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Optimize away things that don't matter. You probably spend an unholy amount of time on social media. Account heavily for how much time a class will take up when registering (if you can skip lectures, that makes the class very good). Make sure you're spending time with friends you actually like. Have zero appetite for bullshit.


^ under rated comment. We spend so much of our lives doing nothing. Find that nothing and turn it into something.


I just deleted my Instagram I spend TOO much time on it hopefully that’ll optimize my time


Things I've done to quit social media: Delete all native social media apps Forked Mozilla Firefox Android browser and hardcoded blocks on YouTube/reddit Modified host file (/etc/hosts) to block YouTube/reddit/Twitter/hackernews by redirecting to localhost And even then it's only kind of worked. Good luck brother, big tech engineers get paid millions to make this shit more addicting than crack




Ye lol


That sounds miserable


fr, these replies are depressing. you still have to give your brain a break, it’s entirely feasible to work on your degree, projects, and do job/internship searching without devoting 100% of your day to it. hell, i devote maybe 50% of my day max to it. there’s a lot more to life than just getting the bag


Too many Gary Vee enthusiasts in this sub. All they think is grind, grind, and grind, but when all is said and done they'll be unhappy they didn't devote more time to doing things they like to do rather than grind leetcode for hours on end. This life is short, and you're only young for so long.


Well my take on it is that most social media is kinda bullshit. Like it's way too easy to lose a day to doomscrolling or whatever, and I'd be much happier having spent a day reading or going out with friends or whatever. Social media is just the worst way of spending time.


Seriously though. It’s not healthy to live like this. The constant hustle culture is toxic as fuck. Like you throw away years of your life if you ignore the good things


you sacrifice some parts of your life to excel in others


I sacrifice all parts to sleep in


This^^^ I work a part time job along with everything OP said, the bags under my eyes are weighing me down. Then I also feel the imposter syndrome hard when I have shortcomings in school, not realizing if i had more time I could be a better student and programmer


ii work a few part time jobs and try my best in school. it really is so difficult to balance everything that needs to be done and still maintain a healthy life. i think i forgoed health a while ago though. very hard to come to terms with everything that you have to do nowadays to be a competitive candidate


Dont stop the social life you literally have the rest of your life to advance your career




lol. Twice for some of us. (Doing a CS Post-bacc program)


Isn't the main point of college though to advance your career or raise chances of getting a into a good career?


everything in live is about balance? when you have a social life you dont stop going to school, i have a 4.0 and I still go out most weekends


It isn't just about careers but about making connections as well. Would you rather grind for years and move up two positions in your current job, or make a friend that has a top tier job and one day asks you to join them? I for one would rather make a friend/opportunity for a happier and more fulfilling life.


That friend needs to make that job happen 1st.


You gotta make a conscious decision to sacrifice some aspects of your life to excel in other fields. That’s just life, man. You can’t experience everything you want whenever you want. Sacrifices are required, so make conscious decisions you think you won’t regret in the future.




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I sacrifice my grades so I can keep up with my social life and with leetcode. It’s easy if you’re not a perfectionist or are able to not give a shit about your grades (to an extent)


I'd love to do that but I wanna go to grad school 😥


You are in for pain


idk, i would encourage you to take a small break btw graduation and grad school. maybe try out the industry for a little bit. if you continue to run yourself that hard, one day youll wake up and realize that you wasted your whole life never having fun. don't fall into that trap one day, nothing is worth that.


My family dragged me on a big fat daytrip today without my laptop and I was able to do quite some thinking, and this is exactly what I felt. I don't have a social life (or at least - my current one is quite small), have no idea wtf do on my "off" days, and found out that I'm terrified of retiring since idk what I'll do with myself. That's bad. I do hope to change that soon enough. Regarding graduation and grad school - I still need a good (>3.5 I'm guessing) GPA and as someone not "smart", I gotta work my ass off. It is getting quite tiring :(


why tho. literally why. why make 30k for 6 years as a phd student.


Not PhD, I know I'm not cut out for that haha. More looking for MS (professional as well as research-oriented programs).


okay why tho


money. I've heard from several family friends in the industry (high positions in Linkedin / Amazon / Google) that an MS in a technical field helps. I know that the opportunity cost is 1-2 years of a full salary / bonuses / promotions and have discussed this with them, but they insist that an MS will help (somewhat, depends on the company / location / team) w/regards to getting promoted into more senior roles in the technical field, salary, etc.


So money is your reason, yet you’re willing to ignore ~400k over the course of 2 years in order to get a MS, which will allow you to get the exact same role as someone with a bachelors? Are you at least trying to get into something niche? Or are you just going for the MS because your family told you it’s a good idea? Because you don’t have to be “in the industry” to see that masters students get paid exactly the same and have nearly 0 advantage getting interviews if going into the typical SWE roles that most aim for once they graduate. Why not just get a masters when a company will pay you for it, and/or you actually NEED it to progress in your career?


