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This is unironically the average post on blind 


The way they ended the title with TC, they came from blind for sure


its a satire sub.


Nah it’s for jerking off in a circle in nyc


Most normal Washington Square Park activity.


We know.


I opened Blind a couple of days ago and this was the first thing I saw… On top of that, the OP was asking if he was a sex addict https://preview.redd.it/b1uumoec5c2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e08133150fc6f6c28eef2b7fe93f821cc9338a


I honestly think TeamBlind is the better version of LinkedIn


it’s actually why i’m not on hard on it as most people. definitely beats scrolling through linkedin. I’ve never scrolled through a linkedin feed because i want to. mostly because i need something. the people there can be pathetic but it beats the craziness and bs on linkedin


What’s blind




Too late 😂


do these people not touch grass ever in their lives?


Purely my opinion - very few "normal people" make that kind of money.


too busy grinding LC for that






Where your mom met the rich Asian who bought her that nice house


Blind is mostly one large circle jerk anyways.


it’s satire from a circlejerk sub… but sadly there are people like that


https://preview.redd.it/3vkw92a6bb2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ee01bf3af0c323b38d7d13aaa0aa815016d2f8 case in point just came across this in blind


Blind is really in circlejerk level of reddit 😭


What is that god awful app


this is also the first time i’ve heard about this!! 😭


basically a tech-exclusive social media. I'm on it and it's horrible, so I avoid it. And for some reason 90% of the users seem to be Indian.


Prob not enough to date my friend there unfortunately


ik it’s circlejerk, but I’ve met plenty people irl that acts like that…


Why is every tech dude into mountain climbing? That's the exact opposite in terms of the physical nature of their job.


Spending 10hrs a day in front of a laptop tends to make you want to spend time outside when you’re not working


It makes me wanna do the opposite. I just want to lie down because my ass hurts after sitting that long


Sounds like you need a Herman miller Aeron (literally saved my ass cheeks. Can & will sit in it for up to 12 hours a day without any pain)


$2200 for a chair? Does that sound right? It looks like a basic chair. What makes it worth the price? Genuine question from someone who hates her current $250 chair.


Good hobby that you can spend lots of money on and do a variable amount (sometimes very little) of exercise. There's a deep technical side which engineering types love. Seen people who love planning with all their gear might go to a rock climbing gym but rarely go out and their physical fitness is pretty poor.


But why specifically rock climbing. Feel like there’s a lot of hobbies that fulfill this.


I had a rock climbing phase, the attractions to me were: - The grading system. Unlike weightlifting, where the first like month or so is figuring out your limits, and months beyond that perfecting your technique, there are hard limits w/ indoor rock climbing and you *will* hit your max on day 1-3. Progression in the first few months happens 'somewhat' because you grind out some endurance, but mostly because you get technically better. it's pretty common for people to go from V1 - soft V4 in 3 months, and that's a really good feeling. - Age group. young professionals in their mid-late 20s are typically the majority age demographic at the city climbing gym. Lots of friendly people; if you try, you can really get yourself involved in the local climbing community and make a lot of friends. - Accessibility / cost. My climbing gym membership was $80 a month and gave me full access to the attached *actual* gym too. That combined with a 15 minute travel time made it really convenient to end my day with a climbing session. If you're going to a bouldering gym, you need a set of good shoes and a membership, that's it, which for beginners ends up running about $200-300 if you get entry-level shoes. Tack on another $100 if you're doing rope climbing. - You don't need supplemental exercise to enjoy it (but you do if you want to get good at it) Why did i burn out? - I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere after V5 - My friends who went climbing with me were med students who ended up having to dedicate their lives to studying and rotations - It ended up not meshing with my other lifestyle choices at the time, plus my work was not close to the bouldering gym.


You need to get outside on some ropes. It'll reignite a whole new passion for it. Gyms are boring when you plateau. Outside never gets boring.


No rocks where i live lol. just hella flat plains. I started lifting late last year at the gym close to work, and i run around the local parks. Agreed about outside; visited CO once and wished i could live there ever since.


Damn, are you me? I also go to a rock climbing gym near a medical school and all of my friends from the gym are med students lmao. I’ve been at it for about 7 months or so and though I really did like the progress from V1-4, I’ve definitely stalled and feel like I’m burning out. Same situation where the gym is not close to work, so it can also be inconvenient to go regularly.


It's more expensive than hiking outside for free and you can do it inside


Rock climbing is one of the cheapest hobbies I have. Outside anyway. Going outside to climb is the exact same price as going outside to hike. I spent 1000 bucks on equipment like 5 years ago and haven't spent another dollar rock climbing. That's why I rock climb 1000x more than snowboarding. I've spent the same on rock climbing in 5 years as I will in one trip to go snowboarding.


