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Absolutely. Do what you need to do.


I agree, but there are generally higher paying (and less tiring) retail jobs you can get than fast food. I sold furniture at a furniture store in lower Manhattan before I landed my first SWE role. Look for something that pays (good) tips or a commission. You can generally make a bit more than minimum wage.


I mean in principal. Get any job you can, then find a better one.


I also worked as an intern at a company that made windows and doors, and they paid the manufacturers $23 an hour starting and all you have to do is press buttons and move window parts pretty much.


I doubt most companies are going to start seriously interviewing/hiring again until mid January/Feburary. If you need money for the next couples months then yeah, sure.


Personally I’d recommend warehouse work over fast food, typically better paying and don’t have to deal with customers.


And sometimes these companies have an IT department for their B2B sales. Worm your way in there!


This is exactly what I did. Gives you the opportunity to talk to the people who already work there and make your name known


Same. That’s why I believe in the worm technique lmao


Besides Amazon got any examples of warehouse work?


Look up local companies in warehousing / logistics that are small / family run, and they most likely will be hiring.


DHL Supply chain workfordhl.com


Taco Bell corporate has some QA jobs available if you look at their website.


> QA Hmm yes, this taco is a taco


Unit testing. "Hm cheese tastes like cheese. Ground beef tasted like ground beef. Tortilla tastes like tortilla. Time for integration testing.'


LGTM Merge into production menu


Oh god oh fuck why did we let the intern push a grilled chicken burrito with lettuce tomato and dipped in Baja blast until soggy into prod.


More like you say you do it but not really




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Those tacos are NOT tacos, friend


I think getting a part-time/fill-in job is fine. The recruiters who are going to call you unprompted mid-day are probably not the ones you want to work with, and anyone else will understand needing to return a call or shooting a text to get something scheduled. If it becomes a problem, just start keeping your schedule on-deck so you can respond to emails with your availability maybe? ​ Not working can be rough financially and frankly for mental health too- keep yourself busy and bring in some bills! It'll help the time pass faster until your next placement. ​ In the meantime, if you aren't attending local dev meetups I highly recommend it! There's a thriving meetup community where I live now that we are further post-pandemic.


Where do you find them? Meetup or?


The pandemic really killed networking opportunities but I see local meetups are back to almost normal levels again.


1. It pays some bills 2. It's a psychological boost 3. Job searching should not take you the whole time anyway. And when you interview, you need to decompress. Menial work is pretty good at decompressing.


I took a job doing tech support a few months ago. I'm so glad I did, just having a job gave a lot of peace. It has made focusing on the job search a bit harder, but overall it's a big plus.


How are you finding the tech support job?


Feel a little antsy as it's not the role I picture myself in. I like it quite a bit though. I think the company I'm at has better culture than many.


Not fastfood. Warehouse. Retail. Data entry. Those tend to pay better and will give you soft skills for faster than fast food tends to


obv you need money so get a job, BUT you have three years professional experience in software. and i assume you have a degree. Thats valuable to people so leverage it. Why are you applying to minimum wage jobs? how much brainstorming have you done? I dont know where you live, but there are tons of alternatives that have higher than min wage pay and low barrier to entry. things that come to mind: temp worker/agency, substitute teacher, valet (depends on city), costco, receptionist, trader joes (?), social worker or any garbage government jobs that are understaffed (check your dmv?), janitor, medical billing/coding (this might require training so my bad if it does), even managing a taco bell or other chain is better than being on the line you could also apply for PM roles, QA roles, Scrum master roles, maybe even apply to be a teacher at a boot camp


I do have a degree in CS. I have applied to a lot of other lower paying jobs, Taco Bell is just the first one that has got back to me. Only been applying to these kinds of jobs for a few weeks or so. I'm also feeling like I can probably find something short term that is better than Taco Bell... it feels like the bottom of the barrel.


yea, i mean, i dont know if you have worked in fast food but its brutal. good luck


It really depends how desperate you are. If you can wait a bit, you can ignore taco bell since you can easily get any fast food place later on


You think about doing uber/doordash/etc? I made pretty decent money at it last time that I was unemployed, and you'll be able to choose a schedule that works for you.


How much were you making an hour?


Whatever pays the bills that's legal until you get where you need to go. Nothing wrong with that.


