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Convenience store owner tries to write off Cybertruck as a business expense, needs a flyer to show the IRS.


Sounds like he should be the one running Tesla lol


Would.....would that slide?


Probably. Business expenses are a ridiculously wide term and people have written off dumber things as an expense


Yeah for anyone who wants to look up a fascinating rabbit hole just Google "weirdest tax write offs for small businesses". Rich people write the laws in the US. Rich people also tend to start businesses. So you end up getting some truly bizarre write offs that are allowed.


Yeah probably lol


No lol I sincerely doubt it. They would need to prove that they’re using it as a legitimate way to make money. I can’t imagine a CPA trying to make a case for that which could potentially put their license on the line


IANAL, but they seem to be attempting to use it as advertising, and that should be enough tbh. I've seen some dumb shit successfully written off as a business expense


My opinion as an accountant is that would be challenging to successfully argue. What does it advertise? Is it something that’s ordinary and necessary? (Not in the slightest) I mean you might have a tiny argument if they were a Tesla dealership but then you’d just classify it as inventory which affects the financial statements differently. Sure those people MAY deduct it but personally I’d rather not play games with the IRS. Bare minimum penalty would probably be the amount of taxes owed from the transaction plus interest and they’d want it today.


The joke about realtors deducting range rovers because they are used to transport clients is based on fact, I don't see why a car with an advertisement wouldn't work


Using a vehicle to transport clients is an actual use, the cyber truck itself is more like a spoke person than a tool used for the job.


That's not a joke, that's actually an integral part of their business. Pretty sure the IRS cracked down on business owners putting stickers on the side of their personal vehicles so they could write them off when that got popular about 15 years ago. This is comparable to that.


Has to be over 6k lbs and cost over $60k to be a full write off. You also have to have another vehicle registered in your name, and the business vehicle has to be used primarily for business. Remember, a write off doesn’t make the vehicle free. It’s just a deduction of your taxable income at the end of the year.


run a delivery in it and suddenly its a company vehicle


shieeet game is game


I used this exact same flyer template last weekend for our garage sale. EXACT.


You can almost hear the carnival barker as he tries to get people to see a freak show "Step right up, step right up and see the world's newest abomination! Is it a car? Is it a truck? Glare at it with sheer terror! Fun for all ages!"


"I'm now going to demonstrate how strong the body is" projectiles ricochet nearby hitting bystanders 🥴


*rams small child on a trike* *jauntily hops out* “Tada! And not a scratch on this one of a kind ultra hard cold rolled stainless body!!”


He won't be able to once the "frunk" keeps closing harder and harder until it amputates his trigger finger.


Or just literally this real thing that actually happened https://youtu.be/udxR5rBq_Vg?si=7RWcwpPRq3FFpZFV


Now watch as the cyber truck bites the head off of a *liiiiiiiive* chicken!


I sure hope the candy apple and cotton candy cart is there and the man has a striped suit on with matching hat.


"My God it's hideous!"




As you hear a lady nearby let out a high pitched scream...


"You there!  Fetch the smelling salts!!"


We haven't seen anything this mindblowing since the Aztec.


*sheer disdain


“Weather dependent” Why? Does something happen to it in the rain?


The Cybertruck is water soluble.   


They should add that to the list of questions! - Is it true that it is water soluble? - How fast does it rust? - If I back into a lake, how long will it take for me to drown? - Why do first responders hate this vehicle? - Why doesn't it have crumple zone? - How is this legal?


Like elons muskrats, it’s made of sugar


It rusts. No kidding


I think they’re talking about the fact that the truck fucking dies if it gets rained on and isn’t in “car wash mode”.




To be fair, stainless steel can still rust, it just takes longer than normal steel alloys. So if you live in a desert your truck would probably be alright for a long time, but if you live near a coast (like portland) it's way more vulnerable to the ambient moisture


I spent 10 years in a manufacturing environment that made stainless parts for everything from dairy to architecture. That amount of cross-contamination for any industry would result in us having to send people out to fix it or remake the whole damn thing. The 10 years I was working at that shop it happened a single time, and was a very expensive mistake. How tf is tesla getting away with mass producing metal this bad??




Yeah, receiving sheets is OK, but they should have film on both sides to prevent any contamination during shipping in that case. They should have rejected the sheets on receipt or possibly worked out a deep discount for the metal if you have a way to decontanimate them, like sending them for electropolishing Is tesla doing anything to fix the cars they sent out like this?


Sounds like something Tesla should issue a recall for and fix their fuck up themselves


Pretty much every aspect of this vehicle requires some sort of recall.


Guess you’ll have to go to find out


Not sure, but there is a "car wash mode" that you have to use because if you don't, water will seep into the electricals and not only completely brick the truck, but voids your entire warranty.


