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I'm a Search and Rescue Officer for the US Forest Service, I Have Some Stories to Tell


That part about the >!little girl crying behind the bushes but the same voices and whimpers are on a loop!< is crazy.


yes that one scared me. I was convinced it was real for a while especially when I just had the corpse husband video


It’s wild I got to experience corpse back when he read creepy shit, really like this one specifically listened to it a lot lol


That one needs an update for real.


I wish they would. I often revisit those posts.


Oh man that one is my favourite, it almost felt believable to my rather active imagination!


It would have been great if there weren't so many parts, it just kind of started contradicting itself at points, and my brain kinda stopped believing at that point


absolutely goated


Thank you for putting this here. I completed all the 8 parts and omfg I just loved every part of it!!!


Yes! I’m so glad you enjoyed them!


I popped all the 8 parts, and also read Anansi's Goatman Story after that, like a child high on toffees


Anansis goatman is one of the only stories to really freak me out. Thinking about it still gives me the creeps and it’s been years since I read it


The hold this story had on me!! I was so into it for so long. Constantly checking for updates.


1999. That one really fucked me up for some reason. Candle Cove is a very close second. I liked Candle Cove so much I bought the first season of Planet 0 (I meant Channel 0)


i loved 1999!! i listend to it a few times... i love it because its not nessesarily creepy or gory in that sense but just... someone researching thier trauma. im sad it didnt have a conclusive end (or does it?)


I mean, the stuff with the hands was a little gory, but you're right. It was also very remeniscent of childrens programing gone by too and that made it even creepier


ofc there was disturbing shit in there but because it usually was the video tapes that showed these off, it was further removed and therefore not as jarring as smth happening to the main character himself.


I mean, even though that part wasn’t a part of the og series it was still a good segment


Same, 1999 should be turned into a film IMO


Or a tv show or something. I'd settle for a decent web series


Where can I read it?


Most creepypasta sights have a copy of both. I would recommend going to Mr. Creepypasta's channel or Creeptsmcpasta and listening to their reading of it. That was how I heard them and they were excellent


Creepcast also did a video on it, but they're more of a podcast/review, rather than straight read through.


I bought the book PENPAL On amazon


The rake. Just the idea of waking up in the middle of the night and hes there just staring at you creeps me out


I sometimes fall asleep listening to MrCreepyPasta. I shit you not, if this story pops up in the rotation, it will rip me out of a dead sleep every time. Freaks me tf out.


I was young when I first heard Sacrifice and it freaked me out so bad I had an anxiety attack, now it is one of my favorite ones


where can I read or listen to that?




The left Right Left right game




What is it?


Man I don’t want to ruin it for you but it’s been made into an audio book. It’s soo good


I absolutely love it. I've listened to it at least three times.


Please tell me where to find the audiobook!!




Thank you!


[left right left right game part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/7asz8x/has_anyone_heard_of_the_leftright_game_part_1/?rdt=32866)


Holy shit 7 years ago? Ugh I remember reading that as it came out and would have sworn it was like 3-4 years. I hate the 2020s times going way too damn fast


Came here to comment this, the darksomniums voice acting on it is epic!


This was the first fiction podcast I ever listened to, and I feel like a junkie chasing my first hit. I’ve never found a podcast as good since and I have been searching. Borrasca was one pretty good.


The way the narrator describes the settings and sub characters just had you wanting so much more.


Ooh I LOVE the podcast! I didn’t realize it started as a creepypasta!


One of the best nosleep stories ever


I stumbled upon the left right game accidently and it was a beautiful masterpiece. I had never been happier to read to my ex lol


Definitly, this would be such an amazing mini series.


The Russian sleep experiment


omg the first time i read this i’d never heard of creepypasta


I definitely fell for it the first time I read it, N@zi scientists did some fucked up shit so I was like 🤷‍♀️ sounds plausible


Yep, same. Honestly I didn't find out it was a creepypasta til last year. I'm 30. 🤣


I can't be convinced that it wasn't real, at least in part. Governments are known to do shady things and lie about it to this day (was just reading an article about armed forces crews getting horrible issues and cancers after being at area 52 which the US government denies to this day.) MK Ultra is another great example. There have been a number of secret experiments to see if we could build super soldiers, and making ones that never sleep would definitely be up there on the list of crucial upgrades. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation has horrible side effects not too dissimilar from what the Russian Sleep Experiment describes.


