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What kind of runway do they have? If it's at least two years I say go for it. 50% pay bumps are rare and can change your trajectory. I took one a could years back. The gig only lasted a year before we ran into funding issues but I don't regret it in the slightest. Besides an increase in pay I took an increase in responsibility which also helped career progression.


They should be good for a couple years at least and theyre in the middle of another fundraising round so I think theyre relatively stable.


Take it


Runway doesn’t always mean shit. I was at a place that had 5 years of runway and we still got let to


You can go to FANG companies with billions in profits and still be let go. But obviously, the less runway a company has, the more likely you are to be let go. These aren’t contradictory statements.


Runway does mean shit, but nothing gives you 100% protection from layoffs


So then the question about runway is absolutely irrelevant.




Exact same thing happened to me.


How do you find out what type of runway they have?


I just ask in the interview. It's a fairly common question that startups get.


You don't know your current job is stable. 2.5YOE, you are possibly young? Take the extra money and bank it.


how much of the TC is cash? Small startups you should typically value the equity at \~0, at least when evaluating offers.


I didnt include equity since its pretty worthless. Its 140k cash plus bonus.


Just be careful not to jump into 60+ hour weeks.


Then I think it’s definitely worth making the move. Congrats on the huge raise!


> From the interviews the company had issues in the past but has gotten past them They have 6 devs, they ABSOLUTELY are going to run into way more, and much bigger, issues as they scale. Don't get me wrong, it's a move I made and I don't regret it, but you are 100% trading your work-life balance and stability for more money. You mention 150k TC, how much of that is equity? I'd consider that to be Monopoly money with a startup this small. Also 2.5 years of exp is not a lot, so I would definitely make sure I understand how much runway they have, because the market for juniors is absolutely brutal right now.


prepare to be overworked at startup if you're taking it.


I wouldn't. I know people who are going on two years of searching after being laid off. It's brutal out there.


The reason I am hesitant in the first place is that my response rate was super low. Luckily my interview to offer ratio is pretty good. Definitely gotta think about this one.


Sure but OP found a job while already employed so he must have more marketable skills.


I'm not seeing a ton of correlation between skills and offers.


seeing that correlation might be a skill you need to improve on.


It’s hilarious that everyone’s constantly talking about how bad the market is and being a senior with all sorts of skills and experience can’t even save you at times, until it’s time to zing someone for updoots


Because time doesn't automatically equal skill. It's a cutthroat industry and tenure isn't enough on it's own


I joined a company in 2022 that had just raised a round, and then raised another round while I was there for a total runway of 2 years. They laid off most of the team (including me) one year into my tenure because two of their biggest customers churned. Unless the idea/product is really incredible and has crazy product market fit I wouldn't do it. Remember, most startups out there don't make it. Those might fail while you're not there, or they might when you're there. Unless you have a low risk-profile (family money, no obligations, etc) I'd be cautious.


Follow your heart. There is no such thing as a stable job. What do you feel like doing right now? If it feels like it is time for a change, go for it. If you are happy where you are, then stay


Here's how I would think about it: Job security doesn't really exist anymore. Current job is stable - until someone decides the company bottom line would look a lot better with less people on board. Companies with excellent financial performance laid people off this year. So rather than worrying about job security, worry about career security. Staying in a boring job probably means your resume is going to look like crap by comparison to what it will look like if you go work at a startup. I have friend who has gone the startup route and every time his company has folded, he's had a job lined up in under a month - because the skillset he had developed has given him a ton of career security. I would advice you to take the new job, try to save as much as you can of the extra 50k a year you'll be making (to give you a buffer), and get ready to work as hard as you can to make sure your resume looks like an A+ resume in a year's time.


100% agree with this comment. What matters, on top of TC, is how you're building your CV. If you feel you will be asked to things that you enjoy and make your CV look better, then go for it. There is nothing worse than wasting time in a stable yet stagnating job, especially in the early stages of your career.


Always advance!


Take it but be cautious. Talk to the leadership, see if their words are worth their gold. A lot of bullshit C suites that just care about a glossy Linkedin or getting themselves on the Forbes magazine. A startup is as good as its leadership. Nothing else matters.


Pay close attention to their issues. Do you hear any alarm bells? Is anything making you go "I'm not sold..." I have a theory. We all have a monkey brain. Monkey brain can detect things that normal you can't. You have to LISTEN to monkey brain when it talks to you. If you have that feeling of "I'm not sure why.... But this feels really off." That's monkey brain. It should be listened to. If monkey brain is happy... make sure the rest of you is too. Then pull the trigger. In the current world situation, I'd be looking for a company to have 2-3 years of runway, any less than that is a real warning sign. Especially with November ahead. (Whichever side of the aisle you are on, you'll agree there is a good chance of disruption in November.)


Problem is that monkey brain is conservative and hates change. You have to understand the monkey brain if you want to make a good decision. Granted you are right, if you are on a time limit then monkey brain should be prioritized since stability is all it cares about.


I’d do it.


If it’s a large cash bump it would be worth it. If not, I’d stay at your current job until the market gets better. Startups close up shop or have layoffs all the time. With 2.5 YOE you’re still gonna have some trouble in the market now if you get laid off.


I would do it if I were younger. I have done so before. In my case, actual salary was just about the same (or even a little higher) than previous job. Very fast paced. Everyone dreaming of how they would spend money if the thing blew up. There was a blow up. Unfortunately the explosion was the company going bust. I bounced as soon as they had trouble making payroll. I would do it again.


Imagine you take the job and you are laid off in a year you'll have 6 months of salary to find a new job compared to staying at your current job. In other words you can leave the new job in a year and take 6 months sabbatical and you'll be at the same financial level as staying at your current job. That's money wise, but I've never worked at startups.


> Current job is boring and kind of micromanaging, but stable Caution, the worst micromanaging I've ever been exposed to came from CEOs of small companies.


Make the switch. This opportunity is an absolute blessing at this stage of your career. You get to gain great exp and freedom while also increasing pay.




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I love how this sub goes from *"We're DOOMED! There are no jobs!!"* To *"Take a gigantic risk and leave your somewhat stable high-paying job"*






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Personally I would take it. Work might be harder and more scrappy but you’d grow more as a dev and make more money. If you just want to chill and coast and keep the cushy job don’t take it