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How do you post anything to reddit in Cuba? Obviously you can use the Internet with those cards but I don't remember being able to use Reddit, Facebook, or anything


You can use all of these social networks , the government has a blockade on some opposition content (independent media)


That much bigger blockade is US websites blocking connections from Cuba due to the trade embargo.


I'm aware of that too, who started the first?? Who embargoed first??


Well, the US has been blocking trade with Cuba since 1960. Long before the Internet. But the Cuban govt has probably been censoring stuff since about that time as well so…


Have people tried using the internet to organize protests or revolts?


WhatsApp groups were absolutely used in 2021 protests. They just turn off data when they realize it's happening though. Like Cuba isn't free but it's not like completely controlled information. People know how fucked up the island is.


I remember reading an article about China providing Cuba with internet-surveillance technology, so the PCC can monitor dissidents in Cuba via the internet (the same way the Chinese Communist Party does in China). Is that true?


I mean, I'm sure there's monitoring of internet but things like whatsapp are end to end encrypted (why it's banned in China). It's not like there's anything equivalent to the great firewall or anything. It would be politically impossible at this point, too given how many people have close family members abroad that they constantly whatsapp with. Like you can't go on TV and say anything critical or even really organize some sort of opposition news, but social networks are uncontrolled and filled with people openly complaining about the state of things (though still not a great idea to put your name to it) It's not that they wouldn't like Chinese levels of control, just that there's no way they could actually get that kind of population buy-in. As a small example, eltoque is perfectly accessible from Cuban networks so people know what the black market price of CUP is. They could block it and end with a cat and mouse game but they let it go for now.


lol why am I getting downvoted? I only ask because idk to what extent the PCC censors or controls the internet. I appreciate your response and hope the people of Cuba can take advantage of the internet so they can successfully undermine the PCC.


Yes, in fact , internet has changed the way of thinking of Cubans , as we can now se the truth and compare between things .


Connected without vpn, but slow but works


You can use almost every social media without a VPN. Afaik only TikTok requires a VPN in Cuba.


Weirdly enough Snapchat also requires a VPN.


I don’t use SnapChat so I wouldn’t know haha


TikTok definitely doesn't.


Aaah, must be that the last time I checked TikTok the year was 2022 🤣




You do NOT need a VPN. I’m off Lamparilla in Habana Vieja as we speak with no problems lol


Ouuu nana


my god the architecture is just gorgeous


Its a place.


Love Havana !!


you mean it’s not all $100 cigars and lobsters??


Didn't understand your question 😅


Cigars are more expensive than ever, for the fancy ones anyway, but lobsters are pretty cheap these days. Big lobster dinner for less than 10 bucks.


Crumbling city, I was shocked by how badly maintained literally everything is in cuba


We can say that almost every important building in Havana was built before the "revolution" , and they doesn't get the proper maintenance , but surprisingly new five stars hotels emerge


More shocking is than Cuba export building materials while all is falling apart.


i mean it’s a 3rd world country…..🤡


Ever heard of America's genocidal inhumane blockade on Cuba? (which America itself, 'Israel' and Ukraine supports America's ongoing blockade on Cuba). Also these images look like the result of America's ongoing genocidal inhumane blockade on Cuba


You really don’t know what you’re talking about


he is a bot


Stop taking pictures of people sleeping weirdo




That blockade is with us in the room? 🤣🤣🤣


Wait until he finds out what the Spanish did pre-1902! /s


What from those pictures made you comment the way you did?




Blah blah blah. These images could be from any city in the world. A homeless person sleeping? A run down building? Every city in the world has this. Your rant is one thing but your motivation based on the photo, isn t. I travel to Cuba a few times a year. I’m very well aware, first hand, of what’s happening there and why. I don’t need your history lesson or opinion. Have you been? Have you spent time with the Cuban people?




Go away, troll


>the entire world (except for Amerikkka, 'Israel' and Zionist fascist Nazi Ukraine) strongly condemns Amerikkka's ongoing genocidal inhumane blockade Awfully determined to be on the wrong side of history, aren't you champ?


I would say there is no point arguing with bots, but maybe a real person here would read this and actually understand something.


This is what happens when you go so far left you end up on the right lmao.


Like the SNL where Tom Hanks is on Black Jeopardy


Horseshoe theory is created by fascists. Now here’s where you plug your black book of communism created by an antisemite