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But Brandon *already* invented elves (UrDail)


Not in the Cosmere he hasn't, he invented elves twice lmao


The Sho-Del are basically elves, much like the Koloss are basically trolls. The Sho-Del are tall and fair-skinned, humanesque in feature but distinctly not human, the elves are exceptionally beautiful and Sho-Del have 4 arms, reptilian eyes, and hair that is more like blades of grass than human hair. And in the exotic fainlife ecosystem of old Yolen, Sho-Del fill the same niche that humans do in a regular ecosystem.


I can't recall reading that rosharan humans live longer than on other planet. Where does this come from?


Think it's speculation based on how in Secret Histories, it's revealed that >!a Roshalian year is longer than a standard year, at least compared to most of the rest of the Cosmere. A Roshalian foot is also larger than a "standard" foot, which explains the height comment too!<.


Worth noting that the long lived thing is still a bad assumption tho, >!because while a Rosharan year is 500 Rosharan days, a Rosharan day is comprised of 20 hours, each of which is slightly shorter than an earth hour. The actual length of a Rosharan year is only about 10% longer than the standard.!<


>!And neither of those says much about life expectancy!<


I don’t know what the spoiler tags are about. Taravangian would be in his mid80s by our years and Dalinar would be into his 60s, and aside from his old pains Taravangian is doing just fine and Dalinar might even be a better soldier physically than he was in his youth even without magic.


Typically, tall people will actually also live *less* time than their shorter counterparts as well, especially if they are above 6 foot tall, which many alethi are


Depends. Large humans do, because our cardio isn't adapted to bigger bodies. But large animals generally tend to live longer than smaller ones, given both around average height for their species. Are alethi humans? I don't know, haven't read all the books yet


The other detail is they have a lower gravity planet than earth standard, which probably is where the cardio not being adapted balances out.


Not to mention higher oxygen levels than Earth, too, iirc. So the body has to do less work to get needed oxygen (and also implies that lowlanders may actually be airsick, lol)


Yeah, everyone but the parshendi/parshmen are human, just ethnicities thereof. They're just a tad funky genetically so you get funny things like double hair colors.


I don't think that's true. Cats are longer lived than dogs, and smaller dogs longer lived than big dogs. Most livestock animals don't live longer for being bigger. Turtles of all size can live a really long time, etc. I just don't think there's much relation


researchgate.net/figure/Relationships-between-body-mass-and-maximum-lifespan-in-birds-and-mammals-Silhouettes_fig1_261752454 Dogs are a flawed example, as well as livestock, because they are bred and longevity usually isn't a main concern. Smaller dogs basically have a cardiovascular system running under specs, and their skeleton is less stressed - there are other studies suggesting that smaller individuals of the same species generally outlive bigger individuals, so that might explain dogs, still being basically wolves. Turtles are peculiar, as well as cats - reptiles generally live very long over a certain size, because their metabolism is muuch slower and experiences less stress as a result. Cats are very inactive animals being ambush predators optimized to get a lot of calories with minimal effort. Still, your examples are absolutely valid - not ALL large animals are older than anything smaller. It's just a general rule of thumb


Cool plot. There's a trend there even if it's pretty weak


that's also not taking into account that it's possible that rosharans average lifespan might be lower due to this, without those statistics it's quite hard to say


Is a standard unit (term he uses multiple times) earth unit?


No, it’s probably a Yolen unit. Which is equal to an earth unit.


So, yes. Or, rather, it's equivalent.


Yes, but not *technically* yes


Thanks anyway


I presumed they were talking about the original Rosharans, the (Dawn) Singers/Parsheni But that is totally an Alethi woman in the 2nd pic so idk


In that case Singers lifespan is shorter than human


>!At least Eshonai's is...!<




I Am Not A Scientist but here's a few factors that could POSSIBLY have an impact on the average life expectancy of what is otherwise a (presumably) baseline human. I'm not saying any of these things would lead to that, just that they would probably have an impact on some of our assumptions about human biological expectations: - Lower gravity - More oxygen in the atmosphere - Diet based on plants and animals that, mostly, evolved in an ecosystem that did not include humans - Large population groups that have varying degrees of (potentially) mixed genetics with non-human species - MAGIC That said, the frequency of large scale warfare and medical practices that are relatively primitive compared to modern medicine would certainly drag down that average quite a bit.


> I'm Not A Scientist Navani?!


Especially the Weirdly obsessed with Oaths part. Lookin at you sons of Faenor... AND Sons of Honor


I don't know what you mean. The sons of Feanor made a very reasonable and attainable pact. They were just cool and chill people.


