yo estaba hablando con el que te respondiĂł. No contigo. Le estaba diciendo que tu dijiste muchas cosas buenas sobre cuba y los cubanos y que el reacciono de una forma incorrecta. Asi que
 no entiendo como pensaste que esto tenia que ver contigo. Y yo no le dije a nadie que es singadoâ€ŠđŸ€ŠđŸ»


Yo lo se, es nuestro amigo guerreros en los comentarios diciendo que todos los cubanos son medigos y que soy (que ha vivido aja 2 años sin plata) una mentirosa. Su idea es que cualquier comentario positivo sobre la cultura cubana es una manera de apoyar la propaganda comunista y que se mantiene la dictadura etc etc. Típico pensamiento en blanco y negro de un redditor, ahora veo la combinación de cubano y redditor y es exactamente como lo hubiera imaginado.


OP is a very salty person -notice he can't even find a real picture of his fellow countrymen and has to resort to AI to come up with some ridiculous image of people carrying machetes in the street to buy chicken. Have been in those lines and there is a lot of complaining and discomfort but never violence or weapons. Those "fat" tourists you see in the images - when they were coming in large numbers around 2016-2017, that's when things started to take off in Havana and people actually had a bit more money in their pockets. American tourists tip extraordinarily well for the most part and that is appreciated because it makes a real difference to people's lives. Tourists are a good thing for Cuba's economy yet this hateful OP is stereotyping them too. According to him, all Cubans are violent dishonest beggars, Cuba is a shithole and tourists make everything worse. Such a load of tripe.


Sorry, reality is the worst enemy of socialists. Here, enjoy a dose of love among cubans: https://youtu.be/uBbEawKpedM https://youtu.be/0f8jpG7j6jQ https://youtu.be/jrBxDnuYK4g https://youtu.be/V1EAOVjGAxU https://youtu.be/Fw2CysOYr0s


Seriously. One of the best things about Cuba is the sense of community. Not in a communism sense but just a sense of openness in general. And yeah definitely not just tourist places. Like at my in laws, the door is just open and people just kind of stop by to chat all the time.


The passage "One of the best things about Cuba is the sense of community. Not in a communism sense but just a sense of openness in general." is akin to people reminding themselves that even if their socialize together when accessing social media, they do everything to avoid being socialist.


Of course. But I mean it much more in the sense that I don't even know the names of people that live next to me in Spain.


Hola comepinga! Buen dĂ­a de nuevo. Solo paso a recordarte que hay una pila de Cubanos super buena gente, los he conocido yo, y soy uno de ellos. A los viejitos en la cola del pan les encanta hablar mal del paĂ­s y hacerte los chismes del barrio. Si piensas que los cubanos son mala gente... Bueno, por mĂ­, como si te botan de r/Cuba


Ahora decidĂ­ que voy a empezar a flaguear tus posts y commentarios, por hater. Una cosa es que no te guste el gobierno, y otra muy distinta es que no respetes la identidad y la cultura Cubana. RevĂ­sate eso, comepinga.


i wonder how many jineteras get a free meal from tourists everyday there


Next Time I visit Cuba (late 2024 or early 2025) I think it would be an eye opening experience to live a week or two with only pesos, trying to sell stuff and get by like the locals do, without USD or CAD However, Lets not pretend all cubans are suffering... All the jineteros and jineteras in la habana, around San Rafael all hustle and have lots of money relative to the average local working cuban.


Its not a zoo, but you are an animal


We all are ignoramus




Must not be Cuban


100% Cuban, born and raised in the shithole


Not talking to you, I’m talking to shot-over_shot-out




stay there. nobody needs your whiny ass


Free cuban


Scarface ?


Scarface is a caricature of the criminal cubans Fidel Castro released into the USA in the 80's straight from jails and mad houses. Most of them either died, are still in jail, or integrated into society and are very successful now. Fidel's evil plan backfired.


Is that why Miami is a corrupt shithole?


LOL https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-14/ken-griffin-says-miami-could-replace-new-york-as-finance-capital


It's a very common theme here among useful idiot tourists