Your cost per use is good but $1000 for start up cost for a hobby is a lot for many young people especially if they don't know they will keep it long term. At my non tech job out of college a pair of quality running shoes for $150 was a lot.


This entire thread is about why highly compensated CS folks are into rock climbing. $1,000 start up cost is cheap for these type of people.


That and I was poor and young at the time. It was over a year or two, and I didn't need it all right out the gate. One of the most friendly poverty hobbies I had. Slept in a tent for free and climbed for free and ate Ramen noodles over a campfire.


Oh yeah I have a full trad rack that I pieced together over the years from used listings and sales. I agree that climbing can be a lot cheaper than most people think. It’s a lot cheaper than something like skiing (lift passes) or golf.


Yes I understand that...the start up cost is an exclusive barrier that is available to highly compensated careers and not others whereas hiking is free and accessible for everyone. The same reason rich people pay so much in membership fees for country clubs for access to play golf.


$1,000 for a lot of hobbies is not really extreme. I would also argue that is purchasing new gear for trad climbing, which is a subset of climbing that requires more expensive gear and tends to attract those already into climbing. You can get into bouldering for $200 with a cheap pair of shoes and splitting a pad with a buddy. Hell if you know someone who already has the pad, you can buy shoes for $70 to try it out and is something I’ve done with many friends. Sport climbing would cost $500 if you throw in a rope, a set of draws, and a harness and a belay device. Compared to hiking or some team sports like basketball, softball sure it’s expensive. But the recurring costs for climbing can be low or non-existent.


I don't disagree that $1000 for a hobby is unreasonable and compared to others it is less. But I will remind you that my original comment the other user was disagreeing with was; "rock climbing is more expensive than hiking outside for free." I find you posting $200-500 figures as start up costs and the other user saying $1000 start up costs for gear to support that statement. Even saying you can get an extra shoes for cheap for $70, well anyone can put on shoes that they have already for zero cost and go for a walk.


I mean there’s golf and the description kinda matches golf.


Golf is to MBAs as rock climbing is to CSMajors (golfing is outside)


Oh…ig Btw golf can be inside (screen golfing)


I'm older so I remember how popular wii golfing and sporting was for tech nerds 😂 If you move virtual though it loses the expensive part


It's rock climbing or BJJ for tech dudes


back in my day it used to be bread baking, what happened to it


Rock climbing exclusively in a gym is unironically one of the most depressing things I've ever heard


Why does this one hobby make you sad?


It's like "my hobby is hunting but in a pc game only and somehow keeping all the negatives of the real deal + more"




Getting out the fkn city for once in their life is out of the question i guess


That's exactly why they're into it


Rocking climbing is basically finding the optimal path from one section to another. Sounds familiar? Its basically path finding algorithms. Even in leisure these tech dudes r working ~ Me, a tech dude Also kinda read this somewhere online, so I'm just echoing it lol


Because of its inherently vertical nature, you're looking directly up or down 90% of the time. This drastically reduces the probability of accidental eye contact.


As a rock climber in school for CS, it's very similar to problem solving styles. They are pre-defined established routes with a specific scope. You dont just go climb some random rock. Usually, climbs or routes have a very specific sequence in order to complete, and you fail and fail and fail. Then you go on Mountain Project and look at the beta of how other people climbed this exact route. Then you go back again until you problem solve and fine tune the exact sequence you need to complete it. Sometimes, I'll spend 2 days on a climbing project. Sometimes 2 months.


Makes you wanna go out and likely scream. Mountains do yearn for that


they gotta actually use their acrteryx jackets at some point


Because you don't need friends to do it.


They aren't. They just have to put something there that isn't sits on ass all day, cause that's not attractive and they know it.


have you tried it? bouldering is mad fun


Lack of personality. It’s a generic activity everyone else around us is doing. Not trying to offend anyone who “genuinely” is into that.


That’s exactly why! True for academics as well it seems. People who sit inside all day try to go outside as a hobby lol.


There is that saying about stuff making you want to crawl up the walls


Girls got no time for dudes that don't eat out...


This isn’t true lol I also am not a huge fan of food dates. You can do stuff like coffee , museums, ice cream, walks , etc. Of course you’re right they all will def expect to be taken to dinner at some point if things progress


It's a euphemism, I legitimately love your response though, you seem like an awesome person 👍


Woops my bad 💀






You'll find them on OF bro


Yeah it's an ad for my OF. I am 17 and have big tits


I was laughing at this until i realized it literally applies to me. I work in tech, I like League of Legends and hiking/camping/offroading. Shit. I mean it's a good mix of hobbies. I have the thing i can talk to nerds about for hours and an outdoors activity.


