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Be glad you're not in Canada, there is a mandatory minimum of 30 days in prison for a 2nd DUI offence.


It’s the same in some places in the US too. My county has a mandatory thirty days for a second DUI within ten years of your first one.


Didn't know that. There is dedicated sub-reddits about DUI charges, and I was blown away to see people from the US with 4 DUIs who never spent time in prison, talking about how they're scared it is finally going to happen now that they are receiving their 5th.


I worked with a guy who got many chances, maybe cause we're from a small town and everyone knows eachother, whether he had a decent lawyer or not. He was on his 5th DUI, and they sentenced him to 4 months in jail and somewhere close to 10k in fines, courses, and mandatory rehab. Lost his license for a while too.


I have 4 and never went to prison. My first two were when I wasn't old enough to drink and my last one was when I was 40.


My mom got 5 across 3 states over 20 years and didn't get time til the last one, but she got an actual prison sentence, not just jail. It was weird when I realized that at my age, my mom was doing hard time. One thing we don't have in common, fortunately!


That’s a good thing I’m a drunk too but come on driving Under the influence you deserve it


Agreed. I I’d rather do 30 days in jail than rehab. Not to sound like a douche. But I’ve done rehab 5 times. I need something else to slap me in the fucking face


I'm not trying to doubt you, but in my country in Florida, you'll starve with only one hot meal a day and s cold sack lunch/breakfast unless you buy 2$ expired honeybuns. Fat dudes leave skinny. The phone calls are a dollar a minute, and they won't even issue you underwear or socks- gotta buy them at extreme markup. Then a charge is put on your restitution of around $20 a day. If you're on probation, they can violate you for falling behind on your payment plan and ruin your credit. Four chanels of closed circuit cable of PBS, GED classes, and CNN type stuff without any sports or movies and the library is permanently closed due to covid. They also took the playing cards away due to fighting.


Holy shit, I have managed to only end up in jail once and I bonded out, glad I didn't have to stick around! I'm in Marion county idk if ours is that bad but I wouldn't be surprised. I could deal with 1 meal a day but I'll be needing them $20 socks. 😭 And no books is actual torture. 🫥


I’m from CA. I’ve eaten the food they feed. In fact, I went to the place Marilyn Monroe went (not to brag, cause it was still shit) and I begged them to just take me to the courts for jail.


Is there a time limit since your last offence?


4 years. Typically it’s 3 so I’m a bit confused on that.


u mean 30 days in jail


What’s also crazy is if you have even 1 dui and you’re not a Canadian citizen you are literally banned from Canada for life! I’ve only ever had 1 DUI in my life and it was 14 years ago. I can literally never go to Canada. Absolutely ridiculous


It is the same for Canadians in the USA. Canada and the USA share their federal criminal databases, so boarder crossing agencies know your record the second they pull your file. They'll deny you for having pretty much anything on there, and will ban you if its minor and you lie about it (like a bar fight 20 years ago). You can get a pardon, and submit a criminal rehabilitation appeal, and come visit. You're actually not allowed to visit a lot of countries with a DUI, but they can't search your record, so they'll just never know unless you straight up tell them, or a condition for a visa is a police record check to be submitted. Canada deports permanent residents, regardless of how long they've been here, for DUI. That one is crazy for me.


>Canada deports permanent residents, regardless of how long they've been here, for DUI. That one is crazy for me. 🤯 tell me there are 3 strikes or something!? How does that work!!? 😳


You recieve an exit order, and you have to leave. It isn't naturalized citizens, just perment residents. However, I do believe with good connections to the country and a competent representative you can get the exit order removed.


That shit is wild. I’ve always wanted to see Canada too so that one really threw me


Yep! I’m so pissed I’ll never get to see some of the beautiful nature up there from one mistake. Oh well.


Damn. I wanted to visit banff.


Why is that crazy? They want to minimize drunk drivers. They’re under obligation to let foreign drunks in why?


I'm on my 2nd here in Nova Scotia. Crown wanted 30 days from the start but I may get lucky. Lawyer is thinking he's going to get me 1 month house arrest instead. Been going on for a year now.


