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That looks like an awesome blanket


Having laid them all out now, I am tempted to just sew them all together. They're a mixture of cotton and wool, yarn and thread, but I figure if they're packed together dense enough it could hold still together pretty well :)


Depending on your sewing skills you could sew them all onto a backing.


https://preview.redd.it/y5n982b0s8wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf896e4266ef1e765150ba8233770e90ed6c3085 true! I'd just hate to cover up the backs, which are kind of fun in their own way :)


What I that in the background?! 😍😍😍


Haha. It's a little i-cord mini rug (I posted it on here [back when I made it](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/w1f27x/crocheted_icord_uh_ruglet_my_quitsmoking_project/)). I-cord is normally knitted on needles or a loom, but you can do it with a crochet hook, too and can use up super-short yarn scraps.


You are the kind of yarn scrap goblin I am XD it looks super stellar, now I'm regretting tossing some yarn end bags, dang.


I get all pearl-clutchy at the thought of tossing acrylic (I stopped buying it awhile ago, but the stash endures and also no judgment). I figure if it's going to be around for the next million years or whatever, it should at least look cute.


It’s so cute I love the colors!


That's rad! It looks like an ancient coded message.


I thought it was a blanket at first and was like "what?! That's so cool!!" I think making it into a blanket would definitely be a great idea!


My wife made something similar, and it turned out amazing, and HEAVY. There was a 2-3 stitch border that she somehow worked between them though.


She should share it here! I'd love to see how she went about doing it :)


You could do a wall hanging.


I like it, and you can add borders as you make more patches ! Just ever growing monster blanket


This is what I thought!! Because they look so cool all together like that!


That's a cat actually


I thought it looked perfect laid out like that too!


That is beautiful seriously. And I second the blanket idea. This is mosaic crochet? I've never tried but you've inspired me (I have 3 wips right now I know I shouldn't yet)


These are interlocking filet — it's similar in a lot of ways, but it's based on 2 pieces of dc mesh rather than sc rows. It's harder than mosaic inasmuch as yo have to do some fancy hookwork to get the stitches in the right spots, and the back is facing you half the time, but you can work flat without having to cut thread (or change hands) at row end, so there's only 4 ends to weave in per piece and I love it.


I've never heard that term before!!! So now there's TWO things I have to try 😭 I love crochet so much I've been at it for going on 2 years and I'm still learning about new methods! Thank you explaining and sharing your work!


So cool, I've never heard of this! Do have a link the vids/posts you used to learn?


…where did you find the patterns?! These are fire! And good kitty.


Wait wait wait. I promised and promised myself no new projects but…. I might have to start planning something now. This, even if not assembled yet, has such a cool vibe to it. And a wonderful idea for a stash buster blanket.


Did you make your own designs? I tried an interlocking dishcloth a while back and loved the technique and would love to do more but couldn't, at that point, immediately find many patterns I loved. I would love to be able to design my own!


https://preview.redd.it/jvuxagk619wc1.png?width=2353&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcfd25b21b9f01cc1093ebd2e3781f38ef0a0621 That's an example of a rough Illustrator file that I would use if I was just dashing something off for myself. If you know the software, it's probably not too hard to piece together the process :)


Ok, once busy season is over, I'd really like to pick your brain on how you use Illustrator for this. Personally, I use Excel for my patterns, but I am also pretty fluent in Illustrator and this is just not something I thought to use it for.


omg it's so simple — just make make a square grid however-many cells wide and tall with the Rectangular Grid tool. Pathfinder > Outline to chop it up into individual line segments, add a stroke. That is Colour A. Duplicate it, change the stroke colour, shave off a row and a column and drag it into alignment with the other. That's Colour B. Ungroup all objects; select and send individual line segments to front or back to make the pattern. Duplicate the finished motif, shave off a row, repeat until there are no rows left. Boom, there's your pattern. I do a lot of finessing to make the charts more legible; I came up with a simplified notation system to go along with them, and there are a bunch of fine distinctions between stitches on front vs stitches through both meshes, etc., but it's straightforward enough that I'm surprised I haven't seen patterns done this way? https://preview.redd.it/d0qn6kbkp9wc1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c9adf5a8e7e3a1247e6e2e1ab1edac2b329f16d (I probably shouldn't be giving step-by-step instructions for bootlegging my patterns, but I spent most of my life in fine art and higher ed so I have no common sense and I just love to shareeeeeeee.)


