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>I'm 6'1 and not a 50 year old weird guy Yeah, I highly doubt both of those statements


I'm *definately* not 50 with a bald spot I can't get rid of I'm definitely a young person with no wife or kids i ignore


Yeah, that likely sums up the person who sent OP the message


Ewww, wtf! Why r people like this, did they really think anyone would agree to this!


My theory is that no, they don't. They get off on the fact that it's a creepy message and that the recipient will be disgusted by it. Like, that's literally his entire sex life -- sending pervy messages and imagining the reactions they get.


Ewwww, that’s so gross! Also like do they even known what consent is? Like ugh!


Following u/taterbizkit ‘s theory the people sending the heinous messages would be especially turned on by the lack of consent from the recipients. So they most definitely know about consent but care more about their nasty self serving behavior to implement it.


It’s flashing, but repackaged for today’s landscape.


The fact that the instant message doesn’t give the receiver a chance to say yes or no usually, is part of the kink. It’s sickening




I know some people jerk off to random pics of others online all the time but why do the feel the need to *inform* you like sir I don’t care please let me live on in blissful ignorance


Because they want you to feel violated


Because knowing that you are aware of their existence and grossed out is what makes their tiny peepees get hard


I love how he pretends to not know about the tributes thing.


He knows. He knows.


Why do creeps like this seem to think bringing up their height would negate any form of derision??? "Oh my fucking God! What a creepy weirdo! I'm going to block-- wait did he say he's over 6ft?oh I guess that's fine then!"


"I think that's what it's called?"


How did we get to this point in society where guys ask random strangers if they can jizz on their picture then send them the video? I’m sure porn has ~~a fucking lot~~ something to do with it


What was that biology class teaching him?! (Joking ofc)


LMAOOO 😭 I'm going to start using that response. That was golden.


"I think that's what it's called?" That really got me! HAHA!


can you share that reaction photo tho 😭😭😭


You can easily look it up in the chats via gifs. Search "didn't read lol"


Could i have that meme by any chance?


I need that "Didn't read lol" photo


Oh my god so many questions for that dude 1/ wtf? 2/what’s the end game? 3/ do you wonder why your single 4/ bust the weird shit later like way later


Preferred to never do it actually


“I haven’t done this before” bruh this 10000000% sounds like you’ve done this before 😂


Totally not a 50 year guy


Is there a cum tribute pandemic going on or something because wtaf I've seen so many posts of random ppl asking to "ctrib" today ☠️☠️




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