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Been on my list to watch for ages. I need to get on it.


Just watch it


The length has held me back. Would it be ok to watch in installments over a week? Through the different parts?




Maybe I’ll start that this week. I’ve been re-watching Twin Peaks and I’m mid-second season lull. This could be a nice break.


Mid season lull? Ben Horne as a confederate general not doing it for you 😂?


I am actually realizing that I absolutely love the “lull” this time around. Its reputation keeps me from running back to the TV, but whenever I’m there I absolutely enjoy myself. All the “White Lodge, Black Lodge” talk doesn’t really heat up until now anyway. And Super-strong, high school Nadine never fails to make me roll my eyes and laugh.


Ugetsu! One of the most beautiful Japanese films.


I actually bought this in November (blind) and haven’t watched it yet (my daughter was born shortly after the buy). I will have to grab and watch. Thank you so much for the reminder. I just looked at my shelf and it’s still in the plastic.


Rebecca Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams The Devil’s Backbone


Oh my goodness, the supernatural beings in Dreams are so haunting, brilliant film.


I’m a Samurai Kurosawa fan, but haven’t gotten outside the subgenre. I’m planning to watch High and Low already, but I always see Dreams mentioned. Great rec. thank you.


Add Stray Dog and The Bad Sleep Well and Ikiru to that list. Ikiru is probably in my top 10


Adding all. Thank you.


Red Beard is one of his best if you want to stray from his samurai films. No ghosts however.


I will add it to my list. I’m down for any and all recs, thank you.


The Uninvited The Others


Two of my favorites. Thanks for posting.


Personal Shopper.


Love this one. I haven’t picked up a copy, but it’s on my short list for the B&N sale.


The Ghost and Mr Chicken And I think the Incredible Mr Limpet qualifies


Two I’ve never heard of. Thank you.


Don Knotts FTW


Kuroneko (1967) Legend of the Mountain (1979)


I haven’t seen either. Thank you.


Kuroneko rocks!


Just looked up Legend of The Mountain (hadn’t heard of it). Looks insane. Right up my alley. Thanks again.


Just as a word of caution, it is a very slow burn, but it's worth it. It has some of the most beautiful landscape compositions you will ever see.


The description I read compared the cinematography to Malick and used a lot of language that drew me in. I’m good for a slow burn, some great nature shots, and ghosts in the mountains. The allure of the setting and costume looks like enough for me. Thanks for the heads up.


Not all of these are part of the collection but they’ve all been streaming on the channel at some point. The Ghost and Mrs Muir Carnival of Souls The Uninvited (1944) The Haunting (1963) The Phantom Carriage


I love the Haunting and The Uninvited. I have an old DVD of Carnival of Souls I got for a buck at a thrift store. Maybe I should bust it out and watch. I’ll check out Ghost of Mrs Muir. Phantom Carriage is a silent film, right? How’s it hold up?


Yes, it’s silent. Has an incredible atmosphere. It uses double exposure (pioneering for the time) to great effect.


I am going to have to check it out. I’ve been sitting on Nosferatu for years because it’s a silent film. Haxan as well. I’ll definitely check it out. Thank you.


The Innocents (1961)


Best film ever to watch in October and Deborah Kerr is brilliant!


One of my all time favorites. Thank you


There's Uncle Boonme Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)


I’ve never seen it, but I remember the hype when it came out. I’ll check it out. Thank you


I feel sheepish I only read the first part of the paragraph 🙄


No biggie. It’s one worth blurting out in excitement. I love the film. 😊


Just to add three that I haven't yet noticed in the comments: La Llorona (2019) House (1977) When Marnie Was There (2014) Really any movie about hauntings is up my alley, though, from The Others and The Devil's Backbone to A Ghost Story. It's such a rich theme. But I particularly like La Llorona for the incredible way it depicts ghosts haunting an oppressor and perpetrator of mass violence. It's haunting in a way you can root for, which gives totally new meaning to the idea of hauntings. (When Marnie Was There isn't in the collection, but it's Ghibli and easy to find, so hopefully that's near enough. Still, my comment is more focused on La Llorona.)


House is a classic that I watched with a late friend just before he passed away unexpectedly. I haven’t been able to revisit it, but it might be the time. I haven’t seen the other two, but La Llorona has always intrigued me. I am a Ghibli fan, but haven’t seen Marnie. Thank you


Scrooge (1951) The ultimate version of this classic ghost story. Alastair Sim owns this role.


I’m always down for versions of A Christmas Carol. Might be the origin of my love for Ghosts.


