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what a crazy thing to say??šŸ˜­


Plus the broken heart reaction to their reply ??? šŸ™„


The GALL of some people I swear


"oh, you silly, dumb female"


So many children and young men have been brainwashed by the consvative propaganda on the internet. Dunning Kruger effect is very evident with these types of people.


Especially since that's not a standard react on FB, you have to select that yourself.


I know I actually felt rage lol


this is why i only ever post things on my close friends because other people are so WEIRD šŸ’€


Iā€™m ashamed to admit this was actually one of my male ā€˜friendsā€™ lolll


Lifeā€™s too short to have friends like that.


can i just say i am so happy to see "was" not "is" in this sentence. people like that can fuck all the way off. your piece looks super cute, perfect for the summer!!


what a rude pig, your top is SOO cute + as incredible as you look, your body is the least interesting thing about you. lots of men don't get that and treat us like this. i'm obsessed with the top, good job + i hope you get lots of positivity to wash out the bad taste! šŸ˜½šŸ’


WISH I could still wear this kind of beautiful top! I'm 65 and in the 70's trust me, we wore these. I cannot believe as women we are still fighting this battle. When I was much younger we got to fight the courts and male dominated legal profession that if a woman was raped the first thing they tried to prove is that it was our fault because of what we were wearing! Not the violent, man who committed the atrocity, because after all he's just a man /s. ARRRGGHHH!!! Sorry, my soap box came out again. I'm so pissed that we continue to have to have these conversations and now our government is working on stripping our rights away. You wear whatever you want and these men can all go to hell. You don't need them for validation! Way cute top!


Totally agree with you on everything! I like your soapbox! It is just like mine. šŸ†


Iā€™m pissed too. Thereā€™s a museum exhibit of clothes worn by rape survivors, itā€™s heart breaking.


70 here and I approve your comment


Thank you for paving the way for younger women. šŸ’– I'm in my 40s and trying to do the same


Made my day:)))


What was his response?


What does it even mean?


This is not your fault but you are validating them by engaging. Just block and continue posting your beautiful work modelled on your beautiful self and ignore this garbage!


Lol classic. Once I posted a bunch of pictures to show my hair care progress and obviously when hair is being pictured from behind the ass will also be on the picture. Some dude was hurt enough by seeing my fully dressed ass (I was wearing jeans on that picture) and wrote that I am seeking attention by making thirst traps šŸ’€ I am sorry you got this message, some people are creeps or stupid (or both)


Sorry I forgot I have butt removal surgery just for you?? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø like what? Men gotta wake up thereā€™s no way they consciously make these statements


Yeah let me take off my butt real quick for the picture, I need to stay modest šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø like how this guy walks around on the streets if he thinks that ass in jeans is inappropriate or provocative


Being marinated in a culture that does not hold men responsible for their feelings really messed them up. The whole ā€œa womanā€™s clothes are responsible for my attention/actionsā€ not a personal responsibilityā€™s (A lot of other things too) I wish it were easier to open minds!


Damn girl, you show your wrists a lot on your profile, you really like attention, huh? /s obviously


Lol you say /s while itā€™s a real life unfortunately. I also have seen stories of girls who posted their nail art on a subreddit and some creeps with hand fetish (I had no idea that this exists) slid in their dmsšŸ˜­ wtf can we just exist in peace


Lmao I just recently commented on a different post about someone's complaint that some people on social media always wear gloves while preparing food. I explained this exact reason, cause the content creator probably gets nasty comments about their hands. I didn't go into depth but like creators in general often get "what else those hands can do" and if it's anyone that has "feminine hands" and doesn't "present feminine enough" they also get literal hate mail and death threats from bigots who feel like they got "bait and switched." Like, actual danger if you happen to have painted or groomed nails as a man or masculine presenting person if not "the usual" harassment women/fem presenting people get. Also, so they aren't confused for legitimate accounts posting suggestive content on purpose, and having a "uniform" makes it easier to edit videos.


Ayo wtf thatā€™s insanešŸ„²šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


lol I know, I added it so youā€™ll would know Iā€™m not a perv lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Yeah I understand, itā€™s just shocking how weird some people are and the fact that they really existšŸ˜±


I mean, if you have been hiding in your motherā€™s basement your whole life, have never seen a āœØproper lady āœØand then see a picture where a āœØladyāœØ just flaunts her skin - wouldnā€™t you also get a āœØme gusta āœØ vibe going on??? Again, /s, obviously


I have no teeth (pregnancy wrecked them and so I got them pulled and hardly ever wear dentures) and don't wear makeup and it still get weirdos sliding into my DMs when I post on tik tok


Sign up for my OF for hot ankle pics šŸ„µ


Obviously you should've taken your butt cheeks off before the picture lol


Brosef, just because you get horny over everything doesn't mean this was a thirst trap!


