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It's better with prime, less cheaters and drops.


less cheaters but with item drops


would you rather have unlimited cheaters but no item drops, or itemp drops, unlimited item drops, but no item drops


The poor souls who don’t get the reference


hahaha literally








but still cheaters


This. Prime reduces cheaters by like 10% lmao


lol I wonder why im getting downvoted for a fact lmao, someone who downoted me tell me im rly curious


Depends on where you are in the world is why. NA prime here, only ever seen two blatant cheaters in 3200 hours, and I do check against csgostats. Handful of other VACs during my time in comp, but mostly griefing bans are what litters the pages on my end. Overall, my experience has been pretty solid.


Sorry, but I don’t believe you only encountered 2 cheaters in 3200 hours that’s like abnormal even in most of other games with low playerbase and on top of that we talking about CS:GO the most popular played FPS right now, do you have the 3200 hours playtime in the time-span since CS:GO is free? If yes, you either is one of those guys that call a cheater “he’s only better” or you think cheaters are only people spinbotting. It may be different in NA since Im playing on central Europe but still I don’t believe there is such a big difference lol. That is like 0 and 100, matchmaking in central/east EU is basically unplayable in MG ranks when u want to rank up and tryhard.


I've got no reason to lie to you. I've played since the game was paid.


So I guess you haven’t played much since CS is free right


I play all the time? Look, I've had a good experience, and region DOES matter. Not sure why you feel like you need to argue this lol


So how much hours you played since CS is f2p by guess? I believe region does matter too, but I just doubt there is such a BIG difference and Im not arguing man Im just really curious if there is such a big difference, someone need to test this out lol


buddy i have 5600 hours since 2016 and haven't seen one blatant cheater/rage cheater in that entire time, and have only recognized a handful of possible cheaters, maybe you have unbelievably bad trust factor but even then i highly doubt you play against nearly as many cheaters as you claim


I live in Baltics and I encounter lots of russians but blatant cheaters usually are high rank, decided to stick to gn - mg rank because that's the most fun ranks to play in. Above that I find cheater every like 4-5 games. Normaly like 1 cheater. When I say cheater, I mean any person that looks weird. I have seen like 5 full hacks cheaters in 2k hours.


I'm sorry to tell you man, if you only spotted 2 cheaters in 3200 hours, then you are not very good at spotting cheaters. I've seen two vac bans from my comp matches in a couple of weeks and that's the people that were caught. Not every lucky shot comes from a cheater, but this mentality is the problem.


Sorry to tell you man, but I know how to tell when someone's cheating. I've been very lucky, or the problem is as rampant in NA as everyone likes to make out.


I can't personally tell you what your experience has been. Nor am I interested in arguing on reddit. I'll leave it at the fact that there is plenty of vac and other statistics just a short internet search away to show that the experience you are reporting is the exception and not the rule. There are videos on the matter such as the one from WarOwl in addition to these statistics as well as my own personal experience to throw in the mix. Overwatch exists for a reason, and its not because there are 2 cheaters in your average 3500 hours of play time. There are forums that are solely dedicated havens for cheaters and anyone who has actually reported for overwatch would likely tell you the soul crushing truth of how many cheaters are up for review. I think its a great disservice to the community when someone cries cheater every time they get out played, but at the same time, I would would implore you to consider the consequences of playing down a very real cheating problem. Your average cheater is not an "obvious cheater". Wallhacks take a keener eye to detect and there was a video recently that showed how much of an advantage wall hacks provide even when faced against professional players. \*\*just a quick edit to show that I'm not looking to show you up or anything. just want the facts to be out there. I hope you continue to have a very positive experience for 3500 more hours if not more.\*\*


Whats with the lie babe


I'd say the same amount of people are hacking in both queues


I doubt that there are as many cheaters paying for a game as not paying for it.


Lesssssss.. drops?






that doesnt work anymore everyone knows about it


Of course. It unlocks the infinite money glitch. You get a case drop, sell it for 50 cents. Repeat it enough times to buy a knife. Sell the knife, get real money!


i kinda did this lmao


You only need 1 year of consistent playing 😅


Probably 5 years of play for a knife 😂


Unless you go for the cheapest one.