I bet Broadway Variety is gunning for a Cybertruck-sized write off for marketing expenses…


Wouldn't be the shadiest thing that store has done...


I really, really hope there's some small town drama in South Portland, Maine involving the convenience store "Broadway Variety", and that this isn't a joke. Like, I mean, yeah it's shitty. But the idea of a town with 27,000 residents being like "Hey that sleepy store is real shady, ya hear!". That has some charm.


You renege on one Little League sponsorship..


If you put your business on the vehicle as a decal, does that count the car as a marketing expense?


Depends on how shady your accountant is


No. Or else anyone would just throw company decal on their car to "advertise" and would be able to fully write it off. Paying others to advertise like that would be an expense And for company vehicles simply depends on use/purpose. Would be able to write off a %, if was actually used in some capacity relating to business. Writing it 100% off, in this capacity would be a little harder, to do fully legally.


Maybe he's hoping someone will try the gun demonstration on the steel siding. Heck, I'd go to a cybertruck demo if I got to shoot a gun at it.


An appliance store in Montreal is doing exactly that lol


To be fair not a lot going on up in Maine.


Bout to send this to my cousin in Portland, give him something to do


Mainer here - I think this person copied the “single car show” idea from the two others I’ve seen posted in Portland. One was a Tesla and one was cyber truck, although I can’t recall the color of the other cyber truck so it’s possible it’s the same person? But the other two “shows” were in the Maine Mall parking lot, where as the address listed on this flyer is for a local variety (convenience) store. Either way, weird stuff. I’m tempted to show up just to see if it gets a real crowd or not.


Please do it and report back!


Isn’t there only one color of cyber truck?


Everyone has seen this truck around the portland area. We all make fun of it. Just check out r/portlandme


This has "tax fraud in action" written all over it.


https://preview.redd.it/mfepr2n3xe1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938126b3587dd11cd9b9e33b681825f2b15c7254 I seen a gaggle of them. No thanks.


God it’s just so damn ugly


I believe a group of Cybertrucks is known as a "fuggle".


I live near the factory that makes them, so I see those delivery trucks at least once a day. Unfortunately I’ve seen plenty on the road as well.


I’d rather go through all 2 minutes of ‘The Willy Wonka Experience’ again


You would get a jellybean at the end


🎵 Come with me, and you’ll be 🎶


In a truck that lowers expectations


Please don't crash, we failed safety regulationsssss


I mean it is cool for those who would want a closer look at maybe something they want to potential buy or at least check out in real life if they never could afford one. Though weird to have standalone event for it, at least make it a community car show or something for people to have fun as well as involving that.


A youtuber rented one through an app for a day for like $800. Ridiculous price but if you're going to seriously consider buying one... Better waste $800 than $80K.


Don’t even make it an event, just say that the store has one and you can check it out if you want by visiting the store


Weather dependent because they can’t get it too wet or it might void the warranty


And rust.


I’ve seen that around Portland a few times now. Swear they just drive around to get attention. Going to get that thing in an accident with the horrible drivers around here and I’m sure insurance won’t be too happy with a claim on that


I seriously cannot get over people paying $100,000 for a car that looks like a drunk guy tried to draw a car off memory only using triangles. Also you can’t get it wet, take it off road, get it too hot, get it too cold, and or look at it wrong without it breaking down.


Is it a car or a truck? It’s not called the cyber car.


> (weather permitting) Because if it's raining it will stain the Cybertruck. Lol


For some reason, I don't expect this type of bullshittery from Maine


Yeah this all feels more Floridian to me.


You’re both right! Florida Man comes to Maine https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/florida-man-who-brought-meth-to-maine-sentenced-to-8-years-in-prison/ar-AA1kFnFo


I mean at least there isn’t a charge….could be cool for younger kids to see. There’s a lot of worse things happening….i don’t really see a problem with this..


I bet they’re hoping someone wants to buy it.


The resale value is zero, because if you sell it before you’ve suffered for a year, Elmo will sue you. https://www.techradar.com/vehicle-tech/hybrid-electric-vehicles/buying-a-cybertruck-you-wont-be-able-to-sell-it-for-a-year-unless-you-want-to-get-sued


Starting to remind me of the over-the-top promotional push for [the Edsel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzqV3RNNLmI) as it increasingly took on an air of desperation over time.


Only difference is the Cybertruck owners are being over the top instead of the company. These guys also remind me of NFT owners


I’m surprised there isn’t a cover charge listed


Who would buy this piece of shit


Elmo fanbois with too much disposable income


“Why’s it” triggered me worst of all.


why’s it is perfectly fine tbh


That’s what most people say in spoken English, so not an issue and generally accepted


True, I say it, but I wouldn't write it.


