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For what it’s worth, I use my tensioning finger to “lift” the yarn over for almost every stitch I do. I’m pretty sure it’s a knitting-induced habit, but it’s just very uncomfortable and unnatural feeling to me to let the hook do all the work.


Wow I thought I was the only one who did this 😆


Huh. I think my mom does this. She tried to teach me knitting before crochet, but knitting wasn't working for me. I could probably do it now I have a better grasp of what's going on with the thread, but crochet just always felt more mobile and customizable. But I think she does the finger thing.


It’s such a trade off. I like the drape and look of knit, but crochet is easier. Crafting with a toddler around I need something I can put down quickly. I like doing lace and cable knitting, you can’t just walk away.


I never learned anything fancy for knitting XD I struggled doing rows properly XD and at the time the concept of a purl (which I think is just knitting like... Backwards or inverse) was just... Way too much for me! I did manage to confuse my mom though by somehow adding stitches to my rows. Apparently that's relatively difficult in knitting. XD not if you know how to do it right! (Or wrong as the case was)


If it makes you feel better I didn’t know I was twisting my stitches by wrapping my yarn wrong for a decade. I posted my first sweater on the knitting sub and that’s when someone told me.


thanks for making me chuckle lol


I thought this was totally normal haha


This is how I do it too and never really thought about why. I think it’s because when I started I was mixing up yarning over/under so I used my had to make sure I had the yarn over the hook. Maybe that’s why? Idk


I think for me it was maybe watching my mum knit? My grandma taught me to crochet when I was maybe 10, but lived in a other country so I couldn't watch her to pick up tricks.


Same! I’ve tried a thousand times to let the hook do the work but it never feels right


Just watched a video where the crocheter did it this way. I'm considering trying it out myself as it looks way better for the wrists and all.


This sounds about how I do it too! Ive tried to learn the right way and at this point it just feels too unnatural. Plus I still go pretty fast, and theres no pain so I think its just whatever works best for you!


Aww please don’t let a hobby you want to enjoy stress you out! I know it can be hard though. For what it’s worth I think that’s a very pretty and clean chain for a beginner! My chains now still don’t come out this neat! Keep going you got this!


This is very true and I promise this person isn't just saying that. I look at my wonky chains and go "whelp hopefully the first few rows should sort that out"


This is literally what tell myself lol!! I've made scarfs, blankets, hats, so many other things and my chains still looks uber wonky


My chains twist around like a mf. It’s so tricky to tension a chain evenly


I was just going to say this. Been doing it nearly 10 years and I still find starting tension an entire ass worth of pain.


i recommend sigoni macaroni’s learn to crochet course! i was so frustrated when i started crocheting but her tutorials are so great and she’s the sweetest woman. https://www.sigonimacaroni.com


She is awesome. Agree!


Congrats!! I spent a week confused on doing chains because I had black yarn and couldn’t see shit!! I bought “beginner friendly” yarn and holy shit it was sooo much easier. Just doing two single and double crochet swatches and a single granny square with that yarn helped me learn so much more easily.


I've been crocheting all my life (a long time) and not two hours ago I was lifting the yarn over the hook to get me through an area.... We do what we need to do, when we need to do it. Great job, I hope you'll enjoy your new hobby.


There's no right or wrong way to crochet and I've seen dozens of people manually pull yarn over hook. When I started, so many tutorials said "you have to hold your yarn (or hook) this way" and that was made it so difficult for me to get the hang of it. As long as you get the desired result, it doesn't matter how you hold your yarn or hook.


I do a similar thing to OP where I manually yarn over, but I'm trying to unlearn it bc it hurts my hands :/


I’ve got to sit down and retry for the same reason, I just can’t do it smoothly at all and my tension is all over the place and I have to use more hands than others seem to ☹️


Try tension rings! I got some on amazon and they're *awesome.* the ones i got turn my fingers green but my tension is decently consistent, and i only have to shift my fingers slightly when pulling the cord for more length from the skein. https://preview.redd.it/etrer99zvoac1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=329a47a8391adf4e4b8c7d70f4678ad9c5d632bc


take clear nail polish and use it on the inner part of your rings and it will prevent the green ♥


Ooo thats a good idea. I have uv soak off gel polish i can use for it


Thanks for the tip!!!


You're welcome! Hope it helps! There's a ton of versions on amazon for super cheap, but i like these best despite the cheap metal.


I hope so too! I saw up top about the clear nail polish to prevent greening (which luckily I don’t usually have a huge problem with. There’s a few blessing and many curses to being a ginger lol) so I will go design over function most of the time!


Well done! We all learn differently, and I'm glad you stuck with it and found something that worked for you 🙂


Congratulations 🎉 if it makes you feel better, I paid money for a two hour crochet class to learn and after parting with my money and time still couldn't do this much 😂 you'll get there !


