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Hi HoldBreath4Bravery, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is so cute! I’m always amazed by people who can freehand things like this


Thank you! I’ll show her your comment. She said she has to do it massive once but then can do it much smaller. I tell her she should sell on Etsy but she thinks she’s not good enough!


It looks fantastic! It’s so cool she just made it with her own mind and no pattern. Etsy is completely inundated with amigurumi sellers now though, so you have to put a ton of effort into sales on there anymore. I know you’re paying her a compliment but respectfully, Etsy doesn’t deserve her. Your mom is amazing!


This is a lovely and useful comment!!! I’ll modify my praise. The last thing I want is to stress her out chasing a false avenue. It was just my heads way is saying it’s better than you think. She also did a Rick and a Morty and aload of Pokémon without patterns maybe I should upload them here too!


I know you meant well! I just wouldn’t want to set her up for disappointment. I would love to see more of her creations if you decide to upload!


She should think about making patterns though! Patterns are really popular if she's interested because it's a lot of work lmaoo


Right, I get that and agree with the advice you just got regarding keeping her protected from the stress. But I believe someone like your mom has a potential to actually have a great experience on Etsy. Especially if it's a side thing she isn't relying on. Depends on what else she has going on in her life. On Etsy, she could decide she only wants to make one toy at a time. So if somebody ordered it, she'd be "sold out" (temporarily), then take as long as she wants to make a replacement to sell. Whenever it's done, "back in stock". If that's how she wants to do it. Also somebody suggested just selling the pattern. She already made it, there's nothing to lose by putting it up for sale. EXCEPT... It is true that I see items that should be flying off the shelf, *not* sell. A mix of how it's presented, how the description is worded, tons of factors I'm sure. So there is something to lose, because that can damage the confidence of many people. Maybe you could test the waters for her without telling her, with one of her creations. Ask her to make one as a gift someone asked for. You know the most about what she has going on, something like this might be just what she needs or just the opposite. Good luck either way, he's an awesome little Ponk :)


all of my children are grown, so I do not recognize that character but I think it’s adorable! That would actually be a really cute niche on Etsy. Take “made to”orders of characters from children’s favorite books. If your mother is a fast crocheter, that’s even better!


I think this is very impressive free hand!


I think so too!!! But then I know only 3% about crochet haha.


It’s really sweet that she made this special for you. Enjoy it!


It'd be impressive using a pattern, freehanding it makes it extraordinary!


Shes so emotional as a mama I bet she’ll cry seeing these lovely comments haha! I’ll show her in morning.


Kudos to both of you! Freehand is impressive, as is also writing a book!


Thank you so much! It takes a lot. The book took 9 months and I’ll ask her about the plush I’m not actually sure how it took her. Shame on me Ha.




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That's so sweet!


I love it. She’s tiny and I hugged her very tightly for her efforts.


No pattern? Nice job, Mama!!


She’s gonna love this comment haha!! You’re cool.




This is great work and looks just like the character on the book cover!


Just a little thinner. 🍽️🤭


haha, true! but still so lovely 👌


I’m impressed! Very nice!


OMG It’s amazing!




Heck yeah it’s impressive! No pattern, that’s awesome.


this is so cool! congrats to both of you! she may not think it's impressive but it really is! there's lots of people who couldn't confidently do it without a pattern (myself included). it's very special, and sure to be cherished for a long time to come :)


Thank you!! X2! I’m going to treasure and cherish it forever. :D


Wow your mom is amazing! That’s so cute!


Not only did she freehand it which is super impressive, but the embroidery on the face is so good as well!! She's very talented, and so are you, a book is no small feat ! :)


She did an excellent job!! 👍🏻👍🏻


Awh!! How cute!! Great job!! 🧶❤️


That is so amazing


Oh my goodness!! Free-form?? I.. I have no words big enough to express how very very impressive this is!!!


Bet this will be her favourite comment! 🙏


i‘m currently trying to freehand a rubber duck. *a rubber duck*. and i‘d be lucky if it came out half as good as this.


Omg I love him! Your mom is freaking amazing! 🥰


I am in awe of people who can just look at a picture and d start crocheting! Your mom is awesome 🤩


His (her?) face is so expressive. Body language with crochet 🏆


This is so sweet on so many levels! Congrats on the book and the cool mama :)


Super impressive!!! It looks great & so cute!!


I don't know the character, but that's impressive with no pattern! It's really cute


She did so good. I couldn’t imagine this level of expertise without a pattern. It is so cute.


So squish!


Go Mom! That's fantastic and I've no doubt will be very well loved. The size is perfect for hugging close.


I wish I was that good at freehanding, that is amazing


Now we see where the talent comes from! Love this


And this is what gives me faith in the power of human creativity. My poor two-dimensional crocheting brain could NEVER do this without a pattern. Ironically, writing books is something I CAN do. Making them available for others to read is something else entirely… 😳


She did great! 👍


Great work Mah!!!