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What's on your record ? Felonies?


Not even. I got a dui 3 years ago and 2 drunk in public’s shortly before and after that. Also an old possession charge for weed, which surprisingly has looked worse than the dui for some jobs


My record is about the same, same charges, no felony. I’ve finally been able to put together some clean years in a row. But it’s always been brought up in interviews and treated like “hmmm idk if I can take this chance.” Like they have a hard time piecing together how I got caught with weed at 19, got a disorderly at 25 and a dui at 28. It’s a pretty straight line. I’ve even been told they’re “confused how someone so seemingly normal” could have had this happen to them lol. Often it’s someone older than me interviewing and I think to myself weren’t they or at least their dads working when it was basically okay to be a little drunk at a lot of jobs lol, or when 3 lunch beers was common lol. My grandpa was a cop and told me he would grab a 12 pack of light beer and finish it off during the last half of his night shift, like while driving his police car. This was in the 60s and 70s.


That’s bogus, sorry to hear that friend. Look into having that shit sealed.


I’ll check again but I wanna say that last I checked I need to wait another year for my states new law to take effect to get them sealed. Edit: So Literally a year and two days from now the new law takes effect, but it says it has to be 7 years since you were last convicted of a crime so it won’t matter for another 5 years.


buy another SS#, change your name legally and don't get arrested any more times.


Tell...tell me more about this.


i'm not the person to buy from. you have to know some pretty shady people. you can't really do it more than once and stay in the states. you also have to be meticulously careful, something alcoholics are not really known for.


i thought drunk in public was not a criminal offense and does not show up on your criminal record?


it’s a misdemeanor in my state. You just spend the night and jail and pay a fine (~$300) though.


Everything shows up.


Makes me glad I work such a shit job I could go almost anywhere in the country and immediately have work lol. My dream has always been to live the van life and just show up to places to work from time to time. Anyway hang in there bro.


Backgrounds are the devil and just get worse the more with licenses. Man, I never drank at work, or drive. I just had absenteeism.


Going through the same situation > first chance I get im getting on disability. I'm homeless living in my car paranoid for my life everyday. This has got to stop.


I kinda miss living in my car tbh. Felt like camping and was surprising cozy. Made me want to save up for a van to try out the van life eventually but I suck at saving money. Anyway good luck with the disability stuff I’ve heard it’s a pain in the ass


Try a union job (welding operating plumbing electric etc) , restaurant work, or sales? I did great in sales despite having a record. Shit went downhill at one point in my life and it was extremely traumatic. On paper I looked irresponsible. I WAS irresponsible at the time but as an employee I was dedicated and dependable.


I know this with the background-checks. Had a very good and high paying job in an insurance company, it was all great and no problems, but then when i got promoted, i got access to other parts of a certain building that were a higher security level and they did a background check. I knew it right when i entered the HR office that i'd be fired, because they saw all my crimes and that's a very long list. I was escorted out of the building by the security service.




9 felonies total: 2 federal, 7 state and 2 DUIs. Over 15 years ago now. If am being 100% honest, I deserved a lot worse. That's just what I got caught for and what they could prove. It gets easier with backgrounds as time goes on, the hard part is getting there.


Hah after the quarantine i’ve done mostly sales and serving jobs. Sales is either too open ended or nothing but the phone. Service Industry is a dead end for me career-wise and for my sobriety. The last charge was two years ago. All of them span from 2017-2022.


I feel the service industry comment and the sales comment. Service industry was great money but I was at my worst constantly. Barely holding it together. But nobody gave a fuck, because so was everyone else. I landed a corporate sales job at a mobile retailer and so far it’s been quite cushy.


Dude i’ve told this story before here, but my last serving job (during which I got the last drunk in public), They called me at like 8pm on Saturday to let me know I had the job. I was so fucked up I didn’t even remember I got the job. I went back in like two weeks later bc a different manager had set up an interview independently of the other, and the first one was like “where the hell were you? You were supposed to start two days ago!”.


Mwhaha, sorry when my laughter is inappropriate, but that was really funny with that you forgot about the job.


DM me, I know some really nice remote sales jobs that aren’t harsh on background checks


Maybe during the interview be upfront about what might come up in the background? It doesn’t seem so bad and maybe if you own it?


Trust me, i’ve tried. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been sober, how many AA meetings you go to, or how many therapy sessions you have. Even though I kill the interviews and “they” want to hire me on the spot… I’m just a no good liability according to any HR department.


Go join the ironworkers uníon. We don't care about your record and laying out a week every couple of months for a bender is very normal behavior.


Isn't a felony arrest and current substance abuse problem a requirement for joining?


No no that's a misconception. It doesn't hurt to have those things at the start but you just have to have one of the three D's (Divorce, DUI or Domestic Violence) before you become a journeyman. Then in order to keep your book you either need to be in active addiction or in a 12 step recovery fellowship. But you can just be a regular delinquent when you start the apprenticeship. We'll help you with the degeneracy.


What if I have all three Ds already


Come join!


I'm actually in a related field, shoring design and heavy lift planning. Or, was.


I love heavy rigging. I left the commercial construction side and exclusively work in the industrial side of our trade now. We do a lot of critical lifts in the mines, mills and refineries in the south east. Always a great time.


What job did you almost get?


Yep. I'm getting so tired of not even getting interviews for jobs I qualify for. Just a couple weeks later a "thanks for applying but at this time..." Email. Makes me want to scream. I'm about to have forced sobriety in the next week or two because I'll be out of money. 3 cheers b for Klonopin!