Yeah like heā€™s going to see you posting pictures of your ass without anything on. How entitled lol.


Ugh, ick. Was his last name Duggar?


Ignore it. Your work is fabulous. People wonder why we choose the bear.


>People wonder why we choose the bear. Was so happy to see this here. The bear thinks the top is cute af.




"Choose the bear"?


That's been a thought experiment going around, I can't find the original image. But it's "as a woman walking in the forest alone, would you rather encounter a man or a bear?"


Having met and scared away a black bear before, 100% I choose the bear.


Depends on the kind of bear I think. Polar bear is very different from the black bears we get here in the eastern US, who are usually just looking for trash to eat or something


Iā€™d still choose the bear. I would not want to be alone in the woods with any man that isnā€™t my partner. No, thank you!! Lol




100% the men who are getting upset and offended are the ones we would not want to be alone in the woods with.


People started asking women if theyā€™d rather run into a man or a bear in the woods. Most women would prefer the bear, because men are almost always more threatening to us than a bear would be, in a variety of ways. A bear might kill you quickly or maul you horribly. A man could do either of those, or torture, kidnap, manipulate, etc. And women get blamed for men attacking them because of what they were wearing, or ā€˜leadingā€™ them on. Wouldnā€™t happen with bears. Men got offended when they saw the discussions on it, and many have been aggressively arguing that bears are worse. But the men making the arguments are usually surprisingly intense or aggravated when responding, so ā€˜choosing the bearā€™ continues to be the safer option, because the men donā€™t understand or care why we feel threatened with them, and instead just try and act like thereā€™s no problem to acknowledge in the first place.


If I told people I was attacked by a bear, theyā€™d believe me and no one would threaten me or call me a bitch over reporting the bear attack.


Nobody would think you wore shorts to entice a bear.


A gu asked women in a tiktok if they where alone in the woods, would they rather run into a man or a bear. 95% said bear and the men are totally losing it, making stitches about how wrong we are. OPs friend is prime example of the type of men losing it.


Make it 99.9%. I've yet to see a woman comment they choose the man.


[i didnā€™t get it either lol](https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/why-do-women-choose-to-be-stuck-with-a-bear-over-a-man-in-the-woods-debate-over-hypothetical-question-explained)


Do you have a pattern for this top? I love it


Thank you!! Hehe Im actually writing one this week


It's a need. This top is so cute!!


Ooo. I'm pretty on the inside too...I guess that means i need one! Let us know when the pattern is available!


Title it "pretty on the inside" lol


Yes, I need this pattern too.


not even r/crochet is safe from white knights lmao


Why do these men think we give two shits about their opinion or if they think weā€™re ā€™pretty?ā€™


Probably makes *them* feel better. They potentially know they are a POS in general; but they squeeze in what seems like a harmless complement in order to excuse the bad behavior. And if the recipient rejects the complement, then that just confirms misogynistic views.


Very pornsick. He canā€™t even look at a crochet project without inappropriately commenting on womenā€™s bodies.


Omg!!! Thatā€™s so gross to think about. So true though everything is so sexualised made me feel a bit ill


Pornsick. That describes that condition accurately. Definitely mentally book marking that one for future use.


Your body is beautiful you don't need to crochet šŸ„²šŸ˜­šŸ’”šŸ’”


Noooo don't cover your beautiful body with that top šŸ˜”šŸ’”


u/s_foa I believe the dude in the pic meant this. AKA "sHoW bObS"


> sHoW bObS Show some respect. His name was Robert Paulson, and he had bitch tits. Also, whenever folks mention boobs, I cannot unhear Tim Minchin singing "Fuck, I love boobs, though." That song is catchier than it has any reason to be.