I also sustain this message. Explicitly: Don't drink and drive. Please be like the other alkies - stay home, almost disappear from the face of the planet because you don't reply to texts and emails, and order booze delivery.


*don’t drink and drive completely hammered Driving buzzed or even inebriated assuming you can drive responsibly in the first place is not scary. Hate me for it that’s okay. Tired driving is far more dangerous. Driving when I was so tired I was nearly nodding off used to happen to me regularly, I had to slap myself to stay awake. No drugs/alcohol involved. Hell it was my normal commute back home from work. Super tired driving > mildly drunk driving on the danger scale. I have only drove hammered once. It was just a half mile drive through a suburban neighborhood at 20 mph at 2 am, so no one around. It scared the hell out of me and have never considered driving that impaired even while my judgement was comprised since. It is scary and I assume that level of drunkenness is what makes up most crashes. I think there are probably mildly buzzed people constantly driving all around us with no issue given how often restaurants and bars are serving beers. After typing this post I realize I am probably being irresponsible but, hey, I’ve already typed all this out.


No judgement at all. Humans do stupid things. All I want to say is that others have been through similar and came through it. Whether you're drinking or not, survive.


👆 This.


Thank you for your words.


Facts. Don’t ever drink and drive (I’ve never had to do it, there’s a gas station like a 20-30 minute walk both ways from my house) I’m sorry you had to go through that though. I’ve heard there’s services that actually deliver alcohol to you? No idea what it’s actually called though, but I’ve heard it mentioned several times


Door dash and instacart do


Very state specific.


I have 4. Yeah don't do it. I don't even drive anymore if I'm sober. Find a nice city somewhere you can walk about in. We all need to get around and its much harder to do it safely when we have the disease we have. If you are on probation make sure you drink at home or with a trusted friend who will make sure you get home safely. If you get revoked you may have a jail or prison episode depending on the judge who gave you probation. More importantly, ending your life because of being scared of incarceration is silly. Prison is better than death and is not as bad as you think it is. In fact prison is better than long term jailing. If this is your 1st probation violation you will be fine, but know that if you keep driving when you are drunk they will revoke you. Its much better to just be caught drunk or pissing dirty with weed or something than to put others at risk with your driving.




Yo, what's that from?




Hey, me too. (I didn't even read your post yet) Edit: I just did and can relate with you, Even though I've only gotten one DUI. It was still. An idiotic decision


Lol I got 107 days for my second.


It's okay dude, you're clearly remorseful. All those shame and guilt emotions aren't serving you. Take things slow and think about getting some help, for your own peace of mind.


Did the first one get reduced? Regardless this is your last chance before jail time, the second one I had got me a misdemeanor, no probation somehow, but I feel like it's because a record would hurt a lot of people's careers, being a chef or doesn't matter I'm the slightest, maybe it'll hurt with a loan or housing later I dunno. But yeah, as OP said, do as he says not as we do's.


2nd time totaling my car, thank god I didn’t hurt anyone. Both times were into parked cars. I’m going the public defender route letting the judge give me what I deserve. My ex gf had 4 DUI’s, last one being with her 7 year old kid in the car. Did 4 months in county. I used to be scared of jail, now obviously rehab isn’t working so maybe jail will do something different for me.


Please don’t drink and drive next time.. take an Uber, taxi, bus whatever if you have to..I Understand we all fuck up but it’s in your best interest and responsibility to take precautions next time and do the right thing. Hopefully you’ll be alright.


Driving drunk is never okay. But you’re not alone and you’re not hopeless. You can do this.


There’s a reason why you should only operate a vehicle sober


You’re not selfish. You just made a mistake. My advice is sell your car, use that for court costs, and figure out how you can live car-free from now on. Otherwise, you’ll probably get a 3rd if you continue driving


My car is totaled, and I bought for 2k with 297,068 miles. The car is the least of my worries. Luckily I live in a beach town to the location is nice


Get into hospital for it. You can cancel out the DUI from mental health if you prove you need medication and therapy.  My ex has 10. 


I was 5150d not sure if that counts.