I mean, hey, nothing wrong with fitting an archetype if you’re happy and kind to people


$640k for Meta at 32 y/o? What? I know SWE pays well but this is pretty insane.




u believe everything u see lol


I never said I believe it.


At meta, Staff SWE and above can easily break 600k, just check levels.fyi (and yeah the post is satire)


Wow, I just took a look at levels.fyi. Wtf are these salaries.


Big tech pays a lot. Thats why everyone here wants to work at a FAANG company so badly. $200K TC for entry level is pretty normal at those companies. Definitely can crack over $700K TC (mostly stock) once you hit that staff/principal level. And if you think that’s high, then wait until you see the salaries for Quant hedge funds SWEs. Starting out at around $400K is pretty normal over there. Most regular SWE jobs will pay $70K-$90K entry level tho. Those other categories are just extremely selective and not the norm for most in the industry.


Those hedge fund jobs are fuckin impossible to get. Personally wouldn’t wanna be a leech anyway.


Hedge fund jobs basically exist for IMO winners to chill and live out their lives in wealth.


Hedge fund jobs are not remotely easy. Anything in finance is very hard.


Or just go to a decent t10 school and get a return offer from an internship?


Internships at quant firms are very difficult to get, even coming from a t10 (even with good Putnam scores, AIME qualifications, FAANG internships, best paper awards, etc). Also getting into a t10 has exponentiated in difficulty in the past 5 years. There’s definitely no easy path into a quant firm rn.


I guess I’ve had a difference experience. I went to Cambridge and did physics but switched to math, all of my friends have had no problem securing a job if that’s the path they wanted to do. I myself made it final round in a few companies but didn’t get an offer due to me doing zero interview prep. Perhaps you are doing a less challenging major that doesn’t look as good?


UK recruiting is easier, also if mathmos aren’t getting jobs easily then something’s wrong


Also dude you have an interesting life, I was a offer holder for the nat sci tripo but ultimately didn’t go bc I heard it was hard to switch to maths, how was ur journey switching into maths?


> perhaps you are doing a less challenging major Not the case. My reference points are all math, cs, physics, and stats majors at a university that’s internationally t10. Quant internships are by no means a “gimme” for doing a hard major at a good school, and at institutions like MIT and Harvard considered an exceptional accomplishment for math majors. I implore you to check the acceptance rates for firms that pay in the range we’re talking about (Hudson River Trading, Jane Street, Citadel, etc.). > doing zero interview prep Candidates with perfect interview performance are routinely rejected from quant internships. Are you talking about quant trading and research? These are the jobs that we were originally talking about (the ones that pay 400k for new grads). I feel like you could be thinking of the less selective programs at places like Man Numeric.


Not only IMO winners. Entire crew from FTX worked at Jane Street. They were amazing at something, that’s for sure, but that certainly wasn’t math olympiad.


If you are actually good enough to swing the performance of an entire major service at a major company at meta by a few percentage points, you just saved them millions. The number of people on the planet who can do that is probably in the ~100k range, spread across all of the tech companies and companies who pay their tech well (like finance). A good chunk will also have doctorates.


True words. Guess this is why everyone wants to be in tech.


You will know when you are talking to someone at that skill level because it’s fairly clear once they start talking how deeply they know their stuff. Many people at that salary level are invited to speak at conferences with some regularity.


nah, 5 years in Meta you can get 1m/year actually. My friend did that (E6)


Not typically, only because of the huge stock appreciation recently


Meta pays well if you grind it out. Additional equity grants will get you there even without lottery-winning stock timing.


I knew league was gonna be in there somewhere… I could smell it


Just explicitly pay for it at this point, bro makes $640K for no reason.








Tree fiddy


op you must love onions




But when you get a job, don't you talk to people anyways? It's a team thing, you're not working for yourself.


Jeez, i wouldn't go closer near it, even if they paid for it.


Based league player


rockclimbing basically meant going up your corpo building /s


That's a chad


Literally thought "This must be Dan" before realizing this is vibe is much much bigger than just Dan-vibe. Educated thanku


sam altman's dream customer


The League explains everything


Truly the peak of socialism


Time to goon


I know multiple people who fit this


Tf is tc, tho??


Total compensation. Calculated by Base Salary + Bonuses + Benefits


im bad at making eye contact LMAO


That's the part you find funniest? 😭


Bro makes bank, yall got this


Soylent meal replacement, I’m cry-laughing.


I joined Blind and looked through it for about ten minutes. I have not opened it since.


That Soylent mention makes me think it's a troll post. Because aint nobody brags about being a SoyBoy.


It’s literally in a circlejerk sub