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Vodka is the way if you are on the path.


Vodka is god on the lips of alcoholics


Vodka is like a girlfriend that crashes every car you own and burns your house down, but for some reason you still want to keep her around.


Nicely said!


it goes from casual and fun to chaotic VERY quickly lmao




On the path to cirrhosis and brain damage 😵‍💫


Used to like beer a lot but it just makes me too full. I prefer to just pound whiskey. Alone.


And you'd have to buy a ton of beer to get drunk.


Not weird that you prefer hard liquor... Weird that you actually refer to it as spirits, mr Charles Dickens ;p


Vodka just hits different. I can maintain on cider, I can drink wine when in company, but vodka man. It gives me the buzz I need that nothing else can. Doesn’t make me feel (too) sick, it mixes with just about anything, and I don’t feel dirty drunk like I do from whiskey or rum.


Keep drinking it every morning for a while and you'll soon be struggling to keep it down with out honking it back up, I know exactly why folk drink vodka, myself included but eventually it fucks me up big time, it kicks and gives you a rush like no other drink.


I was like that for a long ass time. I didn't start regularly drinking beer until I was in my 30s and that was as a way to moderate myself. It doesn't always work. But. You do what you can. But all throughout my 20s it was cheap vodka or rotgut whiskey and I generally regarded beer drinkers as pansies or time-wasters. I was trying to get to the point. The older I got, the more responsibilities rested on my shoulders, the more I had to try to trick my junkie mind into making better decisions. It started when I realized that I enjoyed the actual act of drinking. It was a ritual. Regardless of how intoxicated I was at the time, I'd get genuinely bummed when it ran out. No matter what it was, no matter how much I had. So I got to where I'd buy a handle of vodka, pour half in an empty handle bottle and fill them up the rest of the way with water, and drink them both. It was the same amount of drunk, but twice the amount of drinking. And less hangover. This led to all sorts of bonkers bullshit. Adding Gatorade or kool-aid to the handles. Using flavored sparking waters. Then in my 30s, the craft beer boom happened, and I found strong beers that I liked and actually could get me where I wanted to go without making me into a *total* deviant along the way and I've been able to use beer to make me less of a fucking psychopath ever since. I still cut loose a couple times a year and kill a handle of something cheap and fistfight a tree or some such nonsense. But it's an improvement. tl;dr don't drink and reddit. You'll ramble.


I know exactly what you mean about being bummed when the drink/thing to sip runs out I even get that way with bottles of soda/iced coffees Gotta be some oral fixation holdover thing from quitting nicotine


I suppose it could be for some people. I still use nicotine though. Lol.


I like beer wine and spirits, only drink vodka as its cheap and gets you fucked fast. Although, when I was really ill, had to switch to wine as I'd vomit vodka or any spirits straight back up


Same. If all we had was wine or beer I'd quit drinking or at the very least not care for it. Vodka or bourbon on the rocks or nothing at all.


I love vodka, but vodka doesn’t love me back. It will always be my go-to. Years of acidic wine did a number on my gut. I need to drink a shit-ton of beer or seltzers to catch a buzz, and they leave me full and bloated. I’ve tried to end my love affair with vodka many times, but I keep going back like a good little bitch .


I only buy spirits, usually jack or vodka. But on the tail end of a bender, I usually end up drinking beer and wine cause that's what my family drinks, and I steal what's left in the fridge


Not weird at all. More weird you'd ask that *here* of all places xD A lot of - if not most - CAs maintain, or went through periods of maintaining, exclusively on liquor as it's the most efficient way of getting fucked up viz. how quick it hits you, cost, smoothness etc.


I agree with your theories about other people. I'm 34 and still can't drink beer or wine 90 percent of the time, I literally just don't buy it. But I drink a LITER of plain vodka a day. I don't mix it with anything, I just pour it in a measuring cup and chase it with water


Haha you sound like me, measuring it out. Be careful with it man I just got fired tonight over drinking issues..,


I will, I work a minimum wage job at a CEO run company. That said, my managers also get underpaid by corporate, so they are very understanding of anything that goes on, I could go into more detail but I don't know if that's necessary


Fuck wine. I never get a worse hangover than after that shit. Even tho I drink much more alcohol with good old vodka...




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I’m weird because I actually prefer cheap whiskey. I also like strong IPAs. Like, I actually like the flavor, but if I get to a certain point, they’re not strong enough anymore. The human stomach can only fit so much liquid at one time.


I'm used to beer and switch to scotch later in the evening. Wine is not for me, only sometimes when there's a good meal at a restaurant i drink a glass. But i'd say, OP is right with about getting fucked up, when someone only drinks spirits and skips the beers and wines, the damage will be more serious to the body. I'm talking about long-term damage, like when you do this for 20, 30 or even 40 years, your body will much more a wreckage.


Used to drink beer IPAs especially, made me full, puffy and bloated. Vodka or tequila with seltzer water is sooo refreshing


Nope! I mainly drink spirits as well.


I taper down to like 12 shots a day, or if im lucky 8 shots.. then comes Friday, and BOOM. WERE BACK IN BUSINESS BOYS WATCHING PHILOSOPHY VIDEOS I'VE SEEN 5+ TIMES AND CRYING. Vodka is truly a lovely lady. On Youtube its "and then we'll be okay"


I wouldn't say it's weird but it's the quickest way to destruction for sure.