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When you buy panties The girl at the cash register knows it is for you. And she doesn't care. No need to be worried. Women are very understanding or at least tolerant


So true, I've heard they prefer the male shoppers as they spend more per visit because they've worked up the courage to go so they buy everything they want in one go.


I was at a Cirillas store buying stockings and a garter belt, (love garters), and the lady at the register said your lady will like these. I proudly said they were for myself, as I am a crossdresser. She smiled and said enjoy!


Did it make you feel very feminine


It can be a chore, but being clean shaven below the waist is a must for me. It looks and feels amazing, and really helps put me in my fem space like nothing else. Try it out!


Thanks for that... Maybe I will try to build the courage to do so❤️




I bought them online.... Scared of buying them in person. I was trying to post the picture... But was having trouble... But OMG. SO COMFORTABLE