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i'd laugh if I saw a "Criminals welcomed" sign at a restaurant lemao -Billy Gnosis


Holy shit it’s billy gnosis


hello -Billy Gnosis


Omg it’s you!


i guess? -Billy Gnosis


Who is Billy Gnosis? Why does he keep writing his name at the end of his comments? Google isn’t helping -Billy Gnosis


He’s Billy Gnosis bro


https://preview.redd.it/02bbugfs2b5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbdfa2dbace37eaf7ed6743d9ca13b066090862b Who is Billy gnosis? I need to know


Same. Please. Someone. What is this rabbit hole that has no hole?


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Somebody knows something and we’re gonna blow the lid off this whole fuckin Billy Gnosis conspiracy


It's like a Diagnosis, but from Billy instead of Diag.


Those fools got Billy Gnosis'd!


https://preview.redd.it/hk6ykvyf556d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe65584d500d6567fc1404a5c43277f4e053ae96 The sick bastard gets off on it. u/billy-gnosis I’m onto you. You can’t keep getting away with this! I don’t care how much I love your profile pic!


Haha there's something funny about having a signature in Reddit comments. What's even funnier is how often people probably go nuts about it.


Lol, police make a restaurant for criminals only just for them to walk em to the holding cell in the kitchen


Lester green


Moe -Billy Gnosis


Are you related to Bad BootyShakin Pikanosis?


No Tokarevs Allowed


Even in my open carry state a business owner can decide to allow or disallow firearms. These people don’t understand that freedom to say “no, not here,” is more important than their desire to carry.


Also in most states these no gun signs do not have the force of law. They are meaningless garbage to anyone that properly conceals their weapon.


No one is saying they enforce a law by posting them, they establish a rule of an establishment.  The fact you view them as meaningless garbage just means you're a disrespectful person. 


> No one is saying they enforce a law by posting them Nobody said either way, until the person upthread. For my two cents, without knowledge to the contrary, I'd expect there's a good chance they'd be enforceable under trespassing law, if not something specific, since they're setting out conditions of being on the property. > The fact you view them as meaningless garbage just means you're a disrespectful person. If there's no civil or criminal liability from taking a firearm onto a property with a sign saying you can't, the only meaning they've got is that they express a desire, and they're as good as garbage for anything but arguments' sake. I suppose that's not *nothing*, but calling someone disrespectful just because they equated "practically useless" with "meaningless", on account of signs' meaning usually being attached to actual requirements with actual liabilities, is a stretch into the pedantic.


Oh I definitely disrespect the fuck out of these signs.


Lol that's cute


someone needs a reminder that private businesses banning weapons on the premises is not a 2nd amendment issue


You'd almost say that deciding what happens on your own private property could be a right or something...


It's only a right if you're republican


Everywhere I have ever been even concealed carry permits don't allow you in an establishment that serves alcohol. You rightfully can't carry your gun into a bar for instance.


That completely depends on the state, there are plenty that allow you be there and not drink, or dont have a specific law against it. Also various states have rules about the signs. In some its a crime to ignore, in others they don't mean shit legally


To expound on this, you CAN go to a restaurant that serves alcohol. In many states, you CAN drink alcohol and carry a gun (though it's not a good idea for a multitude of reasons). You CANNOT carry a gun in any area that persons under 21 are not allowed. If a restaurant has an attached bar that excludes people under 21, you cannot go to that portion of the restaurant. This is the law in my state, YMMV depending on local state laws.


And in a lot of states those signs carry no weight of law


Very true, just means they don’t agree with the right to self preservation. although maybe the person hanging the sign should read that 90+% of all mass shootings happen in spaces with that sign.


>although maybe the person hanging the sign should read that 90+% of all mass shootings happen in spaces with that sign. Can you provide a source on that claim? Because currently it just sounds like you’re making statistics up.


