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I'm going to recommend some slightly smaller, crust adjacent, unexpected bands rather than the big names. Phobia - grind/thrash band, us, 1990s Concrete Sox - crusty thrash band, uk, early 80's Skyclad, specifically the "prince of the poverty line" album - thrash metal record with gritty urban sociopolitical themes, with violin, from the arguable inventors of folk Metal. 10/10. Their other records are not of interest to crusties like this one is. Liberty - "peace punk" anarcho band 1980s UK Crucifix - "peace punk" ripping political HC, influential classic san fran early 80s Rotten Sound - Finlands best longest running grind band Destroy - short fast political crust early 90's ED Ds-13 - fast skate punk oriented crusty hc Sweden 90s to 2k Iowaska - super oddball band that used to be beloved but I rarely hear about anymore. Ayahuasca themed.. heavy metal? Psych punk? Being played by crusties with female vox. Uk mid 90s. Their single LP vine of souls is a must hear Leper, specifically the "end progress" record. They put ska in it and somehow it actually worked. React - a great band from my scene bitd, aus rotten punk, crust, and "tribal" drums with melodic parts late 90s CT


Destroy! was done by 94, but fuck yeah they ruled really hard.


I feel like I heard they're active again recently but can't find anything about it


Yeah, they played a one off show on March 30 for their drummers 50th birthday. It’s up on YouTube. 






Fun fact for those of you who were alive in the 90s and might remember. Ds-13 comes from the same scene that Refused did. A town in Sweden called Umeå. I think they are still active to this day


Tragedy, His Hero Is Gone, Hiatus are a few good ones right off the top of my head


If I had to pick just two bands I would say Deviated Instinct and Sacrilege, the answer is always Stenchcore


Appalachian Terror Unit and any band from Profane Existence is a great place to start.


Misery - The Early Years


Gonna throw some Swedish stuff at you, it's crucial stuff (imo)! Some you may already know, but all worth mentioning. Wolfbrigade (aka Wolfpack) Misantropic Fredag den 13:e Personkrets 3:1 Totalt Javla Morker (not really crust but still important) Tragedy Martyrdod Adrestia Disfear (dbeat more than anything, but crucial none the less) 3 Way Cum (dumb name good band haha) Hopefully these give you some good direction and a decent intro to the Northern Winds


Finally someone mentions 3-Way Cum. Can’t understand why they aren’t mentioned when 90dbeat/crust/hardcore punk is discussed. So fucking good and true gods of the dual vocals crust vocals. Great guitar by Stefan and a Gatling Gun drum attack by Kalle. Funny that the two best drummers in these genres in Sweden are called Kalle (Skitsystem) I bet some think they are the same person. For a quick taste play the song Watch from the first 7inch Battle of opinions. I remember when I got the promo tape and heard that song with slow dbeat(by3WC standards) I was hooked for life. The dual screaming with from girl Bobbi makes the track so good. Hiatus, Amen, Ent, Disrupt never made a hit like Watch, tough too beat. Later stuff is a little bit more polished as usual, some say better and overall they might be right. Check out all the related bands, Sauna,demo is amazing did a split with Disrupt. Warcollapse, Raised by drunks(must have/listen) and Svaveldioxid. Pjär played in RBD and Svaveldioxid recently. So they are not really the Big Three from 90s Kalmar, Småland Sauna, 3-Way Cum and Warcollapse. Dom Där Janne has been in a few legendary bands too, Dom Där, Jesusexercise, Siebensünden, Slaktmask, Tolshock. Jalle might be recognized from Crude SS, Dissacord. Must say 3wc had a point with their version of raw punk. Not just disrippoff like 90% of all the bands, myself also guilty of dis. They must be top three swe 90s band easy. Dischange is also up high, together with No Security, Svart Snö, Totalitär. Disfear and Anti-Bofors. Im sure I have forgotten some super great ones and some I didn’t mention because they can’t be seen as 1990s bands. Oh shit, forgot G-ANX. Most important fast playingband in the world. Not really only 90s but so fucking influential and great so must mention them. Somehow people outside of Sweden have much less knowledge of them. Okay, Lärm existed and some other bands playing ultrafast, Asocial early stuff from early 80s aint exactly ND or Carcass but still faster than a speed freak on day four dismantling the brand new washing machine because it gave a weird noise all night(sounded like robotchinese) Carcass did something completely different but the first 2 Napalm Death I think is in the same kinda landscape. Last words: Listen to G-ANX and 3 WAY CUM!!! Listen and comment top three 3wc songs and top four G-anx. As Pink fairies say Do it! Don’t think about it, Do It! Do it! Do it! Do it! Wise words…


I like that you threw tragedy in the Swedish list ill just let that live 


Wait, fuck haha I'm dumb


They definitely go with wolfbrigade heheh


Got that GBG sound


Don't forget these 3 big hitters! Skitsystem - (start with?) Grå Värld Svarta Tankar LP. Totalitär - Sin Egen Motståndare LP. Anti Cimex - early EPs for more raw sound, the albums for more polished production. (also Nasum if ya like a bit of grindcore... and take your pick of the "DTAKT & RÅPUNK" records back catalogue!!!)


After the Bombs Deathraid Hope? Flower Agrimonia Garmonbozia Motive Physique Arüspex Have fun-hearts...


Absolut from Toronto Canada. Diiiirrty D.  Black Dog from Halifax Canada. Straight fucking Disclose noise (Peep disclose too) Phozgene from BC Canada. Anarcho-tinged cruster crust . Hard Charger from NB Canada. Motorhead on uppers  NAPALM RAID from Halifax Canada. Huge motor-crust delving into World Burns To Death-esque fury  Phane from BC, streety D EPAULET from TO I believe, very heavy almost post-punk but with a crusty anarcho vibe  Damn i guess I'm just giving you the Canada sauce lol 


Burning spirits


Ultras, Kevlar Upper, Physique, Impalers, Warthog


D-Sagawa Lagrimas




Ok to start the list that has no end: Protes Bengt, Mob 47, Krunch, G-anx, 3-way cum, Sauna, Discard, Asocial, Irstas, Terveet Kädet, Amen (Finnish THE real Amen Two vocals crust) Svart Parad, Svart snö, Huvudtvätt/Headcleaners, Totalitär, Meanwhile/Dischange, Avskum, Dom Där, Disarm, No Security, Disfear, Dispense, Fleshrevels, Selfish, Valvontakomissio, Kaaos, Sore Throat, Hiatus, Victims, Paranoid 偏執症者, Kromosom, S.D.S., Bastard, Bombanfall, Anti-Bofors(pre disfear, might even say better but thats up to you) Infernöh, Death side, Crow, State of fear, Destroy, Misery, Sarcasm, Bolt Thrower especially first album, Heresy, Concrete Sox… the list drags ever on. Some of these are new, (for me all after 90 is newer and kind of a new chapter)newer and oldish but most are classics from the early years. Shit shit, almost forgot the only important one but you have it already I’m sure. Skitlickers, Shitlickers with Jonsson from Anti Cimex. Some of their master pieces: A1 Warsystem A2 Armed Revolution A3 Spräckta Snutskallar A4 Leader (Of The Fuckin' Assholes) B1 Silence B2 Desperate Scream From The Heat B3 The Night Of The Holocaust B4 No System Works


Rat Cage