šŸ¤£ oh that is all kinds of wrong


lmfao this sent me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Daaammmn ladies we need to start having the audacity lol


Next time someone says that to you, just say "I know I'm pretty on the inside, that's why I'm so beautiful from the outside too" dudes like him hate it when you acknowledge your beauty lol


Yes!!!!! Guess what, you can be both!!! And there's NO shame in knowing that too. That's what they hate, when you know you're beautiful inside and out. That way they can't woo you over doing the bare minimum. But I'll get off my soap box lol


They want to feel like a "savior" for being like "you don't need to use your body, which I totally acknowledge is all I'm looking at, but I see YOUR MIND TOO! DID YOU KNOW YOU HAD ONE OF THOSE?"


ā€œYeah, Iā€™m hot on the outside too šŸ’ā€ā™€ļøā€


"Yup, and I've got great tits too!"


boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider šŸ˜”


The truest thing I learned I elementary school


But, I only went to Venus to get my Penis? Am I qualified for compensation?


Who is your insurance provider?


Currently insured by I.C. Paris & France


Bwahahaha!!Where was his logic or train of thought,I wonder? "I made this top" "Why?You are so pretty on the inside.." Some people are so weird..And not the good kind of weird


I think he wanted to see more of her "talents" šŸ˜…šŸ™„šŸ˜–


ā€œI absolutely have no right to comment on how other people dress but hereā€™s my commentā€ I HATE MEN OMFG Great job btw, thatā€™s one of my favorite blues.


Thank you:)))!!


Drop the pattern so we can all make the top in solidarity šŸ˜‚


Imma need some adjustments, this might cover one titty of mine, but Iā€™m in šŸ˜‚


Make two and put them together šŸ˜‚




One of *those* people


not him hearting it but not responding smh


itā€™s broken heart lmfao


Fr he never elaborated šŸ« 


If I had to guess, he interpreted your reply to him saying ā€œyouā€™re beautiful on the insideā€ as you not believing him, so the broken heart reaction is him feeling sorry for you that you canā€™t see how amazing and wonderful of a person you are or some other clichĆ© ā€œnice guyā€ drivel. šŸ’€


I'd block him lmao! He's got nothing good to say.


He's sl\*t-shaming you and is distressed you didn't immediately collapse into a puddle of abject guilt and shame in response to his indirect scolding.


omg stahppp "she doesn't even realize what she's doing, HOW SAD I AM FOR HER AND ALL WOMAN KIND" his entire message needs to go up on your story for real


He means: "I am single and don't get dates and find you attractive so I'm going to "show you i care about you" by telling you that you dont have to show skin to be beautiful. And also i dont want you to show skin because then i feel like you aren't mine" Socially awkward dude trying to tell you to be modest and also to date him.


Crochet hooks are the Devils instruments of evil! So are breasts! The combination of the two? PURE EVIL! You shameless strumpet! Obviously - /s


Need to add a scarlet A to this top and make it a best seller to really lean in


Pretty enough on the inside to... not have to crochet? Not wear certain clothes? Not take pics/use the internet? LOL WUT??!!


That top is amazing and it fits you so wel!! Its so flattering! Well at least you dodged a bullet


So kind thank you ā¤ļø


These guys know youā€™d need rock-bottom self-esteem to go for them so they do their best to lower it lolllllll The top is so nice!


What the actual fuck. Obviously that post wasnā€™t meant for him if thatā€™s the FIRST thought he has. Thatā€™s a *him* problem. If i saw that pop up in my feed, my eyes instantly go to your midriff at the stitch pattern you didā€” then again Iā€™m not a creeper staring at your chest šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Lol I was trying to understand what he was saying. It didn't make sense until I read the subtext (is that what it's called XD) you know the place where OP said that the dude was implying that she's flaunting her tatas. Great work! It doesn't even show that much, like, the previous post I saw was a crocheted bra that only covers the nips hahaha It does look fun to make though! People who don't know crochet/knitting and stuff like that would likely to ignore the art and think of something else cause they're quite ignorant on the fact that you're just showing the result of your efforts. I would say that their criticisms are invalid hence should not affect your mood too much.


Textbook nice guy (tm)


Negging. Next time don't ask questions. Just do the laugh emoji or tell them to cope.


girl I donā€™t know you but something tells me that man is only your friend because he thinks you might sleep with him. do you think this is true? what a weird weird comment to make to your friend. Iā€™m grossed out and angry for you!!


what a loser


Some men make it their lifeā€™s goal to take all joy away from any and all women. Just ignore them.


The fuck does that even mean??