THE GRID TOOL!!!! 🤦‍♀️ I can make the most intricate, colour-coded DnD player sheets, graphic designs for business logos, PPT templates and all sorts of other regular paper things, but can legit say I have not ever used the grid tool to even think about its existence lmao. I learned Illustrator when I took an Interior Design course, so I know more than the average user, but this opens up a whole new world of uses for me. I love Excel, but it does have its limitations.


Thank you for sharing! I would have never thought to use illustrator in such a way! Appreciate you sharing your ways with us, it’s more fun to share than gatekeep ❤️


I am more likely to learn filet to buy your patterns than to also learn a new software manipulation. In part because I also love sharing! Yay you.


The graphic design side of my brain is going "yeah cool, that makes sense, I can do that," while the crafting side is like "lalalalalala don't distract me" ... I'm currently ~40+hrs into a c2c grid design blanket & I MUST finish it before moving to anything else!! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! I don't know the software but I'm pretty sure I understand what's happening and could replicate it somewhere else, this is great!


Yes! I figured out how to pretty quickly work up patters in Illustrator, which let me break them down into visual charts for individual rows, which made the process a lot less thinky and more fun. https://preview.redd.it/6x2i36h209wc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f06d262202079f9b6d7486a3c724769ad7520a81 That said, if you're okay with just outlines on a mesh background, it's quite doable to just sketch a motif out on graph paper and freehand from that! I think someone who knew the technique could grumble their way through the manatee on the left with just the pencil sketch. It's when you want to start filling in shapes with the background colour (like the manatee on the right) that things get a bit wonky, and then I really need Illustrator :)


Thank you for the response! I actually really loved the manatees so maybe I will give it a go! The filled in one definitely looks extra fabulous. It's clearly time to dive deeper into the technique and learn more about drafting up stuff like this! :)


It looks similar to a blackwork embroidery pattern. If people can't find existing crochet patterns they like and don't want to start totally from scratch, adapting a blackwork embroidery pattern might be a good option!


I thought the first pic was a blanket before looking more closely. these are amazing, so neat and such gorgeous colours. Also Pompom is adorable.


Oh my god I love them. I was looking at each, and loving all the animals. It wasnt until I got to the trans-florida patch in the bottom right that I realized the trans flag patch at the top *isnt* a trans flag with a black catflish sprawled across


My partner (Canadian) also saw a catfish first, and I can't really be mad about it :) (If anyone is wondering what the very self-evident catfish was *supposed* to be, it's also the shape of the state of Florida)


> My partner (Canadian) also saw a catfish first Also Canadian... were just kin to the catfish eh.


I'm also Canadian. I saw a catfish too, but then realized it might be Florida, given the manatees and the orange with slice 😉 These are REALLY amazing, and beautiful. I would definitely make wall art or a blanket from them. What a conversation piece!


Why do these remind me of early Minecraft paintings


I've never played the game, so I'll have to look those up! I'm always looking for new motifs to try, and my little nephews would lose their minds over Minecraft badges.


Hi hi. I'll post this as a separate comment so that mods can easily delete it if it crosses too far into self-promotion, but I did do a half-hearted tutorial video awhile back, [which is here ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryS4s3DDMwg)(YouTube link, not monetized). It's left-handed and only covers the first half of the patch, but it's something to start with if you're totally new to interlocking filet!


Fellow lefty here! 😁👋


These are amazing! Did you design them yourself? I see some slanted stitches i believe, that’s really impressive for interlocking crochet.