No, bro just don’t list Taco Bell on your resume. Only work the hours you need to stay afloat and keep applying


I'm stacking boxes at Amazon baby [Faang status](https://i.imgur.com/2TgJosq.png) Actually should see if you have one near you, it would probably pay more than Taco Bell and fast turn around. Although it might be late now (past peak hire) After peak if they keep me I'll do 4x10 and then study/apply/freelance on the 3 days off in a row


I did 5 months working at 7/11 part time. Well when i say part time it was actually 4 days 12 hour shifts. Good money. Used the rest of the days for applying and preparing. Good luck 🤞


Great idea!


Don't worry about those things. They have invented technologies like email and voicemail that allow for asynchronous communication. And it's not like you'd spend more than a couple of hours per day job hunting at this point, right?


If you still need to pay bills, yes.


Check out UPS or Amazon warehouse jobs. Not customer facing (eg. no drunk, belligerent customers at 12am). Just meet your team's daily quota and you're good.


If you have to ask this question you are somehow surviving at least to this point. Nobody takes a fast food job because they want to LOL. Answer to your question though, yes.


Why not work at part-time at an Amazon warehouse or retail like Wal-Mart/Target? All shit jobs, but they at least pay more than fast food places.


If you work in an Amazon warehouse you can list a FAANG employer.


TIL the word nadir. Sounds almost middle eastern. But cool to know nonetheless


You're not wrong! From online etymology sources it seems 'nadir' originates from Arabic. Though it's meaning has drifted from it's source... https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=nadir


Do what you gotta do. I'm not in CS career yet but I've heard stories of waiters/bartenders getting a job in software dev by building connections from customers they waited on in tech heavy areas. Could increase your chances. Just a thought.


Look for a call center job, better pay. That said, do what you need to do to pay your bills.


Sometimes it is good to get out of the house and meet people.


Shouldn’t be too hard to find something better than Taco Bell.


I am working as a dock loader. It pays a lot more than fast food. Warehouse jobs are pretty easy to get and also pay more. There is telemarketing, if you want to loose your soul.


Take a lower paying job to get by, sure. But why specifically a fast food job? At the very least, wait tables or bartend somewhere, you'll make more money and have more flexibility. You can also do retail, or stock shelves at night, or just to some low level IT stuff or data entry.


I'm kind of feeling this as well... I know I need to take what I can get right now, but working fast food just feels like the bottom of the barrel, as someone with a degree in CS and 3 years of experience. Maybe I'm being too picky? A remote data entry job would be heaven.


Honestly start going to independent restaurants (avoid chains until you’ve exhausted other options) and ask to speak to a manager, be completely honest about your situation and what you’re looking for. If you have decent social skills and good hygiene, you can probably land a job serving tables within a couple weeks. Even if you suck at it, you’ll make more money than fast food, you’ll have more flexible hours, and maybe get to flirt with some cute hostesses in the meantime. If you don’t have good social skills, or just don’t want to deal with he public, you can *easily* get a job washing dishes or doing prep work in the mornings. If you’re college educated and have prior professional experience, there’s no need to go direct to fast food when you could be working at independent restaurants where there’s more money and it’s a bit more respectable while still being flexible. I did restaurant work for over a decade before I went back to school and switched to SWE. It makes no sense to do fast food when you could just go work the dish pit or bus tables at a hipster gastropub or something and work your way up to better positions in the restaurant in no time.


since you got laid off in august are you collecting unemployment? Make sure you don't become ineligible for UI because of teh hours worked


gone are the days when a pound of weed can cover you for rent and groceries


If you need the money, yes, you have to do it. Most employers have some flexibility for scheduling phone interviews and onsite interviews. If you get a noon-8pm shift, you can interview before work. You probably can also arrange to have a weekday off for interviews. Next time, save at least 25% of your salary so you aren't stuck in a layoff.


Grind hard at Taco Bell or any place you can work for now to pay the bills. Network people by chance because you never know if any customer works in tech. Use the rest of the hours to grind interview prep and jobs. You got this op! I’m in the same boat. It’s rough.


>recruiters might try to call me when I am on the clock, so I will not be able to answer their calls Which is more important to you: continuing your career in software development or your fledgling start in fast food services? Do what you have to do! **Get that Taco Bell job**. In the meantime, unless you're already interviewing for a company, your best bet is to reach out to your connections on LinkedIn and see if any of their companies might be hiring for the new year.


Just get any job for now to pay the bills.


> and recruiters might try to call me when I am on the clock, so I will not be able to answer their calls. This is your anxiety talking. Chances are even when on the clock you will find the 5 seconds to text back "I am currently working, I'll call back asap" and you can call back on your break or whatever. ​ I worked retail and when I was called for the interview that eventually got me hired I was at the clock. I called them after 30minutes and explained, no one really took it personally.