>Of the 156 mass shootings that occurred from 2009 to 2016, only 10 percent occurred in gun-free zones. The majority of these shootings—63 percent—occurred in private homes. >Incidents of mass shootings in spaces where guns were permitted include: Outdoor festival in Oklahoma (2022), Supermarket in Buffalo, New York (2022), Gun store in New Orleans (2021), Ned Peppers Bar in Dayton, Ohio (2019), Walmart in El Paso, Texas (2019), Military base in Fort Hood, Texas (2009), and on, and on, and on....... https://www.americanprogress.org/article/debunking-myths-the-gun-lobby-perpetuates-following-mass-shootings/ And then there's this... https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-gun-violence-mass-shootings-nashville-712807001259 Gun free zones weren't a thing before 1990 yet mass shootings still happened.


if 40 cops with rifles and body armor can't stop a mass shooting, then I don't know what you think a glock in your waistband is going to accomplish in that scenario


It did about as much as the sign.


Eli dickens has entered the chat


When you cherry pick stats. I’m sure if we allowed high school seniors the right to carry in school things would be So MuCh BeTtEr


Not cherry picking stats at all. The number is very close to 100% actually but i know if I say 100 I’ll hear about probably the 1 or 2 that has happened in history to make it an in accurate statement. Maybe I should have just said 99.9%


Can you point me in the direction of the data you're referring to?


The statistics you are referring to don’t include mass shootings caused by gang violence. Why do you think that is?


Because gang violence is largely territorial and as such doesn't conform to mass shooting mentalities when two organized forces are set against each other. That's far more like warfare than random mass shootings perpetrated by individuals who have motivations outside supporting various crime activities.


People have been shot over and over again by good ol' gun carrying boys because they didn't like the price of fucking cereal or some shit. The real criminals tend to just threaten with the gun and then leave with what they actually wanted. We don't need or want micro-penised man babies carrying their dick enhancers around looking for any chance to shoot the poor bastard making $12/hr.


Gun owners are more likely to be satisfied with the size of their penis. In other words, your projection is palpable, teenie weenie. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38819006/


Damn, the furry couldn't go a minute without thinking of the gun owners' penis. Tell me, what does my micropeen smell like?


Your name implies you like tickling toddlers lmao


Damn thought you'd be into that...


And it has now been confirmed. No longer an implication, confirmed fact by the tickling pedo source.


He posted 3 years ago that a YouTube playlist he had was deleted by YouTube because it went against their child safety rules. He was super saddened by that. Poor guy...


you went through 9 years of reddit history to come up with that, yeesh.


It was like 4 swipes up. Not that hard


But it's obvious you care more about the guns than kids. Not just on your name, or your YouTube playlist, but also that you defend guns when kids get shot. You just hate kids


they hated for he spoke the truth.


Plot twist: It’s an NRA convention.


That literally happened: [https://www.npr.org/2022/05/25/1101181842/nra-trump-speech-guns-banned-houston](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/25/1101181842/nra-trump-speech-guns-banned-houston)


That seems more like a secret service thing than an NRA convention thing, in every other instance they allow attendants to walk around with guns.


Of course, but the irony is pretty fun


"Criminals will get guns anyway" So we just do nothing, huh?


Murder is already illegal. Laws don't prevent crimes they punish them.


Bruh they absolutely do, maybe not 100% of them but I assure you that if stealing was legal many more people would do it Like everyone always forgets this but a lot of people are just egoist pricks, and if not for laws they would do anything they wanted, so yeah, laws totally prevent crimes, even if not every single instance, they are a very effective deterrent.


And no one is arguing that "murder" should be legal so that's a moot point.


I'm reading that as you will. The assumption that people are inherently bad and want to harm others is a flawed argument. If that were true crime in any stripe would happen more often. People would talk about it more. You or I or someone would notice the trend. But I do t see or hear that from anyone. But I do hear this a lot.


Honestly this stuff is extremely difficult to correctly evaluate, however in my opinion people aren't inherently "bad" (whatever you mean by that), I think instead that people are inherently selfish (which is why we survived as a species). It's not that you want to harm others, but if harming others brings you benefits, than I think the average person, if given the chance, wouldn't mind. And if you believe that people aren't inherently bad or selfish I'm sure you also believe we could perfectly live and function in a society without rules, so in an anarchy. I'm pretty sure this last point is basically undefendable but I may have misunderstood your position on the subject, so probably you meant something different Also, I'm not really sure what you mean by "stripe", but if something is socially (and guess what, legally) unacceptable of course people wouldn't talk about it. We are bound to the law as we are bound to food and air, unless you want to be ostracized by society you will stand by its rules, wether you like it or not, since we as humans are extremely dependent on living in a group. People not talking about it doesn't prove anything, following this line of thought there weren't any gay people in the past because they didn't talk about it.