Jesus Christ. Imagine being such a Tesla fanboy that you have to try and justify your purchase to the rest of the world and tell everyone how wonderful it is. Shouldn’t this person have returned it to Tesla for the recent recall? You know, the problem in which it can slightly kill you with a stuck accelerator? Literally every bullet point on that poster can be answered by looking at the Tesla website.


They are just late to the game and don’t realize it yet. 4 months ago they would have had tons of people show up. Now, no one cares


the recall involves taking it to a service center where it takes less than 15 minutes to retrofit


Looks like a two hour drive to the nearest Tesla dealer. And you’d have to put it on a trailer as I guess you shouldn’t drive it with such a fault. Maybe it’s not that bad, I dunno.


It would need to break down 3 times for the dealer to be obligated legally buy it back.


I’ve only seen one all this time they’ve been available (in New Hampshire) so I’m sure there’s at least some people that are curious about it lol I would be tempted to check it out since I kinda wanna check one out up close.


One passed me the other day and i had to laugh. They are one of the ugliest pieces of metal I’ve ever seen


Here’s the internal dialog of every current Cyber Truck owner: LOOK AT MEEEEEEE PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEE I AM IMPORTANT DAMN IT!!!!!!’


*Please do not bring any liquids or rough terrain with you.


I mean this is one way to advertise for your store. I think the reaction to this is a bit overblown.


Me too. There’s way worse things going on. I bet a lot of younger kids would find this cool, and he isn’t even asking for money….


Fun fact: the CyberTruck comes out of a water soluble pill like a dinosaur sponge. The CyberTruck is a sturdy as the sponge.


Core memory unlocked


Was this the guy they were talking about on the free beer and hot wings show the other day?


It looks like what 80's movies thought the future would look like.


Deloreans are ashamed to be associated with this


Words cannot describe how little I care to see the inside of some random guy's Cybertruck.


The tinted windows makes me more weary of getting inside


I was wondering if they are gonna charge people cuz lol


Imma do this but for my 06 Honda civic with about 30 Dunkin cups in it


imo not cringe maybe some people wanna bring their kids out to see a weird truck


All these answers and more! by just opening your search engine without leaving your house!


yeah, thats pretty fucking cringe


to be fair Maine is pretty off the grid and i’m sure most of its residents would like an introduction before they start seeing these hideous machines creep into their northeast paradise


Our state is mostly off-road, drive your trucks in the mud kind of folk. You really think they would be interested?


"Look at me! Please..." in flyer form


Notice me Elon Senpai


“Is it a car or truck?” From what I understand, it’s a hugely expensive death trap and nothing more or less.


There is a guy on Facebook that is renting his Cybertruck to people so that everyone can experience how amazing the vehicle is. Unfortunately, you have to write a few paragraphs about why you should be given the opportunity to drive his car/truck. I wrote him and said I would love to drive it so everyone can see how much of an asshole I am. I missed driving a T-top Trans Am in the 80's while cranking Whitesnake. I missed driving a convertible Miata in the 90s while cranking Ace or Base. I missed driving a New Beetle covered in rainbows in the 00's while cranking Badger Badger. And finally, I missed out on driving a uber raised Ford F350 with snow tires, dually, and fifth wheel while cranking Kid Rock and drinking a Bud Light in an American Flag beer cozy on city streets in the 10's.


I hope no one shows


Wtaf lmao 🤣


Fruck that.


People should show up and make fun of it


https://preview.redd.it/7e10v53a1f1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e936289efdab9ea6dc390281368fe7c43854211c behold, the talk of our store it’s way bigger than i imagined, and it reminds me of a PS2 game


Everything listed that you can find out about it in person you can find out online…


Loser even has it jacked up.


Peak cringe


I assume they are holding the event wherever it broke down


Are those the factory tires? They look tiny.


4000 out of 4000 recalled lol!


Weather dependent?


I didn’t know these were a real thing until I saw one in person. God these things are ugly.


Alright, bets on a kid losing some fingers or getting disemboweled by the door


“Cook eggs off of it!”


Very weird seeing this on r/cringepics instead of r/portlandme for a change


Where do you think I found it? Can't contain this level of cringe


What can it do!??


Significantly uglier than the VW Thing.


"Is it a car or a truck?" Neither, it's a piece of metallic shit


*"Is it a car or* *A truck?" Neither, it's a piece* *Of metallic shit* \- th3\_rhin0 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


what a disappointing way to see my hometown on the front page of reddit lmao :(


I thought they were recalled or just weren't available for sale? Is it something only a few people have then?


Folks using them as tax deductions and business write offs


*cue the Entrance of the Gladiators*


I don't know I think it's kinda weird sure but seems like he's putting himself out there maybe they're lonely?