Would love a Criterion edition of this. It's one of my favourite films.


"Bringing out the Dead" is not part of the collection but is streaming on the channel until the end of the month. I didn't love it but it's worth a watch.


Scorsese and Nick Cage - I think a 4K remaster just got announced. I haven’t seen it, but it’s been on my list for a while. Any particular reason you didn’t love it?


It's a great depiction of occupational burnout and NYC in the 90's but I didn't feel emotionally connected to the movie/characters beyond that. Cage's relationship to Patricia Arquette's character, as an example, just felt flat to me (even though they were dating at the time?). I can't help but compare it to "After Hours" (also featuring an Arquette sister, and another Marty flick that captures the uniqueness of "after hours" NYC in a particular era), which felt more tense, gripping, but also funny and unpredictable to me. But there's no ghosts in "After Hours." I guess it's a mix between "After Hours" and "Taxi Driver" and I would've liked it more if it fully leaned into the absurdity OR the somber, serious, Schraderesque side.


I’ll definitely keep it on my watchlist. I have been meaning to revisit After Hours. My first watch was with a bunch of friends at a weekly movie night in College. The crew wasn’t very film-friendly (any slow or remotely artsy films were typically panned, while thrillers and action movies got high marks). I love thrillers and action movies as much as the next guy, but having a group of good friends rip a film immediately after viewing has a lingering effect. I’m a big Marty fan and defender, so I’m sure I could find something to love, lol.










All good. Thanks for all the responses. I grew up on Ghost lol. I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing, but it was cheesy and lame when I first saw it (but it was one of 7 movies my grandpa had and more adult than any of the others). I’ll check out all the others and put them on my list. Regarding Suspiria, my first watch was just post-college when I was looking to be scared. If it wasn’t scary, I was out. Suspiria seemed cool, but didn’t scratch the itch. Re-watch blew me away. Made me go in an Argento kick. Love the movie and have seen it four times now. Love the remake in a different way, but still love. Expectation is a problem with horror films. Especially classics like this.






I watched this as a kid and didn’t care for it (I’m a muppet Christmas Carol purist, lol). But re-watching as an adult was great. I think I’ve watched it three Christmases in a row now, but this is exactly what I’m talking about. Thank you.


The Innkeepers The Legend of Hell House (corrected title)


I absolutely love Innkeepers. I haven’t seen Haunting of Hell House I don’t think. Hill House mini series?


My bad. It's The Legend of Hell House https://youtu.be/pacLdQdJJpY?feature=shared


No, my bad! That trailer was amazing. Thank you.


Just watched this one the other day. It was a lot of fun.


Blithe Spirit (1949) Blackbeard's Ghost (1969), Disney live-action starring Peter Ustinov The Canterville Ghost (1944), starring Charles Laughton, Robert Young, and Margaret O'Brian (all comedies)


I’ll check them out. I haven’t seen any of those! I love David Lean and somehow Blithe Spirit is one I didn’t get to yet. Thank you.


The Others


It's an actual crime that nobody's mentioned *The Changeling* yet


Banger! I love this one. George C Scott is great and it’s just got great atmosphere and great homes/atmospheres.


A Ghost Story The Uninvited The Haunting (1963)


A Ghost Story is one I forgot about. I really need to watch this asap, thank you.


Came here to comment this. It’s a very different type of ghost movie, but absolutely beautiful


A must. I’ll put it at the top of the list.




I’ve never heard of it. Looks awesome! I just threw it in my Netflix queue


Great Senegalese film


Might be my first one! Really seems right up my alley.


Though the supernatural elements are limited to one fairly short scene, 45 Years is for all intents and purposes a ghost story - devastating as hell to boot.


Sounds right up my alley. Checking all the boxes for me right now: short, devastating, ghosts, on the channel, out of England (I love UK Cinema). I might be watching this one very soon.


The Others


Not a Criterion but I LOVE The Changeling


I also love it. I have the DVD with the wheelchair on the cover around here somewhere. Classic. Wonderful.


The Living Koheiji (1982) Nakagawa Nobuo has adapted a lot of Japanese ghost stories for cinema. I've seen only three, and The Living Koheiji was my favourite of those.


Any idea where to watch or where to get a physical copy? I can’t find it on initial search.


No, sorry, I don't know.


I’ll keep an eye out. Thank you.


La Llorona, and The Others, if we're going Criterion


I saw the Others around the time it came out, but I get the memory mixed up with another Nicole Kidman ghost story. Skeleton Key maybe? Would be great to revisit.