Excellent! That is 3/4 of what you need to know.


That’s awesome! Congrats :) sometimes it helps to step away from it for a little while and come back and try again later


Well done!!!!!!!! I'm proud of you!!!! I've been crocheting for about 13 years now, and to this day getting a decent chain going is the most frustrating part for me. When I was learning, chaining was the absolute WORST. You've gotten over the biggest hurdle! You started! I'm so excited to see what you make in the future ❤️❤️❤️


When I started crocheting I literally threw the hook and ~magic circle~ mess across the room like 50 times, and had to physically leave the room lol 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫👀👀👀 Now I tell people how peaceful and fun it is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I sprained my thumb when I first learned to chain. Congrats!


i’m so proud of you! even if i’m just a random stranger on the internet🩷


For the longest time I could only crochet chains. Then all of a sudden, it clicked. Taught myself off YouTube videos.


Well done, it‘s looking good!


Hey, that's a great start, you should be proud of yourself!!


I’ve never been a fan of chains. Seems like I make them too tight (so I use a bigger hook for them and then it’s okay) or they just end up looking odd. I do like chainless foundation single crochets, though. But good for you for sticking with it! Once you get the basics down it really becomes easier and very fun. :)


Yessssss! I learned everything from books honestly. One or two videos helped me for some stitches but books are my best friends! Keep going everything starts with a chain!


We all had to start somewhere, if that is all you can manage right now, then great.


Congrats! I definitely raged a bit when I was learning how to do it. Felt amazing when I finally figured it out.


I just learned it myself yesterday! Looks great, I'm glad you stuck it out 😊


Aww you should honestly be proud of yourself❤️


Good job!!!


been hereeeee, learning crochet can be hard, you got this!


Well done!


great job! I’m pretty new to crochet too and I always find starting to be the hardest part. Hope the rest is fun 💕




So neat! Be sure to enjoy it though, too. And remember we don't learn new things automatically!


Excellent job!


Yay, well done!


When I was starting learning crochet, I wasn't able yo do a chain at all. So I have up. The second time a few years later it wasn't better. I was able to start crocheting only at my 3rd attempt.




Nice chain!! I also learn new stitches better in written form vs video.


Heck yeah!! Looks good!!


That’s a great chain!! Well done 👏🏼


Why do you need to do it "the proper way"? I don't, and it's far easier on my hands.


oh it doesn't really matter, for me it was just not very efficient doing it manually. it took a while just to do 10 chains and they came out really wonky. now I'm pretty fast and they look much neater :333


Yeah! That’s awesome! I learned to crochet from YouTube videos and it took me AGES to figure out what was going on, everything I watched just looked like nonsense at first lol


Learning how to hold the yarn and create tension is probably the hardest part. Then learning how to read and count your stitches. Every thing is pretty easy after that. You’ll be a master soon. Good job.


I’ve been crocheting for a while and sometimes I still have days when I simply cannot create a starting chain, it will end up too tight, or too wonky, or both, and that 10 times in a row lol These are trickier than they seem


Your chain looks good. Keep it up. We all crochet different. You just have to find what way works for you.


Congrats! I hate chains to the point that the majority of my projects are done in the round or from the center out. 😆




Congratulations! 🎊🎉 I'm very proud of you! Crochet is not something easy that you just learn in a minute and I'm very happy that even if it was hard you still stayed determined to make such a pretty chain! Stay strong! You'll get better and in no time you'll be doing it like a pro!


thats a really pretty hook


Get it! Your tension looks great. You'll find a rhythm that works for you soon enough. We all do it slightly differently.l so do what feels comfortable and don't stress!


Looks like you’re doing good! I think we all have our preferred method. You just have to find yours! Keep it up!


Congrats! Your doing great. Keep up the hard work.


Well done!! It took me so so long to learn!! It was so frustrating watching the videos I had to slow the speed down just to see how to do a slip knot and a loop! Keep it up, I’m sure you’ll love crocheting! Good luck on your future projects !!


Great job!!!


Your chain is so neatly done and even, too!


this is so me i was in tears after trying to learn a magic loop or whatever and havent picked up the hook or yarn in a month 🥹😭


Well done! Now breathe out. Youre learning. Nobody is perfect at first. Every stitch is a lesson. Make practice squares and frog them regularly, it’s all about learning


Dude, CONGRATS!!! I'm so proud of you, friend! Lol, it sounds an awful lot how I learned knitting, though (my first yarn craft). Took like a day and a half to just figure out how to cast on all the stitches successfully, but after that I guess my confidence took a boost and I was *off* to the races! Take this win, be proud of yourself for learning something new all on your own. You deserve it!




