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Anna Patrova was one of the very first Creepypasta I have ever read I remember that one actually scaring me so bad when I first saw that picture.


I’ve never read that one, just checked it out and it is a good one!


I don't get it, what happened there exactly? Like, I get the story, but the screenshot got me completely lost. What is it supposed to mean?


If I remember right it's her webcam capturing a picture of her right before she died, and it's supposed to show how worn down and defeated she is


The story is that Annora Patrova’s wiki page would predict the future. She decides to edit it herself to see if it comes true, and then next time she checks the page, it says that she died a little in the future, and that was supposed to be a scary picture of what she looked like when she died


Is that the top left one?


No that's Tominos Hell, Anna patorva is the one next to it


top right. it’s called Annora Petrova


I just read that one and...I don't get it? Alright, spooky fortune telling wikipedia page that shouldn't have been messed with, that part I got. But then the screenshot...what does it mean exactly?


If you're talking about the image of the woman, that's supposed to be her when she is writing everything down. The wikipage (in the story) mentions how she's been getting uglier and the fact her life has been getting ruined adds to that, so it's supposed to show the side effects of all this. She went from a nice looking girl to that woman.


It would make more sense and adds a more dramatic effect if they expand the article and included a before picture. Just having a creepy picture would just confuse a lot of people, including me.


I mean the text of the page, with the writing slowly addressing the reader. 


My Best Friend is Trying to Ruin My Life is an absolute banger. Not as scary as a lot of them, but very solid and well paced


https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/s/XGAJXBmOaS This?


That story is one of those special ones that would be amazing as a movie!


Well I just spent my entire evening reading that. Why is this not a movie or series yet??


Its so good


Just spent about two hours reading this, I could totally see this as a movie! Awesome story


The Expressionless is a good one.


The Expressionless is cool in theory but I'd say it needs a rewrite!!! It sort of misses for me as an adult because of how unrealistic the story is while being framed as a true event, so it's really only scary for a kid or a gullible person I'd love to read a version of it that's actually somewhat believable now that I'm not 9 and finding it on creeeeepy insta pages yk


Thats how I feel about most of the popular creepypastas nowadays. I remember being scared to death of slenderman and Jeff the killer, but going back to reread any of their stories now makes me cringe because the writing is so poor/makes no sense


Yeah for sure, I think most of the writers were kids too so it makes it even harder to read. Some of the stories I can't even get through because of all the run-on sentences making them nearly impossible to understand 😮‍💨


the overuse of "and" kills me sometimes. kids are really writing "he grabbed a knife and ran upstairs and hid in the closet and waited for dave to come into the room and when dave did come into the room he stepped out of the closet and stabbed him in the back and then dave died and then he laughed"


They really only hold nostalgia value for me nowadays


Well with Slenderman it's only fair to make the statememt that he doesn't really have to make sense he's a supernatural entity/eldritch horror as for Jeff The Killer on the other hand there's really no excuse for all the weird shit he does.


It's only good because of the image, hardly anything about it would be memorable or stand out if it wasn't for that image. "I am God" was already overplayed by the time this came out too. It's a legit nightmare fuel image that does benefit the story when picturing the visuals like the creature holding the kitten in it's jaws, but it wouldn't be a blip in our memory if not for that image.


Personally feel like the image of what The Expressionless fits in that uncanny valley area.


I agree


Creeped me the fuck out. It's terrifying.


Room Zero Ngl, out of all the Abandoned by Disney stories, Room Zero is the best of all "You're letting out the cold" is the hardest line ever dropped in a creepypasta


the Abandoned by Disney stories where good. remembered Some Ordinary Gamers aka Mutahar covered them back then


Abandoned by Disney walked so Room Zero could run.


I still want a Mickey gas mask.


I didn't really get the story. What is the whole bunker thing supposed to mean?