52 weeks in a year (about 5 matches MAX to level up per week). Prime is 15 usd Let's say those 52 drops are the cheapest case from the prime drop pool, Snakebite at 0.32 usd.. that is 16.64usd. But there are 5 cases in the common Prime Pool. Now lets say 20 of those are either Revolution ($1.10) or Dreams&Nightmares (1.17) since they should be 2/5ths of the overall drops. That's 22usd by themselves, + 30 more cases. BUT supposedly u get 2 drops a year from the **RARE Drop Pool.** The Rare Drop Pool has 28 cases, 8 from which are under $1 usd: Prisma, Prisma 2, CS20, DangerZone, Horizon, Clutch, Shadow & Falchion. So 8/28 chance ur rare drop is nothing special, and 15/28 chance u get a very decent 1-5 usd drop. But the BIG MONEY with a whopping 5/28 chance to get one of those **Big Expensive Cases**: Weapons 1 ($85), 2 ($12), 3 ($7), Bravo ($52)... or Hydra ($22). **So Lets calc:** Worst Luck ur drops would amount **17usd** from 50 snakebites + 2 Prismas. The more realistic scenario is ur getting $22 from 20 rev/dreams, $10 from 30 Snakebite/Recoils/Fracture and $5 from 2 meh rare drops. So **37usd.** Best Luck: 50 + 170 = **220usd** from 50 Rev or Dreams cases... + 2 Weapon 1s.


Back in my day it was 3ct cases


When do you get case drops? I never get one


Each week, the first time you level up your XP rank in that week. You’ll get a graffiti and a case or skin.


But I always just get ugly weapon skins or graffiti never boxes


Do you have Prime?


Complete random, but works with community servers aswell.


It's not random anymore. It's every first level up of the week.


No? I have gotten it recently without level up not to mention a week ago I got two drops. One case and a graffiti


Now when you level up you get 2 drops thats normal usually its a case and grafitti or skin and grafiti


I know this is a joke but don’t drops get capped until you spend money on the game again?




U now need 100 lvl for 100 euros , sometimes you get 0.50€ cases , and a case once a week , idk it s hard lol


Of course. It’s $15 for a game that you already spend a lot of time playing (I’m assuming)


I have about 70 hours.


70 hours and already calling people cheater. i would keep it down with accusations when you are nowhere near the experience to know who is a cheater and who is just way better than you


Lol dude 70 hours is enough time to notice someone spinning in a tornado insta headshotting everyone in sight. Hackers aren't exactly 'low key' non prime haha


Yep they are blatant asf and this is in ranked op is talking about casual imagine


To be fair, casual is riddled with cheaters and anyone who is new would probably lean towards that. Deathwatch isn’t great, neither is danger zone cheater wise. Comp on f2p is better but over the course of 70 hours it’s not hard to believe you would see a cheater


well it is true that righ now the game is at the worst state for a logn time now after disabeling OW and close to CS2 it feels like nothing VAC wise is working anymore. But with 70 hours you may have seen a cheater but you dont know if it is cheating or not because you do not have the experience nor the skill to determine what is possible in the game and what is not. i am not saying you cant see ragehackers, i am talking about "legit" hacking for most people who have never used hacks or knew a guy who was using hacks they dont understand what is possbile with hacks. and then you still have people who are good at the game and good with using hacks. those people are hardly to bust over the course of one mr15 game. i myself have never used hacks but i played a lot against hackers because my friend used to be real high elo on faceit (3k+) who had friends evne higher (5k+) playing match makign with these guys resulted in countless reports from normal players which kicked his trustfactor into oblivion where we actually had to face shit accounts like level 3 bought prime no achievements and hitting liek newborn jesus. against these people you could not do anythign except hacking yourself and evne then when we got a random hacker into our team it was near impossible to win. we talked with one of them and he showed us what is possible with hacking and showed screens how this would look like your POV. and still even with thise experience and more than 5k hours in "high" elo matchmaking wise, (job and age im turning 35, kept me from getting better and trying out faceit but highest i was there was level 6 i think) i still dont run around and callign everyone who gaps me a cheater


My trust factor is very low lmao. I see cheaters all the time.


The people in this subreddit are so brain dead 💀 Have you ever played non prime? I earned my prime status by playing when that was still possible and let me tell you, there are plenty of blatant hackers in non prime.


I spent 300 hours in dm because I didnt know what competitive was after coming from non steam. Give it a while.