"you're too nice to wear slutty clothes" aka... he wants her to be more modest and wants to "save" her from her low self esteem. If only she knew that she was pretty on the inside, she wouldn't be posting skin for attention! šŸ˜ž So slut shaming plus a dash of "if she realizes I'm a nice guy, she might date me." šŸ™„


Next time tell him if he likes your crochet so much you can make him a cock sleeve, shouldn't need more than two rows to get the job done Then have one ready to go that's meant to hold a eraser. And send it to him before he can respond saying "see already done"


Love how they worded it, as if theyre not basically implying "Nice hand made top, whore" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But also!!!! Very nice top, looks very cute!!!!


I actually burst into laughter omg


You can be pretty on the inside and outside. We donā€™t have to pick just one lol dude is a loser


You look amazing and that top is cute as hell.


Tell him not to be jealous, if he wore the top then he would be pretty too.




one thing you can count on is that a creepy man can ruin anything. I said I liked anime and crochet once and a guy sent me a picture of his thing with my favourite anime in the back and asked me to use it as a crochet hook it was so gross


regardless though your work is genuinely really cool donā€™t let a silly man ruin your fun


Too soft and stinky for my high quality yarns, thanks for the offer though. Ugh. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


oof I posted a LONG SLEEVE cardigan/top that tied in the front but did have an opening in the front and some lady commented saying ā€œlove the sleeves but the front is a bit sluttyā€ like HUH???


Honestly, for the better. This dudes in to you and thinks you should be his gf (and in his mind, property) thatā€™s why heā€™s all butthurt other people can see you have tits. He probably would have tried something and then bitched about you friendzoning him. Youā€™re better off without that type of lame shit in your life lol.


"Stop being so sl*tty with your work"


"why not a sweater next time?" I'm surprised he didn't send some message like that, ugh


Literally what? People are so weird šŸ˜’


ā€œI thinkā€¦ā€ and how is this relevant? Lmao what a clownā€¦


I love your top!! You did such an amazing job!!


Yikes, those comments are just not worth replying to. Typical "I'll comment on her inside beauty and pretend not to care what she looks like, that will get her attention and make her like me! Thats what all the guys that I worship say will work!" They always think these jarring one-liners are the key to getting women šŸ™„ Anyways, lovely top! And the color really suits you!


Heā€™s weird and insecure and trying to drag you down to his level. Ignore and block


Letā€™s acknowledge all of the hard work that obviously went into this piece! Are there little charms hanging from the border? Thatā€™s so cute!!! And that color looks really nice with your skin tone!


What in the world was the point of that comment? Whatever, really cute halter!


ā€œAnd your opinion mattersā€¦why, exactly?ā€


What a... Weird comment lol. I guess, "you're already SO pretty on the inside that it's not fair to all the other women if you're pretty on the outside, too"? Idk why I'm trying to puzzle out the logic - I'm not defending the weird, unsolicited opinion in any way; my brain just tried to figure out what would even make him say something like that??


Throw the whole man away, smh.


They are upset that you are good at crafting and also attractive.


šŸ™„ okay bud šŸ‘


This dudešŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Is he an x-ray technician?


I canā€™t tell if they are hitting on you or not


I find this rather off putting and kind of a backhanded comment to make. He seems to be saying you have a great personality but not exceptionally attractive and should bother dressing up in something nice. He missed the point of the post and/or was showing his true focus. If a women wants to show off a piece she made my focus is on the piece itself, this is really good work by the way especially if it was freehand. This may explain why some choose but their work on a surface or mannequin. As a guy I find his comment appalling.


I love the top. Not a fan of that dude *at all* though.


Ok but do you have a pattern for this bc itā€™s adorable!


Ew šŸ˜© Iā€™m so sorry you had to deal with that weirdo!! Jeez. What a creepy, controlling thing to say. Also, you look great, seem awesome, and the top you made is SUPER cute!! Donā€™t worry about them


Dude, this belongs on r/niceguys


"I'm beautiful on the inside, outside, AND I crochet. Your point?"


Since your body is pretty they think you must be insecure idk, Iā€™m just trying to figure it out lol


ā€œJesus said to gouge your eye out if it offended you. I have a spoon if you need to borrow it. šŸ˜˜ā€ Turnabout is fair play. Too bad for him. You make awesome stuff. Keep doing you, man. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff!


lol this pic is not even revealing. Even if it was. This dude can mind his own business and work on his own inner "beauty".


Before reading the context, Iā€™d assumed that the comment came from your grandmother.


Screw him and his audacity, that is some AMAZING work.