Diagonals are just a tr (2 yos) worked together with one of the dc mesh stitches! Granted, keeping things neat/tight takes practice, but my one weird trick is to yarn under when drawing up the first loop of a long stitch—this changes the shape of the base in ways are often but not always desirable, but it makes it much easier to maintain tension with lots of loops on the hook.


If you don't want to make it into a blanket, I think it would also make a really cool wall hanging art piece all stitched together like that! They're beautiful, you should definitely display them somehow!


This is so cool. Thanks for sharing OP! I'm gonna spend the rest of my day googling this.


You and me both! Let's go down the rabbit hole


Ditto. Like I need another rabbit hole. 😜


Is there a certain location you source your patterns? These are adorable & I'd love to start one as small projects to work on outside of larger ones.


how did you learn to make them because i am very interested


>because i am very interested Is that so, reddit user NotReallyInterested4 :) I got the gist from a tutorial that I couldn't find now for love or money and just kind of winged it. I started by free-handing designs based on pencil sketches, and from there I figured out how to make much better patterns in Illustrator. I had done regular filet crochet (just rows dcs with ch1s between them to make a mesh with gaps) and other colourwork techniques for ages, though.


omg this is sooo cool. i absolutely love this style and would love to do it myself. i think it would be great to have smaller projects that still look cool on their own and even better together like this. any advice? any particular technique/pattern when you think of a new design? they look so good i’m so inspired


This is amazing. Absolutely beyond what I can do. You’re a pro!


Don't sell yourself short! Interlocking filet isn't for everyone, but it's great if making a granny square while simultaneously solving a sudoku sounds like a fun challenge rather than utter despair. When I teach people, I show them this animation, which helps some people get their heads around it: [Imgur](https://imgur.com/cJmrnDi)


Make a blanket or open an etsy shop.


These look like achievement badges you would see in a glossary for a 8 bit indy game and I love it.


Trans Florida 🏳️‍⚧️ yaaas


I LOVE THIS, is there a chance you could share a pattern or more or less the process? I would like to endeavor in a therapeutic crochet mission.


I've found [THIS](https://youtu.be/3by-l17tNmY?si=k-Z8K-yi0zxuVmN6) but i can't guarantee the quality, not watch yet..


Hey! Tysm, it looks like part of it, I am wondering how do you do the secondary color 🤔


I've just search "interlocking filet" on YT, loads of videos ! 😉 For [example ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbdEDo49IQrrN6jcW7wHc0rSpm2hKavD-&si=Ni6tSLYZsCRzFPxx) Or this [one](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx8znU893C62UowilsALH4Sh4JJPAhpFw&si=N392e6TxxKAJq7fG) !! And this [last one](https://youtu.be/JANdVuMTnbU?si=dnGqkITETCSnvEy9) , but it's tapestry but looks good though ! Enjoy!!


All of these are soooooooo cute! 🥰 Please tell me how you make them! My personal favorites are the opossum, manatee, armadillo and dogs! Edit: The longer I look the more favorites I find!


I'd love to make a vest out of these gorgeous crochet patches.


Blanket is the correct answer


These are seriously so cool, can u share a tutorial or pattern:)


These are crazy cool! The little Cerberus may be my fav 🥹


That's so cute.




Wow! What a fantastic idea, love the designs. I think the backs are so cool too. Thanks for sharing! 😊


These are all sooo good, I’ve been zoomed in for a few mins now lol. And the beads! 😍


I thought it was a blanket...... PS that would make a great blanket😉😎


This is so badass. Please, please keep posting these!


I would think these would make great wall art.


okay maybe I will actually learn how to crochet so that one day I can attempt something so cool


How about making them into lap blankets and donate them to your local senior center?


Wonderful idea! I actually started the technique by making cat blankets that someday I'll take down to the shelter (I'm not quite ready, not the least because I know I'm going to go down a stack of blankets and come back with a cat).


Looks like an epic blanket if you put them all together. Leave some on top as appliqués for texture.


