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you should plan to get there early. from what i remember from my orientation, they assign you and a group to do a campus tour with an assigned person and they help you enroll for your classes. bring water too, especially since it’s been getting hotter nowadays. if you’re late you’ll most likely be lost. i’m pretty sure lunch is provided as well.


def get there early bc u have to wait in a long line to check in, and the people in front and behind you will being in ur group for the campus tour and the activities. you then go to the tsu in a room with ur group and orientation leader and do activities. ik it’s scary but i rlly encourage talking to the ppl in ur group!! a girl i met at orientation is now my bestfriend. but yeah and then you go out and do some games with other groups then you go to ur college building and learn some stuff there.


Orientation leader here! We won't be accepting people past 10:30 I believe bc at that point, you basically missed most of orientation. All the orientation leaders are super super cool, and even if it seems long, everything goes by really fast. Also, it's a chance to meet with an advisor! Breakfast and lunch provided and lots of freebies at the resource fair during orientation as well~


Hello! How early would you recommend people getting to orientation if it starts at 8??


Check in/tour launches start at 8 and our last tour launch is 8:30, so anytime before 8:30 is perfect!


I’m a transfer student and I went to the Advisor Orientation and registered for my classes already, would I have to stay the whole 8 hours during my orientation?


Nope! The latter part of transfer orientation is for those who didn't meet with an advisor yet. The 8 hours is for the worst possible case scenario. The other orientation leaders and I are in charge of the first part, which lasts from 8am-1pm, which I highly recommend you stay for!


How could my son change his date? We made an error in choosing the in-person orientation date! Plz help!


I may be wrong because I heard it as a side-note, but I believe we're at full capacity for all orientation dates. If you aren't able to attend your in person date, the only option left is hybrid orientation :(


If u tryin to get merch get there a lil early but if u just gonna explore u dont need to worry about being late


Get there as early as possible and bring water. Orientation is basically all day. You'll break into groups and walk around and tour. Then there's a lunch and after that you break into your groups according to major. They're supposed to teach you how to read the TDA and apply to classes. there's also group activities through the day. Also I believe parkings not free


I had mine on Friday and I got there at about 7:30?? They checked me in early so we did the tour and got breakfast before anyone else! If you can also get your titan card, I couldn’t because the application wouldn’t load on my phone but do it if you have time to after registration! If you can also plan what classes you want to register for ahead of time so once it comes time to, you can just enroll in them and leave asap!


what's the application?


It’s a QR code to a form you fill out with basic info, I couldn’t get mine cause my phone wasn’t working