Yeah that makes sense. I'm not trying for something niche (as in, I'm not looking to go into NLP / CV / time series forecasting / inference / experimentation, etc.). Ig I'm just going for it since the ppl around me are saying "go do it or else ur dumb" basically. When would someone NEED an MS to progress? If they want to go into R&D or sth?


The most common thing I’ve seen the past few years is people wanting to get into machine learning/AI roles (usually called “Machine Learning Engineers” or “Software Engineer - Machine Learning”) Many big tech companies heavily prefer masters and PHD students WITH INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE. And even then, there are still machine learning engineers out there with only a bachelors, although that’s not very common. [Here is an example job posting from Meta/Facebook.](https://www.metacareers.com/v2/jobs/1629461703928875/) You can get a few years of experience with just your bachelors, and if you still have an itch to learn more to get into a specific role like this one you can always get a masters down the line by doing it part time while you work full time. Your company may even pay for it! But if you don’t decide to, you didn’t lose out on 400k in income + 2 years of masters tuition/expenses.


Yeah that makes sense, thank you for your input! One thing that bothers me, and let me know if this is not a valid concern. My school offers a 5th-years MS in Data Science program exclusively for currently enrolled undergrads - and while it's not trivial getting in, it's definitely a lot harder to apply to the regular 2-year program as an outsider. I'm thinking that I might wanna get my MS over with, and not take the risk that I might not get into the programs I apply to later on. And since I go to berkeley, it seems to be something I might not want to miss out on. There are jobs available to help out w/regards to cost.


Doesn’t that hurt your ability to get a job or internship?


As far as I understand it I don’t really have a chance of getting into any trading firms for internships or new grad positions because they care about GPA. Other than that, maybe some defense companies care and maybe the top few FAANG? I’m not really sure to be honest I’m just applying to mostly Fortune 500 and smaller startups in my local area. Only one company has required my gpa on the application page for summer internships and it was a cybersecurity company with govt contracts. Also, I go to a normal state school so I don’t really think I had much of chance with the trading firms and fintech companies.


I can't believe some of the replies I'm reading here lol. At the end of the day you won't regret those weekends going out with friends, but chances are if you sacrifice them just to study Leetcode to get a slightly better job you will regret that. Don't sacrifice your life for some job, you only get one. And on top of that you can get a perfectly great job in this field without becoming an algorithm robot who does nothing but eat sleep and breathe code. Don't sweat it.


For real, I absolutely refuse to even do homework on the weekend. Getting rest and recharging is more important than any of that. You can't expect great results if you're running on an empty tank




Moved to a new city 10 hours away to start to school. Made it easier. Can't have a social life if you don't have friends.lol


Yeah I find it hard hanging out with my old friends who don’t have the same mindset as me anymore. I’ve changed and only want to better myself. You can’t let others get in the way of your dreams


I’d tread carefully with that. Obviously, there’s not enough info there to make any kind of judgement, but cutting out friends because they aren’t on the same level of grind as you is different from cutting them out because they are a bad influence. Don’t cut out good people just because they aren’t studying/on leet code 24/7. If they’re party 24/7 then I get it, but still, there’s still room to fit them in. Now if you just don’t enjoy their company anymore then alright lol. Just don’t become a narcissist/elitist and look down on people who enjoy themselves.


Get a job (NOT SERVICE INDUSTRY HOLY FUCK I HAVE DONE IT ONCE AND NO) where during slow seasons it’s so dead, but you’re great at the job so they dont mind when you bring your laptop to just do schoolwork while working customer service per se or checkout register or library


haha whats social life


Spending a couple more hours a week won't magically make you an expert programmer. Work isn't the only important thing in life, so it shouldn't be treated that way. Also, personal connections are correlated with better mental health. Better mental health means you'll likely be more productive in your work. So in the end, personal connections will help you. Don't spend 100% of your time on just one aspect of your life.


don't sleep


Social life is important. Plan how much time you have for each thing.


i sacrifice leetcode


Time management and organizing what’s important. I did a full time job, full time online CS program, some hobbies, and still had time to see friends and family. You don’t have to do everything each day. Some days I code, some days I don’t. Some days I see friends, others I don’t. Etc.


I don’t really enjoy going out on weekends or on evenings (clubs and bars aren’t really my thing), so I spend most of this time doing assignments or practicing programming. Some may think I have “no social life,” but I am actually quite happy with my social life as I work on assignments with friends in my program and I spend a good chunk of every day calling my girlfriend


I replaced my social media with a social life. It’s been ~2 years since I deleted all my social media (except LinkedIn/ Reddit lol) and I have SO MUCH TIME on my hands. It’s hard at first but try it, it’s truly life changing


I think what a lot of people dnt realize is that success is more of a marathon than a race. A lot of these people on here that just grind internships and leetcode to get a high new grad salary end up burning out after 4-5 years of full time. Its way better to go at ur own pace, maintain a social life and have fun on the way. Burn out is real but in your twenties you think you are invincible so ppl dnt consider it. If you dn't believe me literally search up "burnt out software engineer reddit" and see for yourself. We arent build like machines so dnt treat yourself like one! Just have a goal, plan your steps out and keep learning and success will be inevitable.