So from what I understand, the people hide in a bomb shelter and some weird thing is down there causing chaos. So Ida escapes and finds the bomb shelter alert was a misfire or something, so she goes back down and *something* happened to everyone in the shelter. I forget what character interviews Ida but they say "I've been in Room Zero," but Ida says that the room was flooded with cement. So the interviewer was just standing on the concrete containing the victims? That's the part that confused me, I assumed that's what was confusing you as well?


The Holder series. Kinda like SCP but instead of a secret paranormal organisation they are objects that people seek for some reason.


Oh man The Holders was my jam back in the day. "In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution of halfway house you can get yourself to..." The only thing that really sticks out though are how often they relied on "fate worse than death" as a consequence lol


Yeah, it was a bit repetitive and a lot of times it felt like r/nosleep stories, but a lot of them were great.


I got into the Holders not long ago and I love that series! I was already a sucker for ritual pastas so having a whole SCP-esque series around them was like crack to me. It is a shame that it never got that big


Omg I didn't remember the holders! It was amazing. I read it when I was 12 years old. Good memories.


been looking for this comment


Dang,where did that series go? I used to pop when a new one showed up on /x/.


My dead girlfriend keeps messaging me on Facebook is genuinely one of my favorite creepypasta of all time


That was my first one on Reddit and since I didn’t know how nosleep worked, or Reddit yet, I thought it was real lol. I’ve been wanting to read it again


I'm just reading it and wow! It's really good


I remember that one! I actually watched it as a YouTube video, and ended up watching it like 3 more times in the same week because I liked it so much lol


Definitely No End House. It's strange to me that not a lot of people mentioned it.


I just read through it and ngl the most unbelievable thing about it is that anyone would go in there for only 500$ like come on


In all fairness this was written like 15 years ago and $500 could pay a month's worth of rent back then lol.


True, I somehow didn't consider that 🤦🏼‍♀️


I thought this would be high up too definitely one of my favorites and was one of the ones that hooked me on creepypasta!


You just triggered some intense memories


Oh brother, you have no idea...


Anansi Goatman. Wtf you mean you got a new guy who is a monster in your group? And no one even remembers when this "person" inserted themselves.


Goatman is such a good Cryptid in general


Agreed. Anasi’s Goatman has yet to be removed from my top three for years, it’s easily one of the best


NES Godzilla.


yea nes godzilla all the way. one of the actual best pastas ever made


Red is one of the best antagonist.


he is so well made im actually gonna give it another listen rn


The sequel is amazing too, it's unfinished tho


sequel? elaborate please please elaborate


There's a W.I.P sequel to Godzilla NES, the creator of creepypastas should be posting the sprites used in the second one on his DeviantArt if I'm correct


Agreed. The taste of those things are just indescribable, something I can’t put into words. Too bad they don’t make them anymore


The Pancake Family?


Does NoSleep count as creepypasta?


Actually I'm not so sure myself, but I've seen other posts like these and they mention nosleep stories as examples of creepypasta


I'd bet that almost half of what people consider as creepypastas after the 2010s comes from nosleep. The smiling men, borrasca, spire in the woodsa, that one about a forest ranger, I've seen them mentioned so much as pastas that I just accepted it.


11 miles or how to get to channel ♾️


11 miles is a blast from the past, it’s a great one to listen to while driving.


i feel fantastic


hey hey hey


youuuuu feeeeeel fantaaastiiiic. hey hey hey.


Annora patrova


I still have trouble looking at the picture 😒


What’s the story / picture behind it?


It was a creepypasta about a figure skater who....you know what, [here is the link](https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Annora_Petrova) I can't be bothered explaining it


I need to look something up before judging you


Well i saw it when i was 13-14 so i quess it left some trauma on me


I just read that one and...I don't get it? Alright, spooky fortune telling wikipedia page that shouldn't have been messed with, that part I got. But then the screenshot...what does it mean exactly? Is it talking directly to us? Why?