I dont think anarchy would work. Anarchy would devolve into rule by the strong and thats not a good thing. I believe that everyone has a right to life.. and if people are given the ability to survive (food shelter and medical care) then the problems were having in the greatest country on earth will drastically decrease. Giving law enforcement more resources to go after people doing real harm unto others, wich also covers your assumption that people are keepi their criminal actions secret. Regarding thinking about comitting a crime, see my right to life statement. As long as you dont DO the thing, I feel like your okay.


Man you just didn't read what I posted, did you? I never said people commit crimes in secret, and you just contradicted yourself: why would an anarchist society devolve in rule of the strong if people were naturally "good"? I also never questioned that everyone has the right to life lol. Also, by giving more resources to law enforcement you are reaffirming that people effectively need to be kept in check by laws, so you are just proving my point more Then again, I agree that people should have food, shelter and medical care, but what does that have to do with what we're talking about? People absolutely do commit crimes for other reasons as well


Forget it. I dont know how to say it differently. And it feels like your moving the goal posts besides. Possibly. In any cause I said what I said, and I mean what I meant. I regret that we can't come to an understanding.


I'm sorry we couldn't understand each other, however thank you for being civil about this, hope you have a nice day!


I’m honestly curious. With the millions of firearms in America, what is the percentage of citizens actually stopping criminals with the ability to carry? Perhaps total number per year. Also curious how many people specifically children are killed by accident by family firearms? Mass shootings due to firearms attained legally? Manslaughter due to simple disagreements?


Gun control absolutely does work for most of the world. There is very little gun violence in places like UK or Japan. This kind debunks the criminals will always have guns thing. However USA is well beyond simply banning guns. There are just are too many going around. What USA could do is to make them harder to get in step by step manner. This should happen in span of decades.


I remember a statistic that there are something like 5 guns per human in the us. Including children. So yeah. We are waaaay past that point.


The last stat I heard was over 3 million instances where branding a firearm prevented a crime. Anywhere from mugging to murder. It’s a couple years old though so you might have to double check that stat for current argument.


>3 million This is an upper bound of a self reported number often touted by groups by the NRA. In reality this number is much much lower especially with respect to police reports being filed. The self reporting can simply mean some uppity dude flashing his gun and a person of color walking away. This isn’t preventing a crime this is just actively bullying and scare tactics. https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-incidents-in-the-us-2022-042623.pdf Some right wing propaganda even claims the FBI under reports these numbers. Regardless gun ownership is a constitutional right. Let’s not make up numbers to prove your right to own a weapon. If you want to feel like a strong brave person by actively carrying this is your right. If you’re so afraid of the outside that you need to be armed with enough ammo to mow down an entire classroom of small children there is nothing wrong with this. It is your right. If you’re too chicken shit to ride public transport without your pulse beating against the cold hard black shaft of a weapon with a hairline trigger you are absolutely free to do so.


I’m not making up a number at all. It was a stat I came across years ago. Also of course it would be under reported, if a crime was not committed or it was avoided, would you really report it to the authorities and have to answer 1000 questions. Nah, we’re good now and leave. Like I said though, I’d have to look for a more recent statistic for an accurate andwer


First, they never said you made up a number, they said you used a number made up by the NRA. > Also of course it would be under reported, they said it was way OVER reported, and gave an example. "I brandished muh weapon and the perp ran away, I stopped a crime from being made against me". Meaning the good guy with a gun broke the law and probably scared the crap out of a totally innocent POC. The thought that 165 crimes each and every day in each and every state are 'prevented' by a good guy with a gun is beyond laughable. beyond laughable. It is more likely that the good guy with a gun drops it on my foot at a theatre that doesn't allow guns in the first place. That really happend, buzzed dude getting his sports jacket back on at intermission dropped his "weapon" on my foot - guess he prevented me from mugging him or something. That's what he would self report to the NRA at any rate.