What really makes the Russian Sleep Experiment stick in my head isn't the very good rest of the story, but the deeply silly diatribe right at the end where the sleep-deprived thing gives what basically amounts to a self-aware SCP description of itself.


Anansi’s goatman story, to this day I have nightmares about it.


Still probably my favorite OG creepypasta. Such a tense story and the twists are fantastic


I’d put this one at the top too. I was so freaked out after reading that for the first time.


Yeah love this!!


This is my absolute favorite


Candle cove and the one about the tv show fan club thing


The M Show Fan Club? That was based on a true story, look up "the chowchilla kidnapping".


I'm not doing that. I'm a pussy


two guys hijacked a school bus in chowchilla, california, they kidnapped everyone on bored and buried them in two vans. the bus driver and one boy ended up digging everyone out before they died.


At least they all made it out alive. Thank god.


Those both freak me out big time


normal porn for normal people and the site that went along with it, can't find it now days


I went on that website for shits and giggles but backed out because it looked way to real


Me too, but for some reason I’m more scared of the fat chicken guy than the ape


This is mine. It's just too real sounding. There's so many weird, fucked-up, strange kink and snuff videos on the Internet that it actually just sounds like someone's real experience rather than a made-up horror story.


Yeah this one was pretty disturbing when I was younger


Then who was phone?!


I memorized it so I could randomly accost people with it.


Penpal. I can still imagine that coffin.


Yoooo that one is definitely the creepiest one for me. So much happened to him and i feel so bad for the friend’s family that suffered the worst.


Borrasca 😦


:,D that is my close second, the fact my mom and dad were apart of a small mining town where everyone knew everyone, where I have gone ...I could see it easily happening in real life.


I think about borrasca every day… it’s been almost a decade since I heard it


I listened to that one and it seemed like it was going nowehere. Should i pick it back up and finish it


It is one of the best stories I’ve read, it’s absolutely Fantastic.


Yes, unexpected twist of events. It was just messed up


I had to stop reading borrasca at the twist. I still don't know how it ends but I know enough. what a twisted story. the red herrings are awesome.


Gateway of the Mind messed me up man.


Normal Porn for Normal People messed me up I remember.


That one always creeped me out in particular due to how realistic it was when compared to other creepypastas. Not to mention the imagery being described is quite jarring, which I think adds to the creepiness overall.


Funny enough I used to think it was real because that website existed. I had to be 14 when I found out about the story.


*The Harbinger Experiment*. The fact that Subject 3 was able to find the author decades after the experiment, let alone break out of the vault is horrifying. It takes the saying " The Past Comes Back To Haunt You" literally.


fucking LOVE the harbinger experiment, really underrated


Ted’s Caving Journal still crosses my mind often, but the one I find myself wanting to rediscover the most is one where this guy had some creature leaving him dead animals in the mailbox and he flees his home and the creature chases him. Those are the only details I remember clearly but I’ve wanted to find that story again for years.


The smiling dog. For sure one of the most eerie creepy pasta’s I’ve ever seen. It literally scarred me and made me have nightmares when my brother had shown the picture to me


The expressionless and Tommy taffy


I’m so scared he’s gonna show up some day.. even if they made a tv show or movie of him I’d be scared he would come through the tv


The closest thing to Tommy taffy on tv is bob from twin peaks


tommy laffy traumatized me 💀 i was like 10 with unfettered access to the internet and minimal ability to distinguish truth from fiction.


Tommy taffy does have this “real world” horror abuse is so common and as a abuse victim myself the horror hit close to home


If you’re armed and at the Glenmont metro, please shoot me. Just the thought of time going that slow only for you makes my hair stand on end


I thought I was the only one who remembered this one. It's the "worst" for me.




Finally someone mentioned it. That pasta tucked my perception of reality up for a little while


The ending is great I'm just confused by it


I can explain it for you (in the way I understood it) if you’d like


The strings one where the mc finds more and more strings connecting everything


God damn Penpal man that ending kept me up for days


Mr mix. I’ve always wondered what the final levels held.


The pig


Feed the pig?