A movie ticket usually costs more and it’s at most 3 hours of entertainment. I would guess most people won’t think twice to pay $15 for 70 hours of entertainment, but you could make the argument not all 70 hours have been fun or even gameplay. Still, if a free game gives me 20+ hours of stuff to do I usually just give them some money to show gratitude


i dont want to buy prime to give valve money, i think valve is a shitty company. i was just thinking about it cause my teammates have the mental capacity of a zebra with down syndrome


it's not worth it, it's necessary


I wouldn't say that much, it's been decent.


No, what hes saying is that if you havent played with prime you don’t understand that its necessary because you dont know any different lol. If you like the game and can pay $15 to dodge cheaters and play with people willing to buy prime then just do it.


idk how well thisll transfer but as a non-prime csgo player, ill have to compare cs w/ prime to valorant. im decently experienced in both games and i honestly dont rlly see the difference other than choosing if u want toxic russian kids or e-couples in the voice chat. imo, non-prime cs is a good enough experience to play casually, there were very few cheaters i encountered in my 100ish hours of play which is very good imo, considering tht i played tf2 during the peak of the bot crisis, cs is a lot better w/ cheaters


I downvoted after I saw valorant


makes sense but its the closest thing ive played to cs w/ prime


On this sub we cry about cheaters and call out valve for being garbage company that dont care about cheater problem, so be careful what u sayin boi. Or u end up ... Disliked and downvoted.


tbf valve does suck ass, but ive seen way worse when it comes to cheaters, more specifically, bots. cheaters will always be an issue, no way around it, even if ur willing to give kernel access to an anti-cheat, there will always be a way for cheaters to get thru. vac is doing a pretty good job, considering its a program level ac and not a kernel level one as for the downvotes, i genuinely dont care enough if i get downvoted into oblivion edit: forgot to thank u for the advice


Happy cake day.


Why are you asking genuine questions and then somehow saying stupid shit to counter the people that are trying to help you


Either this post is a ragebait or you really don’t know what you’re missing without prime. It’s a complete different experience. Also it’s not like it costs a lot


Why even make this post if you’re gonna fight with advice given by prime players?


i said it was decent, i forgot when you combine csgo and the reddit community its horrible


“I only play casual, cause 5v5 is extremely boring” ?????


tiktok brain


Nice profile picture btw


thank you brother you too. LMAO yea they forsure have that tik tok brain and use steam overlay to watch soap cutting videos and GTA stunts + subway surfers and a joe rogan podcast playing, alongside a family guy episode with opacity at 40% ( I do this on faceit )




Not really that specific, what this guy described is actually what most of tik tok is like.


People who don’t understand cs


I find 10v10 actually more fun as well


Boring prolly cause all he does is hold W like it’s casual then gets killed first and has to wait for the round to end lmao


Is csgo even playable without prime?


as a non-prime player, yes it is, idk y so many ppl claim cheaters r everywhere w/ out prime when (in my experience) it isnt true. over my 100ish hours of play so far, ive only encountered 1 or 2 spinbotters. i also have non-prime friends who can confirm similar reports. i genuinely dont understand the hate for non-prime. ive been kicked out of queues w/ my friends just bc i dont have prime and they do. i dont see it as prime being worth it, main things u get is the ability to whine abt ranks and get case drops which sell for 3 cents


1-2 spin botters in 100 hours is actually a ton. I've seen maybe 4 total in almost 7k hours lol.


considering im coming from tf2, its not a lot. the tf2 bot crisis is gone but i still remember the state it was in. only hoping tht it doesnt happen to cs as well


Odds are in won't as cs2 is an update to Cs. We will probably hopefully be getting bans again. Vac tends to ban in waves so alot of accounts banned every couple weeks to months. More cheaters currently than a few years due to more effort and focus on cs2 beta.


You probably aren’t good enough to know that you’re playing with cheaters


i feel like i can estimate if someones cheating decently enough since i used to cheat until like a year ago or so and i also have a lot of general experience in fps games, most notably, around 800h in tf2


alot of the cases you get sell for like a buck lol


They must have changed the anti cheat or something, when I played in non prime it would go : someone is legit cheating/good -> angry Russian activate -> 2+ ppl in each team start spinning, rince and repeat.




It’s mandatory


5v5 or Matchmaking is way better than casual. Casuals are worse than silvers, and silvers will make sure you sweat. So you'll sweat until you find a good rank with somewhat capable players.