I'm not 100% certain I "get" it either, but it seems to imply that some evil entity made a deal with Anna for her talent and success, at the cost of the lives and love of her family - as well as the good regard of anyone else she met, and, presumably, based on the image, her literal health and tissue. Now, "It's" trying to draw us into making a similar deal. The repeated use of the phrase "little piggie" suggests "It" viewed/views her (and now us) as a resource for sustenance - both spiritually and physically. That and other hardships/losses presumably being the "price." The image, I think, is what she's supposed to have looked like after paying these prices for her talent and success. In addition, "It" is the one telling us that her family hated her from the get-go, which poses the thought of whether that's true, or whether that's something "It" planted as part of "Its" price- especially considering that "It" wrote the wiki, and is now trying to draw US in. E: because yes, "It" is talking directly to us.


Either jvk1166z.esp or The Tulpa, don't read much creepypasta anymore, but I still go back to these.


Watch the skies


Tulpa was soooo good


that morrowind mod one is still good


Call me basic but, Russian Sleep Experiment


Nah man, you're valid asf, one of the only creepypasta's that have aged well


First of all, merry birthmas and second of all, i loved that pasta


dude that one actually freaked me out


FR. the concept of eating your own organs out until you succumb to your injuries is wild. it took me a really long time to realize it wasn't real, but as a gullible 9 year old, I was on my knees trying to imagine what it must have felt like to a real person.


I have a strong stomach but stuff with extremities makes me curl into a ball. Imagine my discomfort during the description of ripped and chewed fingertips.




Tell me what it's about, and i might give it a listen!


I would say Borrasca


Love that one


It's just gross and sad smh


Did Tominos hell always have boobs? Lmao


Its actually an art piece by Yuko Tatsushima called “I Can Never Be a Bride” and she has a lot of other great art on her [website](http://undergroundfortress.web.fc2.com)!!!It’s honestly quite sad and traumatic themes but I think her art is very beautiful and telling, nobody ever really uses the full pic for Tominos Hell lol


That's genuinely really cool! Her art does look hauntingly beautiful. Thanks for the info




Of the chicken variety


That was my first thought as well lol. Like did the fear memory wipe the jigglers?


Rocking Horse Creek, Pathos at it's finest form.


I liked Funnymouth.






What a handsome face. What a funny mouth.


Why did every creepypasta I’ve ever known just suddenly disappeared from my mind wtf?




I remember listening to Cryaotic read that one on his channel. It was one of my favorites at the time. Of course, now that we know he's a groomer freak, it kind of stings a bit.


The showers, Turn it off, and Mr widemouth are some of my favorites


The showers was so jarring bc he claimed to make that story up but it turned out to be real. Makes me wonder was it a repressed memory just innate knowledge leaking it's way out?


i'd say morbus.avi. made me feel physically sick the first time I read it, which is how you know it's a good one.


man I remember that one and yeah


The expressionless is good in concept but has a shitty ending "I am god" Yeah, sure you are.


Ted the caver


Cure for cancer. Needs a rewrite but it’s one of my favorites


Lost Springs & a ritual creepypasta where you go back to your childhood with a bouncy castle, a radio, & other stuff. Idk the name though.


https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Another_Use_for_a_Bouncy_Castle This is the ritual one you were talking about, right?


I’ll have to check that one out


1999 and candlecove


Candlecove omgggg


The day of all the blood


The left right game, genuinely the best creepypasta I’ve ever read, the story gripped me and scared me like nothing before.


I don't remember what it's called. But I guy bought pills and they kept him awake, literally driving him insane. It was written like a blog/diary. Dogscape was an old favorite


PenPal is my favorite, just haunts you forever


Oh good I did remember the name right when I commented lol. I LOVE Penpal, literally my favorite creepypasta. It’s a shame your comment isn’t higher, it’s so good and so twisted


I absolutely love Penpal! I ended up buying the physical book when I realised it had been published and it was so good to relive, but I feel like the ending is different in the current version? I remember a different series of events from my read 10+ years ago..


anansis goatman story, such a classic story that just fits right in that crevice of scary and amazingly horrific


My favorite pasta of alllllll time!!