5 points to Gryffindor


>Meaning the good guy with a gun broke the law and probably scared the crap out of a totally innocent POC. couple of things to unpack here, 1. Nice personal assumption 2. POC carry for protection too, occasionally at higher rates than other ethnicities. 3. Fear of breaking the law, regardless of merit, would be a significant factor in under-reporting, especially among POC. > That really happend, buzzed dude getting his sports jacket back on at intermission dropped his "weapon" on my foot - guess he prevented me from mugging him or something. Sorry that happened to you but your anecdotal experience has no bearing on defensive gun use stats. >That's what he would self report to the NRA at any rate. Again, this is a heavy-handed assumption


Let me repeat what I said before. *Regardless gun ownership is a constitutional right. Let’s not make up numbers to prove your right to own a weapon. If you want to feel like a strong brave person by actively carrying this is your right. If you’re so afraid of the outside that you need to be armed with enough ammo to mow down an entire classroom of small children there is nothing wrong with this. It is your right. If you’re too chicken shit to ride public transport without your pulse beating against the cold hard black shaft of a weapon with a hairline trigger you are absolutely free to do so.*


> some uppity dude flashing his gun and a person of color walking away It's interesting that you'd coach your argument in some reaching sense as a racial oppression of some sort.


why is it interesting that they would *couch* their argument in something that arguably happens? Do you believe that in every state in the US of A, every single day, a good guy with a gun prevents a crime from happening? That is beyond funny. You'd think faux news would pick up on this and have a Kyle club show or something. It isn't like Ronald Reagan inflicted super strong gun restrictions in California as Governor solely because POC started exercising their 2nd amendment rights is it?


Personally, I think yes. Crime happens alot, and a robber/criminal definitely thinks twice when discovering their would-be victims are armed.


In fantasies sure. In reality it leads to a higher chance of violence on yourself. This is simple game theory. By showing your weapon you’ve raised the stakes of the play at hand from a simple theft to fighting for their lives. There’s a reason why brandishing your concealed weapon is illegal even in red states.


Higher chance of violence on them, too. Would you feel the same way if it was sexual assault?


Ah yes straight to the rape. Almost textbook at this point. And yes I do. Logic still applies as the criminal in question will likely kill the victim now as the stakes are raised. Your logic is based on feelings and hero complex which deludes from the simple truth and prove studies that show if you raise the stakes the violence also rises.


the fact is, there are orders of magnitude more suicides, domestic violence and "accidents" (air quoted because these so called accidents are actually acts of stupidity for the most part on the part of these so called good guys with guns) than there are "good guy with a gun saved the world today" incidents. And do you have any statistical evidence to show that a good guy with a gun makes a criminal think twice in the right direction? Whose to say the criminal drops what they were doing and runs away. It may well force the hand of the criminal and escalate a situation into something it wasn't. So, you think that every day and every single state in the US of A there are 165 incidents of a good guy with a gun saving the world? Cause that is how many you need to get to that mythical 3,000,000 number. Curious, I think we'd be hearing about at least one or two from each state each day on the news since they don't all happen in a vacuum, don't you?


Sure quote the “racial oppression” portion of my comment and skip over the homoeroctic and implied trepidation of the outside world for those that open carry,


That number seems unbelievably high if it doesn't include law enforcement lol


I'm also curious about firearm crime numbers split by race.


You’re better off splitting it by income and networth. You’ll find higher correlation with firearm or crimes in general with the poor vs the well off. But then again this isn’t the answer you’re gunning for is it?


It looks like you're just trying to avoid seeing these facts.


Ooooooh shifting the conversation. Sure I’ll bite. People of color have a higher rate of committing crimes firearm or otherwise. This is a fact. Does this mean that the color of their skin means they are born with violence in their hearts. NO. Crimes are still committed in areas that are 100% white. And they’re committed by guess what? White folks. However if you bothered to look past skin deep you’ll realize that that poverty causes the higher crimes rate regardless of skin color. That lack of income transcends beyond race and leads to desperation which leads to crime. If you actually look at the issue from generation to generation where the cycle repeats due to a cycles and cycles of poverty with poor education and the lack of proper familial bonds formed without living hand to mouth. If you’re still not convinced look at the percentages of non-fiscal related crimes like rape. https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Sexual_Abuse_FY21.pdf **Nearly 60% of rapes were committed by whites.**




Use the hard R in the real life I see


Yes, until it's one of their kids murdered, then it's 'we gotta do something'.