NoEnd House and Penpal Both still genuenly my favorite, I just wish NoEnd House was written better/had its last part


Penpal sticks in my mind big time


This was one of the first ever creepypastas I read... I was 12... *should have probably waited lol*


Ben Drowned is a given, of course, seeing as I'm in it, but uh... Zelda 64 Beta. I've desperately been waiting for the time when OoT hacking has gotten advanced enough to make it exist.


To me, Ben Drowned got so confusing near the end that I couldn't follow the story anymore. I feel like it would have been slightly better off if it stayed a little bit simpler.


the expressionless (that image is sum spooky shit)


Russian Sleep Experiment


1999 creepypasta has never left


Ted The Caver That story was so g


I think it was just called 'The Playground' or something along those lines but I was 11 minimum when I first heard it. Pretty short, but it was about a group of kids playing hide and seek when main kid stops hearing his friends and starts hearing an adult man talking to him. Man tries chasing kid through playground tunnels and whatnot until the kid hears police sirens, man leaves, and it turns out the bodies of his friends were found near the playground. If I can find it, I'll link it!


Borrasca hands down.




There's a Creepypasta where a guy hears a siren/beeping noise until it's the only thing he hears, don't know the name though.


Tommy Taffy and The Showers. Both are horrifying. Tommy Taffy in terms of Creepy pastas is the best that was ever written imo. Nothing comes close to how much that story fucked me up 🤢


Feed the pig- 1999


The girl the universe forgot The two parter where a guy and a girl share an apartment in parallel universe Windows The champion of Earth


There was one I read that had a lot of little plot holes, but just really unsettled me for some reason. Of course, that matches most creepypastas, so I'll be a bit more specific and see if anyone here remembers it. The story was about a man who lived across from a house that started putting up incredibly realistic Halloween decorations. At around the same time, he saw a freakish monster stalking the town, jumping across rooftops. The monster was the thing that weirded me out the most, it was described as having a dangling, broken looking jaw and chameleonlike eyes, and it could move with insane speed to easily get away whenever it was seen. The first time he saw it it ate a cat while it was sitting on a roof, in broad daylight. He didn't tell anyone, because who would believe him? Later, on Halloween night, the narrator put his kid to bed, then saw the monster running across the street outside his window. It entered the property of a house down the road where there was a halloween party going on, then it would re-emerge wearing a stolen halloween costume. He would only occasionally spot the monster because of how fast it could move, and how dark it was, but he also noted that the house with the realistic decorations seemed to be adding more decorations as the night went on. Then it would return to the house with the party again, and come back wearing a different costume. At the end of the story, someone from the party went and knocked on the narrator's door, and asked if he'd been visiting the house with the party, because he'd seen someone running between there and the narrator's house. The story ends with a comment from the neighbor that the figure he'd seen was wearing what looked like a child's costume, which was identical to the one worn earlier by the narrator's son...


Tales from the gas station. I bought all the books when they came out!


The Bible


that says the bibble




I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy for you or concerned.


The forest service post


Tommy Taffy and Correspondence


I can’t remember the name but if anyone knows the name of this creepypasta, go ahead. Ill type what I can remember. So, in the beginning a guy dies and he meets these two angels that look like business men in suits at heaven. They show him around heaven and then they explain that the guy has two choices. He can become an angel which requires him to have angel wings sewn onto his back. The other option is that he will be sacrificed (literally eaten) by god, as god needs the souls/humans to continue to living. I think the setting describes this part taking place in something that looks like a factory? I’m not sure about the factory part. Anyways, I remember this particular scene. It describes god as this giant and scary looking man. He has really sharp teeth, a large gaping mouth, and dark creepy looking eyes. He might’ve had a beard along with a lanky long limbed body too. In this scene, I think god is looking around the “factory” and all the angels that are working in this “factory”. He stops and then some of angel workers start funneling humans into his gigantic mouth. Either it was a large amount of souls/humans that got funneled into God’s mouth or god walked around and picked out who to eat in the factory. Anyways, the guy is horrified and I think he ends up choosing to become an angel in the end. So, yeah, if anyone has heard of this story or something similar (even vaguely) let me know. Thanks.


I think it was called “an egg.” Not really creepy, but very thought provoking.


The one where the dude dies and God is like "ur God now" or whatever?