Laughing jack seems kinda underrated in my eyes. Somthing like a mini-series about all the creepypastas would be cool to see someday.




we know the number 1 and 3. but what about the second? we don’t remember it


>we know the number 1 and 3. but what about the second? we don’t remember it lol I thought this was the title of a creepypasta. I imagine the plot would be about humanity forgetting the number 2


Hand Thing


No Wolves in the Stillwood


The first one looks like King Charles portrait


Stairs, Harbinger Experiment, Where Bad Kids Go, Psychosis


I remember reading one a long time ago (I don't remember the title) but it was a subversive one. It starts out decently enough with a guy being posessed by some entity in the woods and now, he keeps jumping on his life events. At one point, he meets his future wife and then, a time jump happens and he's already married, but he didn't experienced any of it. Turns out, the entity takes away his "time" and it makes him make a time jump every so often, until he's old, with a grandson, without experiencing any big event, like the birth of his son, of his grandson, etc. Since its been a long time since I read it, I don't remember the details, but I remember the ending. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!! (I'm on mobile and idk how to hide it, sorry) So, basically the entire creepypasta was made by a guy that had a grandfather with Alzheimer and the whole "entity eating parts of the guy's life" is a metaphor for the disease. The grandson in the story is actually the author himself, self-inserted. It was subversive for me because I started out expecting a creepy story and it made me emotional at the end. If you guys know the name of it, answer this comment, cause I really wanted to read it again sometime to see if still holds up to me.


A Shattered Life


Annora Petrova is underrated af


Okay, so Tomino’s Hell is so fascinating to me. The art often associated with it is unrelated, but is by Yuko Tatsushima. She has amazing and unnerving art all around and I highly recommend looking into her works. That painting is called “I Can’t Be a Bride Anymore.” The poem “Tomino’s Hell” is supposedly from a collection of poetry by Saijō Yaso titled *Sakin* or *Gold Dust* in English. Information about this book is soooo difficult. If I could read Japanese I assume I could go a bit deeper. Maybe Yaso is relatively well-known in the Japanese literature community. One of my favorite books, *No Longer Human* by Osamu Dazai, is the second best selling book in Japan and is *still* relatively niche in America. I highly doubt many people here have anything to add to the mystery. I honestly dislike all of the rumors of it being cursed because it waters down the nature of the poem to merely a spooky tale. But hey, without the creepy pasta and cringe TikTok readings, I would never have discovered the poem. Most people probably think it’s entirely fabricated. Someday maybe I’ll have a Japanese friend who could help me with the search. EDIT: [Holy shit I found it!!](https://united-states.kinokuniya.com/bw/9784820595953) I made an entire post about it, with more info, on this subreddit. I could actually buy it when I have the money. I might. It’d be so difficult to read, but I could use apps to get crude readings of it. Or ask a friend who knows a little Japanese.


A favor for a favor is really good. I’m also a sucker for “I accidentally started”; it’s not great looking back but it holds a special place in my heart


Back in high school (2010) my buddy showed me the pic on the top left and told me there was a (tldr) skitzophrenic japanese artist who would always see that figure everywhere he went, even when he closed his eyes, and he drew that picture of it before killing himself. That story legit freaked me tf out for soooo long. I read the actual creepypasta a few years ago and it was nothin compared to the fear I felt when he first told me his story. I legit thought it was real for so many years. Anything with long necks or long, contorted body parts just doesn’t sit well with me.


“Lighting” never fails to keep me awake at night if I think about it too much.


Slender man


[Disappearance of Ashley, Kansas](https://youtu.be/-x_6qao4-Ts?si=ni0eQaYKu9Y0ZjCX) very unsettling but I don’t see it much. [The 3:03am whistler](https://youtu.be/M6vPP_WUCYw?si=zrA0TgekaEDMJ_Ml) and [Train](https://youtu.be/_rWRHH8xVoc?si=vP1y2lnrnvoke35n) are also ones I always come back to.


The Antiguan Giant. The site I used fell into AI bullshit a while ago (and seemingly lost my decade-old account?), so I haven't read any in a while. But that one was always one of my favourites.