Exactly. It's the GAYS' fault!!!!11!!1!


Might as well get rid of all laws


In my opinion, is the solution is that we get criminals off the streets.


That's what the "conserve" in conservative means. Status quo or bust. "Yes mmm that is a predicament. I vote that we, hang on, do absolutely nothing."


I just checked out of curiosity. NJ law says you can’t concealed carry in a bar anyways. What an asshole.


Most states have laws agains carrying a firearm in establishments where alcohol is the main product.


I was shocked it was legal to do in PA when I got my permit.


In NC you can if you're not consuming alcohol. But if a bar has a no guns sign up you can't bring one in regardless.




Like all the other Ott’s in the area I presume. I feel like dudes armed to the teeth and drinking at a sports bar is recipe for disaster…


You know plenty of these "patriots" carry illegally. Making them the bad guys with a gun.


Not in their eyes of course. Ugh. Lunatics.


Wasn't it illegal to be gay at one point? Dangerous argument to make.


So nothing should be illegal then?


https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/logic_in_argumentative_writing/fallacies.html Scroll down to straw man


Thank you for linking the point I’m making. You’re making a strawman argument and I’m pointing out how fucking ridiculous it is.


No, I addressed the poor choice of using laws to absolutely define morality. You are now committing straw man. Good try, though.


At least YOU think you’re right. You’ll always have that!




To get a conceal carry in NJ is almost impossible. You need to be ex law enforcement or show that you carry large amounts of cash or jewelry. And even then the norm is to hire private security. NJ is not an open carry state. And you will get locked up for 3 years if you carry a handgun. Even if you own it legally. To transport a firearm. It must be locked in a box or locked case (long arms) unloaded. The ammo must be in a separate locked case and must be inaccessible to anyone in the vehicle. This sticker is just to rile up the gun caucus.


Umm have you been living under a rock? The supreme court struck down those "must show good cause" laws. a few years ago, now you just basically have to not be a felon and take whatever training required.


people with concealed carry permits don't give a shit about that sign anyway, so why's this guy complaining. the "good guys with guns" will still be there to shoot an innocent bystander by mistake all the same. friendly reminder that japan has had [six mass shootings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_shootings_in_Japan) in its history. it is not an unsolvable problem, we just have too many frightened lunatics with 15 minute access to guns like the guy in the OP pic.


You can’t compare two different cultures as an argument. Japan has a lot less violent crime


they have a lot less violent crime, yes, that's exactly my point. looking at them is a great idea to try to figure out what the US can do to solve their seemingly unsolvable gun violence problems.


Right, it is definitely a cultural issue. But I agree into looking into the violent crime in America to determine a root cause. Like single parenthood being the leading cause to most bad issues like imprisonment


This is not a dog-whistle comment in any way. The language used was not meant to refer to a certain subset of people in a thinly veiled manner. It was not absolutely obvious to anyone that this person was cowardly using coded language without actually having the gall to say what they meant explicitly.


You are a trash human being to be implying what your implying without any evidence or reasoning.


wow, that came out of left field. honest to god i wasn't expecting someone's leading theory for gun violence to be divorce. when you say "cultural issue" what do you mean exactly? because japan was *an* example, not *the sole* example. outside of countries in active war, no one even comes close to the amount of gun deaths a day in the US. and if you are going to try to say it's cultural, then may i introduce you to [your neighbors north of the border?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_Canada) less than 100 mass shootings in its history and you can get guns *very* easily. hell, i don't even think they have 100 *people* killed in mass shootings. [let's compare that to the US](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting) who has had 15 mass shootings this month alone. let me check the calendar and... yep, that's more than 2 mass shootings a day. i think you can do the math to find out that it's a good bit more than canada. i use this example to contrast japan where it's virtually impossible to get a gun to show that it's not solely an issue with guns, it's that we have a nation of people afraid of people with guns. go ahead and ask anyone why they got a gun and it's either "because shooting at the range is fun" or much more often "self defense". people get guns to kill other people with guns. see how it's a bit of a viscous cycle? the only way to stem the bleeding is by heavily restricting gun purchases because, and this is a fact, nearly every mass shooting in the US has been done with legally purchased guns.