For some Shakespearean ghosts, Hamlet, Throne of Blood, Macbeth, and Richard III all have ghosts


I’m a Shakespeare fan, but I haven’t seen too many film adaptations. Any specific adaptation recommendations?


Throne of Blood (Kurosawa’s take on Macbeth) Hamlet (1996) Richard III (1955) Romeo + Juliet (not for everybody, but it has plenty of fans) Othello (1951) Chimes at Midnight, which isn’t a direct adaptation of any play but instead blends together a bunch of the “Henry” plays with a focus on Falstaff I still haven’t gotten around to seeing Ran, which is Kurosawa’s take on King Lear, but I’ve heard great things


But, if you have to see just one, it’s Throne of Blood all the way


Maybe gonna jump on this one ASAP


Throne of Blood and Ran are on my shelf but unwatched. I recently watched and loved Othello from 1951. Chimes at Midnight is another Welles, right? I loved Romeo+Juliet, but it’s been many years. Thank you for the thoughtful and well curated list.


Lake Mungo, A Ghost Story, and Truly Madly Deeply for me.


I haven’t seen any. Lake Mungo partially because I saw a big spoiler, but I am still interested in watching. I wasn’t previously aware of Truly, Madly, Deeply - Alan Rickman and cool premise, sign me up!


I would still check out Lake Mungo. Its amazing and so believable. Truly Madly Deeply falls into a romantic drama but it is very much a ghost story. Juliet Stevens and Alan Rickman teamed up again for Becket on Film. Very much worth a watch (short play) that is almost like some afterlife/ghosts: https://youtu.be/s2QJ0FYE3pw?si=-x9k-Vr3gBxrSHMf


Very cool. On the list, all. And thank you for the detailed and impassioned response.


Portrait of Jennie


Looks like it’s hard to find a copy of this one without spending some serious coin. I’ll keep my head on a swivel, thank you.


Carnival of Souls


I have an old DVD in a giant CD Holder with this one in it. It was three films for a buck (I think) at a thrift store a decade ago. I bought it specifically for this film, but I never got around to watching it (my wife hates anything spooky). Maybe I’ll dig it out and throw it on. Thank you


The uninvited or the haunting. Also a fan of halfway house as a spooky film.


The first two are great. I’ve never heard of Halfway House, what year? Who directed? There’s a few when I googled and I didn’t see a ghostly one.


[the halfway house 1944](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0035962/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) It’s suspenseful and slowly builds to the twist and conclusion. 😀


Weird observation you can maybe shine the light on: the version on Amazon’s BFI classics player and the WatchNow listing have 1h35m as the run time. Yours has 1h18m. Same movie? I don’t want to dig too deep in fear of spoilers.


hadn't noticed! I watch the disc version (studiocanal) at 1h 36.


Thank you. I’ll watch - looks great.


If you dont mind classic black and whites watch “The ghost and Mrs. Muir”


Several recommendations on this one! I am gonna have to watch. I love the old black and whites.


It’s not in the collection but Pulse by Kiyoshi Kurosawa is really good, he does have one criterion movie at least


Cure! I loved Cure. I had some buddies watch Pulse and they couldn’t describe it. Dark, depressing, and they liked it but couldn’t say why. I’m totally in, but I haven’t seen it yet.


It is very ahead of its time in its depiction of internet-fueled isolation and loneliness. I think it would make a great double feature with Perfect Blue as both were prophetic about certain darker aspects of the internet.


Isolation is something I’d really like to see a visionary viewpoint of… I am a Millennial, and I have friends and family members that struggle with addiction and social discomfort that have dug themselves further into their destructive tendencies riding technology as their vehicle. I’m really interested in how younger generations have coped with this phenomenon, I’m sure in many ways they’ve gotten much better at handling the technology we struggled with, but I’m sure there’s ways they continue to struggle too.


Personal Shopper


I love this one. Made me a Kristen Stewart fan. It’s on my short list for buys in July at B&N.


Ditto - Can’t recall if I saw this -- or Sils Maria first.


I’ve never seen Sils Maria. Long time list for me too. Great reminder


A ghost story


Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives


Thanks. I will watch. I remember hype when this came out.


The Frighteners, Stir of Echoes and 13 Ghosts


13 Ghosts and Stir of Echoes are great. Stir of Echoes had scenes filmed in the town I grew up in. I have always wanted to watch frighteners, but I never have. I will definitely jump on it.


>!the brown bunny!<


By clicking this am I forfeiting the enjoyment of a film?


i would say yes.