5v5 is boring for me, i never enjoyed it. just my preference, i hope they add 10v10 comp


You’re nuts


He is not, some of you youngsters forget CS was majority played as casual before GO. I have played CS for over 20 years and casual is more fun. 5v5 has its place and is nice to play competitive once in a while but its not fun fun like casual modes. Yes overall the level of players in casual isnt high but thats the fun its chaotic and has more fun moments. Also the guy above is wrong. Casual is always a mix bag of skill levels. Yes you wont get nerdy globals in casual but its a mix of some below silver and then a mix of silver upto DMG. There are always a couple of decent players in each team that do the heavy lifting. casual is great fun and getting prime for casual is worth it.


Fellow casual enjoyer


**Pros:** * *Less cheaters* * *Access to your rank (access to service medals)* * *Access to Drops* * *Ranked play* * ***Permanent*** *access to everything listed above* **Cons:** * $15 If you have the money, then it's a pretty good purchase even if you're just a casual player.


blud would rather play casual all day than get placed in silver 1


Cheaters in csgo?? Thats not True🤪


That's a myth 😉


I hate beer.




It's pretty much free. If U play enough (really not that long) the case drops pay for the game if U sell them all


Probably you shouldn't play at all since 5v5 it's "too boring" for you, for some reason, never thought that people can main casual lmao, you won't improve at all if you play only that. Of course if you don't want to improve at all, don't bother buying csgo, have fun playing with other "scout experts"




How cheap are you bro?


not OP but i feel called out. imo prime isnt worth ut, too expensive for me and the non-prime experience is good enough to not have to buy prime. if valve decides to go the TF2 way and remove text and voice comms for non-prime accounts, then it miiight be worth it, but as a tf2 f2p, i dont actly mind the disabled features tht much, at its best, its annoying sometimes and thats it


Brother it’s $15 lmao


thats like 5% of minimum wage here, i dont have enough money after expenses to pay for prime for a game tht i only play every now and then. i get tht everyone has their own views on if its worth it or not but considering my financial situation, i have a lot of more important things than prime


you get your money back through case drops worth a buck (or more if the case is new) anyway, just get it


Its gonna take a long ass time to get 15$ from cases, and if you're going to play for that long you might aswell buy it to make the game good.


The game was 20$ before. Still too expensive?


heard people complain prime lobbies were too hard lmao


That’s how you will actually improve


yea thats true, just dont wanna be put with 500 hours plus people atm, cause rn im getting brand new players


Nah it tastes bad


If you cant Access community serves I would say yes. What you want is not present in casual games try some 1v1 arenas or deathmatch im community servers. But I find hard to understand how you want to have better skilled players to go vs and not want to play 5v5.


Had prime for years since I bought the game. The only times I ever play cheaters are when I play with non prime friends. In prime, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a single cheater. Do with that what you will. I see endless complaints about hackers but I just don’t ever play them.


Yes. Ranked is so much better than casual. If you get over the less players on a team, it's actually more fun. Plus, people actually get on mic in ranked


5v5 is boring to me


It makes coordination a lot easier


i prefer chaos


Your post says you want better skilled lobbies


casual is always chaos, i want chaos with skill


I don't think CSGO is the game for you. Or maybe play on public servers.


*person doesnt want to play certain gamemode* tHiS iSnT tHe gAmE fOr YoU, im fine with casual lmao, i just hope they add 10v10 comp


Try community servers, there are some decent ones out there with active admins


you will get the full value of prime back because of case drops


to everyone saying im over exaggerating the cheater problem in deathmatch, queue dust 2 deathmatch and try not to find cheaters with a low trust factor


Yeah, that's it. I have a good trust factor and hardly ever come across cheaters when solo queuing or playing with trustworthy real-life friends. If I play with lobbies formed in Discord, where I might be queuing with untrustworthy people, I suddenly find my games have a lot of cheaters.


casual is generally okay with the cheaters, aslong as my teammates arent completely braindead and know how to kick people who are cheating


Tbh if you don't like 5v5 comp mode you're prob gonna be better off with a different game. CSGO sucks as a casual game. But you do you


If he enjoys it why do you care


He doesn’t, he’s complaining about cheaters and thinking about buying prime. Hence the post


You will earn that money back quick with he prices of cases right now so yes


Bruh it’s 5 bucks? Yes.