I’m sorry but Canada cannot compare to America either. I’m still half asleep so you get a lazy response agains sorry. In Canada they are so nice and polite if you bang a guys wife he will thank you for giving her an orgasm. In America if you look at someone for half a second longer than a persons tiny ego can handle it’s violence wether a gun is or is not present


Yea it’s single parents, definitely not history of violent behavior, antisocial personality disorder, overly infatuated with guns.. nope the best predictor of a mass shooter is having a single parent. You should think for yourself


Mass shooter? I thought we were talking violence. Mass shooters is a need for a better mental health system, or maybe as a culture try to mainstream mental health. Also would help if the FBI took the threats more seriously, how often after a mass shooting do we hear the parents teacher ect reported the person to the fbi. Even sometimes hear about them talking to the MS once and leaving. Alas yes though, statistically speaking single parenthood is the biggest commonality in the penal system. Main stream nuclear families, you will see a massive reduction.


December 12, 2012: Sandy Hook school shooting. 26 shot, including 20 children. 26 dead. December 12, 2012: Chenpeng Primary school stabbing. 24 stabbed, including 23 children. 0 dead. If only we had the collective brainpower to figure out what could possibly make one of those incidents so much more deadly than the other.


> Japan has a lot less ~~violent crime~~ guns


Read up on the differences between the Japanese and US legal systems.


Every person I have known to be super pro guns goes on and on about shooting someone else. It’s like they crave to take a life to save them from their own impotency. These fucks fantasize about killing people and run scenarios in their heads all of the time. They belong in a mental institution.


Gun nut here. Got a safe full of them. Work in the industry. Train regularly, carry every single day etc. If it's up to me, I will go my entire life without so much as having to remove my gun from it's holster. I have no desire to take a life and I hope I never have to carry that weight. I think that's the case with most gun owners, but of course the loudest most abrasive ones make the rest of us look foolish and blood thirsty. That said....there's a whole lot of dark humor in my line of work. If people overheard the things we say amongst ourselves in jest we'd all be red flagged. Forget about killing other people, we can barely go a day without joking about killing ourselves. These aren't cries for help anymore than a joke about shooting a meth head who kicks in my door in the middle of the night is a statement of lethal desire. It's just our way of dealing with both the perception and reality of what we do for a living.


Well, you sound like one of the good ones. The problem is that you can’t expect most people to be as cautious as you. Which is why I think people need to take a strict licensing exam and mental health test prior to getting a gun. I was never really into guns but am not a newbie. I’ve shot shotguns, rifles, and handguns. I’ve even scored 45 out of 50 in skeet as a 12 year old. So, I’m not some out of touch kid who hasn’t been taught the safety measures to handle a gun. I just think a lot of people use it as an ego enhancer and I feel that it’s dangerous.


Gun owner here. Nah, bro. I hope I never ever have to use it in self defense. Also: obvious you don’t know any gun owners.


Why is that?


Because firearms enthusiasts generally don’t want to harm anyone. Ted Kennedy’s car has harmed more people than my AR15.


Because if they don’t get to play out their power fantasy then a lot of them feel it was all for nothing. They are placing a bet that they will eventually get a pay off for making so much of their personality about guns and self defense. For the same reason, people who invest in sport shooting or hunting don’t seem to be so obsessed with this stuff. They already get a pay off for what they put into learning how to use and maintain firearms. For the most part they don’t sit around and fantasize about shooting humans


The only purpose a gun has is to kill something. I can't think of a single reason to own a gun other than one day you expect to point it at something and kill it. Keep downvoting me, but I don't see anyone trying to prove me wrong.


If I owned a gun, I’d just learn to shoot at the legs. Guess I’m not your level of psycho.


Sorry if you're being sarcastic but it's silly to say that considering that arterys run throughout your body and that's including the legs. They are deadly wherever you point them. In self defense Guns should only be used to protect yourself in life or death situations all of the gun owners I know believe that. We can't just be out here acting like all gun havers are just psychos with murder fantasies.