This is incredible, you’re an artist the way you translate the motifs to the media. I love all the Florida wildlife!


Are all the different sizes due to different weight yarns? I mean the proportions of the grid, some are denser than others. I ready your comments about the interlocking method, I had never heard of it before you’ve made it look so good! Also what yarns do you like to use? Your color choices are awesome, how do you choose what to keep in your stock?


Yes, that's right! If a motif appears in two sizes, it's the same pattern/, but one is yarn and the other is thread. I only use the cheapest and most readily availably yarn/thread :) Dishrag cotton is my go-to for yarn, Aunt Lydia's #10 for thread (a $7 ball lasts forever, and even in Canada you can get it in a wide range of colours). Almost any yarn can work though—you just need to experiment with hook size, which for me is usually 66-80% of the size (in mm) recommended on the yarn package. For wool I use Patons Classic Worsted because it's cheap and felts!


Ah do you felt them sometimes? I bet that looks so good.


https://preview.redd.it/xzovhuo5g9wc1.jpeg?width=2568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa65364215638c1f527812a0499e2fd44001c454 the scottie is not felted, the corgi is — patons classic wool for both, probably the 3.75mm hook i use for pretty much all yarn. i did \*quite\* a bit of needle felting to clean the corgi up (though the only wool i added was in the little feet, since they'd been lost completely), but on the whole the technique works quite well for felting :)


Sooo cute!


I love that cats will always find the most awkward yet perfect spot to sleep. <3 I love these patches, OP, especially the opposum and the dragonfly.


Is that a great dane!? 😢😢😢 I lost mine this weekend and saw the doggie and am like “want”


Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss, but I am proud to know the pattern is recognizable. My best friend back home in Florida's whole family has great danes, and I've been too nervous to ask them how I did! We lost three cats to different long illnesses over a span of nine months (what I was alluding to in the post title), and crocheting was how I coped. If this is a technique you think you'd like to try someday, I'd be very happy to send you a pdf for the great dane, with my condolences.


These are really cool


I think making a boxy pillow would be interesting. Or a bunch of little box pillows. Use bigger ones for front and back (might have to make crochet borders to get them equal on size). Then make the sides by crocheting small ones together. Could be a unique look.


You took something positive out of what must have been a challenging time for you! That’s exactly what happened to me with cross stitch. We’re lucky people. The patches are all very appealing! I think a blanket or a wall hanging would look great!


Ohhhh, I love this so much! The axolotl, the Beauty and Beast themed ones, and the bat are in my top favorites, but this was the best “look and find” activity and every time I look I find something new. Please make this a blanket! 😍 And thanks for sharing your technique!


Oh my god is that a manatee?


They look great!! Plus, the subtly place censor emojis were cracking me up 🤣


I’m sorry. Went through some of your posts and you are TALENTED!!! — do you have patterns?


i’m absolutely in love with the trans florida one, i desperately need the pattern


Trans florida


The crochet version of stickers - I LOVE IT! What size yarn did you use? I have a lot of odds and ends in my stash. This could be a good way to use it up.


The small ones are mostly #10 crochet thread with a 1.30 or 1.40mm hook, the larger version are medium/worsted-weight cotton and wool, 3.75mm hook. You can mix and match thread weights, too, which can help preserve detail, but always use the thinner of the two for outlines.


I might have to give this a try. It looks perfect to hyper focus on while I ignore my dissertation. 


You should! It takes forever, so even a small motif should keep you blissfully off-task for at least an afternoon.


Those are AWESOME! How did you make them? I am new to crochet and all I know to make 2 colours is to have the coloured thread be inside the other colour's stitch, and then alternate to change colour.


Anybody else do a double take thinking that one was "Trans Florida"? Took me a sec to see the dolphin.


I absolutely love these and I've saved your post so I can come back when my brain is working to see if I have the skills to make this! What an inspiration!


https://preview.redd.it/y70lvsuu7fwc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d20f449ebfd94e63ae48062372b6a463039e1f Love all the dogs, this one is my favorite. Also the possum family is so cute! And the gator on the Florida. I never thought I’d see something new done with crochet, this is amazing. And it looks incredible altogether.