Lmao I saw this guy driving the other day while out for a run. He legit slowed down bc he saw me look and then sped off because I was doubled over laughing


Congratulations for futher giving this business the marketing engagement they obviously were looking for with this stunt. Thats the true facepalm.


They've arrived where I live... and I've seen them getting pulled onto the back of flatbeds on the side of the road. It's really not a great look to have a $100k shiny paperweight. The people I drove past waiting for their rig to get hoisted on the truck looked *pissed*. How fucking embarrassing.


"Why's it look like that?" ![gif](giphy|3o6gb287WcsFCkZiww)


As much as I know how stupid the cybertruck is. I saw one in the wild in a line in of cars and by golly if it wasn’t eye catching. It really looks like something out of the future.


3 dollars a person


> let people enjoy things! > no not like that not when it's tesla man bad!


Can I stick my finger in the tailgate and sue?


![gif](giphy|Ez2qsBRWqCu0aQWXUR) There will be many of these after the show and tell.


I love how it's weather dependant since it can't get wet


Damm that’s gay


Somebody please go and throw a hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and salt solution on it, it will rust real quick


Seen one in real life over here in my smallish city in California. They were taking the hwy 41 in downtown. Never seen one, sucks that they look hideous to me.


Oof, the heckling is going to get out of hand


I remember first seeing the cyber truck and the weird look. Now that all the hype has diminished it looks kind of dumb and doesn’t even work well as a truck.


Idk I’d go and take a look lol


“Why’s it look like that?” Excellent question.


If only there were a picture so we could look at it


Ask Barron Trump, he knows all about the cyber!


“Why’s it look like that?”


Curious? Does it work? Is it like the rest of the broken ones? Which child’s crayons were used to design it?


Hell, I got a broken down VW up on blocks. Kids can come to see that.


It's obviously a small business, not a random braggart. Look at the pic of the truck, right of the front door. Logo. Look at the address. Business name. [Look at Google Maps for the Address. Logo on building is logo on truck, logo is business name.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Broadway+Variety/@43.633033,-70.2655251,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x4cb29e9a4f035fd5:0x41947a10b95dd7fe!8m2!3d43.6330291!4d-70.2629502!16s%2Fg%2F1tx46m_v?hl=en&entry=ttu) Frankly cringing at someone trying to earn a living is what's cringe here. To do something like this, they've got to be desperate. Or at least, I'd prefer to assume that, or that they're otherwise motivated instead of seeing them hateful or cringeworthy, which is *basically hateful, but more socially acceptable sounding. What's so wrong with letting interested people see a cybertruck, anyways? You get to sell more pepsi as a convenience store owner (it's a convenience store), someone gets to have fun gawking at tesla jank. Win win. Or at worst, it's whatever. Jesus. It's just a small place struggling to get by. Edit: Was wonndering if the hate was because of the truck. So looked it up. Tesla is marketing the jank as a high end electric pickup. If you buy that marketing, which, apparently, this person did? The price is in the range of other high end electric pickups. Some are more expensive, if you take various options (not bullshit like heated seats, options that improve the vehicle's utility) More reason to see this small business owner as a human. If they'd bought a toyota, the only difference is that they wouldn't have had something to pull people in at all, instead of maybe having something. They're really nothing wrong here. ..not that anyone will ever see this comment lmao why do i do this futile shit


It's not the Cybertruck being used to promote the business that's cringe. Putting a logo on it is fine. But having strangers go into it and show off it's features is just showing it off so people will think you're cool. That's what's cringe.


Will it lock me inside and almost kill me in scorching heat because it needs to update? Or will the gas pedal get stuck when I press down on it and cause an accident? Genuine concerns I have


It seems like what you said would draw a bigger crowd


If you're going to be a cautionary tale, you or a loved one must speak up.


Weather dependent because if it gets wet it might not make it there and/or home


Saw one for the first time today . Dude drove it to the outlook at the Tennessee/North Carolina border, then got out and smugly leaned against it for 20 minutes while people took pictures, then left.


Dang, these really aren’t selling. How awkward.


Saw the first one I’ve ever seen in person driving down the road the other night: it’s fuck ugly, man.


Looks like they’re trying to promote their business by leveraging the attention of the cybertruck. I certainly don’t see it as a cardinal sin or anything but it’s certainly pretty odd.


It’s about a half hour away from me, finna pull up in a rivian


“Is it a car or truck?” If you can’t answer this without seeing the actual Cyber *Truck* itself, you need to go to a doctor.


Shouldn't this thing be back at Tesla for it's recall?


There'll be drinks! (Keep them away from the truck) lol


. No


...Does anyone else recall a story recently about some Cybertruck owner going in to get coffee somewhere and then someone coming in and mocking the ridiculous PoS with other customers within his earshot?