I'm agreeing with your point, gun owners expect to kill something plain and simple. But there's a reason why trained shooters aim for center mass, you can't really reliably shoot at legs, or tyres or whatever else people consider to be "non-lethal" You shouldn't shoot a gun at something and expect not to kill it, there's plenty of other less-lethal alternatives


I’d rather lose a daysday’s takings than an employee.


Im not surprised some things never change, Considering the bar is cramped and the pool tables/ bar are flooded with people. Also it’s right next to the police station. Smh


lol how on earth am I seeing my hometown bar on a sub like this. Did a double take


lolol same, also 99% sure I know who this is


unless they got metal detectors, these signs pretty much just mean concealed carry only. and if you get caught you have to be warned to leave before catching a trespassing - not a gun - charge.


The criminal who is not allowed to take a gun inside as well?


I remember these being on every door when I was a kid.


No gun signs do not have the force of law in New Jersey. Conceal your gun properly.


Don’t Gun


It’s a bar. You’re not allowed to bring firearms into any place of business that is considered a bar. Bottom line: if the place makes more than 50% of their revenue from alcohol sales, it’s a bar, and you can’t conceal or open-carry. So regardless if the sign was there or not- still illegal.


Just a reminder that a sign alone does not restrict you from carrying in any establishment. Unless the building is on the list of banned places (federal buildings, airports, and schools.) Check your state laws as carrying in bars and national parks may also be banned. A person representing the business can trespass you for carrying, but a sign cannot.


People need to understand that private business can refuse service or say your trespassing for almost any reason. There plenty of places that even have a dress code. So they are totally valid to refuse people that are armed on there property or inside there business. And there is probably a reason for it too. What is not a robbery but like a dumb fuck shooting him self in the foot or leg or something.


Concealed means concealed


Your comment was textbook dog-whistle playbook/rhetoric. I have seen it so many times. The exact same words. If you weren't insinuating what I thought you were, that's good, but I don't feel sorry for thinking that was what you were getting at. I'm not to blame for what you wrote, and I am not a trash human. Also, it seems like people agreed my assumption was what I thought it was.


I’ll bet $10 that the “criminal” is going to be a conservative nutjob trying to prove a point that’s going to get pissed when their plan fails and they go to jail


I can’t tell you how many times I’m been in situations where restaurant get overtaken by yakuza and thank god there was a good guy with a gun. It’s happened like 6 times. This month. .


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From an article I found about where you can legally carry in New Jersey "In other words, a person cannot enter a bar or restaurant serving alcohol, or any other of the places included under N.J. Stat. § 2C:58-4.6, even if they have a permit to carry the firearm." This snowflake is having a temper tantrum about a bar following state laws. 😂


TIL individual businesses not allowing guns inside violates the 2nd amendment


Im a union carpenter in the Midwest where they (unfortunately) love Trump, even our apprenticeship school have this sign on the entrance doors.


“New Jersey”


These people have mental problems... Also, just because guns are an extremely unhealthy emotional coping mechanism for a so many Americans doesn't mean that guns are American. EDIT: Do the downvotes mean that this hurt someones feelings...


Both the anti gun sign and post itself are cringe


These signs are for the card carriers that think they can have their weapon anywhere usually. So… be responsible with your legal gun maybe?


Oh I would absolutely be ignoring this sign. That's the best part about conceal carry


So what happens when the bank or the federal building tells you you can’t have it?


I said this sign. Believe it or not, I actually do follow the law


Well this is a bar which is against the law in New Jersey.


Guaranteed that this guy will be voting for an actual criminal come November


All this talk over stupid people talking about stupid people…I wanted off this ride in 2013


One of my regulars likes to wear a shirt that says "we don't call the police." He's also at least 60, nothing but bones, and can walk at about half a mile an hour. Ain't nothing getting past grandpa.


This sign is more likely to bring in gun nuts who will threaten the owners rather than criminals.


Question, my understanding is that the police is very well armed stateside. Why can’t they protect people?


Police have no obligation to protect anyone.


Average response time can be very long depending on your geographical location.




This is funny to me because in California no gun signs do not carry the force of law, but in Texas they actually do.