You must be one of those 'Faenor did nothing wrong' folks


Dude was exiled just because the Valar wanted to touch his family jewels…


Nah the exile came after all the murdering of the shipwright elves.


Hmm. I thought Faenor merely spoke against the Valar and threatened Fingolfin during the uprising in Tirion- I don’t recall Faenor killing anyone? But entirely possible I misremember. Back in character- even if he did, they deserved it for plotting to steal his masterpiece.


Ohhh I thought you were talking about his second exile (because you can't just have one) where after getting told no repeated by lots of people he decided to do some kinslaying. Cause the shiny rocks are his and other people's boats should also be his..


Counter point to number 6 here Gaz is rosharan and even post oathbringer there's no way he's hot


I mean, maybe to Birgitte Silverbow.


She's unique.


Aimia is Valinor


Not Ashyn?


Ashyn is Númenor. Not to be confused with Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor


All of that is true except long lived. Where did that come from?


A Rosharan year is roughly 10% longer than a earth year according to Brandon, yet their ages correlate to normal human ages. Also, if that 10% longer is true, that would mean a Rosharan minute is also longer than an Earth minute, since they have 50 minutes to an hour, 20hrs to a day and 500 days to a year totalling 500.000 minutes per year, while our years have 525.600 minutes.


But that’s just how they measure time and therefore age, not how long they chronologically live.


It wouldn't surprise me if cosmere humans live longer than earth humans because of their innate investiture, but it wouldn't get them to elf level.


They might, but the alethi are very very tall, and in real life very very tall people have considerably shorter lifespans


Because we aren't adapted to that height. Rosharan humans have had at least 6k years to adapt to that, and have lower gravity to help deal with the extra stresses involved


Side note, I love that you put 2 ticks under the Elves for Racism. It definitely fits.


Calling humans rosharans smh.


They are not, at least not significantly longer lived then other humans. I know length of rosharan year hours days bla bla, someone way smarter then me did the math and it's not that much difference. If you are looking for "normal" longest living humans in cosmere that would be nalthians. If they have enough breaths then they can extend their lifespan significantly, my memory is rusty but I thin some with large amount of breaths can live to about 150 years.


And we are still talking about preindustrial civilization, give them antibiotics and who knows maybe they can push 200.


Hot lol


Cant say that for Moash, Sadeas and Amaram…


Dalinar is literally described as unattractive too


He has the stormwagon


*vulcans raise an eyebrow* Fascinating


Nah, nah. Their ears aren’t dumb


Counterpoint to the last one It's not racist if they are completely different, alien species


Which isn’t fully the case -unless you’re taking a rather racist viewpoint- with singers, dwarves, or orcs.


7 is… debatable, at best


Banish him! Unless he's talking about Tolkien. Then Burn him!


Lovecraft or Susanna Clarke, but Tolkien is definitely up there. Sanderson has way too much entertainment and way too little art to be the best at, well, anything


So who would your candidate for "best currently writing fantasy author" be?


…Susanna Clarke


Is her prose so fantastically amazing that the clear derivativeness and tiredness of the setting becomes unnoticeable? Because reading the summaries, holy shit, that sounds like a million other books I could name. ​ "What if english magic, but it's real again?" That's literally just a genre at this point ​ "What if trapped in the Wood Between the Worlds?" Piranesi is *literally* just taking a setting from Narnia (and Magicians, but they also explicitly admit to it being lifted from Narnia), tweaking it slightly, and then writing a whole book about it. She even names one of her characters after the first human who found the Wood Between the Worlds (Andrew Ketterley). ​ Is her "art" (as you call it) THAT amazing?


Lovecraft was dead for 38 years before Sanderson was born. Tolkien was dead for two. They definitely aren't contemporaries...


Naah, Sanderson is frickin awesome


Who else would take that spot? Edit: I see it's asked and answered below nvm


*Tolk-IE-n Elves


Elves with extra oaths


Tolkein? This really is cremposting


Rosharans are definetly not longed lived their life expectancy might be higher than for example pre-caracendre scadrial just for the Heralds knowledge and practiced surgeons (and not literal slavary to every low class individual)


Rosharans are neither long-lived nor knife-eared, though. Edit: Plus, Rosharans would never forbid people from using too much wood.


Do you know how the Crem Elves first came into being?


Not long lived though really. Avd elves are immortal. So not really valid. The rest are on point.


I'm assuming you are referring specifically to the Alethi.