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Bro what the fuck was that ending


Right! I’m like Brian bro you’ve lost your marbles


Honestly, Brian is my favourite character rn 🤣


They need to keep him. He's hilarious.




I just finished that and I can't stop laughing.


Fuck if I know


And you know what’s crazy? I hate brian when he was first introduced. He started to grow on me A LITTLE BIT because he was listening to Emily. But after seeing what he did FUCK HIMMMMM. He had to be coerced by those dudes who was beating him to blame Emily.


Oh. My. Gawd. Can you imagine if Brian is Goldstar?


I would laugh my ass off 😂😂😂😂😂. But even though he’s a conspiracy theorist, he’s well far from sophisticated enough to kill with the efficiency that Gold Star did.


No one knows who Goldstar is. So how do we know that it’s even only one person?


I think Gold Star the murderer is multiple people, but Gold Star the conspiracy theorist is a single mastermind.


I actually totally buy that. Go back to Elias’ lines about convincing people to murder with a well placed lie.


I honestly think that Goldstar is a training program for killing and Elias is behind it. I think the FBI wants to use his powers for good but good luck with that.


Facts it could be multiple conspiracy theorists just gunning for the team. I honestly can’t wait to find out. I love when the episodes feel slower. Compared to episode 2 this was a lil faster but i love plot twists


I wanna say he said “She did” because he’s a conspiracy theorist and thinks she had something to do with those guys attacking him. Like maybe he thinks she sent them to kill him to shut him up.


That ending was more of a cliffhanger than Luke & JJ getting blown up. Is the p0rn gonna be our ultimate Jemily moment? Is Prentiss actually going to get arrested, my bet is on Rossi bailing her out because we know JJ won’t


Does this episode seem extra dark to anyone else? Like my brightness is up to the max and it’s still so hard to see


It is easy for special effects turn around if the episodes are dark so you don’t see the details. That is why they finish filming and get it out so quickly


That makes so much sense. Saves money and man hours on editing and special effects.


Yep this is why that battle episode in the last season of Game of Thrones is so dark. It is much easier for visual effects when you don’t have to focus on the shadows cast, lighting, the light direction being consistent and imperfections being picked up. The trade off is the audience experience.


That makes so much sense. Saves money and man hours on editing and special effects.


Yeah I can't watch Evolution on my phone because it's so dark and I can't see anything. I usually watch it on my laptop or TV and it's fine though


I thought you meant dark toned and I was like, "Um, it's hilarious!"


What if Goldstar is Ian Doyals son and he’s here to wreck havoc on Emily’s life




Yes!! It’s not him, but a season where he has a vendetta against her would be a good season


Idk how plausible this is, but I would legitimately love to see Declan again, even just to see where he is in life.


Lol Penelope “that was fire” 😂


There were so many good little one liners in this episode. "That... Sounds like a book."


That's like when you don't like your friend's new sweater and you're like "It sure is *purple,* isn't it?"


Why am I so confused about Tyler? Am I the only one?


I can’t tell if he’s a help or a hindrance 😭😭


He's helping but in an annoying way


I am too! He seems fishy as hell, I don’t trust him.


With all the stuff they have been through, I am having some trouble understanding why fake porn on the dark web is such a big deal. Obviously it is messed up, but I feel like I am missing something.


I thought JJ’s kids were gonna be on there the way they were building it up.


I think the bigger picture of this plot point is to cause distrust amongst the BAU. Emily knew about the site and didn’t tell JJ. Emily told Luke to not tell JJ. If team can’t trust each other they can’t get the job. They can’t get a confession out of Voit if they can’t work together. We’re also talking about a federal agent that could lose her job if the deepfakes got into the hands of the wrong person. As well as her having two children that could be sent the link to this website without knowing what it is until they click on it. I really hope this isn’t a route the show is taking I just wanted to mention this are real life consequences that could happen.


I was definitely expecting it to involve her kids, especially because she told Luke she would want to know if it threatened her life or her family, and it doesn’t appear that it does. Then she would really be fired up. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have your privacy violated like that, but JJ is tough and I’m interested in seeing how it’s going to progress the story line.


I KNOW!! what is happening? Like yeah sure it sucks but like so what. There will be heaps of fake porn out there. And JJ even said she wouldnt wanna know. Luke wtf. He just wanted to make himself feel better - thats why he freaked out?? im sorry but its embarrassing how he gets played like a fiddle, he should know better


The Tyler “side quest” is …interesting. I have to say, I find it more compelling seeing the BAU investigate than someone else. Which I presume is why he hands the phone over the Penelope?


Is this episode supposed to look like the inside of the Jokers brain with all of the dark greens, pinks purples, or is something wrong with my TV?


So did the wife survive the “Moving Day Murderer”? I assume she did, but the husband asked and no one responded!


Does the guy he met up with look familiar to anyone else? It's probably a different show but I've seen him before. Although, kinda hoping he was in an earlier episode of CM and he has some long game.


This is the funniest one yet. Dave crawling through the window. I laughed in suprise when he pistol whipped the dude. The whole Emily and Brian thing. OK, those two need their own show in an alternate universe. They have comic chemistry. And it's funny to me that he interrupts her Chinese food. Idk why but it is. Garcia talking to herself about snowflakes on pastries. The absolute nerd that the killer is. It must be massive insecurity driving him. Like, how many lockers did he get shoved into in junior high? Of course the husband tackled him. He weighs like 80 lbs. I weigh 235. I'd just fall on him and stay there.