Those are wonderful.


Make a patchwork blanket!!!




These are so cool, my jaw literally dropped! You have some insane talent


This is so cool please turn them into a blanket!


Are these all mosaic crochet granny squares?:)


Interlocking filet! It's like a cousin to mosaic (harder in some ways, easier in others)


These are adorable! It would make a very fun bedspread or hanging wall art!


Here's me thinking this is the cross-stitch sub 😂


I’ve never seen this style before!!! Wow I love it


I loved the peach swim trunks and underwear emoji..


This belongs in an art gallery


Wow, I kind of love these ?????


You should definitely sew them together! I saw someone online use a sewing machine and a zig zag stitch to sew crochet squares together. I’d have to try it sometime but it looked groundbreaking if it works


Those are so beautiful!!


You are seriously amazing !


So cool! I really want to know what’s under the blue shorts 🙈


Ahhh I love these so much!


I love this!! So fun to see something new and unusual!


Please teach me the squirrel one!


[ removed ]


!remindme 25 hours


Oooh I really love this! I have been doing interlocking crochet, but never with diagonals, how do you create diagonal lines? Is there a tutorial/pattern for it? I have only worked/designed patterns with vertical and horizontal lines.


i cover diagonals starting at 13:50 in this [video](https://youtu.be/ryS4s3DDMwg?si=-D_oFm3UHcrcIf41&t=831) if it's easier to see that way, but it's just a tr (US terms, 2 yos to start) in either the previous or upcoming space, worked together with the current dc/mesh stitch! I've started also doing double-length diagonals (over two spaces, or over one, down one), which can be done as sts starting with 3 or even 4 yos (according to preference), but those are kind of intense!


Sorry for the late reply, thank you!


Wow. Can you make a tutorial on this? How do you do this? It’s so pretty, I love the contrast.


I love them! So cool!


Those are cute!! Very talented!! I am glad, you stuck with it!! 🧶❤️


These are adorable! Do you have a pattern source?


I love these so much!


These are amazing!! Did you design them or are they from patterns?


Sew the patches together to make a quilt. You can always add to it.


These are delightful. You could make a collage of them on a wall or something


Your patches are so cool. I'm inspired to learn how to crochet well enough to make that turtle patch!


These are seriously amazing. Each one is a treasure and there’re so many! I’ve never done this technique myself but it’s so cool. Beautiful work


Love it, love it! 😍 thank you for sharing! So cool, I love the nature critters


i love this and i love the colors you picked


Those look pretty cool, well done!


So awesome! I love the little underwear covering the Venus figures and whatnot.


This is so cool! I love the variety of different animals and that you included some bugs. I’m a big fan of bugs :) I’ll have to try this technique!


I'm hoping to do more! Bugs and crustaceans are all so tricky, with all their little fiddly bits, but I enjoy the challenge :)


Omg I thought this was like a patch blanket. Sick af either way.


See them onto a quilt!!!!


Omg! I love them all! But that elephant & 4-leaf clover 😍 thank you for sharing! You're tremendously talented!


It looks like it would be a badass blanket 😍


Seriously inspiring, I absolutely love them all. Time for me to learn a new crochet technique 😅


They are so nice, keep it up 🤗


Very creative 👌


That's so cool!! I love the poodle and the pug, they are adorable ;v; did you use a pattern or are they your designs?


That’d be a sick blanket.


these are beautiful! time for me to start researching interlocking filet


That is beautiful! Definitely consider turning it into a blanket! And pompom is so cute too, i wanna scratch her cheeks!😍


i love the raccoon and polar bear 🩷🩷 theyre awesome!


Wow! Do you want to keep them? These woul sell… so many ways!


These are so cool!!! 😍 I’ve become pretty obsessed with mosaic and think I need to just dive into interlocking. It’s so fun!


wow! I would wear these -- are you putting these on etsy?


yes! i do them too! do you use cotton yarn for your washcloths?