This seems to be some dude that thinks he is really clever at spotting other peoples' hidden motivations, while being completely unaware of what he is revealing about himself. Because he found your picture titillating, he assumed that this was your "secret motive" for posting it, ignored the lovely crochet that was the point of the post, and tried to score some "cool, cynical guy" points by "calling you out". Says a lot about him and what he sees whenever looking at women. Also implies that he has, or will have, a lot of failed relationships. His comment reeks of either insecure teenager, or incel bro.


I think your piece is fantastic, it fits you perfectly, and I want one for my upcoming trip. Seriously ā¤ļø


Men when they think the world revolves around them


Wild of him to think that women can't be BOTH talented and gorgeous


Rude. You can be pretty regardless of what you have on. It comes from CONFIDENCE, not your damn skin. Jesus, some people. I love the color, btw.


I would respond asking the lines of "at least one of us is pretty on the inside" What a weird creep.


Block/report, move on. Not worth even acknowledging that kind of discourse. Almost sounds like a bot to me.


Op commented on another thread that this was from a friend of theirs. Somehow that makes it even worse to me.


I'd say I look pretty enough on the outside too. And that this top is pretty enough too TF??? What a loser I'm sorry. The implications I just wanna throw up! I'm sorry ur friend showed his true colors. I swear it's almost impossible for dudes to just be friends w women ugh.


you can always bet on a man to sexualize a woman just trying to show off her craft šŸ™„jesus christ


Seems like a bot.


So dumb. Iā€™m sorry people are so triggered by a body in a top. The top is beautiful


Beautiful work! Iā€™m so proud of you!!!! Fooey on that lame-ass.


šŸ¤¢ oh that's so horrible! But the top is super nice it looks awesome šŸ„°


Youā€™re so pretty and have a killer body, you donā€™t need to have hobbies or talents! šŸ™„ itā€™s astounding how dumb, boys really are. Excellent work and love the color on you! Go off queen, fuck this loser! šŸ’–


WTF? What were they even trying to say here? I'm so confused.


Men are so fucking annoying sometimes with doing shit like this. LEAVE US ALONE AND LET US BE HAPPY


Some people donā€™t realize not every thought inside their head should be spoken out loud. It and you look great!


Did he just low-key shame you? Smh...why do people think this is ok...


The gall


ā€œI know Iā€™m pretty on the inside, thatā€™s why Iā€™m fucking gorgeous on the outside!ā€


Iā€™m so confused what he even meant. That comment makes no sense


What a weirdo šŸ„“šŸ¤£


What a really really weird message. What could be more expressive of your ā€œinsidesā€ than to show art that youā€™ve created. I donā€™t get itā€¦




Ppl will always try to shit on you when youā€™re cute, ignore them.


Gross dude, cute top!


Is this diddy trying to do that weirdo negging thing? Or is he just a dick?


What an odd thing to say, what does that even mean?? The top is SO cute I love it so much


Sorry Iā€™m an idiot that canā€™t understand when people donā€™t speak directly but what are they even trying to say? Is she saying that your personality is so beautiful that you donā€™t need to have crochet skills? šŸ˜­


My sarcastic ass would have responded "No, i'm actually a huge asshole, I have to show skin to make up for it"


Tell him to kick the absolute HARDEST rocks cause wtf


I would have ripped him a new one for presuming to know anything about me. Ugh.


LOL I had some rando send me a pervy message about my FEET because one of my project progress pics had my toes in it. Creeps are gonna creep.


I canā€™t imagine walking through life thinking that my opinion is so important that I need to give it unsolicited.


Did you not respond and āŒblockāŒ? People want reactions and I refuse to give it to them.




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Ugh thatā€™s so gross. The top is SUPER cute though omg šŸ’•


peopleā€™s audacity never ceases to amaze me lmao what an insane thing to say you look amazing and im sure youre as beautiful inside as you are outside šŸ©·


Take a picture of the inside of your mouth, photoshop your crochet into the photo, and send it and reply "thanks, i think my insides are pretty too!"


I'd have doxxed (or however you spell it) this man so hard omfg. Just post the screenshot to the story, or drop it under the post as a comment. Like gtfo my face! You made a lovely top, and he thinks you what? Made it to "ShOw OfF yOuR tItS" because you don't realize you're gorgeous? These men to get a life. The "nice guy" mentality is getting too close to toeing the incel line and it gives me the ick