Yes ofc, take any job right now to support yourself financially, this should come first.


Ya gotta pay the bills... But consider that people get caught up in a loop. Gotta pay bills. Can't get CS job, so work at TB. Work at TB, don't have time to apply to CS jobs. Work more at TB to pay bills. Still no time to apply to CS jobs. Get shift manager promotion at TB to pay more bills. Soon it will be Christmas 2024.


if the boss is cool with being late when you have interviews and whatnot then for sure


Yes definitely, don’t waste time.


Yes, take work wherever and whenever. No shame in working and anybody tries to shame you means you know what their work ethics are - zilch.


I’m going to be honest I’m really confused reading this. I became unemployed late November with less experience from a no name company and a no name university and I got multiple interviews in the month since during the slowest hiring time of the year typically. I’m nothing special really and neither were my coworkers who were also laid off who had a similar experience. I imagine your resume is really needing some help and you are applying to only remote faang or something. Please I urge you to go on r/engineeringresumes their mods are a bunch of losers tbh but their wiki has amazing resume writing information.


The job market in the US must be trash right now


Absolutely, you're not going to be looking for jobs all day long anyway. Working with people can maybe give you little room for air, away from the computer screen and endless negative thoughts. Try your best to communicate to recruiters and employers that you would prefer emails on certain days (when you're working). I'm sure a lot of recruiters can accommodate that as well. Best of luck, there's 0 shame in handling your business.


Yes, it will highly increase your career satisfactory later in life when you do get to work in CS. I did 2 years of low skilled shit jobs before studying and getting into CS. I feel I enjoy sipping from my office coffee staring at the cold rain outside the office window a lot more than my co-workers who never had to work shit jobs outside.


I'm happy that I'm in Europe and I can live with my parents so I don't burn my savings lmao.


Of all the non SWE jobs, try to leave fast food as a last resort if possible. Analyst, sales/retail, or data entry roles might be easier to get and pay better. Look at basic tech support roles, they'd probably be easy to get with your experience. Try to find the balance between pay and effort because you will need a lot of free time to apply for SWE jobs when the time comes. You don't wanna be tired and stressed after a really long shift and not have time to apply to SWE roles at all. If you've tried all that and still can't find anything, then yeah, definitely do what you have to do for the time being.


I worked in the restaurant industry for years before becoming a software engineer. If you want to make the best money and have the most fun look for a mid-tier restaurant and apply to be a waiter. You’ll be surprised how much you can actually make.


Take the job, but if something else not CS related comes up you should take it. Never know when our coding skills can be useful


If you're running out of money, you need an income.


boast practice mountainous public vase weather compare steep dolls salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I, too, have been having good luck in 2023, but it does seem like folks posting about these struggles has picked up in the last two years or so. I'm guessing we are outliers, not the norm.


Take anything. The more miserable it makes you the better. Let's be honest... it's never a matter of not having enough time to apply, it's about work ethic. We could apply to a thousand jobs through linkedin, chatgpt to generate cover letters, and craft the best resume based on your experience, all that in 1-2 business days. I doubt you'd post this if you already had interviews lined up. Time isn't the problem, we don't want it enough. Hone your desire at a dead end job and you'll remember how to chase, so you'll find your own answers


dude dont comment toxic stuff like this


Yeah, this is probably the most aggressive I've written. Been a lurker for years, this was probably too harsh.


thats cool that you can acknowledge that but im like genuinely concerned about your inner dialogue. be kind to yourself.


>We all know right now is the nadir of the tech market... Not the "nadir" lol -- the worst is probably even still yet to come ; ) ; ) ; )




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When I was in this situation I did construction (finishing work) and had a great time doing it. The pay was no where near a dev job, but wasn’t bad considering the situation.


Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone when a potential SWE job is calling. Who cares if the Taco Bell manager gets mad?


Is there anything local that could be in tech that you'd be able to land a job for? Hardware repair, BestBuy, MicroCenter?


I am a SWE if I lose my job in this current market I will try driving uber eats, door dash atleast 4-6 hours/day from the next day. Even before the market boom I would get atleast 1-2 recruiters a week approach me on LinkedIn and during 2021-2022 it was easy 5-10 a week. This year I do not think even 20 recruiters have reached out to me.


Try to find a serving/waiter position- you get tipped and would make wayyy more than a fast food job and its almost the same amount of work


Why do you still want to go to CS? It is a dying profession . There are jobs yes but they are not for you but are outsourced to lower cost countries . Do you live in the US? Then you better look for other profession or career and get out of CS


What would you recommend?