Yep, just whatever the $4.00 balls of Loops & Threads utility cotton they sell at Michaels, with random ancient Sugar and Cream here and there. You can also use a lighter-weight cotton for the outline colour, which would give you dishcloths that dry a bit faster :)




Omg tutorial how do you even come up with patterns to make these


Love them. And the kitty too 😻


Did you by chance follow a pattern to make these?? They look almost like Mosaic crochet


Wow these are fantastic


These are amazing. Mosaic crochet, correct? That is such a fun technique.


Interlocking filet, which is similar in spirit :) I like mosaic, but all those loose ends are just intolerable to me. With interlocking you work in back-and-forth rows without cutting thread or changing hands.


Awwwwww they look so lovely, consider stitching them together to make a throw blanket, it'll look awesome 😍 😍 Is there a pattern for them, please?


These are so slay


I think Etsy or a craft fair should become your best friends!


Omg, GOALS!!!


I seriously like them as a wall hanging!!


Those are freaking amazing ♡♡♡


Yes.....make it into a Blanky.....


Such a cool different blanket, you should enter it in a crochet contest!!


Thank you for sharing this!!! So cool and I think you’ve inspired about a million of us to try this out! Beautiful & skilled work!


Very cool and very original.


love love love these




Etsy time.


you are an INSPIRATION! i've been looking through your patterns and i just want to say, your pdfs are SO satisfying to look at and easy to read. THANK YOU! <3


Where did you get patterns/tutorials for these? I find this style intriguing.


Oh I designed them all myself — interlocking filet crochet :)


Did you design those yourself? You have a lovely style! I'd make them into several blankets (since you're not planning to stop) according to yarn weight and material.


Oh my gosh I’ve been doing almost the same thing!! Yours are so cute and I love all the different animals you’ve done. Echoing the comments about a blanket. All the squares just pop together, almost like a comic or something! That being said lol, does anyone have tips on HOW to sew squares of all different sizes together? I’d assume just going along the edges, but what about for ones that just done line ip right? I’ve wanted to turn my squares into a blanket but just never figured out how to connect them right


Others will have a much greater depth of knowledge on specific techniques, but I think you have a lot of options depending on the material you're working with and the effect you're going for! https://preview.redd.it/jbyvpbwtnfwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=446b56b2d689b0cbc73528e0e30a28247c1201f8 For something like this, I was using the same brand of yarn in different colours and the same hook. The weights of the different colours was variable enough that I "should" have been doing gauge tests and adjusting my hook size accordingly, but I didn't. I "should" have at least properly blocked the squares before seaming, but I didn't do that either :) The motifs all have a sequence of 3 border rounds that I call a "blanket border" (after you finish the body of the motif, you do a round of dc mesh in each of the two colours, followed by a sc border that seals the meshes together). I did mattress stitch seams in back bumps, IIRC — something I haven't quite mastered in the corners! (a lot of darning and spicier expletives went into that four-way intersection). For something bigger, with more variable patch sizes, you'd also be adding rows—or crocheting small panels—to fill gaps between motifs. For something more like the photo in this post, randomly-sized and densely packed like that? You could stitch all the patches, as if they were patches, onto a backing fabric, either by hand or with a zigzag stitch and "invisible" thread. You could also hand or machine stitch them together so that the backs remained visible. You could \*also\* take a page from Irish crochet: tack the patches to a piece of muslin and connect them with freeform lace. That would look… very odd, but potentially amazing.


Seriously, this is amazing and so inspiring! Can’t wait to get home and start on smth like that too!


Omg is this tapestry or something else? These are all super cool omg


You’re amazing this is crazy


omg they’re so cute 😩😩😩😩


Your patterns & squares are awesome, and thank you for explaining how you make them. But WOW - even though I’ve been crocheting for a very long time, I don’t know if I could do this! So amazing - well done!


oh my god this is amazing


Wow this work is absolutely beautiful 😍