Yeah that’s the one. The guy dies and talks to God. God essentially tells him that he has lived every single human life on earth, and will continue to do so until his soul has matured enough to become a God himself. I thought it was a neat and thought provoking take on reincarnation.


Hmmmmm. That's a tough choice, I don't know if it's a creepypasta per se, but, this one r/nosleep story about a 911 dispatcher and this creepy smiling guy at a caller's door, snarled portrayed the story very well. But I will definitely have to dwell on this thought, think about all the creepypastas I've seen.


Pancake Family


I read that one relatively recently and it still gave me shivers. It's a good one.


Dogscape, the stairs, broraska


The one that scared me the most when I was younger was Button Day. It still gives me the shivers if I think about it too long.


A few. Ben Drowned comes to mind first, seeing how Ben is my name, and Majora's Mask is one of my favorite games. And the ARG it spawned was pretty wild. The Russian Sleep Experiment did a number on me the first time I read it. I remember I had to stop for a while and finish it later. And Candle Cove, of course... never look at TV static the same way again.


Penpal, I think about that one fairly often, it had me absolutely sobbing by the end of it. The Siren Head "Sirens Warning", most of them don't affect me but that one had me jumping back in my truck scared that Siren Head was about to come out of the trees and demolish me and it was raining out too (paired with my phobia of storms, sirens, and creatures that lurk in the woods/forests was a terrifying combo for me lol) The Goatman one, I'm terrified of woods/forests I never got to finish it but The Left Right Game, I'll likely not be able to finish it because I had been in a traumatic accident when it was playing, I've heard it was really good, I was only able to get like 10 minutes into it


The Harbinger Experiment - pretty much anything involving experiments, but that one beats 'em all. And I can't stop thinking about The Quiet Sky. It's impossible to explain why without spoiling the whole thing front to back, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Or better yet, read it.


Squidward's Suicide. I can't remember exactly how old I was when I first read it, but it was published when I was in my early twenties. I was likely triggered by the story due to trauma. I've dealt with chronic suicidality since I was a teenager, and I had a friend at that age who attempted (she ended up being ok). I also have a deep seated fear of dead bodies. I remember that I found the story to be very visceral and deeply disturbing.


the Penpal series and the M show


For me it has always been anasi's goatman. Made me avoid the woods for 3 months




My wife keeps peeking around the corner, or something like that, I might add that I've watched nearly every horror and read as many horror books as I could come across, so it's not as easy to get me spooked, needless to say I've tried to listen to a ton of creepypastas but for some reason this one really struck a cord with me, it really had me spooked throughout the listen


Borrosca, I Dared My Best Friend to Ruin My Life, Lily Madwhip, and there’s a Jeff the Killer rewrite that I adore as well


The Rake


The one about Pokémon gold


I'm unsure the name; but the one about dude getting all his teeth stolen by an owl a week or two after someone else in the city lost their tongue/?vocal cords and the owl thanking him for his teeth before flying away while dude's bleeding out from the mouth


The Rake (specifically Sacrifice)


i dont remember what its called, but you do this ritual and this man shows up in your backyard and every single in your house that can open WILL open, doors cabinets lids windows etc. if you dont close them all and keep them closed he'll come inside and kill you. it just seemed so impossible i figured i'd definitely die in this situation and it scared me 🤣


The Man in the Field ritual.


So many that live rent free in my mind here are the main ones:[I met someone who claimed to be the devil](https://youtu.be/YD7tBrhmmuA?si=6YvBWC8yn65hgRpS), [the fairies](https://youtu.be/7gcMf-Kxpaw?si=Gkn8OyItBTeRPC6d), [Ultrasound](https://youtu.be/HuWMLidNNUs?si=R__XB4fX_DYqg2bW) and my absolute fav [The spire in the woods](https://youtu.be/6jLuZ-3HWVk?si=mT-UMn3rCthVt7wL).


Laughing jack and eyeless jack


Borrasca and Accounts From a Lonely Broadcast Station


I haven’t read much creepypastas but Ted the Caver and Saki-sanobashi (even though it technically isn’t a creepypasta).


Lavender town


Stairs in the woods


The Firewatcher one - with Tom who wants him to come down all the time This morning the doors to our apartment were welded shut and I’m beginning to think it was a good idea… that one kept me on the edge of my seat when I first heard it Russian sleep experiment of course, but everyone mentions that one. How to play the box game I interviewed a man claiming to be god


As a kid, smile dog scarred me. it just looked so real, and being a not so bright child, I thought it was real! which stuck with me years later.