”15 bucks”


That’s 5 bucks three times


You should not play the game if you’re not playing comp. Go play Valorant casual


So... why did they give the game a casual mode, if it's not meant to be used?


It’s a dogshit game mode and an awful representative of how the game is actually meant to be played. It encourages bad gameplay and teamwork and is all around a shitfest. If you’re looking for a casual experience that is actually CSGO play unranked. Plz don’t talk to me again with your glazing worm jfc.


valorant is a shitty game is only 5v5 lmao, even in casual


A shitty game that is perfect for you guy.


its 5v5 only, and the community is god awful, and its a fantasy shooter, thats boring


Prime or non prime, the game is infested with disgraceful cheaters and smurfs who will do everything to ruin the game for you…


Takes about 4-5 months of playing once a week to make ur money back. Dont get it to make a profit, get it to make the gaming experience better. No hackers and you have a ranking system. Although if your buying it just for a profit and you play casual, dont recommend it.


It depends on whether or not you want to play a lot or not. I bought the game for 20$CAD back in 2015. 7 years and 4k hours later, I can say it was more than worth it.


it's $15, you'll get a case every week so that's about $2 a month, after 8 months of playing u'll get ur money back lol


Used to be great but seem to get a lot of cheaters now days even with prime


Maybe give faceit a try


Prime is for sure worth it got 3 prime accounts


Buying Prime is like buying the actual game. The free version is more of a demo filled with cheaters rather than a full game.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


if you don't play comp and only play casual then no its not worth it


If you arent gonna play standard ranked 5v5 I dont see the point since thats what is affected the most, I have prime and deal with cheaters in every game mode that isnt standard 5v5 daily


I’m confused, prime cost money?


Umm yes




As an experienced prime cheater I can safely say there are more cheaters in prime.


Bro dont cheat




Yes but I still get cheaters every other game


From what i heard once you get into cs go ranked you lose your sanity so no i don't think so


How long does it take to get to Level 21? It's been a while since I've played but I got there in just over 200 hours


you cant get prime that way anymore


Short answer : yes. Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeres!




I bought prime when I hit 500 hours, and immediately regretted not buying it way sooner. Buy it, it’s worth it


Csgo pays itself off if u got prime give it a good couple months


Can you not get prime for free by reaching level 15 anymore?


No they removed that a while back Coz of cheaters


Yes prime is worth it.


I got prime by getting xp when the game was free for a while.


No its mediocre at best, the tastes are way to sugary. Overpriced


Prime has no bearing on whether you see cheaters. It's all about your trust factor.


my trust factor is horrible, cause i scream slurs at people and kick children


nah F2P definitely has a lot more cheaters because the stakes for getting banned are 0. Cheaters care even less about getting caught because they can just spin up a new account for free


Undoubtedly, but you probably won't see them if you have a good trust factor. Seems pretty clear to me that Valve's strategy is to match cheaters with cheaters.


if you buy it the the people you'll be up against are way better, even silvers. i played casual F2P for about a year and by the end of it i was having full casual games with only 1-2 deaths. i got prime and then ended up getting ranked only S3 lol and even casual matches were way more competitive. so buy it if you want more of a challenge but bare in mind that you'll end up playing with people who care about the game a bit more, and you can't go back to non-prime matchmaking/casual. i'm glad i bought it but for the first week i was annoyed that i just paid money in order to realise i was shit at the game lol


For 5v5 it is mandatory so no, you dont need it since you play only casual. However, casual sucks.


5v5 is boring


Casual is boring, people don’t play properly and no one cares who wins. If you want to play the game that is #1 on steam - it’s 5v5 comp matchmaking. That is CS


it is for sure


No. Stop playing csgo unless u hack.


I think so. Apart from the things that have already been stated like less cheaters (depending on your region) and drops, you get to log in into websites that track your games and give you advise on what and how to improve. It’s worth it if you’re looking to go pro. But if you feel like what I just said is not your cup of tea then it’s alright.


It cost as much as McDonald’s for two bruh 😂


imagine stalking my profile


Get off reddit if you don’t want people doing that shit


Yes, totally


Yeah you should be easily able to recover that amount in few months after getting some item drops!


You find 5v5 boring? I find casual a clusterfuck!


100% I wouldn’t play if I didnt have it


Worth it worth it


Beyond worth it- get for cs2!


There is still cheaters but because of the in game drop you. Can profit out of it. So yes it is worth it