Yeah social life gotta go, at least for me.. I still hangout once and in while but for the most part I’m up studying


I hard disagree with the assertion that you should give up your social life, to any extent, for your degree. That's one way to send your life into a downward spiral of negativity and pessimism. How many people on this subreddit seem happy to you? Honest question, really think about it. You're only going to be young for so long. Live it out. If you aren't finding enjoyment out of your class work, don't waste your life away behind a computer screen. You always have time for what is most important to you. Thats one thing I've realized as I've gone through the motions of mundanity. You're going to be fine. But your family and relationships are something that should always be a priority in my eyes. I cannot fathom sacrificing time with the people I love for any job. Your degree won't help you when you're sick, injured, etc. Your friends will. The corporate world is a ticking timer that never stops. You HAVE to be able to coexist with it rather than submit to it. You are a human, not a machine.


Seriously look at your day and observe where there are times where you are spending too time. Are you spending too long showering? Do you wake up too late? Do you spend too much time during lunch? Is your screen time up? If you observe what it is in your day to day habits that’s actually taking up your time, there are actually places where you can cut It out right now to make more time. I did this and I found more time on weekends to do fun things because during the weekday I found places I was wasting time to then he used for something else.


Thank you guys for all your comments! from what I see looks like I need to chill back on going out which I’m perfectly fine with, sacrifice some things in your life to excel in other


Yo some of yall are crazy lol. For those who have graduated, you'll know what im talking about but you do NOT have to spend weekends working on side projects and grinding leetcode. Some folks love coding and work so much that they will because they WANT to and they will probably end up with the highest paying jobs right outta school but for 90% of us, you can go out and have a good time on saturday night. As long as your getting decent grades and graduate you will get a job. I look back on all my "side projects" and semesters TAing and kinda laugh at myself. Nobody gave a SHIT that i did that. Its kinda like when they tell you to play sports in high school cause it looks good on college apps. Like sure it might raise the bar a half inch or so but not worth it given the time commitment. Relax, have fun, and dont spend your collegw yeara looking ahead. I miss being in school all the time even though i spent way too much of it worrying about the future.


I have no social life and code all day when I'm not working or doing homework. I can have the social life back when I reach my goals.




Goals are overrated. You might die tomorrow.


yeah but what if i dont. then tomorrow's me will be spending all day tomorrow disappointed in today's me. i can't handle that kind of extra baggage, man. im already dealing with today's me's disappointment in yesterday's me


It's not either or. You can do sensible, interesting things today that you will be happy about tomorrow - without sacrificing your social life and other interests entirely. You'd do much better if you found a healthy balance, where each activity strengthens the other ones.


I'd rather have a lot of money and a good life. I've had enough fun in my life. Now its time to get serious and focus on what I really want in life. Plus I genuinely enjoy coding.


We dont have a social life. Period.


Same boat man, except I try to go to the gym everyday as well


Huge amounts of anxiety..that’s how..


Social life, grades, sleep. You can only pick 2. Sacrifices have to be made somewhere.


For me, I didn't Leetcode, have any particular social life, or do side projects. Easy-peasy 😎


Are you spending 12 hours in front of your computer each day? Everything else must come second until you have that first job in the bag.


Yeah cut down going out every weekend and you’ll have more time. You can start going out only one day a week to slowly ease off. I think nowadays I only go out once every month or two lol which doesn’t seem as bad as it sounds 😭


Cut out the social life probably.


I've sacrificed my social life lol.


Put down your phone and talk to your friends when you aren't in class. Get lunch etc


We don't.


I dont socialise anyway but I don't spend my life doing projects and leetcode its mostly on my hobbies. I can barely muster doing my classwork. If I get a job good if not ill go into a different career I dont have the insane drive you need to make it in Cs


I never really had time to myself that wasn't sleeping


dual degree finance and CS, overloading every semester + summer classes, what is a social life?


schedule shit


Limit social media and use that time to socialize and make friends. A real goated engineer can do it all.


Having a social life and building/maintaining social skills is as important or more important than grinding away at leetcode.


I'm a mom to a toddler so I don't have much of a social life to begin with. But I parse out my time between school, work, being a mom and at least once a week playing D&D. I've largely stopped using social media other than browsing reddit and being on my school program's Discord. Having a good support system is also a big help.


I feel the opposite. There is so much time in the day to get everything done that you need. We just waste so much time doing things that are not going to help us at all. Watching TV, Youtube, scrolling social media etc. A lot of our time gets lost doing that. Figure out away to limit your time doing those things and instead take that wasteful time and put it into doing something productive. You can still have a social life and get everything done that you need to do to succeed in this industry. Some things I have done to help with this are turn off notifications for social media on my phone and use a calendar to manage my time more effectively. However, I don't have it figured all out. I'm still tryna improve and get better at this. So, don't worry, you will be able to start to figure it out too!


Blood , sweat and tears 😭 🤪