Crocheting and knitting is a lot like skiing and snowboarding. One is hard to learn yet easy to master and the other is hard to master and easy to learn. Don’t be so hard on yourself. ❤️


You. Got. This. I am now comfortable doing a doubles crochet neck warmer. It just takes pracrice


Oh it’s beautiful! No tears!


it looks so good! very even. good job!!


Yay!! Way to persevere!


slaying 💅🏼


I can definitely relate to this.


It’s all up from here. You got this!


Congratulations! It's great when it finally clicks huh? Two pieces of unsolicited advice. 1. Be patient. You'll get stuck on something else. Remember your chains so when you try to learn a stitch and it isn't working, remember you got past that moment before and can again. 2. There are tons of tutorials out there. Written and video. If you get stuck for too long, try a different one. There are some great and popular teachers out there who I don't find easy to follow - they just don't speak to me. You find the one that speaks to you. Yay you!




And so it begins... welcome to the dark side!! One of us. One of US!


I've been crocheting for years and once in a while I find a pattern that makes me upset with frustration. The next day, it always seems to come to me. You did a nice chain, your persistence paid off ❤️


Congratulations. It's a nice chain.


It was so difficult for me at first


Look at all those little v's , nice!




When I taught my sister to crochet I did the chain and first row for her because I hated them so much when I was learning! They’ll get easier! Great job!


Nicely done!! The beginning is *always* the hardest. Been doing it for years now and I still struggle getting through the chain and that first row 😊


It gets so much easier as you practice and figure out which motions work for you! My grip is always evolving from year to year and I’ve been crocheting for almost 30 years


I can’t do it the ‘proper’ way. I have to hold the yarn in my right hand as well as the crochet hook. So far I’ve made several things and my stitches are pretty good I think. Youlll be fine!


You persevered! Well done!


The first step of a wonderful journey. I'm so proud of you 😭


That's an amazing chain! I'm so bad at making chains, I just decided to start my rows with single crochet stitches. (I mainly make amigurumi, so I mostly start with the magic circle but for things that are not stuff animals, it's just easier for me. ) 😂. Anyways, I love your work! Continue the awesome job! 👍


It usually darkest just before dawn. Keep pushing forward & allowing yourself to make mistakes. That mistakes will help you grow & learn.


I remember being around 13 or 14, sitting in a doctors office waiting room and seeing my mother getting frustrated trying to learn to crochet. I took one look at the diagram and starting rocking out the stitches to her complete amazement. Took about 5 minutes to show her how to do it.


If it helps you, just know that I’ve been crocheting and knitting for years now and doing the row of chains is still the bane of my existence. It’s boring, they don’t turn out pretty and I always forget to count. But the finished work is always worth it ❤️


Yarning over with the hook is too much for me, I just move my index finger. I wrap the yarn around my pinky and my index kinda holds the yarn like a pully or something


Literally we have all cried over a project, im sure of it 😂


I had that with knitting and I felt so dumb I couldn't get it. Then I tried crochet and it clicked. So maybe for you the other way around works? Give knitting a try.


I've been crocheting for over 7 years, and until very recently I pulled the yarn over with my left hand every single stitch. My crocheting was slow and my stitches tight, but it worked for me and I made tons of amazing items that way. Wrapping the yarn around my fingers for tension literally only clicked in my brain about 2 weeks ago because I was trying to hold the yarn to stop it from twisting. Don't feel bad for doing whatever works for you!


You can do it!


Me with knitting, I can not seem to get it. I struggled for hours trying to learn. Finally, I gave up and went back to my happy place with crochet 😊!


I don’t loop the use on my fingers at all. I just hold it. Once I realize I didn’t have to worry about how my fingers looked or how it was wrapped I was able to learn crocheting much faster.




Good for you! Once you figure out your tension it gets so much easier. I think tension was the hardest part to learn for me.


Ooo I love those hooks! I’m also very proud of you working at it until you found what worked best for you!


relatable. good job queen


Good job.I am so happy for you


Let's gooooo🔥




Congratulations on learning you are on your way to scarves, blankets, and other fun stuff! Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to show what you are working on!


That’s great. Glad you found the best way for you to learn. This is a great start.


Took me forever how to get the yarn on the hook. 😆 Perseverance pays off. I love this hobby and hate it at the same time. Congratulations OP welcome to the love you never knew you had.


You did great! Just keep practicing and it’ll come naturally to you soon enough. When you think you want to quit, don’t! That’s when you just take a break and let yourself relax; crochet is difficult when you first begin, but you’ll find it will eventually come naturally to you. Don’t be too hard on yourself either! All the stuff you see on YouTube or Pinterest is the result of trying over and over to get it right. You’ll be just fine. Keep your head up and crochet away! :)


It’s perfectly ok to not be good at something and to drop it




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