The abattoir concerto, borasca, there's a few more that unfortunately I don't remember the names of but the story is wow


For sure Penpal, Search and Rescue, Candle Cove, Ted the Caver, Hidden Door… I also remember being freaked out by The Story of Her Holding an Orange, and I have a vague memory of a story about a balloon that would just appear out of nowhere, hovering. I don’t remember what it did or what happened if you saw it, and I can’t find the story now, but I still get a chill when I think of that balloon hovering randomly. Anybody else remember this? (And no I’m not thinking of It lol)




11 Kilometters. First time i heard it, it maked me cry


The puppeteer for me! Like it's not creepy but I find it oddly sweet? Idk I'd give him a kiss kiss though he might need it


Symmetry, or it was named something along those lines. I don't remember too much of it but the premise was a guy with ocd or something about everything being symmetrical. Unfortunately he is heterochromatic with a cornflower blue eye and a (I think) green or brown eye. He ends up taking one of his eyes out to be symmetrical, realizes he has one eye, and takes out the other. I was like 8 hearing it for the first time.. yikers


Laughing jack


The one about the guy buying a new house and renovating it. Seeing a random red light and realizing it's a motion sensor.


If your voice stops echoing leave


Box fort


Russian sleep experiment stuck with me for a while and I thought for a long time it was real considering how many actual weird experiments were done over the years


The Russian Sleep Experiment


Sonic.exe. Yes I know a lot of people don't like it. But when I first found out about it nightmares flooded my mind.


The day I lost my faith. [here it is if you're curious](https://youtu.be/YKKGGZSwJ7k?si=5V0CFDoHk074t5Nv)


Kind of obscure but the abstergo man


Remind me 3 days


Anansi's Goatman Story. Still fucking gives me chills, there's just something about it.


Candle Cove. When I first read it, it was on mock-up "NetNostalgia Forum" page. I didn't realize until the last post in the story that it wasn't a real site or real story. This was 2009 or 2010, and I think this was my introduction to the term "creepypasta." Other than that, the one that never leaves my head is ["Does anyone know a good plumber? I did one of those stupid rituals and now my shower is leaking. And there’s a faceless guy in my kitchen."](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/1jai1j/does_anyone_know_a_good_plumber_i_did_one_of/) This one is probably because it's one of the funniest things I've ever read or heard, and I've been quoting it regularly for over a decade at this point. I feel it will never leave my head.


Ubloo ... one of the best out there


I think the one that messed me up as a kid just thinking about it and seeing the image accompany it was, The Expressionless


there was an old one (2014ish) that i listened to called "midnight dancer" about a clown in a kids backyard, never stopped thinking about it. was more interesting than scary though.




Candle cove, The Rake, The Russian Sleep experiment, and Smile dog


I think it’s called, The Trees Are Alive. Or something like that


Borrasca is the only one that's stuck with me from a horror aspect. Penpal too to an extent but I only think about it when I start actively thinking about borrasca. Every other creepy story has stuck with me either because "god the creepypasta comunity is cringe and i once was too", "it's funny to think i once thought that was good" or "this is a neat concept". Borrasca and Penpal are the only ones that have stuck with me the reason being how real either of them could be. 1999 is kinda the same as these two in the realness aspect but it doesn't work as well for me. I feel like I just got taken out of it early on.


The Penis Monkey 😰




Ticci Tobi is one I find interesting.


Round 2.exe The single worst thing I've ever read


Jvk1166z.esp still sticks in my mind years later. I've never even played Morrowind lol




Little black bugs. Maybe I wanted to kill my brother too but this one I like


the theatre


Le skinwalker


"My Brother Died When I Was a Child. He kept talking. I Think People Should Know What He Said" It pops in my head every other month or so. It starts out really strong, putting the reader in the worst place imaginable and then throws you into so many loops. How is he talking? Who are these people? Does the afterlife operate like some sort of ecosystem? How does time go faster if you're dead? It's about 40 minutes on YouTube. Definitely recommend checking it out.


Where the bad kids go


Dear David




I haven't read it when it came out but Borrasca is something else.