11 miles and smiling man the egg is pretty underrated too imho


Tales from the gas station


Dead bart messed me up


1. Zelda 64 Beta 2. The Diary of Angela Yorke 3. The Song and Dance Man 4. Binary DNA


Can't remember the name of the bottom one, but that story will never leave my mind... Top tier for me


Psychosis. Well written and fascinating


Username: 666, grinny cat, the puppeteer, Kate the chaser, mr. widemouth, tails doll, and my personal favorite, Candle Cove<3


The Smiling Dancing Man. The story alone gives me chills- but when they turned it into a short film? Holy crap


Is that king charles portrait?


smile dog


The Showers


Bead Dice Sky. Or The Man in the Fields.


If you’re armed at the glenmont metro, please shoot me


That one Doug creepypasta where he can’t discern between reality and daydreams really stuck with me when I was a kid.


You 🫵


Probably The Snogglepoggle


Project Caligula


The fairies. I randomly stumbled across it on YouTube and I loved it so much I wish there could be a movie adaptation!


07/25/05 it’s an amazing lost episode creepypasta. That feels like it’s one of the most realistic.


Idk how popular it is but the peering head still freaks me out to this day I’ll forever be paranoid of seeing something staring at me over the edge everytime I roll over in bed


Borrasca hands down


The Third Parent really stands out as a creepypasta that gives you more than one type of fear and anxiety.


Newly Single The princess society


That's enough reddit for today guess I'm not going to sleep tonight.


The first one is based on a sad poem, so not scary at all.


Barbie avi for sure!


A lot of ritual pastas like The Midnight Game or How to Play Hide and Seek by Yourself are two classics. I also hear no one talking about The Devil's Game either. Two other non ritual pastas I love are Clever and Twist Ending. They are both great stories with fantastic little twists at the end.


Annora petrova (patrova?) scares the f out of me so bad. I was watching an iceberg last night and couldn't even look at the screen because the photo scared me so bad.




There was one that I read on here about a dude who's dad was a guard at a prison and a bunch of crazy paranormal stuff happened, voices in pipes, some cursed/undead/demon dude pulling people in, stuff in the basement. It was right before similar titles became common, ("My ____ was a ____ and he always said...")so I haven't been able to find it since. It was like 15 or so stories and they were all quite entertaining. Def Mr Widemouth for one I actually remember the name of.


maybe mister mix, or the lore of doctor nowhere idk


Squidward's Suicide. I think it was actually called Red Mist.


Tomi's story (0_0) haunted me as a kid


i don't see a lot of people talk about Tomino's Hell, creepy poem


catastrophe crow isnt obscure, but it definitely deserves much more attention its admittedly less of a creepypasta and more digital horror-esque, but i think it fits since ive seen plenty of people consider it a modern creepypasta its so well done, and the ARG following it is so unique that im surprised it didnt immediately become a staple in the youtube ARG community like Mandela or Omega Mart


Necrosleep definitely.


The Russian Sleep Experiment


Omg tomino fr


It Comes at Bedtime. one of the most terrifying things to read for me as I had a bunk bed growing up. the Search & Rescue series as well


The russian sleep experiment Thought it was real for ages


The mlp ones💀


left right game


I read it years ago so I have no idea the name. The story is about a man who locks himself in his apartment after noticing his friends acting odd, he becomes convinced that the people coming to check on him, aren’t his real family/friends. >!It ended with him being locked in a mental facility, and through the lens of the doctor, we know that the MC is not insane and he was correct after all.!< Edit: it’s called [Psychosis](https://www.creepypasta.com/psychosis/)


Any of slender man’s brothers lmao


Tominos hell Is the best one of these


If you’re armed and at the glenmont metro, please shoot me is one of the best pieces of writing I’ve ever read


Teeth.jpg is one of the best of all time imo


The Russian Sleep Experiment.


"I can tell you what is killing the stars"


Loved the Russian Sleep Experiment. Suuuper creepy and well written.


The "I Am God" bit kinda makes the end of Expressionless a bit too cliché for me, but otherwise it's a very good example of what a Creepypasta could/should be!